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Kashar cheeses were manufactured using different coagulants (calf rennet, chymosin derived by fermentation and proteases from Rhizomucor miehei and Cryphonectria parasitica) and ripened for 90 days. Use of different coagulants did not influence the dry matter, fat, protein, salt, pH, titratable acidity, total free fatty acids and texture profile analyses. The levels of water‐soluble nitrogen, 12% trichloroacetic acid‐soluble nitrogen, and for 5% phosphotungstic acid‐soluble nitrogen, the sensory properties were significantly influenced by the use of different coagulants. β‐casein was more hydrolysed in the cheese manufactured using protease from Cryphonectria parasitica than the other cheeses during 90 d of ripening.  相似文献   

The physicochemical, textural and sensory properties of white soft cheeses made from three different buffalo and cow milk mixtures (100:0, 70:30 and 30:70) during 3‐month storage were studied. The increase in buffalo milk concentration resulted in increasing total cheese yield, dry matter (DM) and fat retention and fat in DM content. However, it caused reductions in moisture content, salt intake, hardness, chewiness, elasticity, sensory hardness and sensory cohesiveness of the samples. The percentage of water‐soluble nitrogen to total nitrogen increased during storage resulting in decreased fracturability, hardness (textural and sensory), cohesiveness (textural and sensory), springiness, chewiness and elasticity. The panellists evaluated the white soft cheese made with buffalo milk as the most acceptable.  相似文献   

María Mercedes Milesi 《LWT》2007,40(8):1427-1433
A new miniature cheese model obtained under controlled microbiological conditions was proposed, characterized and tested for reproducibility. Optimal heat treatment of cheesemilk was defined, as well as maximal ripening time. Miniature cheeses were obtained with batch pasteurized milk (65 °C, 30 min) and ripened at 5 °C. Lactic and nonlactic microbial populations were monitored by plate counts. Proteolysis was assessed by nitrogen fractions, electrophoresis and liquid chromatography, and a sniffing test was applied to evaluate aroma. Coliform bacteria decreased during ripening but moulds and yeasts increased up to 104 cfu/g after 60 d, which defined the end of ripening period. Starter population remained constant during all ripening (109 cfu/g), while nonstarter lactic acid bacteria increased from ∼102 to 104 cfu/g. Soluble nitrogen levels at pH 4.6, in trichloracetic acid (0.73 mol/l) and in phosphotungtic acid (0.009 mol/l) were 151, 67, and 10 g/1000 g of the total nitrogen, respectively, after 60 d of ripening, which are usual values for soft cheeses. Proteolytic patterns as measured by electrophoresis were also similar to those of standard cheeses, as well as the aroma of the products. Peptide profiles revealed that the areas of most peaks increased with ripening time. The proposed model showed to be suitable for the production of mini cheese specimens for laboratory testing of cultures and enzymes in similar conditions to their real environment in the food matrix.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of Serpa cheese produced traditionally (B) and semi-industrially (C) was evaluated for the first time by determination of nitrogen content and capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). A citrate dispersion of cheese was fractionated to determine the nitrogen in pH 4.4, trichloroacetic and phosphotungstic acid soluble fractions (pH 4.4-SN, TCA-SN and PTA-SN, respectively). The pH 4.4-SN was significantly higher for B ( P  < 0.001), while TCA-SN was significantly higher for C ( P  < 0.001). PTA-SN was also higher for C but at 60 days ripening no significant difference was found between B and C. Degradation of αs1- and β-caseins evaluated by CZE was in good agreement with the maturation index (pH 4.4-SN/TN).  相似文献   

