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The problems associated with the computer contouring of fabric diagrams have been investigated with the aim of producing continuous, flowing, curved-line contours. This aim has been achieved by piecewise surface-fitting, using a 16-term exact fit 6th-order polynomial. Additional facilities provided by the new FORTRAN IV routines, written for a Honeywell 66/80 computer, include choice of projection (equal area or stereographic), choice of contour interval, and choice of contouring grid (square, stereographic equilinear, or stereographic equiangular).  相似文献   

The interactive editing and contouring of empirical fields   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A system for the interactive editing and contouring of surfaces derived from empirical fields is described. The approach taken begins with the representation of a field as a general-order, nonuniform, tensor-product, B-spline surface. It provides an interactive display for editing the surface by control-vertex manipulation and a contouring algorithm that is specifically designed for the fast and robust contouring of B-spline surfaces. Interactive editing of the resulting model is feasible because of the local nature of editing changes when B-splines are used. The use of nonuniform B-splines gives the flexibility required to model highly irregular data efficiently  相似文献   

In the first paper of this series it was shown that any unquantified formula p in the collection MLSSF (multilevel syllogistic extended with the singleton operator and the predicate Finite) can be decomposed as a disjunction of set-theoretic formulae called syllogistic schemes. The syllogistic schemes are satisfiable and no two of them have a model in common, therefore the previous result already implied the decidability of the class MLSSF by simply checking if the set of syllogistic schemes associated with the given formula is empty.In the first section of this paper a new and improved searching algorithm for syllogistic schemes is introduced, based on a proof of existence of a minimum effort scheme for any given satisfiable formula in MLSF. The algorithm addressed above can be piloted quite effectively even though it involves backtracking.In the second part of the paper, complexity issues are studied by showing that the class of () o 1 -simple prenex formulae (an extension of MLS) has a decision problem which is NP-complete. The decision algorithm that proves the membership of this decision problem to NP can be seen as a different decision algorithm for MLS.Research supported by ENI and ENIDATA within the AXL project.  相似文献   

基于COM技术的自动化开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
COM技术是一种优秀的软件组件技术。文章概括地介绍了COM技术中的自动化技术,实现了将Microsoft应用程序的Excel作为客户机,在VBA中调用C 自动化组件DLL的一个例子。  相似文献   

Convex contouring of volumetric data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we present a fast, table-driven isosurface extraction technique on volumetric data. Unlike Marching Cubes or other cell-based algorithms, the proposed polygonization generates convex negative space inside individual cells, enabling fast collision detection on the triangulated isosurface. In our implementation, we are able to perform over 2 million point classifications per second. The algorithm is driven by an automatically constructed lookup table that stores compact decision trees by sign configurations. The decision trees determine triangulations dynamically by values at cell corners. Using the same technique, we can perform fast, crack-free multiresolution contouring on nested grids of volumetric data. The method can also be extended to extract isosurfaces on arbitrary convex, space-filling polyhedra.  相似文献   

An adaptive method of contouring a bivariate surface defined over arbitrarily spaced data in two dimensions is introduced. The method has two stages: 1. Produce a Bézier polynomial surface defined over a union of triangles. 2. Use this surface to compute the required contour levels. Using positional data only, this method produces a C1-continuous surface and contours which can be made arbitrarily close to being C1-continuous. The contour is represented as a piecewise linear approximation to the C1-continuous contour.The method computes a linear representation of the surface in the neighborhood of the contour using an adaptive degree reduction algorithm. This algorithm is used to minimize the number of subdivisions necessary to obtain the desired smoothness of the contour. As a result of this adaptive subdivision, no contours are missed due to the coarseness of the original data points.  相似文献   

Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) have the potential to substantially improve the productivity of mid-volume, mid-variety production. The introduction of these systems into industry must be done on the basis of cost justification. Such justification has historically been possible through the use of easily measurable costs such as labor, inventory reduction, and reduced scrap. In the case of flexible automation, the value of flexibility is difficult if not impossible to measure. This paper attempts to provide a measure of the value of flexibility by comparing the costs of a typical fixed automation approach, with those of a transfer line (TL) in the same management environment. It is concluded that there is economic value to flexibility under many circumstances.  相似文献   

配网自动化系统的集成建设方法的要点是,配网自动化系统除了直接采集配电终端的数据之外,还通过遵循IEC 61970 CCAPI系列的规范,搭建PI数据库系统,以多种方式实现配网自动化系统与调度自动化系统、配网地理信息系统和计量自动化系统的数据交互,实现动态数据、静态参数和模型、图形的集成.该集成方法能够满足配网自动化系统对数据的实时性要求.  相似文献   

A contouring program based on dual kriging interpolation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
For contouring very large data sets, such as those arising from 3-D finite element computations, for instance, or in numerical cartography, a computer program based on dual kriging interpolation was developed at École Polytechnique for the Castor project (a multidisciplinary research and development work in computational software for hydroelectric projects). The dual kriging technique presented here simplifies considerably the handling of interpolated data and is especially useful for 3-D applications. It also containsspline interpolation as a particular case and theleast squares method as a limit case. In order to minimize the computational effort, several original features have been incorporated in this program: (1) the concept ofdistance of influence was introduced to allow the algorithm, when evaluating the interpolation value at a given location, to discard data points that are situated too far apart; (2)arbitrary geometric domains are decomposed into simpler regions, inside which the requested contours are drawn directly by scanning vertical slices from left to right, instead of building each contour line sequentially as in direct contouring; (3) contour lines may also be stored in arandom access database (this last feature was added to enable the automatic assembly of isovalue surfaces in 3-D applications such as stress analysis); and (4) contours can be smoothed by interpolating separately the sequences ofX andY coordinates for each contour line. This process, calledparametric kriging, permits the efficient compression of the number of data points necessary to record contours.  相似文献   

