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本文在阐述公众参与城乡规划的作用与意义的基础上,以漳州市为例,对现阶段公众参与城乡规划的实施管理等方面所作的一些有益的探索和实践进行了分析,进而对如何搞好公众参与城乡规划提出了相应的对策及建议。  相似文献   

In light of the burgeoning academic interest in policy mobilities and policy tourism, this paper offers a critical insight into international planning study tours. Countering the contemporary focus of much of the research on these topics, this paper draws on archival research to explore the international study tours of the UK's Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) between 1947 and 1961. In doing this, the paper makes two wider arguments; first, that there remains significant mileage in bringing together the policy mobilities literature with the work on past exchanges and visits by architects, engineers and planners and, second, that greater awareness and appreciation of past examples of comparison and learning might allow contemporary studies to be situated in their longer historical trajectories.  相似文献   

甘肃省榆中县青城古镇被誉为"黄河千年古镇",是"中国历史文化名镇"之一。通过对青城古镇的实地考察,笔者发现其古建筑群落具有鲜明的西北地域特色,历史文化遗存丰厚。因此建议对青城古镇进行科学合理的保护与开发。保护重在强化古镇的院落生活空间,修葺并完善传统建筑样式,保持地方人文资源风貌。  相似文献   

为了避免因种种原因导致的原有城乡特色在经意或不经意中丧失,城乡风貌日渐庸俗化,提出了如何使城乡风貌更具特色的问题。详细论述了我国古代城乡的演变过程,进而提出我国创造的城乡特色应保留传统文化精华、保持地域文化特色,且应适应全球化的大趋势。  相似文献   

陶勇 《福建建筑》2012,(10):16-17,21
郊野公园以独特的地域特征和良好的生态环境成为当前旅游和休闲的理想之地,也是提升城市文化品味、生态价值的重要途径。漳州于2011年开始进行开展郊野公园建设的尝试,规划建设围绕中心城总面积100平方公里的大郊野体系,使之成为具有游憩功能的景观绿化带和生态保护带。本文尝试对漳州郊野公园的规划建设工作进行分析总结,并提出一些郊野公园规划设计、建设管理和后续发展的建议。  相似文献   

宁德市霍童文化旅游古镇(概念)规划设计详析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林璞 《福建建筑》2013,(4):115-117
本文详细描述了宁德市霍童镇文化旅游规划设计的设计理念。从聚落形态和当地民居特色出发,本着保护现有聚落空间形态的原则,从"修缮保护历史建筑"和"规划设计新样式"两方面,做出了一系列独具地域性的旅游规划设计。  相似文献   

乔兴亚 《山西建筑》2008,34(17):55-56
结合宜兴城乡规划管理工作实际,简要阐述了城乡规划管理的发展历史、依据及其遵循原则等,以不断提高城乡规划编制、城乡规划决策、城乡规划实施监督等内容在内的城乡管理水平。  相似文献   

王隽 《山西建筑》2008,34(15):32-33
通过对青浦老城厢这一真实案例的深入研究和考察,探讨了此类传统聚落的空间变迁问题,揭示其面临的困境和挑战,论述了城市化进程对传统水乡城镇的影响。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前农村房屋抗震设防方面存在的普遍现象和地震引起农村房屋破坏的突出因素,采取综合措施和施工技术措施,提出当前提高农村房屋抗震防灾能力的对策。  相似文献   

Swedish town planning Is in a state of transition. In the context of economic growth and political stability, it has succeeded in providing a remarkably high level of physical and social wellbeing. However, the continuation of past practices can no longer guarantee desirable community development. There is an increasing scepticism about working with local plans based on nationally derived planning legislations. This study takes up some key issues which illustrate the dilemma in Swedish town planning.  相似文献   

对我国城镇体系规划的探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
结合我国现行城镇体系规划模式的内涵,分析了该模式规划产生“空洞”之感和对城镇发展的指导意义不大的原因。指出了我国未来城镇体系规划的对策与选择,并介绍了这种规划应具体实施的几点设想。  相似文献   

