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An apparatus for observation of laser-assisted electron scattering (LAES) in femtosecond intense laser fields was developed. The unique apparatus has three essential components, i.e., a photocathode-type ultrashort pulsed-electron gun, a toroidal-type electron energy analyzer enabling simultaneous detection of energy and angular distributions of scattered electrons with high efficiency, and a high repetition-rate data acquisition system combined with a high power 5 kHz Ti:sapphire laser system. These advantages make extremely weak femtosecond-LAES signals distinguishable from the huge elastic scattering signals. A precise method for securing a spatial overlap between three beams, that is, an atomic beam, an electron beam, and a laser beam, and synchronization between the electron and laser pulses is described. As a demonstration of this apparatus, an electron energy spectrum of the LAES signals with 1.4 × 10(12) W/cm(2), 795 nm, 50 fs laser pulses was observed, and the detection limit and further improvements of the apparatus are examined.  相似文献   

As femtosecond laser pulses increase in intensity and decrease in duration, interaction between the focused laser radiation and a substance is followed by a sharp increase in the intensity of fast-electron, ion, and electromagnetic noise generation. In turn, the noise signals of X-ray detectors grow in amplitude and the signal-to-noise ratio in recording X-ray spectra of multiply charged ions approaches unity. A significant excess of the noise level over the useful signal is observed in plasmas generated by laser pulses with a power density of ≥1017 W/cm2. The most powerful effect of the above factors is exerted on X-ray spectra recorded by such electromagnetic equipment as CCD-based detectors, photoelectron amplifiers, etc. A new “mean-median” algorithm is described, with which it is possible to considerably increase the signal-to-noise ratio of CCD detectors used to measure X-ray spectra of femtosecond laser-produced plasma.  相似文献   

A simple method for the estimation of temperature and fraction of superthermal electrons in laser-produced plasmas is discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed an x-ray beam-position monitor for detecting the radiation properties of an x-ray free electron laser (FEL). It is composed of four PIN photodiodes that detect backscattered x-rays from a semitransparent diamond film placed in the beam path. The signal intensities from the photodiodes are used to compute the beam intensity and position. A proof-of-principle experiment at a synchrotron light source revealed that the error in the beam position is reduced to below 7 μm by using a nanocrystal diamond film prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Owing to high dose tolerance and transparency of the diamond film, the monitor is suitable for routine diagnostics of extremely intense x-ray pulses from the FEL.  相似文献   

A technique is described to measure the edge radius of diamond cutting tools using the scanning electron microscope (SEM). This method attempts to overcome two major limitations of the SEM in this application: low image contrast and lack of quantitative topographic information. A line of electron beam contamination, viewed at an angle, provides improved contrast for focusing and a means of obtaining the tool profile from the geometry.  相似文献   

Surface imaging in a transmission electron microscope by diffraction contrast is compared with imaging by focus-dependent phase contrast. With both techniques surface steps of atomic height can be imaged with high resolution. At high magnification, kinks along the atomic steps become visible. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed. By combining the two methods, the initial stage of etching on the surface due to the interaction of a surface layer with the electron beam could be observed. The final etch structure shows a dynamic behavior which indicates that the number of etch pits is approximately constant but their position changes during the observation.  相似文献   

High-speed, single-shot velocity-map imaging (VMI) is combined with carrier-envelope phase (CEP) tagging by a single-shot stereographic above-threshold ionization (ATI) phase-meter. The experimental setup provides a versatile tool for angle-resolved studies of the attosecond control of electrons in atoms, molecules, and nanostructures. Single-shot VMI at kHz repetition rate is realized with a highly sensitive megapixel complementary metal-oxide semiconductor camera omitting the need for additional image intensifiers. The developed camera software allows for efficient background suppression and the storage of up to 1024 events for each image in real time. The approach is demonstrated by measuring the CEP-dependence of the electron emission from ATI of Xe in strong (≈10(13)?W/cm(2)) near single-cycle (4 fs) laser fields. Efficient background signal suppression with the system is illustrated for the electron emission from SiO(2) nanospheres.  相似文献   

A spatial, electro-optical autocorrelation (EOA) interferometer using the vertically polarized lobes of coherent transition radiation (CTR) has been developed as a single-shot electron bunch length monitor at an optical beam port downstream the 100 MeV preinjector LINAC of the Swiss Light Source. This EOA monitor combines the advantages of step-scan interferometers (high temporal resolution) [D. Mihalcea et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 082801 (2006) and T. Takahashi and K. Takami, Infrared Phys. Technol. 51, 363 (2008)] and terahertz-gating technologies [U. Schmidhammer et al., Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 94, 95 (2009) and B. Steffen et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 032802 (2009)] (fast response), providing the possibility to tune the accelerator with an online bunch length diagnostics. While a proof of principle of the spatial interferometer was achieved by step-scan measurements with far-infrared detectors, the single-shot capability of the monitor has been demonstrated by electro-optical correlation of the spatial CTR interference pattern with fairly long (500 ps) neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser pulses in a ZnTe crystal. In single-shot operation, variations of the bunch length between 1.5 and 4 ps due to different phase settings of the LINAC bunching cavities have been measured with subpicosecond time resolution.  相似文献   