Milk-clotting enzyme is considered largely denatured after the cooking step in hard cheeses. Nevertheless, typical hydrolysis products derived from rennet action on alpha(s1)-casein have been detected during the ripening of hard cheeses. The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of residual milk-clotting enzyme on alpha(s1)-casein hydrolysis in Reggianito cheeses. For that purpose, we studied the influence of cooking temperature (45, 52, and 60 degrees C) on milk-clotting enzyme residual activity and alpha(s1)-casein hydrolysis during ripening. Milk-clotting enzyme residual activity in cheeses was assessed using a chromatographic method, and the hydrolysis of alpha(s1)-casein was determined by electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography. Milk-clotting enzyme activity was very low or undetectable in 60 degrees C- and 52 degrees C-cooked cheeses at the beginning of the ripening, but it increased afterwards, particularly in 52 degrees C-cooked cheeses. Cheese curds that were cooked at 45 degrees C had higher initial milk clotting activity, but also in this case, there was a later increase. Hydrolysis of alpha(s1)-casein was detected early in cheeses made at 45 degrees C, and later in those made at higher temperatures. The peptide alpha(s1)-I was not detected in 60 degrees C-cooked cheeses. The results suggest that residual milk-clotting enzyme can contribute to proteolysis during ripening of hard cheeses, because it probably renatures partially after the cooking step. Consequently, the production of peptides derived from alpha(s1)-casein in hard cheeses may be at least, partially due to this proteolytic agent.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of five different manufacturers and two ripening periods on the proteolysis and lipolysis patterns of Murcia al Vino goat cheese. The manufacturers significantly affected the water activity (aw), pH, dry matter and fat content, several nitrogen fractions: water soluble nitrogen (WSN), trichloroacetic acid (12% w/v) soluble nitrogen (TCASN) and phosphotungstic acid (5% w/v) soluble nitrogen (PTASN); also the free amino acid (FAA) and free fatty acid (FFA) contents, with the exception of C4:0, C16:0 and C18:0. Different ripening periods significantly affected the dry matter content, WSN and PTASN and all FAA, except serine.  相似文献   

The inhibition of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) by the ethanol (70%)-soluble fraction (ESF) from different cheeses was analysed with an extract from rabbit lung acetone powder as enzyme source and 2-furanacryloyl-1-phenylalanylglycylglycine (FAPGG) as substrate. Proteolysis was assessed by a spectroscopic o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) assay of the pH 4.6-soluble fraction and ESF. Peptides in the ESF were separated by reverse phase-HPLC. The traditional Norwegian cheese Gamalost had per unit cheese weight higher ACE inhibition potential than Brie, Roquefort and Gouda-type cheese, likely due to the combination of highest protein content and most extensive proteolysis providing a high content of ACE inhibitory peptides. However, ACE-inhibition expressed as IC50 per unit peptide concentration from ESF assessed by the OPA-assay was highest for Kesam, a Quark-type cheese with a low degree of proteolysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of milk-clotting enzymes on whey starter culture and hard cheesemaking. Four cheeses were prepared simultaneously per cheesemaking day, and the experiment repeated on eight consecutive days. Adult bovine rennet was used in the control cheeses, and three formulations of fermentation-produced chymosin (FPC) in the experimental cheeses. Whey cultures were obtained from the whey of the preceding cheeses, incubated individually for 24 h at 42°C. pH values of the control and experimental whey did not differ significantly before incubation, but after 24 h incubation the pH of the FPC whey was significantly higher than that of the control. Soluble nitrogen content in trichloroacetic acid 2% and 12% and in phosphotungstic acid 2.5% was significantly lower for all experimental whey samples than for control whey. This probably explains the decrease in the acidification rate of the whey cultures when bovine coagulant is replaced by FPC in hard cheesemaking.  相似文献   

Using calf rennet or a commercial microbial rennet substitute derived from Rhizomucor miehei cheesemaking experiments were performed at laboratory and pilot scale, and at commercial scale in two industrial dairy plants during regular production. At all levels of scale, the solids transfer from milk to curd was significantly higher (0.50–1.19%) when using calf rennet. There were significant differences in levels of proteolysis during maturation and in levels of bitterness at 12 weeks of ripening between Gouda cheeses produced with calf rennet or with commercial rennet substitute at pilot and at commercial scale.  相似文献   

The simultaneous effects of processing variables such as ripening time (20–60 days), ripening temperature (6–10 °C), level of rennet added (1–2 g/100 kg milk) and brine concentration (8–14%, w/v) on the proteolysis, lipolysis and sensory score of Iranian white brined cheese (Feta type) were explored by the means of response surface methodology. The most important effect in proteolytical terms was produced by ripening temperature and ripening time in linear form, but level of rennet added and brine concentration were also significant at the 5% level. In terms of lipolysis, ripening time was dominant factor in both linear and quadratic forms; quadratic effect of ripening temperature was greater than its linear effect.  相似文献   

