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The grain growth behavior in reactive spray formed 7075 2.91vol%TiC AI alloy was studied and compared with that of spray formed 7075 AI alloy at semi-solid state. The effects of in-situ TiC particles on the microstructure of spray formed 7075 AI alloy were also investigated. The specimens were heat-treated isothermally at various temperatures between the solidus and liquidus of 7075 A1 alloy for times in the range of 10-60 rain, then quenched in water. The microstructure of reheated specimens was characterized using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The grain size was measured using a mean linear intercept method. Results show that the in-situ TiC particles can effectively retard grain growth and refine the grain at a limited size. The grain growth exponent in Arrhenius equation increases from 2 to 3, which indicates that the in-situ TiC particles have the significant pinning effect on grain coarsening in the semi-solid state.  相似文献   

The modification effect of CX-type (CX means the modifiers that have long effective term) modifiers applied in ZL108 and ZL104 Al-Si alloys has been studied in detail. The results show that the morphologies of the eutectic silicon and the primary silicon can be modified and refined simultaneously. The modification effect acts quickly and can maintain a period of 8 h by the CX-type modifiers. The CX-type modifiers increase the mechanical properties of Al-Si alloys and improve the service properties of machine parts made of Al-Si alloys (such as piston and cylinder etc.). In modifying processes, the amount of the addition of CX-type modifiers is smaller than that of any other modifiers, and the modifying procedures are simple. There are no smoke, no dust, and no irritant smell in modifying processes using CX-type modifiers. Therefore, the CX-type modifiers have advantages in economy and environment protection.  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONWiththerapiddevelopmentofnetworktechnology ,Internetconnectsthewholeworldtogetherlikeaninvisiblenet,whichallocatesglobalresourcesinanewwayathighspeed .Networking ,globalizationandE commercedevel opingquicklybecometheirresistibletendencyoftheworld .E commercewillundoubtedlybeaneweconomicalgrowthpointforthedevelopmentofworldeconomyin 2 1stcentury[1] .ThisleadstothatpeoplebegintostudyE commerce ,especiallytherelationbetweenE commerceandeconomicalgrowth .Itisprovedbymanyscien…  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONAl Mnseriesalloysascommercialoneshavelonghis tory .Thefirstcommercial 3XXXalloywasdevelopedin190 6andthemainalloyingelementsofthisalloyare 1.2 5w (B) %Mnand 0 .13w (B) %Cu .In 192 9,30 0 4alloywith 1w (B) %Mgelementcameintoindustrialuse .Overpasttwenty years ,3XXXser…  相似文献   

Environmental embrittlement of intermetallic compounds in Fe-Al alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
First,it is proposed that hydrogen atoms occupy the interstitial sites in Fe3Al and FeAl.Then the environmental embrittlement of intermetallic compounds in Fe-Al alloys is studied in the light of calculated valence electron structures and bond energy of Fe3Al and FeAl containing hydrogen atoms.From the analyses it is found that the states of metal atoms will change,in which more lattice electrons will become covalent electrons to bond with hydrogen atoms when the atomic hydrogen diffuses into the intermetallic compounds in Fe-Al alloys,which will result in the decrease of local metallicity in Fe3Al and FeAl.Meanwhile,it is found that the crystal will easily cleave since solute hydrogen bonds with metal atoms and severely anisotropic bonds form.As a conclusion,these factors result in the environmental embrittlement of Fe3Al and FeAl.  相似文献   

The effect of super-gravity on electrochemical deposition of nickel from aqueous solution was studied. The SEM pictures show that the microstructure of nickel film deposited under the super-gravity condition is finer and more uniform compared with that obtained in normal gravity condition, and the crystal grains diminish with the increase of super-gravity coefficient. The XRD patterns indicate that the ar-rangement of crystalline grains of nickel film deposited under the super-gravity field is more regular, and the crystalline grain sizes decrease with the increase of super-gravity coefficient. Toughness, tensile stress and hardness of the nickel film are markedly raised with the increase of super-gravity coefficient, and hydrogen content in the nickel film decreases with the increase of super-gravity coefficient. From the polarization curves of hydrogen evolution reaction under the su-per-gravity condition, a significant reduction of over-potential on electrode was found when current density increased. The process of hydrogen evolution reaction was enhanced under the super-gravity condition. The electro-deposition rate, the microstructure and properties of deposited nickel film under super-gravity condi-tion were still affected by the relative orientation between inertia force and depos-iting surface. It is favorable to gain the nickel film with better mechanic properties when inertia force orientates vertically towards depositing surface.  相似文献   