This study highlighted the taxonomic utilization of palynological metaphors for selected members (53) of family Poaceae. Multiple microscopic technique light and scanning electrons had been employed for detailed analysis. Results reported monad pollen type in all studied 53 members, which showed its limited taxonomic value up to family level. In relation to shape of pollen both polar and equatorial views strikingly differed from each other. Like semi angular pollen observed in Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Wild. whereas round-minutely irregular pollen in Lolium temulentum L. Polar and equatorial diameter also showed variation, that is, Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf. can be differentiated from Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench on diameter variation basis. A pore characteristic does not show much qualitative variation; however pore sizes differ species to species. The most frequently scarbate sculpturing was observed in 28 species followed by verrucate. Hence it can be said that pollen shape, polar, and equatorial diameters, pore size, P/E ratio, pore sculpturing are of good taxonomic value and holds a significant position in identification and delimitation of Poaceae taxa.  相似文献   

We analyse the signal formation process for scanning electron microscopic imaging applications on crystalline specimens. In accordance with previous investigations, we find nontrivial effects of incident beam diffraction on the backscattered electron distribution in energy and momentum. Specifically, incident beam diffraction causes angular changes of the backscattered electron distribution which we identify as the dominant mechanism underlying pseudocolour orientation imaging using multiple, angle‐resolving detectors. Consequently, diffraction effects of the incident beam and their impact on the subsequent coherent and incoherent electron transport need to be taken into account for an in‐depth theoretical modelling of the energy‐ and momentum distribution of electrons backscattered from crystalline sample regions. Our findings have implications for the level of theoretical detail that can be necessary for the interpretation of complex imaging modalities such as electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI) of defects in crystals. If the solid angle of detection is limited to specific regions of the backscattered electron momentum distribution, the image contrast that is observed in ECCI and similar applications can be strongly affected by incident beam diffraction and topographic effects from the sample surface. As an application, we demonstrate characteristic changes in the resulting images if different properties of the backscattered electron distribution are used for the analysis of a GaN thin film sample containing dislocations.  相似文献   

An experimental setup for time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy using a femtosecond 1 kHz high harmonic light source and a two-dimensional electron analyzer for parallel energy and momentum detection is presented. A selection of the 27th harmonic (41.85 eV) from the harmonic spectrum of the light source is achieved with a multilayer MoSi double mirror monochromator. The extinction efficiency of the monochromator in selecting this harmonic is shown to be better than 7:1, while the transmitted bandwidth of the selected harmonic is capable of supporting temporal pulse widths as short as 3 fs. The recorded E(k) photoelectron spectrum from a Cu(111) surface demonstrates an angular resolution of better than 0.6 degrees (=0.03 A(-1) at E(kin,e)=36 eV). Used in a pump-probe configuration, the described experimental setup represents a powerful experimental tool for studying the femtosecond dynamics of ultrafast surface processes in real time.  相似文献   

A retractable electron emitter has been constructed for the creation of unperturbed pure electron plasmas on magnetic surfaces in the Columbia Non-neutral Torus stellarator. The previous method of electron emission using emitters mounted on stationary rods limited the confinement time to 20 ms. A pneumatically driven system that can retract from the magnetic axis to the last closed flux surface in less than 20 ms while filling the surfaces with electrons was designed. The motion of the retractable emitter was modeled with a system of dynamical equations. The measured position versus time of the emitter agrees well with the model and the fastest axis-to-edge retraction was measured to be 20 ms with 40 psig helium gas driving the pneumatic piston.  相似文献   

Methods for measuring the profiles of high-power electron beams by using a thin tungsten wire moved transversely to the beam have been developed. In one method, the electron current intercepted by the wire is measured and the beam profile is determined from a solution to the Abel equation under the assumption of axial beam symmetry. The second method is based on the detection of the local radiation emitted by the wire being heated by the beam to 1700–2200 K. The wire is additionally heated by an electric current in order to improve the sensitivity and spatial resolution. The measured beam current density is ~5–50 A/cm2, and the resolution is ~0.1 cm.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy offers a unique potentiality to visualize individual molecules. For the last 30 years it has been used to study the structure and the interactions of various biological macromolecules. The contribution of electron microscopy is important because of its capacity to demonstrate the existence of conformational structures such as kinks, bents, loops, etc., either on naked DNA, or on DNA associated with various proteins or ligands. Increasing interest was given to such observations when it was found that they provide a direct visualization of interacting molecules involved in DNA metabolism and gene regulation. Technical advances in the preparation of the specimens, their observation in the electron microscope, and the image processing by computers have allowed the shifting from qualitative to quantitative analysis, as illustrated by a few examples from our laboratory.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical results on image contrast of semiconductor multi-layers in scanning electron microscopy investigation are reported. Two imaging modes have been considered: backscattered electron imaging of bulk specimen and scanning transmission imaging of thinned specimens. The following main results have been reached. The image resolution of the multi-layers is, in both cases, defined by the probe size. The contrast, governed by density and atomic number differences, is affected by the size of the interaction volume in backscattered electron imaging and by the beam broadening in scanning transmission. Operating in the scanning transmission mode, the contrast of bright field images can be easily related to local variation in atomic number and density of the specimen while the dark field image contrast is strongly affected by electron beam energy, detector collection angles and specimen thickness. All these factors are able to produce contrast reversals that are difficult to explain without the support of a suitable simulation code.  相似文献   

