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Many studies have documented faster engraftment after transplantation with peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) compared to bone marrow (BM) stem cells. Most comparisons, however, have been between unprimed BM and primed PBSC. We have collected engraftment data on 39 patients from 4 Danish centres and compared G-CSF primed BM with G-CSF primed PBSC in malignant lymphoma and solid tumours. In the lymphoma group 6 BM transplants were compared with 8 PBSC transplants, whereas in the testicular cancer group 16 BM transplants were compared with 9 PBSC transplants. In the lymphoma group, the time to platelet engraftment (platelets >20x10(9)/l unsupported) was median 15 d in PBSC transplants and median 34 d in BM transplants (p=0.003). In the solid tumour patients the difference in time to platelet engraftment was 11 and 18 d in PBSC and BM transplants, respectively (p<0.0001). In an attempt to explain this difference we performed CD34+ subset analysis of BM and PBSC. This analysis revealed a higher content of lineage restricted cells (CD34+CD61+ and CD34+GlyA+) in PBSC compared to BM. In conclusion, G-CSF mobilized PBSC seems to result in faster engraftment than G-CSF primed BM, which could be explained by an increased number of lineage specific progenitors in PBSC compared to BM.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human clinical and non-clinical sources in Trinidad to bacteriophages and antimicrobial agents was determined. The ability of the strains to produce enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) was also investigated. Of the 554 strains tested, 454 (81.8%) were susceptible to international phage set (IPS) phages with strains isolated from bacteruria (57.1%) and bacteremia (53.3%) having a low sensitivity compared to isolates from aspirates (87.3%) and anterior nares (97.4%). All sources combined, strains were most susceptible to phages belonging to several groups (mixed). Overall, 419 (75.6%) strains were resistant to one or more of nine antimicrobial agents tested. Resistance to penicillin was most prevalent, with 413 (74.5%) strains found to be resistant. Prevalence of resistance to tetracycline, gentamicin, oxacillin, cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin was 5.1%, 2.0%, 0.7%, 0.4% and 0.4%, respectively. Of the 554 strains tested, 307 (55.4%) produced staphylococcal enterotoxins A (SEA), B (SEB), C (SEC) and D (SED) singly or in combination. Strains recovered from high vaginal swabs were least enterotoxigenic (40.0%) as compared to umbilical infection isolates which were most enterotoxigenic (78.9%). TSST-1 was produced by 95 (19.0%) out of 499 strains tested, with isolates from bacteruria found to be most toxigenic (33.3%). It was concluded that the S. aureus strains tested were highly susceptible to bacteriophages and antimicrobial agents (except penicillin) and that enterotoxigenic and TSST-1 producers were widespread and have an aetiologic potential.  相似文献   

Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus obtained from apparently healthy cattle in the State of Paraiba, Brazil were characterized in relation to resistance to 21 antimicrobial agents. Among the 46 isolates obtained, resistance to penicillin was most frequent, followed by resistance to cadmium, streptomycin, arsenate, tetracycline, mercury, erythromycin and kanamycin/neomycin. All isolates were susceptible to fusidic acid, ethidium bromide, cetrimide, chloramphenicol, benzalkonium chloride, doxycycline, gentamicin, methicillin, minocycline, novobiocin, rifamycin, tylosin and vancomycin. Only six isolates were susceptible to all the drugs tested. With respect to the antibiotics, multi-resistant isolates were uncommon. These results are probably a consequence of the peculiarities of local drug usage pressures. In relation to metal ions, resistance to mercury was rare while resistance to arsenate was relatively frequent, which contrasts with the situation for human Staph. aureus strains. After treatment with ethidium bromide, elimination of resistance to penicillin, tetracycline, streptomycin, erythromycin and cadmium was observed, which was consistent with the genetic determinants being plasmid-borne.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus strains of different host-adapted variants (Meyer 1966) have been tested for their ability to use inorganic sulfur sources. All the 25 strains tested were able to utilize sodium sulfide as sulfur source in a medium similar to that described by Kloos and Pattee (1965). Using S. aureus strain 116/74 grown in a medium containing Na2-35S as the only sulfur source we studied incorporation and insertion of inorganic sulfide into sulfur containing amino acids. In disintegrated and fractionated cellular material we could find 35S labelled homocystine and methionine as major compounds, and cystine, cysteic acid, homocysteic acid, and beta-sulphopyruvate as minor compounds. The occurrence of homocystine and the sulfonic acids in bacterial proteins is rather uncommon.  相似文献   