提出了一种适合工业自动化的无线传感器的网络结构,设计了无线传感器网络的终端节点模块以及工业现场常用的二次仪表的通信问题,实现了工业无线网络和有线网络的灵活配置、网关节点的开发,解决了无线传感器网关节点与上位机之间关键的可靠通信问题,并开发了上位机的监控组态软件,实验结果证实了提出的方法是有效的.  相似文献   

The Impact of High Speed Machining on Computing and Automation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Machine tool technologies, especially Computer Numerical Control (CNC) High Speed Machining (HSM) have emerged as effective mechanisms for Rapid Tooling and Manufacturing applications. These new technologies are attractive for competitive manufacturing because of their technical advantages, i.e. a significant reduction in lead-time, high product accuracy, and good surface finish. However, HSM not only stimulates advancements in cutting tools and materials, it also demands increasingly sophisticated CAD/CAM software, and powerful CNC controllers that require more support technologies. This paper explores the computational requirement and impact of HSM on CNC controller, wear detection, look ahead programming, simulation, and tool management.  相似文献   

自动化技术己成为国家工业生产力水平的一个重要标志。文章介绍了工业自动化技术的发展历史和在中国的应用水平,阐述了基于实时网络控制自动化技术的设计,并以钢铁工业为例分析了自动化技术在国内重要工业领域的应用状况,阐明了自动化技术在工业发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

基于工业以太网的配电自动化系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前国内配电自动化系统中使用现场总线技术通信,网络结构分层分布、通信能力不足、开放性较差的的现象.根据配电网自动化技术的标准,提出了一种基于工业以太网的配电自动化网络结构,并辅以配套且合理的软硬件方案.基于工业以太网的通信方式,实现了扁平化组网,开放式操作,省去了繁琐的协议转换中间环节,节约了成本,提高了稳定性.采用网络型电力检测智能前端,具有以太网通讯功能的PLC模块以及网络摄像机,和配套的具有信息处理,故障定位,负荷管理,远程计量等功能的软件,实现了配电自动化技术中的遥测、遥信、遥调、遥控、遥视功能.  相似文献   

Being concerned with the environmental impact of electrical consumer products, this article examines possibilities of influencing ecological user performance through design features. Furthermore, it looks at the relationship of user characteristics and ecological performance. The impact of level of automation and type of control labelling on ecological user performance was examined in a lab-based experimental scenario with 36 users. In addition to performance indicators, a range of user variables (e.g., self-reported domestic behaviour, environmental knowledge and attitude) was measured to assess their influence on user behaviour. The results showed that low-level automation improved ecological performance whereas no such positive effect was observed for enhanced display-control labelling. Furthermore, the results suggested that the user's mental model of ecological performance was rather limited. No relationship was found between environmental knowledge, attitude and performance. The findings pointed at the strong prevalence of habits in the domestic domain. The implications of the results for designers of consumer products are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 早期肾癌可以通过肾肿瘤剜除术进行有效治疗,为了降低手术难度和减少手术并发症,需要对手术的难度进行合理有效的评估。本文将深度学习、医学影像组学和图像分析技术进行结合,提出一种基于CT(computed tomography)影像的肾肿瘤剜除术难度自动评估方法。方法 首先建立一个级联的端到端分割模型对肾脏、肾肿瘤和腹壁同时进行分割,同时融入子像素卷积与注意力机制,保证了小体积肿瘤分割的精确性;然后使用影像组学特征对误判的肾肿瘤进行去除;最后依据分割结果,采用国际标准的梅奥肾周粘连概率(Mayo adhesive probability,MAP)评分和R.E.N.A.L评分对肾脏和肾肿瘤进行自动化的评估计算,并根据计算结果得出肾肿瘤剜除术难度。结果 将实验的自动化评估结果与三甲医院泌尿科的3位医疗专家的结果进行对比,从预测的平均结果来看,超过两个专家,与最好的专家相差仅0.1%。平均预测时间,单个肿瘤约为244 ms,标准差只有8 ms,专家评估时间约为26 s,标准差在3 s左右,自动评估速度是人工的108倍左右。结论 自动化评估结果整体上与专家评估水平基本一致,同时评估速度更加快速稳定,可以有效替代专家进行自动化评估,为术前准确诊断、手术方案个体化规划和手术入路选择提供准确可靠的决策支持,给手术难度诊断评估提供智能化的医疗解决方案。  相似文献   

A recent and dramatic increase in the use of automation has not yielded comparable improvements in performance. Researchers have found human operators often underutilize (disuse) and overly rely on (misuse) automated aids (Parasuraman and Riley, 1997). Three studies were performed with Cameron University students to explore the relationship among automation reliability, trust, and reliance. With the assistance of an automated decision aid, participants viewed slides of Fort Sill terrain and indicated the presence or absence of a camouflaged soldier. Results from the three studies indicate that trust is an important factor in understanding automation reliance decisions. Participants initially considered the automated decision aid trustworthy and reliable. After observing the automated aid make errors, participants distrusted even reliable aids, unless an explanation was provided regarding why the aid might err. Knowing why the aid might err increased trust in the decision aid and increased automation reliance, even when the trust was unwarranted. Our studies suggest a need for future research focused on understanding automation use, examining individual differences in automation reliance, and developing valid and reliable self-report measures of trust in automation.  相似文献   

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