The effect of rennet and container types was evaluated on proteolysis of traditional Kurdish cheese during 60 days ripening. The enzymes involved were commercial chymosin and traditional rennet from lamb abomasum. Goat skin (traditional container) and plastic containers were used as storage containers. The trend of proteolysis was determined by measuring the content of nitrogen (N) in compounds soluble in water, 12% trichloroacetic acid and 5% phosphotungstic acid along with the urea–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method. The results showed that the nitrogen in compounds soluble in water, 12% trichloroacetic acid and 5% phosphotungstic acid was higher in ripened cheeses into plastic containers; however, the containers had no significant effect on the breakdown of α‐ and β‐caseins (P < 0.05). Using commercial rennet caused the breakdown of α‐ and β‐caseins and the level of nitrogen in compounds soluble in water to increase. Finally, however, the amount of α‐ and β‐caseins breakdown was trivial, and α‐casein was decreased more than β‐casein in all samples.  相似文献   

In the present study, biochemical, chemical and texture changes in Tulum cheeses made using calf rennet and microbial rennets (Aspergillus niger protease and Rhizomucor miehei protease) were compared during ripening for up to 90 days. A total of 15 free fatty acids (FFAs) were detected in the cheese samples. The peroxide values (PV) of the cheeses increased significantly (P < 0.05) during ripening and the cheese made with calf rennet had the highest PV. Proteolysis in the cheeses increased as the ripening time increased. αs1‐casein and β‐casein degradation was higher in cheeses manufactured with R. miehei protease. Cheeses made with calf rennet were significantly (< 0.05) harder, more adhesive, more cohesive and more resilient than those made with microbial rennet.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated ripening temperature and sampling site on proteolysis in Reggianito Argentino cheese were evaluated. Cheeses ripened at 12 or 18 °C and 85% relative humidity were analysed at 2, 4 and 6 months in 2 sampling zones (central and external). Samples were analysed to determine the physicochemical and proteolysis parameters through the urea-PAGE of the urea-soluble fraction, RP-HPLC analysis of the water-soluble fraction at pH 4.6, and the free amino acid analysis. Proteolysis was significantly affected by ripening temperature and sampling site. Urea-PAGE analysis showed that elevated temperature increased the degradation of αs1- and β-casein. The degradation of αs1-casein was larger in the central zone than in the external one, while β-casein degradation was similar in both zones. The majority peaks detected by RP-HPLC of the water-soluble fraction at pH 4.6 and free amino acids were significantly affected by ripening temperature and sampling site. Glu, His, Val, Leu, and Lys had the higher concentrations. Principal component analysis showed useful groupings when results from chromatograms were studied. In conclusion, the results obtained not only are useful to characterise the ripening of an Argentinean hard cheese, but also to evaluate the effect of an increase of ripening temperature on Reggianito Argentino cheese proteolysis.  相似文献   

Prato cheeses were manufactured using coagulant from Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae N31 or a commercial coagulant. Cheeses were characterised using the following analysis: yield; fat; acidity; moisture; ash; salt; pH; total nitrogen; total protein; NS-pH 4.6/NT*100; NS-TCA 12%/NT*100; casein electrophoresis; and RP-HPLC. The results were statistically analysed and revealed that the proteolytic indices were not significantly different throughout the 60 days of ripening of cheeses made with either coagulant. Even though there were some quantitative differences in the peptide profile of cheeses, the enzyme from T. indicae-seudaticae N31 was used in the production of good quality Prato cheese without having to change the established technological parameters of the process.  相似文献   

Lighvan cheese was studied to determine the physicochemical and biochemical changes over 90 days of ripening in brine. Acidity, pH, dry matter, fat values, lipolysis level, water‐soluble nitrogen (WSN), total nitrogen (TN), ripening index (RI), trichloroacetic acid‐soluble nitrogen (TCA‐SN) and organoleptic assessments were analysed. Dry matter and fat values decreased during ripening. Lipolysis level, RI, TCA‐SN values and salt content increased continuously until the end of the ripening period, but total nitrogen decreased throughout a 90‐day storage period. The ripening stage was the main factor affecting the cheese’s sensory properties.  相似文献   

