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It was proved that MgO and MicroSilica can react at room temperature, giving a hardened product primarily comprised of Mg ( OH )2 and Magnesium Silicate Hydrate ( M- S- H ). The reaction ratio and process and the chemical composion of M- S- H were studied and analyzed by QXRD and DTA- TG. The experimental results indicate that much Mg( OH)2 and less M-S-H were formed at early period. After 7 days there is no change in the quantity of Mg( OH)2, while M-S-H was increased slowly. The chemical composion of M-S-H would vary with the mix proportion in the hydrution process , but M1.32 SH2.37 is finally the approximute form.  相似文献   

MgO thin films were deposited on Si(100) substrates by laser ablation under various substrate temperatures (Tsub),expecting to provide a candidate buffer layer for the textured growth of functional perovskite oxide films on Si substrates.The effect of Tsub on the preferred orientation,crystallinity and surface morphology of the films was investigated.MgO films in single-phase were obtained at 473-973 K.With increasing Tsub,the preferred orientation of the films changed from (200) to (111).The crystallinity and surface morphology was different too,depending on Tsub.At Tsub=673 K,the MgO film became uniform and smooth,exhibiting high crystallinity and a dense texture.  相似文献   

利用XRD、DTA、SEM/EDS、IR和MIP以及化学分析等方法研究常温下MgO-SiO2-H2O体系的胶凝性能。结果表明。添加合适的外加组分,常温下MgO-SiO2-H2O体系具有比较优异的胶凝性能,其水化产物主要是非晶态的水化硅酸镁和Mg(OH)2;3d前生成大量的Mg(OH)2和少量的水化硅酸镁,其后水化硅酸镁的量逐渐增多,为硬化浆体提供主要的强度来源。  相似文献   

掺MgO的RCC混凝土主要运用提高混凝土的防裂特性.通过外掺氧化镁碾压混凝土的特性试验研究,通过弹性模量与自生体积变形的试验,确定本文中碾压混凝土中恰当的MgO掺量为5.5%,并对马堵山大坝碾压混凝土的最大浇筑块的高温环境施工进行精确的温度场和应力场仿真计算,结果表明采用外掺氧化镁技术与埋设HDPE冷却水管相结合的措施对RCC高温施工的防裂是行之有效的温控防裂方法,为随后进行的马堵山碾压混凝土大坝高温环境的施工方案提供了重要的科学依据.  相似文献   

硫酸盐和氯盐复杂盐蚀环境中的服役结构会受到两者产生的耦合作用。研究毛细作用下硫酸钠半浸泡混凝土试样的抗氯离子渗透性能,设计不同水灰比、不同硫酸钠溶液浓度的砂浆毛细上升试验,测试硫酸钠半浸泡混凝土试样的扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)和氯离子电通量。结果表明:硫酸钠半浸泡混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能劣化,前期劣化严重,随着半浸泡时间的延长,抗氯离子渗透性能有所回升,但依然比未浸泡试样的差。结合微观测试结果可知,混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能劣化的主要原因是:前期,在毛细作用下硫酸钠溶液填充了混凝土孔隙,减弱了固化氯离子的结合能力,释放了较多自由氯离子,从而增大了氯离子的扩散量;后期,随着浸泡时间的延长和环境湿度的变化,孔隙中的硫酸钠溶液过饱和后,形成无水Na2SO4和Na2SO4·10H2O结晶体的混合物,结晶混合物沉淀于孔壁,部分阻碍了氯离子的扩散,从而减缓了抗氯离子渗透性能的劣化。硫酸钠溶液浓度超过5%以后,随着硫酸钠溶液浓度的升高,毛细上升速度减缓,混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能相应提高。硫酸钠溶液半浸泡下,水泥基材料毛细上升快慢可作为衡量混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能好坏的指标。硫酸钠和氯化钠的复合溶液对硫酸钠毛细上升有延缓作用,会改善混凝土的抗氯离子渗透性能。  相似文献   

研究了热历史对一种CaO(MgO)-Al2O3-SiO2系统微晶玻璃的晶化性能和压痕硬度的影响。利用X射线衍射分析了微晶玻璃的晶相种类;结合光学显微镜观察,探讨了热处理温度对晶相体积百分数的影响;确定了硬度与测试荷载之间的关系。实验结果表明,随着热处理的提高,微晶玻璃的晶相含量增加,微晶玻璃的硬度增大  相似文献   