张向励 《山西建筑》2003,29(4):11-12
分析了加快小城镇建设的重要性和必要性,阐述了存在于规划小城镇建设中的问题,并提出相应的解决措施,揭示了实施小城镇战略,全面提高坡镇化水平,是中国特色城镇化道路的必然选择。  相似文献   

吕慧芳 《山西建筑》2005,31(3):22-23
论述了实施城乡一体化管理的社会趋势,就城乡一体化管理中所面临的规划编制、规划审批等一系列问题进行了分析,以推进改革的顺利开展,指导我国城乡一体化制度的发展。  相似文献   

介绍了国家体育场大体积的裂缝控制技术.对混凝土结构裂缝控制的设计措施、材料措施和施工措施进行了综述.通过设计、科研单位的温度应力测算及优化方案,从构造设计、结构计算、材料组成、物理力学性能以及施工工艺等方面组织策划,并通过精心设计和严格执行施工方案等技术措施.  相似文献   

畅芬叶 《山西建筑》2012,(34):164-165
以柳林县成家庄镇为例,对山地城镇道路网布局设计进行了探讨,从地理位置和周边环境入手,结合相关技术标准,具体阐述了该城镇道路网平面线形,竖向设计及横断面设计,并提出安全防护措施,对今后同类山地城镇路网设计工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国城镇建设发展现状及未来走向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在党的新一届领导集体的带领下,2003年我国不仅经受住了SARS突发事件的考验,还保持了社会经济的快速发展,外交和贸易也取得了骄人的成绩。反映在城镇建设上,就是城镇化进程进一步加快,城镇市政公用设施建设投入进一步加大,建筑业持续稳定发展,城镇生产生活环境进一步改善,向“十六大”提出的全面建设小康社会目标迈出了新的一步。  一、我国城镇建设取得的突出进展  在改革开放和积极的财政政策推动下,自1998年以来的5年,我国城镇建设蓬勃发展,是历史上发展最好的时期。各级建设行政主管部门,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想…  相似文献   

We study the relationship between average temperatures and electricity consumption in Portugal. Control variables include electricity prices and the economic activity. Our results indicate that there is U-shaped relationship between temperature and electricity consumption. While changes in average temperature do not affect electricity consumption by a large extent, extreme temperatures have stronger impacts. Given the mild weather in Portugal, electricity demand has not changed significantly over the last decades. Larger impacts can only be expected if extreme weather events become more frequent. Our results show the importance of considering country specificities in the analysis and of comparing several model specifications.  相似文献   

浅析生态规划与城乡法定规划的衔接   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
袁亚琦 《山西建筑》2010,36(10):27-28
通过对生态规划相关资料和实际案例的整理和对国内外生态规划发展的分析,在对现有城乡法定规划编制体系进行整理的基础上,将生态规划与城乡法定规划体系相对应,找出现有衔接上存在的问题,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

A tax rule whereby losses on a rental property are deductible against personal taxable income (commonly known as ‘negative gearing’) is an almost uniquely Australian practice. This article explores how this practice is legitimised and justified by politicians despite coherent criticisms that the practice misdirects investment into unproductive asset speculation causing house price inflation and inequality. This article uses critical discourse analysis to examine how ‘negative gearing’ is criticised and legitimised. It is argued that the interests of the property-owning majority and electoral pragmatism determine government housing policy. There is a disjunct between the political imperative of the major parties to maintain high housing prices in order not to erode the wealth of the majority of voters (property owners) and the emerging problem of housing unaffordability. Despite mounting coherent critique coming from economists, and younger cohorts excluded from home ownership, the policy continues due to realpolitik considerations.  相似文献   

《城乡规划法》的实施表明城乡一体化发展将成为未来我国区域发展的指导思想。本文从对近郊型小城镇总体规划的探讨中,总结不足,分析特殊问题,探寻解决重点与难点问题的方法,提出近郊型小城镇在总体规划编制中要体现“内外兼修”的思想。妥善协调内外矛盾,充分考虑区域背景下小城镇的发展优势,重视小城镇自身利益,实现城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

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