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This article describes the development of a technique to estimate shallow water benthic cover and depth simultaneously from high-resolution satellite images of reef areas, specifically from the high-resolution sensor onboard IKONOS. The technique to derive the estimates of five bottom benthic cover types (sand, coral, seagrass, macroalgae and pavement) and depth from the four-band images uses a coupling of radiative transfer (RT) theory and spectral unmixing implemented in an iterative manner. To resolve the cover types for the unmixing, the method employed a combinatorial approach to select benthic cover composition. The estimation technique was applied to two reef areas around the coast of the Ishigaki in southern Ryukyus, namely, the Fukido River mouth area and the Shiraho Reef. The IKONOS images of Fukido River mouth area and Shiraho Reef were acquired in 2003 and 2002, respectively. The accuracy of the fractional cover and the depth estimates from the satellite images are then presented and compared with sea truth data and depth measurements. The results indicate good correspondence between estimated and measured depths, while the estimates for the benthic cover were at reasonable levels of accuracy.  相似文献   

Owing to continuing touristic developments in Hurghada, Egypt, several coral reef habitats have suffered major deterioration between 1987 and 2013, either by being bleached or totally lost. Such alterations in coral reef habitats have been well observed in their varying distributions using change detection analysis applied to a Landsat 5 image representing 1987, a Landsat 7 image representing 2000, and a Landsat 8 image representing 2013. Different processing techniques were carried out over the three images, including but not limited to rectification, masking, water column correction, classification, and change detection statistics. The supervised classifications performed over the three scenes show five significant marine-related classes, namely coral, sand subtidal, sand intertidal, macro-algae, and seagrass, in different degrees of abundance. The change detection statistics obtained from the classified scenes of 1987 and 2000 reveal a significant increase in the macro-algae and seagrass classes (93 and 47%, respectively). However, major decreases of 41, 40, and 37% are observed in the sand intertidal, coral, and sand subtidal classes, respectively. On the other hand, the change detection statistics obtained from the classified scenes of 2000 and 2013 revealed increases in sand subtidal and macro-algae classes by 14 and 19%, respectively, while major decreases of 49%, 46% and 74% are observed in the sand intertidal, coral, and seagrass classes, respectively.  相似文献   

Optical models for the retrieval of shallow water bottom depth and albedo using multispectral data usually require in situ water depth data to tune the model parameters. In the South China Sea (SCS), however, such in situ data are often lacking or obsolete (perhaps from half a century ago) for most coastal waters around its islands and reefs. Here, we combine multispectral data collected by MODIS and Landsat to estimate bottom depth and albedo for four coral reef regions in the SCS, with results partially validated by some scarce in situ data. The waters in these remote regions are oligotrophic whose optical properties can be well derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements when the waters are optically deep. The MODIS-derived optical properties are used to estimate the water column attenuation to the Landsat measurements over shallow waters, thus eliminating the requirement of model tuning using field measured water depths. The model is applied to four Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images covering Pratas Atoll, Woody Island, Scarborough Shoal, and North Danger Reefs. The retrieved bathymetry around Pratas Atoll and North Danger Reefs are validated with some in situ data between 1 and 25 m. The relative difference and root mean square difference between the two measurements were 17% and 1.6 m, for Pratas Atoll and 11% and 1.1 m for North Danger Reefs, respectively. These results suggest that the approach developed here may be extended to other shallow, clear waters in the SCS.  相似文献   