Monodispersed MgO microspheres were successfully synthesized by a simple solvothermal method using PEG-400 as solvent. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The results reveal that the precusor was monoclinic Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O and composed of nanosheets with the thickness of about 250 nm. By calcining the precusor at 500 °C for 5 min, cubic MgO with similar morphology was obtained. According to the SEM images, it is found that the volume ratio of PEG-400 to deionized water is considered as a crucial factor in the evolution of the morphology. Based on the SEM images obtained under different experimental conditions, a possible growth mechanism which involves self-assembly process was proposed. The thermal decomposition process of MgO precusor was studied by thermogravimetry-differential thermogravimetry(TG-DTG) at different heating rates in air. Thermal analysis kinetics results show that the most probale mechanism models of MgO precusor are An and D3, respectively. In addition, isothermal prediction was studied to quantitatively characterize the thermal decomposition process.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the Au-Si metallic amorphous alloy ribbon in 1960 by Duwez and co-workers[1] by rapid quenching, rapid developments have been obtained on the preparation of the amorphous alloy with the rapid quenching technique. However, from 1960 to 1989, the amorphous alloy could be only produced into forms of ribbon, flake, wire and powder due to the limitation of the cooling rate (>105 K/s). In the late 1980s, the Inoue group at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, investigated th…  相似文献   

Twenty-one square concrete columns were constructed and tested. The testing results indicate that bonded carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) sheets can be used to increase the strength and improve the serviceability of damaged concrete columns at low temperatures. The failure of the specimens, in most cases, takes place within the middle half of the columns. And the failure of strengthened columns is sudden and explosive. The CFRP sheets increase both the axial load capacity and the ultimate concrete compressive strain of the columns. The ultimate loads of strengthened columns at −10, 0 and 10 °C increase averagely by 9.09%, 6.63% and 17.83%, respectively, as compared with those of the control specimens. The axial compressive strength of strengthened columns is related to the curing temperatures. The improvement of axial compressive strength decreases with reducing temperature, and when the temperature drops to a certain value, the improvement increases with falling temperature.  相似文献   

集料和界面过渡区对水泥基材料抗碳化性能有显著影响。基于Fick第二定律,提出一种考虑集料和界面过渡区影响的CO2扩散模型,模型中首次引入界面过渡区的扩散系数并给出相应参数的计算方法,并基于质量守恒定律给出CO2反应模型,利用该模型研究荷载作用下C30和C50混凝土中CO2的浓度分布。结果表明,考虑集料和界面过渡区影响能更准确地计算CO2在水泥基材料中的扩散系数及碳化深度值。通过与文献中的试验数据进行比较,进一步验证了理论模型的可靠性。模型将集料和界面过渡区作为评价混凝土耐久性的重要因素,为钢筋混凝土结构的设计和寿命预测提供依据。  相似文献   

为了研究一种镍基单晶高温合金从室温到1100℃范围的拉伸变形与断裂行为,利用扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜对拉伸断口及变形后位错组态进行观察和分析.结果表明:合金的屈服和抗拉强度均在约800℃时达到峰值,而塑性与强度的变化规律基本相反.室温和中温拉伸条件下,断口表现为解理断裂;而高温时则为微孔聚集型断裂.室温拉伸条件下,合金的主要变形方式为单根位错剪切γ′相;高温下为位错绕过γ′相;中温下则表现为由剪切到绕过的过渡.  相似文献   

The fracture toughness of SA508-III steel was studied in the temperature range from room temperature to 320°C using the J-integral method. The fracture behavior of the steel was also investigated. It w...  相似文献   

In order to study rock breaking characteristics of tunnel boring machine(TBM) disc cutter at different rock temperatures,thermodynamic rock breaking mathematical model of TBM disc cutter was established on the basis of rock temperature change by using particle flow code theory and the influence law of interaction mechanism between disc cutter and rock was also numerically simulated.Furthermore,by using the linear cutting experiment platform,rock breaking process of TBM disc cutter at different rock temperatures was well verified by the experiments.Finally,rock breaking characteristics of TBM disc cutter were differentiated and analyzed from microscale perspective.The results indicate the follows.1) When rock temperature increases,the mechanical properties of rock such as hardness,and strength,were greatly reduced,simultaneously the microcracks rapidly grow with the cracks number increasing,which leads to rock breaking load decreasing and improves rock breaking efficiency for TBM disc cutter.2) The higher the rock temperature,the lower the rock internal stress.The stress distribution rules coincide with the Buzin Neske stress circle rules: the maximum stress value is below the cutting edge region and then gradually decreases radiant around; stress distribution is symmetrical and the total stress of rock becomes smaller.3) The higher the rock temperature is,the more the numbers of micro,tensile and shear cracks produced are by rock as well as the easier the rock intrusion,along with shear failure mode mainly showing.4) With rock temperature increasing,the resistance intrusive coefficients of rock and intrusion power decrease obviously,so the specific energy consumption that TBM disc cutter achieves leaping broken also decreases subsequently.5) The acoustic emission frequency remarkably increases along with the temperature increasing,which improves the rock breaking efficiency.  相似文献   

