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周薇 《城建档案》2006,(4):40-41
根据国家“十一五”规划,到2010年全国城市建设水平将达到一个新台阶。城市的快速发展,特别是东西部中小城市的步伐必须跟上城市建设的发展。因而,加快县(市)级城市建设档案管理工作迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

This article presents a structural modeling analysis of the performance determinants of urban attractiveness, in terms of resident population and international tourism demand, in 40 global cities. The analysis focuses on the impacts of a diverse set of innovative drivers of urban value creation and sustainable solutions for city development (urban functions), which are collectively subsumed under the heading of ‘sustainable smart city’. Recognizing that the dynamics and growth processes related to these urban functions may have different impacts on different types of stakeholders, potentially leading to the emergence of serious conflicts between guests/visitors and residents, we aim to derive model-based implications for urban and tourism management in the cities concerned in order to move towards the sustainable future city as ‘a place 4 all’. The results of our latent growth curve model confirm the existence of different impacts of urban functions on visitors' and residents' attractiveness. Cultural dynamics appears to be a major determinant for attracting new residents and supporting a strong international tourism industry. From an economic perspective, purely economic strength (in terms of absolute growth) appears to enhance city attractiveness for residents, while the dynamics observed in research and development activities influences the quality of employment instead of being a direct driver of population growth. While the social aspects of sustainability (framed under the concept of livability) and the urban environment typically exert higher impacts on urban attractiveness, accessibility appears mostly relevant for visitors. Our analysis suggests an uneasy balance between livability, environment, and population and visitor volume and growth.  相似文献   

The Driver-Pressures-State-Impact-Response approach is applied to heavy metals in the Seine River catchment (65,000 km(2); 14 million people of which 10 million are aggregated within Paris megacity; 30% of French industrial and agricultural production). The contamination pattern at river mouth is established on the particulate material at different time scales: 1930-2000 for floodplain cores, 1980-2003 for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and bed-sediments, 1994-2003 for atmospheric fallout and annual flood deposits. The Seine has been among the most contaminated catchments with maximum contents recorded at 130 mg kg(-1) for Cd, 24 for Hg, 558 for Pb, 1620 for Zn, 347 for Cu, 275 for Cr and 150 for Ni. Today, the average levels for Cd (1.8 mg kg(-1)), Hg (1.08), Pb (108), Zn (370), Cu (99), Cr (123) and Ni (31) are much lower but still in the upper 90% of the global scale distribution (Cr and Ni excepted) and well above the natural background values determined on pre-historical deposits. All metal contents have decreased at least since 1955/65, well before metal emission regulations that started in the mid 1970's and the metal monitoring in the catchment that started in the early 1980's. In the last 20 y, major criteria changes for the management of contaminated particulates (treated urban sludge, agricultural soils, dredged sediments) have occurred. In the mid 1990's, there was a complete shift in the contamination assessment scales, from sediment management and water usage criteria to the good ecological state, now required by the 2000 European Directive. When comparing excess metal outputs, associated to river SPM, to the average metal demand within the catchment from 1950 to 2000, the leakage ratios decrease exponentially from 1950 to 2000 for Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn, meanwhile, a general increase of the demand is observed: the rate of recycling and/or treatment of metals within the anthroposphere has been improved ten-fold. Hg environmental trajectory is very specific: there is a marked decontamination from 1970 to 2000, but the leakage ratio remains very high (10 to 20%) during this period. Drivers and Pressures are poorly known prior to 1985; State evolution since 1935 has been reconstructed from flood plain cores analysis; Impacts were maximum between 1950 and 1970 but remained unknown due to analytical limitation and lack of awareness. Some Responses are lagging 10 y behind monitoring and have much evolved in the past 10 y.  相似文献   