The loss of coral reef habitats has been witnessed at a global scale including in the Florida Keys and the Caribbean. In addition to field surveys that can be spatially limited, remote sensing can provide a synoptic view of the changes occurring on coral reef habitats. Here, we utilize an 18-year time series of Landsat 5/TM and 7/ETM+ images to assess changes in eight coral reef sites in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, namely Carysfort Reef, Grecian Rocks, Molasses Reef, Conch Reef, Sombrero Reef, Looe Key Reef, Western Sambo and Sand Key Reef. Twenty-eight Landsat images (1984–2002) were used, with imagery gathered every 2 years during spring, and every 6 years during fall. The image dataset was georectified, calibrated to remote sensing reflectance and corrected for atmospheric and water-column effects. A Mahalanobis distance classification was trained for four habitat classes (‘coral’, ‘sand’, ‘bare hardbottom’ and ‘covered hardbottom’) using in situ ground-truthing data collected in 2003–2004 and using the spectral statistics from a 2002 image. The red band was considered useful only for benthic habitats in depths less than 6 m. Overall mean coral habitat loss for all sites classified by Landsat was 61% (3.4%/year), from a percentage habitat cover of 19% (1984) down to 7.6% (2002). The classification results for the eight different sites were critically reviewed. A detailed pixel by pixel examination of the spatial patterns across time suggests that the results range from ecologically plausible to unreliable due to spatial inconsistencies and/or improbable ecological successions. In situ monitoring data acquired by the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) for the eight reef sites between 1996 and 2002 showed a loss in coral cover of 52% (8.7%/year), whereas the Landsat-derived coral habitat areas decreased by 37% (6.2%/year). A direct trend comparison between the entire CREMP percent coral cover data set (1996–2004) and the entire Landsat-derived coral habitat areas showed no significant difference between the two time series (ANCOVA; F-test, p = 0.303, n = 32), despite the different scales of measurements.  相似文献   

Using a variety of in situ sea surface temperature (SST) data sets in the South China Sea, we validate the satellite-derived SST from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Analysis of a large number of match-up samples during 2008–2012 shows that the MODIS SSTs have biases ranging from –0.19°C to –0.34°C and standard deviation (STD) errors ranging from 0.58°C to 0.68°C. Specifically, mean biases are all negative but there are smaller cool biases in daytime than those in night-time. The monthly validation analysis shows that the biases exhibit apparent seasonal variations. The biases in daytime have relatively small magnitudes in spring and summer, while the negative biases in night-time are most apparent in summer. On the other hand, the time series of MODIS SSTs may exhibit an evident diurnal variation for some months, which roughly agrees with the in situ SST measurements. This study also highlights that the MODIS SSTs under cloud-free conditions are effective at detecting the high-frequency and small-scale oceanic features, such as the localized diurnal variation, oceanic front, and coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

聚集社会力量让教育信息化走得更快更远英特尔助力佛山南海区打造数字化教学新模式踏入佛山市南海区旗峰中学的大门,一片清澈的湖面映入眼帘,近旁的凤凰山倒映在平静清澈的湖水里。正值下午三四点间,教室里传来郎朗读书声,而在湖畔、草地、操场甚至校园中的凉亭里,却也时时飘过孩子们的声音,他们或是三五成群、或是独自阅读,手中除了纸质的教材,少不了的还有一台学习本终端,通过它孩子们可以随时随地进入智能课堂、电子图书馆和自习室。这是旗峰中学"电子书包"项目的重要组成部分,通过云平台的合理搭建、校园网络的高度覆盖、以及教学课件的全面配合,为  相似文献   

It is challenging to use traditional remote sensing techniques to accurately determine the extent and thickness of ice in the Bohai Sea, on account of the presence of sea impurities (i.e. mud, salt bubbles and sand) and shape irregularities. Accordingly, we performed a series of reflectance spectra experiments to empirically link remote measurements of surface reflectance with in situ sea ice thickness measurements in the Bohai Sea. Two years of Thematic Mapper (TM) band 2 and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) band 4 data were used to distinguish between the following sea ice types, using spectral reflectance thresholds of 6.4, 9.6, 10.3 and 12.1%: (a) clean nilas ice (a thin elastic crust of ice up to 10 cm thick that, under pressure, may deform by finger rafting; (b) nilas ice and pancake ice (roughly circular accumulations of frazil ice, usually less than about 3 m in diameter, with raised rims caused by collisions); (c) grey and grey–white ice; and (d) cumulative ice (<30 cm). By establishing a relationship between sea ice type and ice thickness, a novel, practical and low-cost remote sensing technique is introduced to estimate the extent and distribution of sea ice thickness over a large spatial scale. The results obtained by remote sensing are validated with in situ ice shape measurements. The MODIS and TM data are used to distinguish between three ice thickness grades (6–9, 10–20 and 20–30 cm).  相似文献   

