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A study of pyrolysis of olive cake at the temperature range from 400°C to 700°C has been carried out. The experiments were performed in a laboratory scale tubular reactor under nitrogen atmosphere. The yields of derived gases, liquids, and char were determined in relation to pyrolysis temperature and sweeping gas flow rates, at heating rates of about 300°C min?1. As the pyrolysis temperature was increased, the percentage mass of char decreased whilst gas product increased. The oil products increased to a maximum value of ~39.4 wt% of dry ash free biomass at a pyrolysis temperature of about 550°C in a nitrogen atmosphere with flow rate of 100 mL min?1 and with a heating rate of 300°C min?1. Results showed that the bio-oil obtained under the optimum conditions is a useful substitute for fossil fuels or chemicals.  相似文献   

从化石能源为主向可再生能源为主过渡,是我国能源发展战略的一项重要任务,其中,燃料油将是可再生能源服务的重要对象之一。生物质裂解油以秸秆等农林废弃物为原料,其特质适于替代燃料油。国际上生物质裂解油已经迈入产业化发展的门槛,我国亦具有广阔的市场前景。当前应该抓住国际技术发展的机遇,推动该技术的研发、示范和产业化。  相似文献   

汽车是人类最重要的道路运输和乘用工具,其动力主要来自于汽柴油等液体燃料。而甲醇除了来源广,体量大,纯度高,输送便利外,在点燃式内燃机的使用性能方面与汽油相比,显示出优良的燃烧性(燃烧充分)、动力性(高效节能)、环保性(排放清洁)和安全性(与乙醇相当)。本文列举了甲醇燃料特性数据及上海焦化公司甲醇燃料在甲醇车上试验数据,充分论证甲醇燃料是最现实的车用替代能源。而要完美实现甲醇燃料替代需要从汽车和燃料二个方面解决好的相互适应性问题。  相似文献   

论国内发展燃料乙醇的优势及前景   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
张晓阳 《中外能源》2006,11(1):106-110
燃料乙醇是世界范围内新兴的替代能源之一。介绍了燃料乙醇的清洁性以及巨大的市场潜力,分析了国内发展燃料乙醇工业的优势及前景,并指出燃料乙醇是油品品质改良剂。  相似文献   

甲醇燃料——最具竞争力的可替代能源   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
从能源安全和环境问题的角度,指出用清洁燃料替代石油势在必行;分析了各种石油替代能源,指出煤制甲醇是最具竞争力的可替代能源;进一步分析了甲醇燃料的动力性能、毒性和对环境的影响,并分别比较了煤变油与煤制甲醇清洁燃料,甲醇燃料与石油燃料;最后得出的结论是:世界各国都将推行煤制甲醇燃料的技术路线,用于解决石油替代能源的问题。  相似文献   

氢能与燃料电池能源系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于对世界能源需求、氢能的特点和应用的分析,论证了氢能作为替代能源和未来主要能源构成的现实性;通过对氢气制备与储存技术和燃料电池技术进展的简要分析,论证了氢能利用的可行性;介绍了三种燃料电池能源系统;简论了氢经济转化的主要障碍是燃料电池技术发展和氢能基础设施建设。  相似文献   

从生物质能的利用谈起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要地介绍了世界各国在其特殊的国情下生物质能的利用情况,强调一定要因地制宜。提出了生物液体燃料应用的几个重要指标,其中之一是基于全生命周期分析的"绿度"。进而,对可再生能源的合理利用进行了分析,原则是"合适的能源放在合适的地方"。最后,本文认为与自然和谐相处是对可再生能源发展的最高准则。  相似文献   


A fuel cell is a device in which the energy of a fuel is converted directly into electricity direct current by an electrochemical reaction without resorting to a burning process, rather than to heat by a combustion reaction. The chemical energy of the fuel is released in the form of an electrical energy instead of heat when the fuel is oxidized in an ideal electrochemical cell. Energy conversion by a fuel cell depends largely upon catalytic electrodes, which accomplishes the electrochemical reaction to convert fuel into electric energy without involving the burning process. Efficiencies of fuel cells (40–85%) are considerable high compared to heat engines. Catalysts are so expensive that electricity from most fuel cells costs about a thousand times more than the same amount derived from conventional sources. The need is to develop the catalysts from the different precursors to succeed in the necessary chemical reactions in an effective way.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the inhibition of oil shale and olive cake dust explosions when they are used as an alternative source of fuel. Special emphasis was given to the effect of particle size of the same material on the maximum permissible oxygen concentration to prevent dust explosion for different concentrations using nitrogen as the diluent gas. It was found that olive cake is ignited more easily than oil shale all over the range of particle sizes and dust concentration. Tests on different particle sizes were carried out, and it was found that the maximum permissible oxygen concentration for a given dust concentration increases with increasing the particle size for both oil shale and olive cake. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高建业  李智  王瑞忠 《节能技术》2006,24(4):357-362
本文介绍了我国石油能源供需紧张状况,煤液化燃料的开发及替代能源应用现状。开发煤液化燃料产品,构建能源多元化结构,势在必行。  相似文献   