Fifty methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) initial isolates obtained from patients hospitalized in the orthopedic clinic of the Frankfurt University Hospital and 150 methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates were investigated in this study to determine whether the Slidex Staph-Kit is capable of differentiating between MRSA and MSSA owing to its unique performance characteristics. The Slidex Staph-Kit is a combined latex hemagglutination test designed to detect clumping factor, protein A, and a specific surface immunogen for S. aureus. Clumping factor-positive strains cause erythrocytes sensitized with fibrinogen to hemagglutinate, thereby resulting in visible red clumps. S. aureus strains deficient in clumping factor agglutinate latex particles sensitized with specific antibodies against surface proteins of S. aureus, thereby resulting in visible white clumps. Our results demonstrate that white clumping has a 99% specificity as well as a 98% positive predictive value for MRSA. Clumping factor-negative MRSA, which have been reported to occur in several countries, are epidemic in the Frankfurt area and account for 80% of all MRSA initial isolates in the orthopedic clinic of the Frankfurt University Hospital. Genotyping of all MRSA isolates by macrorestriction analysis of chromosomal DNA revealed that 83% of clumping factor-negative MRSA are closely related to the "southern-German" epidemic strain. This is the first study demonstrating the Slidex Staph-Kit's capability for identifying epidemic clumping factor-negative S. aureus strains as methicillin resistant even prior to antimicrobial susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

Efb (previously Fib) is a fibrinogen-binding protein secreted by Staphylococcus aureus. It has previously been shown that it plays a role in a wound infection model in the rat and that antibodies against Efb reduce the number of recovered bacteria from the mammary glands in a mouse mastitis model. Efb binds to the alpha-chain of fibrinogen and does not participate in bacterial adherence to fibrinogen. The binding of Efb to fibrinogen is divalent, with one binding site within the two repeat regions in Efb at the N terminus and one binding site at the C terminus. The divalent binding nature leads to precipitation of Efb-fibrinogen complex when the proteins are added to each other at a 1:1 molar ratio. The interaction between Efb and fibrinogen is strongly enhanced by Ca2+ or Zn2+ but not by Mg2.  相似文献   

This study was carried out on 100 nasal swabs collected from medical personnel (nurses and doctors) and patients inside hospital environment and also from 50 individuals outside hospital. The swabs were inoculated on different culture media for isolation of /staphylococci which were further identified as S. aureus either by classic bacteriologic methods or by one of rapid screening test of S. aureus. The isolated strains were tested for antibiotic sensitivity to some of B-Lactam antibiotics and to other antibiotics. The results showed that significantly higher percentage of coagulase + ve Staph. were isolated from newborn nursery (90%), operating theatre (71.4%) and hemodialysis unit (60%) than those isolated from intensive care unit, cancer chemotherapy, surgery, chest, internal medicine departments (25%, 26.6%, 31.2%, 33.3%, 50%) respectively. It also showed significant difference in isolation rate between persons at the hospital (patients, doctors and nurses) 44% and controls (normal population) 26%. Most isolates of coagulase + ve Staph. were resistant to penicillin G (93.2%), Streptomycin (77.3%), tetracycline (61.4%) and sensitive to cefamandole (95.4%). All coagulase+ve Staph. isolates were resistant to sulphonamide and methicillin and all sensitive to vancomycin.  相似文献   

Considering that there's a lack of information concerning the risks of radiation exposure in pregnancy, the author identifies such risks and estimates its magnitude. He underlines the fact that radiological examinations deliver lower doses in relation to those that can be proved to be malefic to the embryo, both in the somatic and genetic plan.  相似文献   