The increasing availability of the Landsat image archive and the development of approaches to make full use of these data provide novel insights into the drivers and dynamics of land use systems change. Focusing on Romania, we asked how the drastic institutional and socio-economic transformation after the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe affected forestry. We used an annual time series of Landsat images to investigate how three phases of forest restitution affected forest disturbances (due to both, natural events and forest management). We employed the LandTrendr (Landsat-based detection of trends in disturbance and recovery) set of change detection algorithms to perform temporal segmentation and fitting of the Landsat time series, and derived annual disturbance maps (95.72% overall accuracy) along with recovery dynamics. Our change map suggested that forest disturbances increased substantially since the collapse of socialism in 1989, with 75,000 ha of disturbed forest land (4.5% of the total studied forest area). Whereas the late socialist years were characterized by relatively low disturbance levels (12% of all detected disturbances), disturbances increased especially after each of the restitution laws were passed in 1991, 2000, and 2005 (34%, 21% and 32% respectively). Non-state ownership regimes (i.e. private owners vs. public property of local communities) and species composition of restituted forests were two important factors determining disturbance levels. The widespread disturbances we found also raise concerns about timber overexploitation in many areas of the Romanian Carpathians. Our study demonstrates the value of the temporal depth of the Landsat archive and highlights that trajectory-based change detection approaches can be highly beneficial for gaining insights on the effect of institutional shocks on land use patterns.  相似文献   

Due to the progressive increase in development of desert land in Egypt, the demand for efficient and accurate land cover change information is increasing. In this study, we apply the methodology of post‐classification change detection to map and monitor land cover change patterns related to agricultural development and urban expansion in the desert fringes of the Eastern Nile Delta region. Using a hybrid classification approach, we employ multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images from 1984, 1990 and 2003 to produce three land cover/land‐use maps. Post‐classification comparison of these maps was used to obtain ‘from–to’ statistics and change detection maps. The change detection results show that agricultural development increased by 14% through the study period. The average annual rate of land reclamation during 1990–2003 (4511 ha a?1) was comparable to that during 1984–1990 (4644 ha a?1), reflecting a systematic national plan for desert reclamation that went into effect. We find that the increase in urbanization (by ca 21 300 ha) during 1990–2003 was predominantly due to encroachment into traditionally cultivated land at the fringes of urban centres. Our results accurately quantify the land cover changes and delineate their spatial patterns, demonstrating the utility of Landsat data in analysing landscape dynamics over time. Such information is critical for making efficient and sustainable policies for resource management.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed estimates of evaporative fraction and actual evapotranspiration are pursued using a simple remote sensing technique based on a remotely sensed vegetation index (NDVI) and diurnal changes in land surface temperature. The technique, known as the triangle method, is improved by utilizing the high temporal resolution of the geostationary MSG-SEVIRI sensor. With 15 min acquisition intervals, the MSG-SEVIRI data allow for a precise estimation of the morning rise in land surface temperature which is a strong proxy for total daytime sensible heat fluxes. Combining the diurnal change in surface temperature, dTs with an interpretation of the triangular shaped dTs − NDVI space allows for a direct estimation of evaporative fraction. The mean daytime energy available for evapotranspiration (Rn − G) is estimated using several remote sensors and limited ancillary data. Finally regional estimates of actual evapotranspiration are made by combining evaporative fraction and available energy estimates. The estimated evaporative fraction (EF) and actual evapotranspiration (ET) for the Senegal River basin have been validated against field observations for the rainy season 2005. The validation results showed low biases and RMSE and R2 of 0.13 [−] and 0.63 for EF and RMSE of 41.45 W m− 2 and R2 of 0.66 for ET.  相似文献   

The variability of sea surface temperature in the region of the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea (SCS) through the Luzon Strait was studied using sea surface temperature (SST) derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) from 1985 to 2002. The covariance empirical orthogonal function (CEOF) method was applied for analysing the temporal and spatial variability in the study area. The results show that the Kuroshio intrusion during El Niño periods is weaker than that in La Niña periods. The calculation of surface layer heat of the Kuroshio intrusion region also shows response to the El Niño-La Niña events. The variation is attributed to the changes in wind fields during those events.  相似文献   

