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南加州建筑学院是美国的一所著名的私立建筑学院,学院成立于1972年,学院开设有1个建筑专业学士学位和4个硕士专业。此外,南加州建筑学院还在秋季和期为学位专业的学生开设工作室设计课程,在夏季学期还专门为其他的建学生或是其他团体的成员开放工作室和课程。 相似文献
2011年5月底,北京市防震减灾宣教中心有关人员赴美国加利福尼亚旧金山和洛杉矶就防震减灾科普宣传和教育进行了业务交流,了解了他们在这方面的做法和经验,取得了丰硕的成果。 相似文献
今天同诸位在一起,我感到很荣幸,并对于你们邀请我到你们这美妙神奇的国家做客,表示感谢和敬意。对减少地震危险的共同兴趣,使我们会聚在一起。我工作和生活在南加州首府——洛杉矶,在那里从事结构工程工作已超过35年,且亲自见过破坏性地震的响(?)。这一地区曾不止一次地发生过造成生命伤亡和价值数百万美元财产损失的地震。通过多年的工作,我从很多地震效应中吸取不少有益的教训。 相似文献
人类还原到本源的自我,其实是感性的产物——感觉和情感对于我们来说更为真实和深刻。回归和融入自然是我们无论何时都需要的。因为这种回归不仅意味着远离现有的喧闹世界,与自己所爱的人独处,也意味着在自然的面貌下最本质的成长过程。 相似文献
Andrew Maynard Architects 《建筑技艺》2008,163(4)
该项目是澳大利亚建筑师Andrew Maynard建筑师事务所(www.andrewmaynard.com.au)最新完成的一个住宅改造扩建项目,原来是位于维多利亚Fitzroy North的一座三居室的房子.客户要求并不高,就是为家族中新增添的小家庭建一个新的起居室和厨房,同时要能保证有充分的自然光和足够高的空间,在扩建要求中,还包括一个厨房和一个灵活布置的工作室. 相似文献
John Lyle 《Landscape Research》2013,38(1):16-20
Every parkland provides habitats for wildlife. Wildlife is frequently recognised as a recreational asset. A few ancient parks are of outstanding national or regional importance for the conservation of invertebrates and epiphytic lichens associated with old trees and dead wood. The perpetuation of suitable habitat is essential if this conservation interest is to be maintained. 相似文献
以山西南部地区丁村明清民居为研究对象,分析了其地理位置、历史沿革、平面空间形态等特点,从结构用材、物理调节、防震加固、防潮排水等方面分析了其营造技术。对这一宝贵的建筑文化遗产,应进一步研究并加以借鉴。 相似文献
Bryan C. Conley 《The Annals of Regional Science》1967,1(1):180-189
Summary In summary, we can state that econometric evidence suggests an elasticity of -.35 for household uses in Southern California. This is comprised of elasticities of -.24 and -.7 for inside and outside uses respectively.The data on industrial demand is less evident, but suggests an elasticity of well above -1.0 for low prices of water, that is, before recirculation systems have been installed. Only those using ground water or brackish water are paying prices around 5¢ per thousand gallons or $15 per acre-foot (Prices here mean the cost of pumping and sometimes for a pumping tax of acquiring such water.). If these industries should begin paying marginal costs of supplying water, then we can expect a substantial reduction in water consumption by them as they use recirculation systems. For industries which derive water from municipal supplies, they are already paying relatively high prices for water and therefore have already initiated water saving devices. For them the price elasticity is probably quite low, around -.2 or highly inelastic.In agriculture, with substantial opportunity for factor substitution, but less than expected possibilities of pricing crops out of production, an elasticity of-.5 seems appropriate, although this figure must be interpreted with caution as the data is just not available to confirm this estimate.Combining the above, the fresh-water demand for water will be in the neighborhood of -.3, as municipal demands are the dominant factor determining demand in Southern California. An elasticity of -.3 which is actually rather close to previous studies, is still less elastic than most. However, these conclusions must be tentative awaiting the results of another half year of study on a very complex market for water.The Author is Lecturer in the Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles. 相似文献