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使用手机信令数据计算出了上海市域居民通勤数据,用于分析上海市域的职住空间关系。中心城居民通勤范围集中在中心城及周边的通勤区内。在中心城及通勤区内,超过97%的居民实现了职住平衡。在郊区新城中,宝山新城、闵行新城大部已经进入中心城通勤区。其余7个郊区新城居民至中心城通勤的比例均低于5%。郊区新城中居民主体仍是在新城内部通勤、或者新城以外的本区域内通勤。要优化上海市域居民职住空间关系,需要在中心城内合理布局就业次中心和安排居住人口,郊区新城应以增加就业岗位为主要目标。  相似文献   

职住空间特征包括居住、工作和通勤及三者之间的关系."职"和"住"的空间联系形成了通勤出行,是城市空间结构的重要研究内容.综合应用居民出行调查数据、人口普查数据、经济普查数据和百度大数据等,从上海五个新城的居民工作地分布、就业岗位居住地分布及新城通勤圈通勤出行的距离和方式等方面开展研究,对比上海与东京、近沪城市的新城或城...  相似文献   

新城建设是优化大城市空间结构、应对城市空间蔓延的重要手段。国内对新城的研究注重新城开发建设与空间绩效,缺乏对新城居民日常生活的关注,而时空间行为研究为从微观个体层面透视城市空间提供了重要视角。文章利用2017年对上海市郊区的奉贤新城和南汇新城居民的活动与出行调查数据,以日常生活设施为核心,借助GIS空间分析对新城空间的设施状况和居民的行为空间进行刻画,推出奉贤新城和南汇新城的生活空间特征。研究主要发现:新城公共交通建设的不足是限制居民日常出行的重要因素;工作活动和个人照料活动是新城居民出行的主要目的;新城内的日常生活设施状况会对居民的活动空间特征产生明显影响;基于百度热力大数据的活动特征进一步讨论了新城居民活动时间规律。研究还基于新城生活空间的理想模式讨论两个新城发展的不足及营造新城生活空间的具体措施。  相似文献   

我国大规模新城区开发及其影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国自实行改革开放政策以来,新城区开发逐渐成为地方经济建设和城市拓展的主要载体,产生了全局性的影响.文中根据主题及驱动力的差异,将新城区开发划分成8种类型,分别为:依托工业园区开发的工业新城;依托大型学校开发的大学城等教育园区;依托新行政中心开发的政务新区;依托大型公共设施开发的奥体新区、会展新区等;依托大型交通设施开发的高铁新区、空港新区、临港新城等;依托大型住区、郊区大盘开发的新城区;基于地方城镇化主题开发的综合性新城或新市镇;近几年涌现的基于新概念开发的新城区,如生态城、知识城等.这些大规模的新城区开发既是支撑我国经济持续高速发展的动力之一,也为快速城镇化提供了新型的城镇聚居空间,同时也衍生了地方发展对房地产经济和土地财政的依赖,并导致了土地等资源的过度消耗及分配格局的失衡.为此提出,基于对中国长期城镇化的预期,新城区开发总体上符合时代趋势,会随着我国城镇化的步伐而进一步发展和成熟.目前,趋紧的经济形势和宏观调控政策,为反思和总结这种发展路径提供了契机.城市规划专业的社会角色也会随之而演变.  相似文献   

基于职住空间关系分析上海郊区新城发展状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用手机信令数据识别出上海市域居民的就业地和居住地,获取了就业密度和通勤联系数据,从职住空间关系视角分析了上海9个郊区新城的发展状况。首先,通过就业密度识别就业密集区、计算各新城平均就业密度。随后,通过通勤联系分析各新城就业者来源地,划分了各新城就业势力范围。最后用独立指数计算各新城的职住平衡程度。研究发现上海郊区新城已成为郊区经济活动主要集聚区域,但各新城就业辐射范围仍主要集中在其所属行政辖区内,对所属区县以外地区的就业吸引力较弱。独立指数测算定量证实了上海郊区新城基本符合离开中心城越远,自身职住平衡程度越高的规律。其中,地处远郊而且独立指数较低的郊区新城其发展状况较为特殊,原因值得一步研究。  相似文献   

吕雄鹰  潘海啸 《住宅科技》2021,(5):60-66,72
上海市的新城区是城市高质量发展背景下绿色低碳生产生活示范区,支持率先实现碳达峰.通过优化建成环境,引导居民更低碳的出行,是构建生态宜居型新城的重要着力点.文章选取上海市松江新城典型居住区,结合居民出行调查与开源数据,建立居住区特征、个人家庭经济属性、建成环境要素与居民出行碳排放的相关性分析模型.研究结果表明,20%高碳...  相似文献   