The physical and biological environments of the northeast South China Sea (SCS) were investigated using 11 year satellite and reanalysis data, including ocean chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations, sea surface wind (SSW) values, sea surface temperatures (SSTs), sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs), etc. The findings reveal that ocean Chl-a concentrations west of the Luzon Strait have the most significant annual cycles in the SCS. The dominant forcing mechanisms are monsoon winds and mesoscale eddies studied by multiple regression analysis. In the offshore regions, strong winds directly caused the enhancements by local vertical mixing and entrainment. As in the near-shore regions, the alongshore winds indirectly caused the enhancements by inducing coastal upwelling. Although SST is highly correlated with Chl-a concentration, SST cooling is difficult to observe in the bloom region. It is considered a consequence of monsoon and eddy forcings. Other mechanisms, such as local Ekman pumping by the wind stress curl and the geostrophic potential vorticity, have little effect on Chl-a seasonal variations.  相似文献   


Evaluation of change in land use is important for planning further development in populated areas. Here we attempt to determine the growth of urban areas in the vicinity of Mexico City, using a 1993 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image and cartographic data contained in maps published by the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica (INEGI 1975, 1983). The area occupied by urban areas in 1975 and 1983 was quantified using raster images generated by scanning the maps. Supervised classification processes were applied to a 1993 Landsat TM image in bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, of the area of Chalco. The image was pre-processed and then processed to enhance the spectral response of the surface materials. The different land cover types that characterise distinct land uses in the study area were identified in the image and an overall classification accuracy of 82% was estimated using aerial photographs from the Chalco area. The resulting evaluation of the land use changes in the Chalco urban area was plotted, and a growth greater than 14% per year was estimated.  相似文献   

The major goal of this study was to find match-ups between thermal fronts mapped from satellite sea surface temperature (SST) imagery and from in situ data in the southern South China Sea (SSCS), using 11 ship surveys conducted by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO) between 1987 and 1999. Fronts were automatically detected by the Cayula–Cornillon multi-image edge detection algorithm (CCA) applied to satellite-derived maps of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) SST obtained from the Pathfinder project (8364 twice-daily global fields with 9 km resolution between 1985 and 1996). Twice-daily near-instant frontal maps were composited without any averaging or smoothing to produce individual monthly frontal maps covering the period from January 1985 through December 1996 (144 maps in total). Although the SSCS is a tropical sea with little SST difference between water masses, the CCA turned out to be an effective tool for front mapping in the SSCS. Out of the 11 ship surveys analysed in this study, four surveys produced satisfactory match-ups. The percentage of match-ups is considered reasonably high given that (1) ship surveys were not optimized to cross fronts, therefore most in situ sections missed fronts; (2) satellite measurements of SST with AVHRR are hampered by cloudiness, therefore satellite-derived frontal maps might miss some fronts masked by persistent cloudiness. Fronts are more distinct in winter, when cross-frontal SST gradients are enhanced. From oceanographic vertical sections and horizontal maps, fronts are much sharper in the subsurface layer (represented here by 50 m level). Nonetheless, the CCA successfully detected SST fronts with a cross-frontal step as small as 1°C.  相似文献   

Changes in the area of sandy desert and sandy land (SDSL) result from changes in the processes that underlie aeolian desertification. The area of SDSL in northern China has changed greatly in recent decades. Given that SDSL covers large areas of northern China, it is important to understand the spatial and temporal trends in its development and recession for understanding the aeolian desertification. To provide this information, we reconstructed the underlying processes of SDSL from 1975 to 2010 using Landsat images and an analysis of the driving forces. The results indicated that the changes of SDSL have mainly occurred in the eastern part of northern China. The area of SDSL increased by 58,455 km2 from 1975 to 2000, increasing by 4.9%. In contrast, the sandy land has been restored, and the area of SDSL had a decreasing trend since 2000. It decreased by 17,600 km2 from 2000 to 2010, decreasing by 1.4%. These changes were principally driven by human activities and climate variability. Since changes of the area of SDSL were not significantly related to natural environmental factors such as rainfall and temperature, it is clear that the decreasing trend of SDSL has been mainly caused by human activities.  相似文献   

