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The stability of all single-base mismatched pairs between a peptide nucleic acid 11-mer and its complementary DNA has been quantified in terms of their melting temperature and compared with the limited amount of data published to date. The strength of the interaction was determined by an automated affinity-electrophoretic approach permitting the visualization, in real time, of hybridization between a physically immobilized peptide nucleic acid and a complementary DNA migrating in an electric field. The dissociation constants are in the range of 10(-7) M (for mismatches) to 10(-10) M (for fully complementary DNA), which are in excellent agreement with solution studies. These and other thermodynamic constants can be accurately, rapidly, and reproducibly measured in this system at concentrations approaching dissociation conditions by using fluorescently labeled DNA in conjunction with commercial DNA sequencers. The stability of single-base mismatched peptide nucleic acid-DNA duplexes depends both on the position as well as on the chemical nature of the mismatch. The stability is at a minimum when the mutation is positioned 4 bases from either terminus (a loss of 20 degreesC or more in the melting temperature) but regains substantial stability when the mismatch is at the center of the duplex. The most stable mismatched pairs are G:T and T:T whereas destabilization is maximal for A:A and G:G. These observations are of significance in the design of probes for detecting mutations by hybridization.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acid (PNA), originally developed as a gene-targeting drug, has demonstrated remarkable hybridization properties towards complementary oligonucleotides. Biosensors based on replacement of the DNA recognition layer with a PNA one, offer greatly improved distinction between closely related sequences, as well as several other attractive advantages. The present review discusses the unique structural, hybridization, and recognition features of PNA probes, along with the opportunities accrued from the use of PNA recognition layers in DNA diagnostics.  相似文献   

3-Nitropyrrole (M) was introduced as a non-discriminating 'universal' base in nucleic acid duplexes by virtue of small size and a presumed tendency to stack but not hydrogen bond with canonical bases. However, the absence of thermally-induced hyperchromic changes by single-stranded deoxyoligomers in which M alternates with A or C residues shows that M does not stack strongly with A or C nearest neighbors. Yet, the insertion of a centrally located M opposite any canonical base in a duplex is sometimes even less destabilizing than that of some mismatches, and the variation in duplex stability is small. In triplexes, on the other hand, an M residue centrally located in the third strand reduces triplex stability drastically even when the X.Y target base pair is A.T or G. C in a homopurine. homopyrimidine segment. But, when the target duplex opposition is M-T and the third strand residue is T, the presence of M in the test triplet has little effect on triplex stability. Therefore, a lack of hydrogen bonding in an otherwise helix-compatible test triplet cannot be responsible for triplex destabilization when M is the third strand residue. Thus, M is non-discriminating and none-too-destabilizing in a duplex, but in a triplex it is extremely destabilizing when in the third strand.  相似文献   

Chemically modified nucleic acids are currently being evaluated as potential antisense compounds for therapeutic applications. 2'-O-Ethylene glycol substituted oligoribonucleotides are second-generation antisense inhibitors of gene expression with promising features for in vivo use. Relative to DNA, they display improved RNA affinity and higher nuclease resistance. Moreover, chimeric oligonucleotides with 2'-O-methoxyethyl ribonucleoside wings and a central DNA phosphorothioate window have been shown to effectively reduce the growth of tumors in animal models at low doses. Using X-ray crystallography, we have determined the structures of three A-form DNA duplexes containing the following 2'-O-modified ribothymidine building blocks: 2'-O-methoxyethyl ribo-T, 2'-O-methyl[tri(oxyethyl)] ribo-T, and 2'-O-ethoxymethylene ribo-T. In contrast to 2'-O-ethylene glycol substituents, the presence of a 2'-O-ethoxymethylene group leads to slightly reduced RNA affinity of the corresponding oligonucleotides. The three structures allow a qualitative rationalization of the differing stabilities of duplexes between oligonucleotides comprising these types of 2'-O-modified ribonucleotides and complementary RNAs. The stabilizing 2'-O-ethylene glycol substituents are conformationally preorganized for the duplex state. Thus, the presence of one or several ethylene glycol moieties may reduce the conformational space of the substituents in an oligonucleotide single strand. In addition, most of these preferred conformations appear to be compatible with the minor groove topology in an A-type duplex. Factors that contribute to the conformational rigidity of the 2'-O-substituents are anomeric and gauche effects, electrostatic interactions between backbone and substituent, and bound water molecules.  相似文献   