京东商圈面临着怎样的机遇?通州商业发展有哪些积极的因素?记者从有关方面了解到,新城区的定位为商业发展提供了空前机遇,新城区向东向南扩展带来了广阔的商业发展空间;同时,通州人口快速增加,市场容量可观;环渤海经济圈的启动,要求通州商业引力的提升;独有的运河文化给商业发展带来新的载体。机遇1:新城区定位新的《北京城市整体规划》中明确指出,通州是首都东部发展带的重要节点,是北京重点发展的新城之一,也是北京未来发展的新城区和城市综合服务中心,是中心城行政办公、金融贸易等职能的补充配套区。这一功能定位突出了通州区的综合服务…  相似文献   

以厦门为研究案例,采用LBS画像大数据和人口与经济普查、居民出行调查等传统普查结合的分析方法,通过职住静态分布和动态关联分析来认识厦门“岛内-岛外”的空间结构和运转特征,测度其“多中心”空间结构的“空间绩效”并解释其成因机理.研究提出,大城市为应对“大城市病”而实施“多中心”战略,不仅需要在外围地区规划建设足够规模的新城或新城区,使城市在空间形态上实现“多中心”,更需要维持组团之间合理的关联强度——如果外围组团的内循环比例提升,则“多中心”结构的“空间绩效”可望提升;而若跨区及向心的通勤比例很高,且以个体机动方式为主导,则原本良好的组团结构也会被瓦解.  相似文献   

根据《天津市空间发展战略规划》,天津的中心城区将由现在的外环以内371km2扩展为474km2,由此围合的新城区即为北部新城。文章通过对北部新城现状路网及交通需求的分析,找到了限制北部新城发展的交通屏障并结合快速干道路网规划,对北部新城的交通问题提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国持续推进社会、经济、政治等多方面转型,在全球化、分权化、市场化等政策和发展环境的嬗变中,中国地方政府的角色日趋向更加企业化的利益主体转变,即“地方政府企业化”.与此同时,伴随我国城市化进程的加速,新城建设大量涌现,地方政府作为新城建设的实施主体,其企业化转型必然会影响到新城的空间开发,并反映在新城空间的形成上.现以地方政府作为新城公共物品供给方作为出发点,分析地方政府企业化对新城空间开发的影响机制,并以武进新城区为实证案例,从极具政府企业化色彩的板块开发模式入手,探讨地方政府企业化主导下的新城空间效应.  相似文献   

With the rapid urbanization of China, plenty of new urban lands have been developed with the great expectation to deal with all kinds of issues in old urban areas such as high population density, great demand on limited land resources, and decaying environment. However, a great proportion of vacancy in these newly developed units leads to the undesired observation of ghost cities. Lacking of clear and effectively evaluation criterion, the understanding of ghost cities in China is then rather limited. Considering the fact of ghost cities, we borrow the theory of urban vitality to identify and evaluate ghost cities in this paper. We argue that ghost cities are associated with very low urban vitality. In the light of big/open data, we are able to profile ghost cities of China based on 535,523 recent project-level residential developments from 2002 to 2013. We use the national-wide and million magnitude road junctions, points of interest and location based service records of 2014/2015 for measuring the morphological, functional and social vitality of each residential project. We then aggregate the project level evaluation results into the city level and thirty ghost cities are then identified by comparing the residential projects' vitality in the old (developed before or in 2000) and new (developed after 2000) urban areas in each city. Our profiling results illustrate the big picture of China's past residential developments, and then of ghost cities. We find the average vitality of residential projects in new urban areas is only 8.8% of that in old urban areas, denoting the potential existence of ghost cities in newly developed areas in Chinese cities. We have also benchmarked our identified ghost cities with existing rankings, the Baidu searching engine and night-time light images. Although we admit that ghost cities may exist in the particular urbanizing phase of China and that some ghost cities now may be well developed in the future, this study provides a thorough evaluation on the ghost city condition in China. This may shed light on policy implications for Chinese urban development.  相似文献   

Currently, new suburban settlements are often being localized in rural areas. As a result of this, rural areas have been taking on various urban functions, especially residential ones. Intense migration has been observed, especially in rural areas neighboring large cities. The urban population has been settling in the most attractive residential localizations, and thus creating new housing developments with a high population density, characterized by urban type of construction. Such a process, both favorable and inevitable, leads to other effects, including changes among the local authorities and thus, local policy. The main purpose of this article was to answer the question of whether new urban functions in rural areas resulting from urban sprawl can lead to urban people governing rural areas? If the answer is positive, what other consequences may this bring? The aim was accomplished through the careful examination of a selected area of Poland. The particular value of this study is that its structure and suggested scenarios of possible effects can help local authorities governing areas neighboring cities create suitable spatial plans that include residential areas.  相似文献   