瞿国华 《中外能源》2009,14(2):30-36
阐述了石油替代燃料开发必须考虑以下内容:①规模化生产,并能满足产品质量和数量方面的要求;②石油替代燃料的性能评价必须考虑其潜在能量;③必须满足产业链和供应链方面的要求;④少满足燃料动力性能和驾驶性能的要求。介绍了在进行石油替代燃料开发项目的可行性研究时,要注意经济效益分析结论的准确度、受原材料价格的影响.以及要注意过程的能源利用效率分析。强调了石油替代能源产业对环境的影响应包括:①产品的使用过程;②能源转化过程;③对大生态环境的影响。最后指出应该重视石油替代燃料开发过程中各种可能的产业风险的分析和规避。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to discuss the option of recycling and transmutation of radioactive waste against once-through fuel cycle based on uranium feed under the perspective of sustainability. A qualitative analysis was carried out to compare the fuel cycles considering different options for burning and recycling transuranic and fission products utilizing accelerator driven systems, fast reactors, and light water reactors. The results show that recycling and transmutation fuel cycles are more attractive than the current once-through fuel cycles from the point of view of sustainability. The main conclusion is that the decision about the construction of deep geological repositories for spent fuel disposal must be reevaluated.  相似文献   


The main objective of the present study is to investigate the integrated organic waste-anaerobic digester-energy crop production system as a eco-agricultural system and to use anaerobically digested cattle slurry as fertilizer for safflower production. The value of slurry as fertilizer for growing safflower was compared with commercial organic and chemical fertilizers. According to the results of this study, higher yields were obtained from the application of anaerobically digested cattle slurry as fertilizer than the applications of commercial organic and chemical fertilizers such as aerobically digested cattle fertilizer, composted poultry fertilizer and compose fertilizer. Recycling of organic wastes by this system can decrease input of chemical fertilizer and use of fossil fuels. Also, it can improve soil texture. In conclusion, this system that combined organic waste, biogas production and energy crop production as an eco-agricultural system will play an important role in improving residential sanitation and economical development in rural areas.  相似文献   

生物质气化制取富氢燃气的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将生物质气化过程和催化裂解过程融合于一体,在下吸式气化炉中对生物质气化制取富氢燃气的特性进行了一系列实验研究,考察了一些主要参数变量,如温度(700~900℃)、水蒸气/生物质比(0~2.67)、生物质粒径(<1mm)以及白云石等对气化结果的影响。在实验研究的条件范围内,生物质产气中氢含量最大为52.47%,产氢率在0.12~0.90m~3/kg范围内变化,产气率在0.59~1.72m~3/kg范围内变化,产气低位热值在8795~21113 kJ/m~3范围内变化。  相似文献   

马培勇  仇性启  段希利 《工业加热》2005,34(3):56-57,60
能源与环保是当今世界普遍关注和亟待解决的问题,乳化油具有燃烧完全、不易结垢、有利传热、污染物排放量低等优点,因此将乳化油应用于工业生产与人民生活具有重要意义。首先详细分析了乳化油节能环保的原因,然后对乳化重油替代民用锅炉燃料的可行性就热力性能、经济效益、技术改造方案等方面加以论证。并用该方法成功改造了某厂锅炉,验证了分析方法的正确性。  相似文献   

目的   氢能是一种绿色高效的清洁能源,可以通过多种方式转化为电能、热能等加以利用。可再生能源制氢是实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的重要支撑。可再生能源制氢属于新型项目,是电力行业与化工行业的结合,系统间耦合性不强,提高能源综合利用率是可再生能源制氢的研究重点。 方法   文章介绍了当前主要的制氢工艺,对比了灰氢、蓝氢和绿氢的主要特点,阐述了风电及光伏制氢的主要系统,并提出了通过构建综合能源管理平台对可再生能源制氢各系统进行统筹管控的思路。 结果   在综合能源管理平台制定控制策略可以平衡功率,实现最优调度从而减少弃风弃光,而且还可以降低单位制氢成本。 结论   综合能源管理平台可以提高可再生能源制氢的能源综合利用率,对可再生能源制氢项目的推广起到支撑的作用,为可再生能源制氢领域的研究人员提供了重要的参考借鉴  相似文献   

在自行研制的催化燃烧实验平台上,研究使用4种不同催化剂的生物质熔融碳酸盐燃料电池排气的催化燃烧反应特性,结果表明:总体趋势上,催化燃烧的反应效率随着催化燃烧室入口温度的提升而提高;生物质气高温燃料电池排气中氢气的体积浓度对催化反应特性有很大影响,在氢气浓度低于3%的时候,催化燃烧反应效率随着氮气浓度的提高而明显增加;不...  相似文献   

可再生能源系统的能源储存   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了电能储存在三种商业模式和各种储能技术包括水力蓄能,压缩空气蓄能,超导磁力储能,流体电池组,蓄电池,飞轮蓄能,储热,在此基础上,对非电网可再生能源储能系统特别是风力发电和储能方案进行了详细的分析,认为这是非常适合偏远地区的新技术。  相似文献   

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