The binding of a mixed-sequence pentadecamer PNA (peptide nucleic acid) containing all four nucleobases to the fully complementary as well as various singly mismatched RNA and DNA oligonucleotides has been systematically investigated using thermal denaturation and BIAcore surface-interaction techniques. The rate constants for association (k(a)) and dissociation (k(d)) of the duplex formation as well as the thermal stability (melting temperature, T(m)) of the duplexes have been determined. Upon binding to PNA tethered via a biotin-linker to streptavidin at the dextran/gold surface, DNA and RNA sequences containing single mismatches at various positions in the center resulted in increased dissociation and decreased association rate constants. T(m) values for PNA x RNA duplexes are on average 4 degrees C higher than for PNA x DNA duplexes and follow quantitatively the same variation with mismatches as do the PNA x DNA duplexes. Also a faster k(a) and a slower k(d) are found for PNA x RNA duplexes compared to the PNA x DNA duplexes. An overall fair correlation between T(m), k(a), and k(d) is found for a series of PNA x DNA and PNA x RNA duplexes although the determination of k(a) seemed to be prone to artifacts of the method and was not considered capable of providing absolute values representing the association rate constant in bulk solution.  相似文献   

Previous experiments on DNA sequence context reported that base modification, replication, and repair are affected by the nature of neighbor bases. We now report that repair by mammalian alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylases (APNG) of 15-mer oligonucleotides with a central 1,N6-ethenoadenine (epsilonA), flanked by 5' and 3' tandem bases, is also highly sequence dependent. Oligonucleotides with the central sequences -GGepsilonAGG- or -CCepsilonACC- are repaired 3-5-fold more efficiently than those containing -AAepsilonAAA- or -TTepsilonATT- when using human or mouse APNG. Melting curves of the same duplexes showed that oligomers with G.C/C. G neighbors were less denatured than those with A.T/T.A neighbors at 37 degreesC. This sequence-dependent difference in denaturation correlates with the relative thermodynamic stability of oligomers with G.C/C.G or A.T/T.A neighbors. The dependence of repair on thermal stability was confirmed by enzyme reactions performed over 0-45 degreesC. Under these conditions, repair of epsilonA flanked by G.C/C.G was dramatically increased at 37 degreesC with continuous increase up to 45 degreesC, in contrast to that with flanking A.T/T. A pairs, which was in agreement with the degree of denaturation of these duplexes. These results indicate that the thermodynamic stability conferred by base pairs flanking epsilonA plays an essential role in maintaining the integrity of the duplex structure which is necessary for repair.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) are mimics with normal bases connected to a pseudopeptide chain that obey Watson-Crick rules to form stable duplexes with itself and natural nucleic acids. This has focused attention on PNA as therapeutic or diagnostic reagents. Duplexes formed with PNA mirror some but not all properties of DNA. One fascinating aspect of PNA biochemistry is their reaction with enzymes. Here we show an enzyme reaction that operates effectively on a PNA/DNA hybrid duplex. A DNA oligonucleotide containing a cis, syn-thymine [2+2] dimer forms a stable duplex with PNA. The hybrid duplex is recognized by photolyase, and irradiation of the complex leads to the repair of the thymine dimer. This finding provides insight into the enzyme mechanism and provides a means for the selective repair of thymine photodimers.  相似文献   

Sequencing by the recently reported hybridization technique requires the formation of DNA duplexes with similar stabilities. In this paper we describe a new strategy to obtain DNA duplexes with a thermal stability independent of their AT/GC ratio content. Melting data were acquired on 35 natural and 27 modified duplexes of a given length and of varying base compositions. Duplexes built with AT and/or G4EtC base pairs exhibit a thermal stability restrained to a lower range of temperature than that of the corresponding natural compounds (16 instead of 51 degrees C). The 16 degrees C difference in thermal stability observed between the least stable and the most stable duplex built with AT and/or G4EtC base pairs is mainly due to the sequence effect and not to their AT/G4EtC ratio content. Thus N -4-ethyl-2'-deoxycytidine (d4EtC) hybridizes specifically with natural deoxyguanosine leading to a G4EtC base pair whose stability is very close to that of the natural AT base pair. Oligonucleotide probes involving d4EtC can be easily prepared by chemical synthesis with phosphoramidite chemistry. Modified DNA targets were successfully amplified by random priming or PCR techniques using d4EtCTP, dATP, dGTP and dTTP in the presence of DNA polymerase. This new system might be very useful for DNA sequencing by hybridization.  相似文献   

In order to realize immediate detection of a double stranded DNA amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), we applied Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) to the probe of DNA detection system using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). We report our success in immediate detection of PCR products solution with high sequence-specificity.  相似文献   

Surgery remains the primary treatment for early stage breast cancer. Modified radical mastectomy and lumpectomy with axillary dissection continue to be the two procedures most commonly performed. Changes in the healthcare system and advances in medical research in cancer treatment affect the nursing care of these patients. The introduction of the sentinel node biopsy may change certain aspects of surgical treatment, as some patients may not require an axillary dissection. The challenge for nurses is to provide quality care and maintain established standards for patients with breast cancer as their hospitalizations are shortened to same day or overnight stays. The purpose of this article is to review the standard surgical treatments and related nursing care and discuss the impact of the sentinel node biopsy and the impact of changes in the length of hospital stay on the care of women with breast cancer.  相似文献   