以产凝乳酶的米黑毛霉为出发菌株,通过紫外线照射、紫外复合氯化锂处理,以筛选产凝乳酶活力较高的菌株。确定的紫外线最佳照射时间为90 s,经多次诱变,筛选得到了突变株UV-13,其凝乳酶活力为2448.98 SU/m L,比出发菌株提高了42.85%;复合诱变的最佳条件为90 s紫外照射复合1.5%氯化锂,在多次诱变的基础上,筛选得到了突变株UV-Li Cl-6,其凝乳酶活力为2703.58 SU/m L,比出发菌株提高了57.70%。传代实验表明,两株突变菌都具有良好的遗传稳定性。   相似文献   

Whipping cream, skim milk powder and soft cheese were produced throughout the year. Whipping cream manufactured in spring and winter produced significantly higher overrun and better serum stability, and whipping time was related to buffering capacity of raw milk. Heat stability of reconstituted skim milk powder (RSMP) at 9% total solids (TS) was greater in summer and autumn, and >25% TS throughout the year. It was positively related to the protein content of raw milk, but negatively with fat. In contrast to other dairy products, no significant effect of season on the properties of soft cheese was found.  相似文献   

A change in the quantity of rennet added to the cheesemilk resulted in a corresponding change in the level of residual rennet in Feta cheese. Casein proteolysis and exudation of whey from Feta cheese during storage were proportional to the quantity of residual rennet in the cheese. It is likely that with proteolysis, the three-dimensional casein network becomes weaker and gradually disintegrates. The water-holding ability of the casein gels is thereby greatly reduced and moisture is released from the interstices of the casein gel. This free moisture and soluble material, including peptides and amino acids formed during proteolysis, are released as exudate during the storage of Feta cheese.  相似文献   

The chemistry, biochemistry and volatile compounds of Kuflu cheese, a Turkish mould-ripened variety were studied. A total of 29 samples were analysed and the titratable acidity, moisture, salt-in-moisture, fat-in-dry matter and total protein contents (as mean values) were 0.96%, 49.97%, 7.49%, 12.18% and 37.84%, respectively, and the pH of the cheeses was 6.29. Indices of proteolysis (i.e., the levels of pH 4.6- and trichloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen) were high; however, these values were lower than those of other Blue cheeses probably due to proportionally higher levels of total nitrogen and salt-in-moisture in Kuflu cheese samples. Urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions of the cheeses showed that both αs1- and β-caseins were extensively degraded, but β-casein was less degraded than αs1-casein. RP-HPLC peptide profiles of the pH 4.6-soluble fractions from Kuflu cheeses showed that some minor quantitative differences were found between the samples, while peptide profiles of the samples were qualitatively similar. One hundred and thirty-eight compounds were identified in the volatile fractions of Kuflu cheese by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using a solid-phase microextraction technique. Ketones and alcohols were the principal class of volatile components in Kuflu cheeses, and terpenes and sulphur compounds were found at substantial levels in the majority of the samples, but aldehydes and lactones were present at low levels. The RP-HPLC and GC-MS data were analysed by principal component analysis based on their peptide and volatile profiles, respectively. Kuflu cheeses obtained from different markets had some differences in terms of chemical composition, proteolysis and patterns of aroma compounds.  相似文献   

以新鲜牦牛乳为原料,采用小牛皱胃酶、木瓜蛋白酶和微生物凝乳酶制作硬质干酪,探讨凝乳酶种类对牦牛乳硬质干酪成熟期间蛋白质降解的影响。结果表明:三种凝乳酶牦牛乳硬质干酪成熟过程中,不同凝乳酶牦牛乳硬质干酪在成熟期间蛋白质降解能力存在较大差异,总氮(TN)、p H4.6水溶性氮(p H4.6-SN/TN)、12%的三氯乙酸氮(12%TCA-N/TN)、5%磷钨酸氮(5%PTA-N/TN)含量、游离氨基酸均随成熟时间延长不同程度的增加,蛋白氮和酪蛋白氮逐渐降低,多肽氮呈先升高后下降趋势,且微生物凝乳酶降解牦牛乳硬质干酪蛋白能力显著(p<0.05)高于木瓜蛋白酶和小牛皱胃酶。   相似文献   

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