Some of the X-ray microscopy work being performed at the Central Laser Facility (CLF) is reviewed. The X-ray sources generated by the high power glass and gas lasers, Vulcan and Sprite, are discussed and compared with other sources. The instrumentation used to perform X-ray microscopy of laser driven implosions at the CLF is outlined and the results obtained shown. Other experimental work utilizing the intense X-ray emission properties of laser produced plasmas is reviewed and details of work involving X-ray diffraction, EXAFS and X-ray microscopy of biological samples is given.  相似文献   

显微高光谱成像系统的设计   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
设计出一种基于棱镜 光栅 棱镜组合分光方式的显微高光谱成像实验系统.系统根据推帚式成像光谱仪的原理进行设计,采用棱镜 光栅 棱镜组合元件在后光学系统进行光谱分光,利用高精度载物台自动装置驱动样品进行推扫成像,选用PCI总线作为数据采集的微机接口.整个系统由显微镜、分光计、面阵CCD相机、载物台自动装置以及数据采集与控制模块等几部分组成.系统的光谱范围从400nm到800nm,120个波段,光谱分辨率优于5nm,空间分辨率大约1μm.该系统具有直视性、光谱分辨率高、结构紧凑、成本低等优点;不仅能够提供微小物体在可见光范围的单波段显微图像,而且能够获得图像中任一像素的光谱曲线,实现了光谱技术和显微成像技术的结合,成功的将成像光谱技术应用到显微领域,可广泛应用于临床医学、生物学、材料学、微电子学等学科领域.  相似文献   

A two-stage Marx circuit was built and is used to multiply the input energy of our Tesla resonant transformer accelerator without missing resonance conditions. The present output characteristics of our coupled Marx-Tesla circuit are compared to those of the previous Tesla transformer. With the same input voltage and cathode to anode distance, we succeeded in doubling output voltage and current of the beam.  相似文献   

We present the first simultaneous measurements of the Thomson scattering and electron cyclotron emission radiometer diagnostics performed at TCABR tokamak with Alfve?n wave heating. The Thomson scattering diagnostic is an upgraded version of the one previously installed at the ISTTOK tokamak, while the electron cyclotron emission radiometer employs a heterodyne sweeping radiometer. For purely Ohmic discharges, the electron temperature measurements from both diagnostics are in good agreement. Additional Alfve?n wave heating does not affect the capability of the Thomson scattering diagnostic to measure the instantaneous electron temperature, whereas measurements from the electron cyclotron emission radiometer become underestimates of the actual temperature values.  相似文献   

A new method for analysis of electron microscope autoradiographs is described which is based on the maximum-likelihood method of statistics for estimating the intensities of radioactivity in organelle structures. We adopted a Poisson statistical model to describe the autoradiographic grain distributions that we prove results from the underlying Poisson nature of the radioactive decays as well as the additive errors introduced during the formation of grains. Within the model, an interative procedure derived from the expectation-maximization algorithm of mathematical statistics is used to generate the maximum-likelihood estimates. The algorithm has the properties that at every stage of the iteration process the likelihood of the data increases; and for all initial nonzero starting points the algorithm converges to the maximum-likelihood estimates of the organelle intensities. The maximum-likelihood approach differs from the mask-analysis method, and other published quantitative algorithms in the following ways: (1) In deriving estimates of the radioactivity intensities the maximum-likelihood algorithm requires that we obtain the actual locations of the grains as well as the micrograph geometries; each micrograph is digitized so that both the grain locations as well as the geometries of the organelle structures can be used. (2) The maximum-likelihood algorithm iteratively computes the minimum-meansquared-error estimate of the underlying emission locations that resulted in the observed grain distributions, from which intensity estimates are generated; this algorithm does not minimize a chi-squared error statistic. (3) The maximum-likelihood approach is based on a Poisson model and is therefore valid for low-count experiments; there are no minimum constraints on data collection for any single organelle compartment. (4) The maximum-likelihood algorithm requires the form of the point-spread function describing the emission spread; a probability matrix based on the use of overlay masks is not required. (5) The maximum-likelihood algorithm does not change for different organelle geometries; arbitrary geometries are incorporated by maximizing the likelihood-function subject to the geometry constraints. We have performed a preliminary evaluation of the quantitative accuracy of the maximum-likelihood and mask-analysis algorithms. Based on two different phantoms in which we compared the squared error resulting from the two algorithms, we find that the new maximum-likelihood approach provides substantially improved estimates of the radioactivity intensities of the phantoms.  相似文献   

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