A recent analysis of the normal modes of vibration of a ring formed by bringing together and sealing, with or without the addition of twist, the ends of rods that are straight when stress free is taken as the basis for a theory of the statistical thermodynamics of a canonical ensemble of DNA minicircles with specified linking number difference deltaLk and number N of base pairs. It is assumed that N corresponds to a circumference in the range of one or two persistence lengths. For such an ensemble, the theory yields an expression for the average writhe (Wr), which can be employed to calculate the free energy, entropy, and enthalpy of supercoiling, deltaGsc, deltaSsc, and deltaHsc. The results obtained for the dependence of deltaGsc on deltaLk and N are in accord with experimental observations of equilibrium distributions of topoisomers of plasmids with N approximately 200 bp.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters are reported for hairpin formation in 1 M NaCl by RNA sequences of the type GGXANmAYCC, where XY is the set of four Watson-Crick base pairs and the underlined loop sequences are three to nine nucleotides. A nearest neighbor analysis of the data indicates the free energy of loop formation at 37 degrees C is dependent upon loop size and closing base pair. The model previously developed to predict the stability for RNA hairpin loops (n > 3) includes contributions from the size of the loop, the identity of the closing base pair, the free energy increment (deltaGo(37mm)) for the interaction of the closing base pair with the first mismatch and an additional stabilization term for GA and UU first mismatches [Serra, M. J., Axenson, T. J., & Turner, D. H. (1994) Biochemistry 33, 14289]. The results presented here allow improvements in the parameters used to predict RNA hairpin stability. For hairpin loops of n = 4-9, deltaGo(37iL)(n) is 4.9, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 4.9, and 5.5 kcal/mol, respectively, and the penalty for hairpin closure by AU or UA is +0.6 kcal/mol. deltaGo(37iL)(n) is the free energy for initiating a loop of n nucleotides. The model for predicting hairpin loop stability for loops larger than three becomes deltaGo(37L)(n) = deltaGo(37iL)(n) + deltaGo(37mm) + 0.6(if closed by AU or UA) - 0.7(if first mismatch is GA or UU). Hairpin loops of three are modeled as independent of loop sequence with deltaGo(37iL)(3) = 4.8 and the penalty for AU closure of +0.6 kcal/mol. Thermodynamic parameters for hairpin formation in 1 M NaCl for 11 naturally occurring RNA hairpin sequences are reported. The model provides good agreement with the measured values for both T(M) (within 10 degrees C of the measured value) and deltaGo(37) (within 0.8 kcal/mol of the measured value) for hairpin formation. In general, the nearest neighbor model allows prediction of RNA hairpin stability to within 5-10% of the experimentally measured values.  相似文献   

漏钢预报系统属于高效连铸生产的关键工艺和装备。作为漏钢预报核心技术的模型是目前技术开发和运用的热点和难点。本文从连铸漏钢预报工程技术实际出发,总结铸坯振痕和裂纹生成的规律,介绍了坯壳生长热力学模型及其振痕、厚度模型;同时基于漏钢预报流行的热电偶测温方法,介绍了结晶器埋设热电偶间距的优化模型、基于结晶器铜板热传播的漏钢预报逻辑判断模型、热电偶网络化的漏钢预报逻辑判断模型及其神经网络模型,并对这些模型在现场的实际应用效果进行了评价。  相似文献   

The changes in hardness and room temperature impact toughness of Hastelloy ∗ Alloy X∗Hastelloy is a registered trademark of Cabot Corporation. after aging at 1000, 1200, 1400 and 1600°F (538, 649, 760 and 871°) for times up to 10,000 h were investigated. The alloy exhibits age-hardening at 1200 and 1400°F (649 and 760°).’A slight hardness increase was observed at 1600°F (871°) followed by overaging after 4000 h. No age-hardening was observed at 1000°F (538°) up to 10,000 h. Aging at all temperatures resulted in a substantial drop in room temperature impact toughness. The microstructure after aging was characterized by optical metallography and X-ray diffraction, while fracture mode was characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results suggest that the toughness degradation is primarily associated with carbide precipitation. M6C’ type carbides are believed to be the major phase precipitated during aging at all temperatures, although σ and μphases were also detected after 10,000 h at 1400 and 1600°F (760 and 871°), respectively.  相似文献   

The determination of thermal condition of the blast furnace is necessary for various reasons, such as to facilitate the operation, maintain a stable furnace condition, predict heat or heat tendency of the furnace and predict hot metal temperature (HMT). It can become a tool for controlling the product quality of the blast furnace. This paper presents a mathematical model for estimating the thermal tendency of the blast furnace. The thermal condition of the blast furnace is represented as thermal energy index, wherein a high thermal energy index denotes heating up of furnace, while a low thermal energy index indicates chilling down of furnace. Using this model, one could hypothetically estimate the thermal condition of the blast furnace in real time. Thereby, corrective controllable actions can be taken on real time to attain the desired HMT before the arrival of actual hot metal analysis.  相似文献   

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