本文简要分析了地下水源热泵引起地下水环境改变,如地下水温、水质的改变,大面积地源热泵工程容易导致的地面沉降等问题,并阐明地下水源热泵空调系统与地下水环境的相关关系。作者结合沈阳地区地下水源热泵空调系统应用中存在的问题,提出为了保护地下水环境,在应用地下水源热泵技术之前,必须经过专家论证,由主管部门审批,严格把关,方可实施的建议。  相似文献   

基于体细胞胚胎发生技术平台,利用携带pSuper1300+质粒,以潮霉素为筛选标记基因的农杆菌GV3101介导日本落叶松遗传转化,对植物受体材料生理状态、农杆菌浓度和浸染时间以及共培养时间等影响因素进行了研究、分析和讨论。结果表明:综合优化各影响因素,生长旺盛的日本落叶松胚性细胞,经浓度为0.4(OD600)的农杆菌浸染10min,共培养2d,再用含400mg/L的头孢霉素的液体培养基清洗脱菌,然后在含400mg/L的头孢霉素固体培养基上恢复培养,并置于含5mg/L潮霉素的固体培养基上多次筛选,最终共获得54个抗性细胞系,转化率平均为0.94个/g。PCR检测鉴定,所有抗性细胞系均为阳性转化体,并排除了农杆菌污染导致的假阳性。研究建立并优化了农杆菌介导的日本落叶松遗传转化技术,为进行遗传改良和基因功能鉴定提供有利平台。  相似文献   

Navalon S  Alvaro M  Garcia H 《Water research》2008,42(14):3990-4000
Upon chlorination carbohydrates can give trihalomethanes (THMs). In the present work, we have studied the influence of pH, chloride or bromide concentration on the formation of THMs from carbohydrates. We have observed that THMs are not formed at acidic pH, while basic pH values only increase slightly the THM content, although the consumption of chlorine increases up to 100% with respect to pH 8. The presence of chloride in ppm increases the THM formation from carbohydrates without influence of the chlorine consumption. In the same manner, the presence of bromide ions in ppb also increases remarkably the THMs formed upon chlorination of saccharides. Even more, we have observed that at bromide concentrations below 100ppb, complete incorporation of bromide in THMs occurs. Overall, the results obtained show that saccharides widely present in natural waters can give rise to significant THM concentrations in the disinfection process by chlorine.  相似文献   

京津塘高速公路二线位于现京津塘高速公路北侧,起点接北京五环线、北京机场二通道、六环线,沿线经过北京市通州区、天津市武清区、北辰区、宁河县、东丽区、塘沽区.终点止于塘沽区北塘镇,接滨海新区环线直达开发区、北疆港、保税区。京津塘高速公路二线工程(天津段)由京津塘高速公路二线主线、京沪高速公路联络线、京津公路联络线、  相似文献   

青海都兰县的小卧龙锡(铁)矿床为典型的矽卡岩型矿床,目前资源已近枯竭。2015年对该矿床远景分析显示,小卧龙矿床实际应为以锡为主的矽卡岩型多金属矿床,存在富磁铁矿型铁锡矿、贫磁铁矿型锡铁矿、暗色矽卡岩型的锡铁多金属矿以及浅色矽卡岩型锡铁多金属(钨铜钼)等4种成矿类型。实地初步调查显示,小卧龙锡(铁)矿床锡资源量规模有可能达到大型甚至特大型规模,伴生的铁、钨、铜、钼等也将会大大提升其经济价值。  相似文献   

Conclusions While a great deal more work needs to be done to assess the factors contributing to the stability and instability of the local tax base, these findings do provide some basis for understanding why central cities have been constantly plagued by fiscal problems. While increasing the quality of public services may result in the in-migration of some upper-income families, the limited findings of this paper appear to suggest that this has limited significance as a policy objective. However, it would be worth some controlled experimentation on the part of central city school boards to test this hypothesis further. It may be that if the area allows the level of its expenditure to fall too low relative to surrounding areas, the tax base may fall below the critical level necessary to maintain a competitive level of services, and cumulative deterioration will follow unless the system is saved by some outside source of funds.It is hoped that these results, although they are limited, will stimulate further research, not only on the dynamic interaction of public and private decisions but also on the question of what structural changes may be possible to shift the whole function.I wish to express a debt to Alphonse Holtmann, Gail Cook, and Gebhard Long and my Economics 425 class for their helpful comments. Shortcomings that remain are, of course, the author's responsibility, but my 425 class will hear about them.  相似文献   

