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This article describes a technique for fabricating a custom acrylic resin shell that will ensure a properly designed amalgam core for the coronally debilitated, endodontically treated posterior tooth. A few simple procedures result in a core foundation for root protection, an ideal crown preparation, and a more predictable final restoration.  相似文献   

The synthetic substrate anthraniloyl-beta-glycerol-P binds to myoinositol monophosphatase with a Kd = 5 microM at pH 7.5. The anthraniloyl chromophore, excited at 330 nm, sensitizes the long lived luminescence of bound Tb(III) at 490, 545, 585 and 620 nm. Assuming a mechanism of radiationless energy transfer, the actual distance of separation between the donor-acceptor pair was calculated to be R = 10 A. Tb(III) binds to the monophosphatase with a Kd = 2 microM, whereas Ca-(II) displaces the lanthanide at concentrations above 0.1 mM. The binding studies support the notion that Tb(III), Ca(II) and Mg(II) interact with a common binding site on the protein. Phosphate ion, a strong competitive inhibitor, perturbs the luminescence of bound Tb(III), whereas the substrate beta-glycero-P has no effect on the luminescence yield and long-lived emission of bound Tb(III). It is suggested that the phosphate group of the substrate is not in direct contact with the metal ion coordinated to several amino acid residues of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Software has been developed for potential energy surface analysis and the local minima method of pharmacophore determination. LMM is rigorous and systematic and employs multiple conformations which are the local minima from the potential energy surface of each compound in the data set. It produces a series of possible pharmacophores from a postulated set of pharmacophore elements. The best pharmacophore is then determined by performing a comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) on each one. The pharmacophore which produces the most self-consistent model is deemed the best. Local minima on the gas-phase potential energy surface are shown to be a reasonably close approximation to protein bound conformations, and these conformations can be found through systematic conformational searches followed by minimization of the local minima. LMM was used to develop a 3D-QSAR model for dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) inhibitors which was highly predictive (predictive R2 = 0.71 and standard error of predictions = 0.41). The model predicted that the phenyl and thienyl series of inhibitors were acting as bioisosteres. Examination of compounds overlayed in the model indicated a possible hydrogen bond acceptor in the DBH active site. Three tyrosine residues previously labeled by mechanism based inhibitors may be acting as the acceptor and therefore represent excellent candidates for site-directed mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to screen two libraries of soluble compounds to search for tight binding inhibitors for carbonic anhydrase II (EC The two libraries, H2NO2SC6H4C(O)NH-AA1-AA2-C(O)NHCH2CH2CO2H where AA1 and AA2 are L-amino acids (library size: 289 compounds) or D-amino acids (256 compounds), were constructed by attaching tripeptides to the carboxyl group of 4-carboxybenzenesulfonamide. Screening of both libraries yielded, as the tightest binding inhibitor, compound 1 (AA1 = AA2 = L-Leu; binding constant Kb = 1.4 x 10(8) M-1). The ability of ESI-MS to estimate simultaneously the relative binding affinities of a protein to soluble ligands in a library, if general, should be useful in drug development.  相似文献   

