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农田灌溉的几项节水技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省人民胜利利渠是新中国成立后在黄河中下游兴建的第一座大型引黄灌溉工程。自1952年开灌以来,围绕节水灌溉,先后进行了不同材料的渠道衬砌防渗试验,采用U型混凝土衬砌渠槽防渗防淤试验,在旱作地区采用涌流灌及在水稻区采用湿润灌等试验研究,均取得了较好的节水效果,节水率达到20% ̄50%,特别是在水管理上,采用0-1整数规划进行轮灌组合,使配水工作更加科学,不仅能缩短灌水时间,而且还能达到节水减淤的目  相似文献   

咸水灌溉试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
汾河灌区地面灌溉水源严重短缺,影响着灌区农业生产发展。但灌区内存在着大量未开发的浅层咸水资源,这部分水资源属于劣质高矿化度水。为了利用这部分水源进行农田灌溉,对其进行了试验研究。  相似文献   

宁夏南部窖水区移动式滴灌应用技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
着重研究了全移动窑窖滴灌技术的设计、设备配套与选型。确定了合理的水泵型号,适合窑窖滴灌的灌水器、过滤器。在管网布局上突出了窑窖滴灌的灵活性与适应性。提出电动加压移动滴灌模式为1套移动设备控制4眼窖,滴灌8亩地,简称“1.4.8”模式;手动加压移动滴灌为1套移动设备控制2眼窖,滴灌4亩地,简称“1.2.4”模式。  相似文献   


The Southeastern Anatolia Project-GAP is an integrated regional development project implemented in southeast Turkey. The project cows all development-related sectors such as agriculture, industry, health care, education. tourism, transportation, and telecommunications.

Water resources development is one most important component of the project. Rational use of water is the goal in every aspect of development, be it hydropower, irrigation, or flood control. To complement the efforts to optimize water use in irrigated agriculture, a project has been carried out in regard to on-farm equipment and management of water. This paper describes several equipment and management combinations, applied to a very large irrigation area. ranging from gravity to sprinkler irrigation, and from upstream to downstream control of water.

Five different applications are analyzed in this study along with their technical, economic, and operational merits and disadvantages.

The project area is selected in the Sanliurfa-Harran Plains, the largest one-piece scheme to be opened to irrigation in GAP It is owned and cultivated by private farmers, and as such, it is expected to act as a large-scale, real-world laboratory to test different irrigation practices in actual conditions.  相似文献   

李高峰 《山西水利》2010,26(5):28-29
如何将农业耕作措施的改进同节水灌溉结合起来,使有限的水资源发挥更大的潜力,在一定土地面积上生产更多更好的农产品,满足人民群众日益增长的物质需要,合理的种植模式和先进的耕种方法显得尤为重要。通过对汾河灌区传统模式和耕作习惯利弊的分析研究,提出采用科学的耕作模型和节水灌溉方法,以保证农业和水资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

The irrigation performance criteria of equity and adequacy are of primary concern for irrigation managers. The input data required at various scales to assess irrigation performance, often not available, need costly intensive field campaigns. Remote sensing techniques, used to directly estimate crop evapotranspiration (ETc), became recently an attractive option to assess irrigation performance from individual fields to irrigation scheme or river basin scale. In this study, ETc maps were obtained by combining the FAO-56 dual approach with relationships between crop biophysical variables and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), using high spatial resolution time series of SPOT and Landsat images. This approach was applied for 2002/2003 growing season in Haouz plain, Morocco. Remote sensing-based indicators, reflecting equity and adequacy of the irrigation water delivery were estimated. Adequacy was determined according to Relative Irrigation supply (RIS), Depleted Fraction (DF) and Relative Evapotranspiration (RET) and equity according to the coefficient of variation of ETc. The analysis of these indicators exhibits a great variability among fields. Variability in irrigation performance at all levels, associated factors and possible improvements are discussed. This study demonstrates how remote sensing-based estimates of water consumption provide better estimates of irrigation performance at different scales than the traditional field survey methods.  相似文献   

有机污回用于农业灌溉的EM处理技术展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在阐述EM的功效、我国污水处理和污水灌溉中存在的主要问题以及EM处理有机污水机理的基础上 ,对我国应用EM处理有机废水和污水灌溉作了展望 .提出今后要在进一步弄清EM污水处理机理、规范其有效使用方法的前提下 ,扩大EM技术在污水处理、污水农业灌溉等方面的推广应用 ,创造出符合中国国情的EM应用技术及工艺  相似文献   

Areas of water shortage comprise many smaller sub-areas into which water is transported from external sources. Fairness and efficiency of distribution are overriding principles. Each local area requires adequate water for community and ecological purposes as well as a supply sufficient to maximise economic growth. Within arid and semi-arid areas, there are conflicts between the sub-areas and between these three types of water use, which can erupt into violent confrontations between different user groups. This study has developed a dynamic model for equitable distribution of water in water-shortage areas and aims to optimally satisfy the requirements of each locality, given limited supplies, and to maximise the total economic benefit of the entire area. The Heihe River Basin in northwest China was chosen as the area for the pilot study.  相似文献   

滴灌在高效节水农业工程中的应用设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滴灌在严重缺水地区应用非常有效,文章以新疆地区昭苏县农业灌溉项目为例,对滴灌设计的各过程进行了详细论述,在进行高新节水技术设计时具有一定的借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   