Seven years (2000-2006) of monthly PM10 (particulate matter, d ≤ 10 μm), SO2, and NO2 concentrations are reported for Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang in NW China. Considerably high mean annual concentrations have been observed, which ranged between 150 and 240 μg m− 3 (PM10), 31 and 50 μg m− 3 (NO2), and 49 and 160 μg m− 3 (SO2). The shapes of seasonal variation of all pollutants were remarkably similar; however, winter/summer ratios of concentrations were quite different for PM10 (2-3) and NO2 (≈ 4) compared to SO2 (up to 30). Very high consumption rates of fossil fuels for energy generation and domestic heating are mainly responsible for high annual pollution levels, as well as the (very) high winter/summer ratios. Detailed analysis of the 2000-2006 records of Urumqi's meteorological data resulted in inter-annual and seasonal frequency distributions of (a) (surface) inversion events, (b) heights of surface inversions, (c) stability classes of Urumqi's boundary layer, and (d) the “Air Stagnation Index (ASI)”. Urumqi's boundary layer is shown to be characterized by high mean annual and seasonal frequencies of (surface) inversions and by the dominance of stable dispersion classes. A further outcome of the meteorological analysis is the proof of Urumqi's strong diurnal wind system, which might have particularly contributed to the stabilization of the nocturnal boundary layer. Annual and seasonal variations of pollutant's concentrations are discussed in the context of occurrences of inversions, boundary layer, stability classes, and ASI. The trend of Urumqi's air pollution indicates a strong increase of mean annual concentrations 2000-2003, followed by a slight increase during 2003-2006. These are in strong contrast to (a) the growth of Urumqi's fleet of motor vehicles and (b) to the growing number of stable regimes of Urumqi's boundary layer climate during same period. It is concluded that the (regional and) local administrative technical countermeasures have efficiently lowered Urumqi's air pollution levels.  相似文献   

Trace element contents of scalp hair from randomly selected, ethnically homogeneous subjects of Darjeeling (India) were compared with those of the residents of San Diego, California (U.S.A.). The differences between mean concentrations of Ca, Mg, Cu, Na and Cd in the two groups were not significant, and the concentrations of K, Fe, Mn and Zn were significantly higher (P less than 0.01), and that of Al was significantly lower (P less than 0.01), in hair of the residents of Darjeeling. Concentrations of lead in four of the Darjeeling hair samples were very high (greater than 30 micrograms g-1) and in the remaining samples the mean concentration was similar to San diego hair samples. In two mentally retarded Darjeeling subjects, abnormally high values of aluminum (50 and 70 micrograms g-1) and iron (155 and 196 micrograms g-1) were observed. The mean aluminum concentration (2.4 micrograms g-1) in the remaining Darjeeling hair samples was significantly lower than the mean aluminum concentration (10.6 micrograms g-1) in the San Diego hair samples (P less than 0.01). The mean manganese concentration in Darjeeling hair was 20 times higher than the mean manganese content in San Diego hair samples.  相似文献   

Selective techniques have been developed for determination of nickel, cobalt, and zinc with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-napthol in waters with a lower boundary of determinable concentrations 0.01–0.02 mg/dm3. Reactions took place in micellar solutions of nonionic SAS. Selectivity of determination has been achieved thanks to the use of masking substances and a special procedure of mixing components. Iron does not hinder determination at the concentration < 5 mg/dm3.  相似文献   