A total of 436 Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia strains isolated between 1959 and 1990 were tested for the production of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) by a semiquantitative reversed passive latex agglutination test. TSST-1 production was found in 147/260 (57%) of phage group I strains, excluding the "80" complex, and in 17/176 (10%) of non-group I strains. Strains of the 52, 52A, 80, 81 complex ("80" complex), constituting a subgroup of group I, did not have the same high frequency of TSST-1 production as the rest of group I strains (4% versus 57%). The "80" complex has almost disappeared in Denmark. TSST-1 production was found with the same high frequency among group I strains from the beginning (1959) and throughout the observation period. The TSST-1 production was associated with the phages 29 and/or 52, which in turn lysed 95% of group I strains. The TSST-1 production was quantitatively greater in the phage group I strains than in the non-group I strains. TSST-1 production of the bacteremia strains was not correlated to the clinical parameters: mortality, age, gender, bacterial focus, underlying diseases, or whether the infection was hospital or community acquired.  相似文献   

Drug susceptibility of 430 Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in 1991 from clinical specimens at all of the Japanese national university hospitals was evaluated in relationship with the epidemiological markers, namely, coagulase typing, and staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1) production. There were five major methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) groups in all the 252 MRSA strains: coagulase-type II-SEC + TSST-1- producing strains (II-SEC + TSST-1): 34.5%; coagulase-type II-no toxin-producing strains (II-): 15.4%; coagulase-type IV-SEA-producing strains (IV-SEA): 10.3%; coagulase-type II-SEA + SEC + TSST-1- producing strains (II-SEA + SEC + TSST-1): 8.7%; and coagulase-type III-no toxin-producing strains (III-): 7.1%. II-SEA + SEC + TSST-1 group was highly resistant to OFLX, whereas half of the other strain groups were sensitive to OFLX. Seventy-eight percent of the IV-SEA group was sensitive to FMOX, but there was no sensitive strain to FMOX in the II-SEA + SEC + TSST-1 group. More than 50% of the IV-SEA, III- and II-groups were sensitive to IPM, while the II-SEC + TSST-1 and II-SEA + SEC + TSST-1 groups were highly resistant to IPM. The III- and II-groups showed very good sensitivity to MINO, but the sensitivity to it of the II-SEA + SEC + TSST-1 group was very low. All of the strain groups were sensitive to ST except for the IV-SEA group. These results may provide useful information in the choice of antibacterial agents for MRSA infection.  相似文献   

Minimal inhibition concentrations (MIC) of gentamycin (Ge), neomycin (Neo), rifampicin (Rif), ampicillin (Amp), lincomycin (Lin), erythromycin (Ery), and streptomycin (STM) were determined by the agar dilution technique using 46, 130, 131, 125, 140, 139 and 142 strains of Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. The strains, selected from the collection of the authors' laboratory, were isolated from mammary gland secretions of cows affected with clinical or subclinical mastitis. The following ranges of MIC (micrograms/ml) were assessed for the antibiotics under study: Ge 0.125-0.50, Neo 0.06-0.50, Rif 0.0039-0.030, Amp 0.015-1.00, Lin 0.25-1.00, Ery 0.06-0.25, STM 0.50-64.0. Modal MIC (micrograms/ml) were as follows; Ery 0.125 (86%), Lin 0.5 (71.4%), Rif 0.007 (68.7%), Ge 0.25 (56.5%), STM 1.00 (54.2%), Neo 0.25 (53.8%), Amp 0.06 (41.6%). The order of efficiency expressed in MIC 90 (micrograms/ml) was as follows: Rif (0.015), Ery (0.125), Ge (0.25), Neo (0.25), Amp (0.5), STM (4.0).  相似文献   

IS256 elements are present in multiple copies in the staphylococcal genome, either flanking the transposon Tn4001 or independent of it. PCR-based analysis of inter-IS256 spacer polymorphisms was developed for typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococcus epidermidis strains. Using SmaI macrorestriction analysis resolved by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) as the reference method for MRSA typing, excellent reproducibility (100%), discriminatory power (97%), and in vivo stability were observed. Good concordance of the results with those of other molecular typing methods was found for two MRSA collections. Inter-IS256 PCR analysis of a U.S. collection of MRSA strains (n = 36), previously characterized by 15 typing methods, showed more limited discrimination. Agreement was 78% with PFGE analysis and 83% with ribotyping (HindIII). Analysis of a second set of Belgian MRSA strains (n = 17), categorized into two widespread epidemic clones by PFGE analysis, showed 65% agreement. For typing of S. epidermidis strains (n = 26), inter-IS256 PCR showed complete typeability (100%) and good discriminatory power (85%). Inter-IS256 PCR analysis is proposed as an efficient molecular typing assay for epidemiological studies of MRSA or S. epidermidis isolates.  相似文献   