The stress strain curves of two CuZnAI shape memory alloys which have the martensltic transformation temperatures of 50℃ and-10℃ respectively, were measured by using electronic material tester after treated by different heat-treatment conditions. The results show that the area enclosed by hysteresis loop of the CuZnAI shape memory alloy in martensltic state is much larger than that of the alloy in austenltic state with super-elasticity at room temperature. Therefore, the former has better vibration attenuation effect. After being oil-quenched, waterquenched, and step-quenched, the CuZnAI alloy takes on more stable shape memory effect, better super-plasticlty and superelasticity (pseudoelasticity). A CuZnAI shape memory alloy damper was designed, produced and installedto a 2-layer frame structure. In addition, the vibration experiments were made by dynamic data collecting analysis meter. The velocity of vibration attenuation of frame structure with CuZnAI shape memory alloy damper is much faster than that without it. And with the help of CuZnAI shape memory alloy damper, the attenuation period reduces to 1/10 of the original.  相似文献   

Because of its excellent properties, zirconia ceramics has already been widely applied. Its phase transformation affects its properties. The research on the mechanism of its phase transformation is very important to control the phase transformation as well as its properties. The valence electron structure of cubic zirconia, tetragonal zirconia and monoclinic zirconia are calculated with the em-pirical electron theory in solids and molecules in this paper. The results show that the total numbers of the covalent electron pairs which form their strong bond framework are 3.19184, 3.45528 and 3.79625, respectively. According to the view-point of the C-Me segregating theory in solid alloys, it can be deduced that the phase transformation order of zirconia should be liquid phase→cubic phase→tetragonal phase→monoclinic phase. The deduction from valence electron struc-ture is completely in accordance with the experimental results, so the electron theory of phase transformation in alloys can be expanded to ceramics materials.  相似文献   

Temperature has great influence on the stacking fault energy (SFE). Both SFE and dr0/ d T for Fe-based alloys containing substitutional or interstitial atoms increase with increasing tempera-ture. Based on the thermodynamic model of SFE, the equation dr0/dT=drcn/dT+drseg/dT+drMG/dT and thoseexpressions for three items involved are established. The calculated dr0/dT is generally consistent with the experimental. The influence of chemical free energy on the temperature dependence of SFE is almost constant, and is obviously stronger than that of magnetic and segregation contributions. The magnetic transition and the segregation of alloying elements at stacking faults cause a decrease in SFE of the alloys when temperature increases; that is, drMG/dT<0 and dyseg/dT<0. Meanwhile, such an influence decreases with increasing temperature, except for the drseg/d 7 of Fe-Mn-Si alloys. With these results, the experimenal phenomena that the SFE of Fe-based alloys is not zero at the thermo-dynamically equilibrated tem  相似文献   

The directional solidification in the undercooled pure melt influenced by a transverse far field flow was studied by using the multiple scale method. The result shows that in the boundary layer near the liquid-solid interface, when affected by a transverse far field flow, the temperature distribution in the direction of crystal growth presents an oscillatory and decay front in the side of liq- uid phase. The crucial distinguishing feature of a temperature pattern due to the transverse convection is the additional periodic modulation of the pattern in the growth direction. The wave number and eigenvalue that satisfy the Mullins-Sekerka dispersion rela- tion are suppressed by the transverse far field flow.  相似文献   

在落管中对Fe60.4Sn29.6Si10、Fe43.6Sn21.4Si35和Fe20.1Sn9.9Si70三元偏晶合金进行了无容器快速凝固实验。3种合金液滴的直径范围为100~1 000μm的液滴,凝固组织都呈现2层或3层壳核组织以及第2相弥散分布的凝固组织。XRD、EDS及SEM分析表明,Fe60.4Sn29.6Si10合金液滴的凝固组织由α-Fe、β-Sn、FeSi和FeSn组成;Fe43.6Sn21.4Si35合金液滴的凝固组织由β-Sn、FeSn2、FeSi和Fe2Si组成;Fe20.1Sn9.9Si70合金液滴的凝固组织由β-Sn、FeSi2和Si组成。  相似文献   

采用相场模型和有限差分方法,模拟了过冷纯金属熔体的枝晶生长,计算区域为二维正方形均匀网格.建立了不同热扩散条件下尖端过冷度、速度、半径随时间变化的关系;此外研究发现枝晶稳定生长时,其尖端过冷度和速度与热扩散系数成正比,尖端半径与热扩散系数成反比.  相似文献   