合成了2-(2-(吡啶)-3(吡啶-2-甲基)咪唑)甲基吡啶分子,并得到了此分子单晶,对其进行了元素分析、红外光谱分析、荧光光谱分析、单晶及粉末X射线衍射表征。结果表明:化合物晶体学不对称单元包括一个独立的有机分子,各个分子之间依靠连续的C-H···π作用扩展成平面的层状结构。此外化合物在室温下还表现出较强的蓝色荧光发射。  相似文献   

网络控制系统中时延普遍存在,时延的有效预测对控制系统非常重要。为准确对时延进行预测,文章建立一个基于RBF神经网络的时延预测模型,运用Matlab软件对该模型进行仿真,采用归一化的方法对用于测试的数据集进行预处理,利用这些处理过的数据集对该仿真模型进行训练和测试,结果证明RBF神经网络能很好的预测网络时延。  相似文献   

为了寻找开发高效低毒的1,3,4-噁二唑类抗菌物质,超声辅助条件下以四丁基氢氧化磷为相转移催化剂,高选择性制得2-烯丙基硫代水杨酸和2-苄基硫代水杨酸(2a、2b)。以上述硫代水杨酸和芳香肼为原料,硅胶负载丙基磷酸环酐为催化剂,在三乙胺存在下,设置微波功率为800 W,辐射时间为8min或10min,通过缩合反应合成了2-(2-硫醚苯基)-5-芳基-1,3,4-噁二唑类似化合物(4a~4f),目标化合物的合成收率为81%~88%,其结构经IR、1 HNMR和元素分析等测试技术得以证实。初步抗菌试验结果表明所制备的2-(2-硫醚苯基)-5-芳基-1,3,4-噁二唑对枯草杆菌的抗菌活性较为显著,除4d和4f外对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌有一定程度的抑制作用。  相似文献   

IntroductionHong Kong older adults have been found to accumulate high levels of walking compared to their Westerns counterparts living in low-density cities. These differences in walking could be attributed to differences in destination accessibility. However, between-city differences in older adults' walking and perceived destination accessibility have not been quantified. This study examined differences in walking and patterns of perceived destination accessibility within 5-, 10-, and 20-minute walk from home between older adults aged ≥65 years in Brisbane and Hong Kong.MethodsWe used data from epidemiological studies conducted in Brisbane (n = 793) and Hong Kong (n = 484) using comparable measures of perceived distance to 12 destinations and weekly minutes of walking for transport and recreation. Regression models accounting for neighbourhood-level clustering were used to estimate between-city differences in walking and access to specific destinations. Latent class analyses were used to identify city-specific patterns of destination accessibility.ResultsHong Kong older adults accumulated significantly more minutes of walking than their Brisbane counterparts and also reported higher accessibility to most destinations. The between-city differences in percentage of older adults with access to a diversity of destinations were particularly large for shorter distances (5- and 10-minute walk from home).ConclusionLow-density cities should provide ageing-friendly housing in the city centre with high levels of accessibility to relevant destinations and/or promote the implementation of urban planning policies that support the development of mixed land use and higher levels of residential density.  相似文献   

Fresh floodplain deposits (FD), from 11 key stations, covering the Seine mainstem and its major tributaries (Yonne, Marne and Oise Rivers), were sampled from 1994 to 2000. Background levels for Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn were established using prehistoric FD and actual bed sediments collected in small forested sub-basins in the most upstream part of the basin. Throughout the Seine River Basin, FD contain elevated concentrations of Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn compared to local background values (by factors>twofold). In the Seine River Basin, trace element concentrations display substantial downstream increases as a result of increasing population densities, particularly from Greater Paris (10 million inhabitants), and reach their maxima at the river mouth (Poses). These elevated levels make the Seine one of the most heavily impacted rivers in the world. On the other hand, floodplain-associated trace element levels have declined over the past 7 years. This mirrors results from contemporaneous suspended sediment surveys at the river mouth for the 1984-1999 period. Most of these temporal declines appear to reflect reductions in industrial and domestic solid wastes discharged from the main Parisian sewage plant (Seine Aval).  相似文献   

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