Susceptibility tests with aminoglycosides against Staphylococcus aureus have revealed discrepancies between the minimal inhibitory concentrations and the minimal bactericidal concentrations. To further evaluate these discrepancies, kill curves were performed against a susceptible strain of S. aureus with five different aminoglycosides (amikacin, kanamycin, tobramycin, gentamicin, sisomicin) at concentrations up to 16-fold above the minimal inhibitory concentration. Results revealed the presence of small subpopulations of cells capable of growth within 24 h in concentrations of aminoglycoside up to eightfold above the minimal inhibitory concentration for the parent strain. These subpopulations occurred at a frequency of >/=10(-7) parent cells, were not physiologically different from the susceptible parent strains, and were present in approximately one-half of 30 strains of S. aureus tested. The resistance of these subpopulations was approximately eightfold higher than that of the parent for all five aminoglycosides and was independent of concentration or type of aminoglycoside used to select them. This resistance was not due to extracellular degradation of drug and was stable over eight transfers in drug-free medium, except when selected by gentamicin or sisomicin.  相似文献   

A short-term, problem-focused Individual Psychological Support (IPS) intervention was evaluated. The IPS was one of the interventions in a study where 527 patients newly diagnosed with breast, colorectal, gastric or prostate cancer were randomised between IPS (n = 265) and a control condition (n = 262). The IPS made use of cognitive-behavioural techniques and aimed at reducing depression and anxiety, to increase the feeling of mastery of the situation and to facilitate active participation in medical treatments. Half of the patients receiving the IPS had more than 2 sessions. After termination of the IPS, the patients were mailed a questionnaire concerning satisfaction with and perceived benefit from the IPS. A majority of the responding patients stated that their problems were addressed to a great extent, that the number of contacts was adequate and that the IPS came at the right time. Patients reporting problems received more sessions and perceived more benefits than patients reporting no problems.  相似文献   

In blood coagulation, units of the protein fibrinogen pack together to form a fibrin clot, but a crystal structure for fibrinogen is needed to understand how this is achieved. The structure of a core fragment (fragment D) from human fibrinogen has now been determined to 2.9 A resolution. The 86K three-chained structure consists of a coiled-coil region and two homologous globular entitles oriented at approximately 130 degrees to each other. Additionally, the covalently bound dimer of fragment D, known as 'double-D', was isolated from human fibrin, crystallized in the presence of a Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-amide peptide ligand, which simulates the donor polymerization site, and its structure solved by molecular replacement with the model of fragment D.  相似文献   

There will be many changes in the sleep field in the next 5 to 10 years. These will include increments in our knowledge of the basic neurobiologic mechanisms driving sleep and the impact of sleep loss on general health. The technology used in the sleep laboratory will likely change as well, leading to a larger range of available tests and new ways to conduct standard ones. Finally, as the knowledge base in sleep increases, the expertise required to practice sleep medicine will rise, leading to a better-trained, more focused practitioner.  相似文献   

In this report, the characterization of a Staphylococcus aureus operon containing two LytSR-regulated genes, lrgA and lrgB, is described. Sequence and mutagenesis studies of these genes suggest that lrgA encodes a murein hydrolase exporter similar to bacteriophage holin proteins while lrgB may encode a protein having murein hydrolase activity.  相似文献   

The production of exfoliative toxins A and B (ETA and ETB) by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitic cow's milk and farm bulk milk was examined by the reverse passive latex agglutination method (RPLA). ETA was detected in 2 (1.2%) of 162 isolates from mastitic cow's milk and in 1 (0.6%) of 166 isolates from farm bulk milk. RPLA titers of these isolates were much lower than in human isolates. No ETB was detected in any of the isolates tested. These ETA-positive isolates belonged to bovine ecovar. They were non-typable using the international phage set for human strains. When these ETA-positive isolates were subcutaneously inoculated into neonatal mice, general exfoliation of the epidermis accompanied by the so-called Nikolsky sign was not recognized. By the immunoblotting and PCR methods, however, ETA and eta gene were recognized in the ETA-positive isolates from mastitic cow's milk and farm bulk milk. These data suggest that ETA is also produced by bovine isolates of S. aureus, but in smaller quantities.  相似文献   

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