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Intermittent drying aims to match the heat input rate to the drying kinetics of the material so as to avoid thermal degradation of heat-sensitive products in particular. This paper presents results of a liquid diffusion model to examine the effect of varying the rates of heat input by convection heat transfer. This is accomplished by varying the drying air velocity, varying the air temperature as well as its relative humidity over different periods of time in a sequential manner. One of the outcomes of this work is guidelines for use of a heat pump to dehumidify the drying air. While most heat pump dryers are designed to operate continuously, our results show that it is not necessary to use heat pump continuously over the entire drying period. This option saves running costs by reducing use of electrical power in the drying cycle. Furthermore, it is possible to save capital costs by utilizing a smaller heat pump for a given dry product output. Alternatively, a given heat pump system can be used to service two or more drying chambers that may dry the same or different products by simply switching the dehumidified and heated air from one chamber to the other sequentially. When the heat pump air is switched off, unsaturated ambient air maybe used to accomplish rest of the drying. It is shown that using heat pump air over only a part of the drying cycle does not increase the drying time appreciably.  相似文献   

Vasile Minea 《Drying Technology》2013,31(14):1630-1643
This article presents a 13-m3 wood dryer coupled with a 5.6-kW (compressor power input) heat pump. Drying tests with hardwood species such as yellow birch and hard maple were completed in order to determine the system's energy performance. Supplementary heating to compensate for the dryer heat losses was supplied using electrical coils or steam exchangers. The heat pump running profiles and dehumidification performance in terms of volumes removed and water extraction rates, coefficients of performance, and specific moisture extraction rates were determined for two all-electrical and two hybrid drying tests. The hardwood drying curves, share of the final moisture content, and final quality of the dried wood stacks, as well as total drying energy consumption and costs, were determined for each drying run. Finally, the total energy consumption of the drying cycles using a heat pump was compared with that of a conventional drying cycle using natural gas as a single energy source.  相似文献   

在简要介绍热泵干燥装置基本结构和工作原理的基础上,对热泵干燥装置的特点、市场拓展、应用与推广中的主要问题和解决思路、技术发展等进行了较全面的分析,为科学地把握和应用热泵干燥技术提供了较好的参考。  相似文献   

污泥热泵干燥速率及能耗的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用小型热泵干燥试验台,对污泥干燥过程含水率、空气参数(温度、相对湿度)及热泵参数(制冷工质参数、排水量、能耗等)的变化进行了试验测试,并着重对干燥速率、能量回收率及影响因素进行了分析。试验显示,依靠外热源预热后,污泥干燥过程仅依靠热泵回收的排气余热供热,干燥箱内平均温度可达63℃,最高迭71℃。干燥箱内温度的高低取决于受制冷工况影响的热泵供风温度。污泥干燥速率随空气温度升高和相对湿度的降低而增大,湿基含水率从42.6%到18.74%的平均干燥速率为0.123%/(m·min)。热泵干燥回收排气余热的节能效果显著,并随热泵排水量的增加而增大。平均能量回收率为39.1%,最大值为48.9%和最小值为23.6%,分别发生在热泵排水量最大和最小的阶段。  相似文献   

In the interests of competitiveness, manufactures of tumble dryers are seeking to reduce both their electricity use and the drying time. This study examines how the cylinder volume of the compressor and the total heat transfer of the condenser influence the drying time and electricity use in a heat pump tumble dryer. A transient simulation model was developed and compared to an experimental set-up with good similarity. The simulations show that increasing the cylinder volume of the compressor by 50% decreases the drying time by 14% without using more electricity.  相似文献   

针对闭式热泵干燥系统非线性,强耦合等特点,将干燥循环分成升温过程和降温过程,并针对不同过程设计了相应的温度模糊控制策略。干燥过程温度、湿度是影响干燥物料品质的关键因素,为了提高干燥物料品质在温度控制的基础上设计了湿度模糊控制方案并给出了温湿度解耦策略。对温湿度的模糊控制效果进行了实验检测。系统运行结果表明:温湿度控制效果显著,温度的偏差控制在±0.8℃,湿度的偏差控制在±3%RH。  相似文献   

M. Hemis 《Drying Technology》2014,32(5):543-549
The heat and mass transfer that occurred during drying of soybeans by a combined process using microwave (MW) and convective hot air was studied. A coupled mathematical model was developed to simulate this phenomenon. The soybean samples were re-wetted to 20% wet basis, the selected level of initial moisture content (IMC), and then dried in a domestic microwave oven under various MW power levels from 300 to 390 W, using inlet air with relative humidity of 35, 55, 75, and 95%. The simulated moisture loss profiles obtained from the coupled model compared well with those obtained in the experiments. Results showed that the drying rate decreased from 6.235 × 10?5 to 6.192 × 10?5 kg water/(kg wb s) as the inlet air temperature increased from 30 to 60°C. Furthermore, the drying rate was observed to increase from 6.192 × 10?5 to 6.211 × 10?5 kg water/(kg wb s) as the relative humidity (RH) increased from 35 to 95%.  相似文献   

The simulation model of a transcritical CO2 heat pump dryer presented in Part 1 has been first validated with available experimental data in this part and then used to simulate the heat pump dryer to study the variation of performance parameters such as heating COP, moisture extraction rate, and specific moisture extraction rate. The validation with experimental data shows that the model slightly over predicts the system performance. The possible reasons for the difference between experimental and numerical results are explained. Simulation results show the effect of key operating parameters such as bypass air ratio, re-circulation air ratio, dryer efficiency, ambient condition (temperature and relative humidity), and air mass flow rate. Results show that unlike bypass air ratio and ambient relative humidity, the effect of dryer efficiency, recirculation air ratio, ambient temperature, and air mass flow rate are very significant as far as the system performance is concerned.  相似文献   


A mathematical model of heat and mass transfer for fixed beds was developed according to the modern theory of process simulation and standard laws of thermodynamics and transportphenomena. The mass transfer grain–air was predicted with simplified diffusional expressions together with an equation for the static equilibrium moisture content. Four differential equations were obtained for a grain layer and they were integrated along the bed depth and time with second  相似文献   

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