The binding of the prototypical folate inhibitor of de novo purine synthesis, 5,10-dideazatetrahydrofolate (DDATHF), and its hexaglutamate to recombinant trifunctional mouse glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (rmGARFT) was studied by equilibrium dialysis and by steady-state kinetics using sensitive assays that allowed initial rate calculations. rmGARFT was expressed in insect cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus and purified by a two-step procedure that allowed production of about 25 mg of pure protein/L of culture. The binding of DDATHF to GARFT was approximately 50-fold tighter than previously reported, with Kd and Ki values of 2-9 nM, making the parent form of this antifolate a tight-binding inhibitor. The binding of the hexaglutamate of DDATHF to rmGARFT had Kd and Ki values of 0.1-0.3 nM, consistent with the view that polyglutamation enhances binding of antifolates to GARFT. Kinetic analyses using either mono- or hexaglutamate substrate did not yield different values for the Ki for the hexaglutamate form of DDATHF, in contradiction with previous reports. Both the folate substrate commonly used to study GARFT, 10-formyl-5,8-dideazafolate, and its hexaglutamate were found to have very low Km values, namely, 75 and 7.4 nM, respectively, and the folate reaction products for these substrates were equally potent inhibitors, results which modify the interpretation of previous kinetic experiments. The product analog DDATHF and beta-glycinamide ribonucleotide bound to enzyme equally well in the presence and absence of the other, an observation at variance with the concept that GARFT obeys an ordered sequential binding of the substrates. We conclude that the kinetics of mouse GARFT are most consistent with a random order of substrate binding, that both the inhibitor DDATHF and the folate substrate are tight-binding ligands, and that polyglutamate forms enhance the affinity of both substrate and inhibitor by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

A rapid and convenient radioligand assay was used to characterise the interaction of several structurally diverse microtubule inhibitors with the colchicine binding domain of tubulin. Values determined for the inhibition of [3H]mebendazole binding to tubulin by colchicine, combretastatin A4, NSC 181928, NSC 321567, podophyllotoxin and tubulozole-C provided an independent measure of the relative potency of these compounds. This methodology has several advantages over the inhibition of [3H]colchicine binding as a technique for investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in determining tubulin-ligand interactions.  相似文献   

beta-amyloid (A beta), the major component of the amyloid deposited in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease, is found in blood and can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This suggests that the circulation could be a source of A beta in brain. The passage of unbound A beta across the BBB is slow. Most of the A beta in blood, however, is likely to be bound to apolipoprotein J (ApoJ). ApoJ and A beta bound to ApoJ have been shown to rapidly cross the BBB of the guinea pig when studied in situ with a blood-free brain perfusion model. ApoJ in blood, however, is found in a concentration 28 times higher than that needed to saturate the ApoJ transporter in situ. This suggests that the putative ApoJ transporter may not be functional in vivo. We found here that when measured in a murine in situ brain perfusion model, 125I-ApoJ crossed the BBB with a unidirectional influx rate constant (Ki) of 3.75 x 10(-3) ml/g-min, which is similar to that found in the guinea pig. After intravenous injection, however, no penetration of ApoJ across the BBB was measured in either the mouse or guinea pig. These results suggest that ApoJ is unlikely to provide a significant route for the transport of A beta across the BBB in vivo.  相似文献   

Structure-based design is the application of ligand-receptor modeling to predict the activity of a series of molecules that bind to a common receptor for which the molecular geometry is available. Successful structure-based design requires an accurate receptor model which can be economically employed in the design calculations. One goal of the work reported here has been to reduce the size of a model structure of a macromolecular receptor to allow multiple ligand-receptor molecular dynamic (MD) simulations to be computationally economical yet still provide meaningful binding thermodynamic data. A scaled-down 10 A receptor model of the enzyme renin, when subjected to an alternate atomic mass constraint, maintains the structural integrity of the composite parent crystal structure. A second goal of the work has been to develop schemes to explore and characterize the protonation states of receptors and ligand-receptor systems. Application of the charge state characterization schemes to the hydroxyethylene and statine transition state inhibitors of renin in the training set suggests a monoprotonation state of the two active-site aspartate residues, where the lone proton resides on the outer carboxylate oxygen of Asp226 is most likely. For the reduced amide transition state inhibitors an active site consisting of both aspartates in the totally ionized state, and the ligand carrying a net +1.0 charge, is most stable and consistent with experimental data.  相似文献   