扬水灌区灌溉用水量浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对运城地区大中型扬水站1984-1999年亩用水量统计分析,提出大中型泵站应综合灌芡产业结构调整和实际灌溉情况,并考虑1997年的旱情,对各站进行规模复核,对有富余供水能力又有发展条件的泵站,建议进行扩大灌区规模设计,以便充分发挥现有工程设施的作用。对规划灌区,要充分考虑农村产业结构调整,及已成灌区亩毛用水量,建议灌溉建设保证率取50%。  相似文献   

灌区优化配水研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国水资源缺乏、农业灌溉用水低效的现象,介绍了非充分灌溉优化配水技术、灌区水库调度的国内外研究状况,分析了存在的有关问题,提出了可能的解决途径。  相似文献   

M. Dinesh Kumar 《国际水》2013,38(3):341-345

Situated in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, the Guadalquivir river basin's irrigation systems suffer from frequent water shortage due to the shortfall in this basin's average hydrological balance. Viable solutions are non-existent in the Spanish hydrological planning framework, neither in the Guadalquivir river basin nor in what the National Hydrological Plan (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2001) has to offer. Therefore, it is necessary to turn to economic tools in order to find solutions, which will affect the demand or the reallocation of resources. In this study, a method that calculates the water productivity of an irrigation system and compares the result with the water cost paid by farmers is proposed and put into practice. The economic viability of resource reallocation and the application of the cost recovery principle can be studied using this data and can help with the more efficient use of water resources.  相似文献   

宁蒙引黄灌区节水途径初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅国斌 《人民黄河》2000,22(12):25-26
根据宁蒙灌区的自然地理条件、社会经济发展水平和灌区工程等情况,分析了灌区目前存在的主要问题,指出了该区节水灌溉的主要途径:采取以渠系改造为中心的工程技术措施;发展以地面灌溉为中心的先进灌溉技术;积极发展井渠双灌,充分利用当地水源;向多种节水型技术扩展;建立节水示范区等。  相似文献   

Zhang  Jinping  Li  Hongbin  Shi  Xixi  Hong  Yang 《Water Resources Management》2019,33(8):2941-2954
Water Resources Management - Aiming at revealing the nonlinear relations between rainfall, crop water requirement and irrigation water in the irrigation district, and improving the accuracy of...  相似文献   

以某地区2007-2016年灌溉用水水利用效率为研究对象,分析其变化规律及提出相应的节水改造对策,主要得到以下成果:2007-2012年,该区域的大型灌区水利用效率呈直线增加,2012-2016年,增加速率较缓;2007-2013年,该区域的中型灌区水利用效率由0.4918增加至0.5320,增加了8.17%,2007-2010年,该区域的小型灌区水利用效率变化较大,2007-2016年,该区域纯井灌区水利用效率逐渐增大;通过有效的管理水资源的利用及对农户的教育可以有效提高灌区水利用效率;建设节水减水工程、改变灌溉方式可以提高水资源的利用效率;通过采用深层耕种、覆膜或秸秆覆盖等方式可以提高土壤的保水能力.  相似文献   

漳河灌区节水灌溉投资效益评价的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利的基础地位、发展需要及根据水利自身的特点发展水利经济的内容,决定水利工程所需的投资及其效益。从保障湖北省漳河灌区节水灌溉投资效益评价的合理化,对漳河灌区节水灌溉投资效益评价进行分析。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to assess the potential for potable water savings in office buildings located in Florianópolis, southern Brazil. The embodied energy of four alternatives to reduce potable water demand, i.e., rainwater harvesting, greywater reuse, dual-flush toilets and water-saving taps, was also assessed. The analyses took into account the potable water end-uses for ten buildings. The potential for potable water savings by using rainwater, as well as, the rainwater tank sizing were estimated using computer simulation. As for greywater reuse, it was considered that greywater from lavatory taps could be treated and reused to flush toilets. The potential for potable water savings by using water-saving plumbing fixtures was estimated by considering the replacement of toilets and taps. In order to estimate the embodied energy in the main components, each system was dimensioned and embodied energy indices were applied. The main result is that the potential for potable water savings by using dual-flush toilets ranges from 21.6 % to 57.4 %; by reusing greywater, it ranges from 6.8 % to 38.4 %; by using rainwater, it ranges from 6.1 % to 21.2 %; by using water-saving taps it ranges from 2.7 % to 15.4 %. However, by considering the embodied energy, the average for the ten buildings indicates that dual-flush toilets are the best choice as it is possible to obtain water savings of 5.50 m3/month per GJ of embodied energy, followed, respectively, by water-saving taps, greywater reuse and rainwater usage. The main conclusion is that the assessment of embodied energy should be considered when evaluating potable water savings in buildings as it helps to identify the best alternatives to save more water while causing less environmental impact.  相似文献   

金子山隧道是宜万铁路8座长大一级风险隧道之一,隧址地形、地貌复杂,地质条件多变,施工中不良地质灾害频发,施工难度很大。以金子山隧道穿越F2岩溶富水破碎带施工为工程背景,详细介绍了隧道穿越该断层破碎带的施工方案。为合理评价隧道的稳定性,在现场监测基础上提出了基于承载体变位分析的位移量(率)评价标准,将这一标准运用到金子山隧道穿越岩溶富水破碎带的施工监测中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

通过划分灌溉区监测典型村庄的灌溉面积、亩均灌水量、灌溉次数的典型点法和划分埋深分区测定不同埋深区电水转换系数的电水转换法,分别对试验区沧县2012年农业灌溉用水量进行了计算。分析了两种计量方法的优点与不足,在实际应用中如两种方法能有效结合,即农业灌溉地表水用水量的计量采用典型点法,地下水用水量的计量采用电水转化法,其计量结果更接近实际。  相似文献   

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