为研究非金属面夹芯板受弯破坏时的力学性能,考虑芯材剪切变形的影响,利用力与变形的平衡微分关系,推导并简化在均布荷载和集中荷载作用下单跨简支夹芯板的弯曲变形与承载力计算公式.通过真空加载和沙袋堆载分别对硅酸钙-聚氨酯夹芯板进行了两组弯曲试验,并用软件ABAQUS进行了有限元模拟,分别得到其正常使用极限状态和承载能力极限状态时的变形和破坏荷载,以及相应的荷载-位移曲线.结果表明,理论计算简化公式、试验结果和有限元结果三者吻合较好,因而该理论简化公式可用于计算这种非金属面夹芯板的弯曲变形和承载力.  相似文献   

采用正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)代替传统的硅酸钠制备活性硅酸,将活性硅酸与聚合硫酸铁反应合成聚硅硫酸铁混凝剂,并研究了相关机理。由于正硅酸乙酯水解很缓慢,容易控制,可以得到重现性好的产物,有利于进行除藻性能的研究。通过正交实验等研究获得了聚硅硫酸铁的优化合成条件,即铁硅摩尔比为1.0,反应温度为50℃和反应时间为60min。论文还研究了优化条件下合成的聚硅硫酸铁混凝剂除藻性能,得到除藻优化条件,即原水的pH值为11.0、预氧化剂的投加量为0.70mg/L,聚硅硫酸铁的投加量为24.1mg/L。  相似文献   

试验比较亚硫酸氢镁漂白苇浆中浓(12%)和高浓(20%)打浆对浆料纤维形态、光学性能和物理性能的影响.结果表明:在纤维形态方面,高浓打浆较中浓打浆在纤维重均长度、纤维宽度、粗度和细小纤维的含量等方面都要大;在光学性能方面,随着打浆的进行,纸张白度、不透明度及光散射系数等光学性能都有一定程度的下降,高浓和中浓打浆并无明显区别;在物理性能方面,高浓打浆的抗张指数和撕裂指数比中浓打浆要大.  相似文献   

研究了“C+RE”双重变质处理对AZ31变形镁合金显微组织和力学性能的影响。当对合金进行Ce(“C+RE”)变质后,合金中出现Al4Ce相,不但细化了基体晶粒,合金中的Mg17Al12也同时细化,从而合金的屈服强度、塑性、冲击韧性得到提高。随着合金中Ce含量的增加合金中的Al4Ce含量也增加,合金的屈服强度、冲击韧性提高但塑性有所下降。  相似文献   

The influence of transforming pH values on the electrochemical performance of nano-scale Ni(OH)2was analyzed. The measurement results of XRD indicate that the nano-scale Ni (OH)2 prepared at different transformations of pH value is β( Ⅱ )-phase with different crystal lattice parameters. Cyclic voltammograms (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) measurement results show that transformations of pH value affect the proton diffusion coefficient (D) and charge-transfer resistance (Rct) of the material. The simu-lation of cell experiment shows that the sample prepared at a pH of 10. 1 exhibits the maximum specific capacity(327. 8 mAh/g) and higher discharge platform, the discharge performance of electrodes depends on both D and Rct, so the kinetics characteristics that electrodes reaction is controlled by both mass-transfer step and charge-transfer step are put forward.  相似文献   

Prepreg properties including cure kinetics, cure shrinkage, and coefficient of thermal expansion were analyzed. A simulation method based on "element birth and death" method of Finite element analysis (FEA) was presented to simulate the cutting process and predict the machining deformation for composite laminates and stiffened panels. The comparisons between the simulation results and experimental data showed good agreement. It is found that residual stresses are the main source of machining deformation for composites and machining deformation is expected to happen only if there are stress gradients along the machining direction. There is no machining deformation for composite laminates due to its uniform stresses distribution in plane, while machining deformation can be observed obviously for T-shape stiffened composite panels. Attention should be paid to machining deformation to avoid the mismatch during assembly.  相似文献   

研究了Cu(Ⅱ)-4-(2-吡啶偶氮)-间苯二酚-OP高灵敏显色反应,结果表明,在pH=5.6的HAc-NaAc缓冲溶液中,有非离子表面活性剂OP存在时,Cu(Ⅱ)与4-(2-吡啶偶氮)-间苯二酚形成的有色络合物最大吸收波长位于512 nm处,表观摩尔吸光系数达7.27×104L/(mol.cm),铜含量在0~30μg/25mL范围内服从比尔定律,络合物组成比为c(Cu(Ⅱ))∶c(PAR)=1∶2.加入抗坏血酸和柠檬酸盐等可消除Fe3 、Co2 、Ni2 等离子的影响.该方法应用于食品、茶叶中微量铜的测定,相对标准偏差小于7%,回收率在96.8%~106%.  相似文献   

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