Glutamate transporters remove this transmitter from the extracellular space by cotransport with three sodium ions and a proton. The cycle is completed by translocation of a potassium ion in the opposite direction. Recently we have identified two adjacent amino acid residues of the glutamate transporter GLT-1 that influence potassium coupling. Using the scanning cysteine accessibility method we have now explored the highly conserved region surrounding them. Replacement of each of the five consecutive residues 396-400 by cysteine abolished transport activity but at several other positions the substitution is tolerated. One residue, tyrosine 403, was identified where cysteine substitution renders the transporter sensitive to modification by positively charged methanethiosulfonate derivates in a sodium-protectable fashion. In the presence of sodium, the nontransported glutamate analogue dihydrokainate potentiated the covalent modification, presumably by binding to the glutamate site and locking the protein in a conformation in which tyrosine 403 is accessible from the external bulk medium. In contrast, transported substrates significantly slowed the reaction, suggesting that during the transport cycle residue 403 becomes occluded. On the other hand, transportable substrates are not able to protect Y403C transporters against N-ethylmaleimide, which is highly permeant but unable to modify cysteine residues buried within membrane proteins. These results indicate that tyrosine 403 is alternately accessible from either side of the membrane, consistent with its role as structural determinant of the potassium binding site.  相似文献   

Previously, our laboratories have reported on a new class of highly potent tyrosine kinase inhibitors based on the pyrido[2, 3-d]pyrimidine core template. To understand the structural basis for the potency and specificity, a model for the binding mode of this class of inhibitors to the tyrosine kinase domains of c-Src, PDGFr, FGFr, and EGFr tyrosine kinases was developed from structural information (principally utilizing the catalytic domain of c-AMP-dependent protein kinase as template) and structure-activity relationship (SAR) information. In the resulting docking mode, the pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine template shows a hydrogen-bonding pattern identical to that of olomoucine. The 6-aryl substituent of the heterocycle is located deep in the binding cleft in a pocket not used by ATP, which helps to confer high-affinity binding as well as specificity. The 2-anilino and 2-(dialkylamino)alkylamino substituents as well as the 7-urea substituent of inhibitors within this class are located at the entrance of the binding cleft and make contact with residues in the hinge region between the two kinase lobes. This allows considerable variability and bulk tolerance for C-2 and N-7 substituents. The models presented here are consistent with the SAR seen for the inhibition of a number of isolated enzymes and provide a structural basis to explain their specificity. They have been used successfully to design new highly potent protein kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II catalyzes the passage of one DNA helix through another via a transient double-stranded break. The essential nature of this enzyme in cell proliferation and its mechanism of action make it an ideal target for cytotoxic agents. Saccharomyces cerevisiae topoisomerase II has been frequently used as a model for testing potential inhibitors of eukaryotic topoisomerase II as antitumor agents. The standard in vivo method of estimating the sensitivity of S. cerevisiae to the antitopoisomerase drugs is via inhibition or kill curves which rely on viable-cell counts and is labor intensive. We present an alternative to this, a high-throughput in vivo screen. This method makes use of a drug-permeable S. cerevisiae strain lacking endogenous topoisomerase II, which is modified to express either human topoisomerase IIalpha or IIbeta or S. cerevisiae topoisomerase II carried on plasmids. Each modified strain expresses a full-length topoisomerase II enzyme, as opposed to the more commonly used temperature-sensitive S. cerevisiae mutant expressing yeast or yeast/human hybrid enzymes. A comparison of this new method with a plating-and-counting method gave similar drug sensitivity results, with increased accuracy and reduced manual input for the new method. The information generated has highlighted the sensitivities of different topoisomerase II enzymes and isoenzymes to several different classes of topoisomerase II inhibitor.  相似文献   

Absolute binding free energies for three inhibitors of HIV-1 proteinase were estimated from molecular dynamics simulations by a recently reported linear approximation procedure. The results were in fairly good agreement with experimental binding data. Two of the inhibitors were very similar and, for comparison, their relative free energies of binding were also calculated by free energy perturbation methods, giving virtually the same result. Effects of cut-off radii and charge states of the protein model were examined. The effects of pH on binding of one of the inhibitors were predicted.  相似文献   