采用相场模型和有限差分方法,模拟了过冷纯金属熔体的枝晶生长,计算区域为二维正方形均匀网格. 建立了不同热扩散条件下尖端过冷度、速度、半径随时间变化的关系;此外研究发现枝晶稳定生长时,其尖端过冷度和速度与热扩散系数成正比,尖端半径与热扩散系数成反比.  相似文献   

报道用透射电子显微镜和X射线衍射对H13.40Cr等材料的激光快速熔凝组织的观察分析,结果表明:熔凝区中形成了位错型马氏体和孪晶型马氏体及碳化物,还讨论了它们的成因及扫描速度对组织的影响。  相似文献   

利用52m长落管装置进行了Ag-15%Ge(质量分数)亚共晶和Ag-21%Ge(质量分数)过共晶合金微重力试验,分析了凝固后合金球体的显微组织,并和常规凝固条件下的同成分合金组织进行了比较.结果表明,落管实验能使合金获得较大的过冷度,使Ag-15%Ge(质量分数)亚共晶合金Ag初生回溶体相明显细化,枝晶特征消失并转变为细小不规则块状或近似球形;使Ag-21%Ge(质量分数)过共晶合金中Ge初生相组织细化、数量增多,但并不改变小平面晶体Ge相的侧面生长机制.  相似文献   

实现了三元Pb-12%Sb-4%Sn和Pb-15%Sb-10%Sn合金在深过冷条件下的快速凝固,实验中获得的最大过冷度分别为65 K(0.13TE)和70 K(0.13TL)。XRD分析表明,这两种合金在实验过冷度范围内均由(Pb)固溶体、(Sb)固溶体和SbSn金属间化合物三相组成。在小过冷条件下,Pb-12%Sb-4%Sn共晶合金的三相以层片状交替分布,协同生长。随着过冷度增大,(Sb)作为初生相以小平面方式生长,且三元层片共晶组织显著细化。对于Pb-15%Sb-10%Sn合金,其凝固组织由初生相、二相共晶和三元共晶组成,初生SbSn相以具有小平面特征的枝晶方式生长。在实验基础上,对三元Pb-Sb-Sn合金的形核特征和生长规律进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

简要概述了合金枝晶凝固微观偏析解析模型化研究进展。基于对具有任意枝晶形貌及任意固相反扩散(SBD)效应的合金凝固过程中微观/宏观溶质传输行为模型化,提出了微观溶质再分布新模型,并进行了不同凝固速率、不同枝晶形貌及SBD效应的Al-4.5%Cu合金与Fe-0.5%C基碳素钢枝晶凝固的模型对比计算。研究表明,所建模型具有包含多种影响因素与统一性的特点,以及模型计算的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

一种合金枝晶凝固微观溶质再分布统一模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要概述了合金枝晶凝固微观偏析解析模型化研究进展。基于对具有任意枝晶形貌及任意固相反扩散(SBD)效应的合金凝固过程中微观/宏观溶质传输行为模型化,提出了微观溶质再分布新模型,并进行了不同凝固速率、不同枝晶形貌及SBD效应的Ae-4.5%Cu合金与Fe-0.5%C基碳素钢枝晶凝固的模型对比计算。研究表明,所建模型具有包含多种影响因素与统一性的特点,以及模型计算的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

随机模糊神经网络在快速凝固研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
液态金属的快速凝固已经发展成为广泛应用的先进材料制备技术。但是,迄今为止对这一过程中晶体生长动力学规律仍缺乏真正完备的理论描述。实际上,不论是传统的急冷快速凝固工艺还是深过冷条件下的三维快速凝固,两者都是以高速传热传质为特征的复杂非线性动力学过程。如果采用常规的数学物理分析方法,建立一个描述快速凝固过程中组织形成规律的普适性理论模型是极其困难的。10年来,LiptonKurz和Trivedi[1]提出的“LKT快速枝晶生长模型”在过冷度ΔT200K的中等过冷范围内能够较广泛地适用[2,3]。随着空间材料科学的发展,目前实验技术已经…  相似文献   

The density of liquid Ni- Ta alloys was measured by using a modified sessile drop method. It is found that the density of the liquid Ni- Ta alloys decreases with the increasing temperature, but increases with the increase of tantalum concentration in the alloys. The molar volume of liquid Ni- Ta binary alloys increases with the increase of temperature ancl tantalum concentration.  相似文献   

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