Lock living: Urban sprawl in Mediterranean cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Francesc Munoz   《Cities》2003,20(6):381
“Lock living” refers to the importance of security design, consumed as a commodity, in the new suburban residential landscapes of Mediterranean cities. This article summarizes the process of urban sprawl that has developed in the cities of Southern Europe in recent decades. It presents the main consequences of this evolution, regarding changes in residential landscape. Mediterranean cities have been historically characterised by the archetypal image of density, urban complexity and social diversity. However, the increasing development of urban sprawl shows a very different urban scenario. Metropolitan spaces along the edges of the motorways and orbital ring roads are developing the type of residential landscape that was, until not so long ago, exclusively associated with the cities of the Anglo-Saxon urban tradition. New low-density residential areas show the proliferation of territories manifesting the same morphological criteria in different cities. From a cultural perspective, these standardised landscapes mean the production of residential areas designed on the basis of a thematization of the American suburb. This iconographic display dresses them up as private-urban-ecological-thematic paradises, as a residential landscape that becomes image more than territory and, in this sense, a commodity. This commodification process refers both to the residential space and the inhabitants’ lifestyles as the domestic landscape, created by private security, clearly shows.  相似文献   

针对哈尔滨旧居住区户外环境适老化改造存在的问题,深入探讨了寒地旧居住区户外环境适老性改造的必要性,在充分考虑老年人的生理和心理需求的基础上,从规划设计层面提出了寒地住区户外环境适老化改造策略,以营造宜人、包容性的户外环境。该研究为寒地旧居住区户外环境适老性改造提供了参考。  相似文献   

旧城住区更新是目前城市发展的主题之一,分析其理论沿革和现状的基础上,较为系统地阐述和剖析了无锡惠峰新村支撑体住宅和北京菊儿胡同新四台院在基本原理和方法上的异同,期对旧城住区更新的探索和发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

滨水区是城市独特的资源。近几十年来,滨水地区的重建和再开发成为许多城市应对城市社会经济结构转型和全球竞争的重要手段。本文从分析国内外城市滨水住区可持续发展的一般原则和研究我国城市滨水住区典型案例入手,从理论和实践两个方面对城市住区的可持续发展进行了研究,进而通过对所主持的天津子牙渔湾住区规划项目的剖析和总结,提出了对滨水住区可持续城市形态的具体建议。  相似文献   

A dichotomy is evident between the high demand for dwellings in Britain and the strict control over land availability for housing development. More new housing is being constructed within existing urban areas. This paper examines the South East and Midland regions of Britain, looking at the strategies whereby dwelling densities are increased by redeveloping within existing mature residential areas. The types of changes to plots, and dwelling types produced, are discussed. The changes vary between regions and between the agents involved, especially individuals and developers. This process of intensification has considerable implications for mature residential areas, a considerable land use resource in many cities in developed countries, but areas that are increasingly regarded in Britain as being worthy of conservation.  相似文献   

穆铭中 《住宅科技》2012,32(4):30-33
分析了当前国内外影响较大的评估体系,结合中小城市的发展现状,以及对新乡市近10年来建设的居住区调研,利用数学方法,建立中小城市居住区全寿命期环境质量综合评价体系,并对所调研的新乡市居住区物理环境进行了评价,指出了优化中小城市居住区环境应该努力的方向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article examines residential vacancy patterns in Buffalo, NY, using data from a unique data set. It includes variables from HUD Aggregate USPS Administrative Data on Address Vacancies, the American Community Survey (ACS) 5‐year estimates for 2005–2009, housing choice voucher (HCV) records of local public housing agencies, and municipal in rem property records. Multiple regression is used to identify significant relationships between vacancy patterns, socioeconomic characteristics, and institutional factors. The findings from this analysis suggest that the percent of vacant residential properties increases in census tracts with elevated poverty rates, higher percentages of renters receiving rental assistance, and long‐term vacancies. They also suggest that the percent of abandoned residential properties increases in census tracts with highly concentrated black populations, elevated poverty rates, long‐term vacancies, and higher percentages of business addresses. We conclude that these relationships are unique to older core cities experiencing systemic population and job losses. These cities struggle with a distinct type of long‐term vacant and abandoned structures, which we label zombie properties. They can be contrasted with vacant and abandoned properties in transitional or regenerating areas. We offer recommendations for further analysis of zombie properties in these urban settings.  相似文献   

随着城市的飞速发展,住宅小区风环境问题日益突出。沿海地区受海陆风影响明显,全年风速一般较大,其住宅小区的风环境研究需特别考虑。本文通过IECM CFD10.0建立数值风洞,采用SSTK-ω湍流物理模型求解住宅小区内风速的方法来研究某沿海城市住宅小区的群体建筑风环境。研究表明,数值方法能准确模拟小区风流场,建筑布局和来流方向对小区风环境影响明显,可结合城市风玫瑰图合理规划建筑布局。采用数值方法,可以对己建小区提出措施改进不良风环境,还可以指导、优化未建小区的规划与设计,以营造健康舒适的居住区微气候环境。  相似文献   

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