A chemoenzymatic strategy has been developed for the synthesis of libraries of iminocyclitol derivatives for the discovery of new and selective fucosidase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The archaeal intron-encoded homing enzymes I-PorI and I-DmoI belong to a family of endonucleases that contain two copies of a characteristic LAGLIDADG motif. These endonucleases cleave their intron- or intein- alleles site-specifically, and thereby facilitate homing of the introns or inteins which encode them. The protein structure and the mechanism of DNA recognition of these homing enzymes is largely unknown. Therefore, we examined these properties of I-PorI and I-DmoI by protein footprinting. Both proteins were susceptible to proteolytic cleavage within regions that are equidistant from each of the two LAGLIDADG motifs. When complexed with their DNA substrates, a characteristic subset of the exposed sites, located in regions immediately after and 40-60 amino acids after each of the LAGLIDADG motifs, were protected. Our data suggest that the enzymes are structured into two, tandemly repeated, domains, each containing both the LAGLIDADG motif and two putative DNA binding regions. The latter contains a potentially novel DNA binding motif conserved in archaeal homing enzymes. The results are consistent with a model where the LAGLIDADG endonucleases bind to their non-palindromic substrates as monomeric enzymes, with each of the two domains recognizing one half of the DNA substrate.  相似文献   

1. We show here that treatment of diaphragm muscle with 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, abolished the stimulatory action of insulin on binding of the glycolytic enzymes, phosphofructokinase (PFK) and aldolase, to muscle cytoskeleton. This effect was demonstrated with low concentration of DNP, which caused only a small decrease in ATP and did not affect the basic levels of cytoskeleton-bound glycolytic enzymes. 2. Higher concentrations of DNP, which induced a drastic decline in ATP content, caused a decrease in cytoskeleton-bound glycolytic enzymes and damage to myofibrils. 3. These results suggest that mitochondrial ATP is required for both the preservation of the basal levels of cytoskeleton-bound glycolytic enzymes and cell structure, as well as for the expression of the stimulatory action of insulin on glycolytic enzymes' binding to muscle cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The combined action among polyglutamylatable and nonpolyglutamylatable antifolates, directed against dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (GARFT), 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (AICARFT), and thymidylate synthase (TS), in human ileocecal HCT-8 cells was examined in a 96-well plate growth inhibition assay (96-h continuous drug exposure). An interaction parameter, alpha, was estimated for each of 95 experiments by fitting a seven-parameter model to data with weighted nonlinear regression. In a representative experiment, raising the folic acid concentration in the medium dramatically increased the Loewe synergy for the combination of trimetrexate (TMTX) and the GARFT inhibitor AG2034 (from a mean alpha +/- SE of 1.50 +/- 0.25 at 2.3 microM folic acid to 146 +/- 20 at 78 microM folic acid). Enhancements were also found for combinations of TMTX with the GARFT inhibitors AG2032, Lometrexol, and LY309887, the AICARFT inhibitor AG2009, and the TS inhibitors LY231514 and Tomudex but not with the GARFT inhibitor LL95509 or with the TS inhibitors AG337, ZD9331, and BW1843U89. Replacing TMTX with methotrexate in two-drug mixtures decreased the intensity of Loewe synergy. Examination of isobolograms at different effect levels revealed informative reproducible changes in isobol patterns. No two-drug combinations among inhibitors of GARFT, AICARFT, and TS exhibited Loewe synergy at either 2.3 or 78 microM folic acid. Thus, the ideal requirement for the folic acid-enhanced synergy is that a nonpolyglutamylatable DHFR inhibitor be combined with a polyglutamylatable inhibitor of another folate-requiring enzyme. A hypothesis to explain this general phenomenon involves the critical role of folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase and the effect of the DHFR inhibitor in decreasing the protection by folic acid of cells to the other antifolates.  相似文献   

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