Coal fires in the north of China have already resulted in serious problems, including huge losses in coal resources, air pollution and so on. Thermal infrared images by Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) can be used to detect some thermal anomalies. However, an initial necessity is to reduce the effect of solar radiation on TM thermal infrared images. In this paper, a neural network is used to set up a mathematical model of ground temperature for the first time. After the neural network completes training, we can use it to calculate the ground temperature caused by solar radiation. Thus, the result can be used to reduce the effect of solar radiation on TM thermal infrared images, and extract the thermal anomalies caused by coal fires.  相似文献   

近年由于海上石油运输、开采和事故,溢油事件不断增加、已成为全球普遍关注的重大环境问题。分析了Radarsat2卫星全极化数据在监测南海北部溢油事件中的应用,比较了3种滤波技术对相干斑的抑制,结果显示LEE滤波法最佳,继而选用LEE滤波对影像进行全极化处理。比较了6种参数处理方法,发现极化函数参数的去极化指数(Depolarisation-index)处理后的影像对溢油和海水区分效果最佳,并可以更好地避免相干斑影响。在此基础上,利用大津法阈值准确提取溢油范围并估算溢油面积。研究表明:在利用Radarsat2卫星全极化数据观测溢油时,通过LEE滤波\,去极化指数处理和大津法阈值3个步骤提取溢油范围并估算溢油面积是有效快捷的方法。  相似文献   

High deforestation rates in Amazonia have motivated considerable efforts to monitor forest changes with satellite images, but mapping forest distribution and monitoring change at a regional scale remain a challenge. This article proposes a new approach based on the integrated use of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images to rapidly map forest distribution in Rondônia, Brazil. The TM images are used to differentiate forest and non-forest areas and the MODIS images are used to extract three fraction images (vegetation, shade and soil) with linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA). A regression model is built to calibrate the MODIS-derived forest results. This approach is applied to the MODIS image in 2004 and is then transferred to other MODIS images. Compared to INPE PRODES (Brazil's Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – Programme for the Estimation of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon) data, the errors for total forest area estimates in 2000, 2004 and 2006 are??0.97%, 0.81% and??1.92%, respectively. This research provides a promising approach for mapping fractional forest (proportion of forest cover area in a pixel) distribution at a regional scale. The major advantage is that this procedure can rapidly provide the spatial and temporal patterns of fractional forest cover distribution at a regional scale by the integrated use of MODIS images and a limited number of Landsat images.  相似文献   

Snow is an important land cover on the earth's surface. It is characterized by its changing nature. Monitoring snow cover extent plays a significant role in dynamic studies and prevention of snow-caused disasters in pastoral areas. Using NASA EOS Terra/MODIS snow cover products and in situ observation data during the four snow seasons from November 1 to March 31 of year 2001 to 2005 in northern Xinjiang area, the accuracy of MODIS snow cover mapping algorithm under varied snow depth and land cover types was analyzed. The overall accuracy of MODIS daily snow cover mapping algorithm in clear sky condition is high at 98.5%; snow agreement reaches 98.2%, and ranges from 77.8% to 100% over the 4-year period for individual sites. Snow depth (SD) is one of the major factors affecting the accuracy of MODIS snow cover maps. MODIS does not identify any snow for SD less than 0.5 cm. The overall accuracy increases with snow depth if SD is equal to or greater than 3 cm, and decreases for SD below 3 cm. Land cover has an important influence in the accuracy of MODIS snow cover maps. The use of MOD10A1 snow cover products is severely affected by cloud cover. The 8-day composite products of MOD10A2 can effectively minimize the effect of cloud cover in most cases. Cloud cover in excess of 10% occurs on 99% of the MOD10A1 products and 14.7% of the MOD10A2 products analyzed during the four snow seasons. User-defined multiple day composite images based on MOD10A1, with flexibilities of selecting composite period, starting and ending date and composite sequence of MOD10A1 products, have an advantage in effectively monitoring snow cover extent for regional snow-caused disasters in pastoral areas.  相似文献   

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