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王卓  赵千川 《声学技术》2006,25(3):248-252
数字水印技术作为一种版权保护的重要手段得到了广泛的研究和应用。文中提出了应用心理声学模型对音频进行逐帧分析、自适应地选择水印嵌入位置的算法框架,并在此基础上应用了一种音频频域子带能量量化的水印算法。这一框架对有效地控制听觉透明性和MP3鲁棒性有指导意义。实验证明在保证较高的听觉保真度的同时,算法对各种攻击手段具有满意的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

柏林  彭畅  刘小峰 《振动与冲击》2012,31(14):157-163
摘要:针对目前风力发电机组(Wind Turbine,WT)噪声音调评估方法的不足,提出了相应的改进方法。首先,采用Gabor阶比分量提取技术从WT运行状态下采集的噪声数据中,提取出与WT本身音调相关的噪声信号,消除了用停机状态下背景噪声修正开机状态下的WT噪声所造成的误差;然后,利用基于转速的最优分割法将一分钟WT噪声信号划分为尽可能平稳的子段信号,避免了由非平稳信号FFT变换引起的频率混叠现象;最后,采用基于谱平面的音调判定法代替IEC标准中基于心理声学模型的音调估计法,消除了初始音调预测的误差并简化了音调辨识的过程。新疆达坂城的试验研究表明,提出的音调改进技术能够消除IEC中音调辨识方法的不确定性和不一致性,在WT的音调噪声评估中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

黄巍  占红武  胥芳 《高技术通讯》2021,31(10):1090-1100
针对水冷壁爬壁机器人(WWCB)路径跟踪问题,提出一种快速非线性模型预测控制(NMPC)算法。定义WWCB与虚拟目标的跟踪误差,将跟踪问题转化为Bolza形式的NMPC最优控制问题。通过引入半平滑函数,对不等式进行优化处理,构建最优化必要条件。基于庞特里亚金极小值原理建立广义哈密顿函数,采用连续/广义极小残量算法(C/GMRES)计算求解,并引入多重打靶法提高运算精度。同时对GMRES算法残量求取方式进行了优化以提高运行效率。对伯努利双纽线和圆形路径进行了跟踪仿真,验证了本文的跟踪控制快速算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于临界带功率谱方差的端点检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
端点检测作为语音信号处理的关键技术,其准确性直接影响到语音识别系统的计算复杂度和识别能力。在人耳听觉特性理论研究的基础上,利用语音段和背景噪声段临界带功率谱上的差异,提出了一种基于临界带功率谱方差的端点检测方法。通过自适应门限值的选取,该方法对背景噪声具有良好的跟踪性能。在不同的信噪比条件下,进行了端点检测实验。结果表明:该方法与传统的短时能量和短时平均过零率方法、谱熵方法相比,可以有效降低背景噪声的影响,具有更好的鲁棒性和正确率。  相似文献   

During the last decade economic models of varying complexity have been studied by using the qualitative theory of nonlinear dynamical systems theory. The purpose of the present paper is to analyze an economic model which is as simple as possible but exhibits sufficient nonlinearity to admit chaotic orbits. A firm's market share is assumed to be influenced only by a simple threshold advertising rule. It turns out that such a simple rule may create complex behavioural patterns, i.e., periodic orbits of any length and even chaotic, seemingly unpredictable time paths. By using the package LOCBIF we are able to investigate for which model parameters chaos arises and how the transition from stable equilibrium to chaos occurs.This work has been financially supported by the Austrian Science Foundation, project No. 7783-PHY.  相似文献   

A new orthogonal split of strain tensor into compressive and tensile parts is implemented within the phase field model to mimic unilateral contact condition with which any existing cracks and any crack propagation have to comply. The resulting phase field model offers several advantages as compared to other available schemes. First, it involves rigorous orthogonality between traction and compression parts. Second, it yields remarkably simple, new analytical expressions of the projectors which provide computational saving during the crack propagation simulation. Finally, it can be applied to arbitrary initial elastic anisotropic media, which is not the case of other available strain tensor split operators. A detailed comparison of the fracture responses predicted by the present model and other approaches is provided. It is shown that the present orthogonal decomposition is able to accurately predict experimental results and removes spurious effects found in other schemes for specific loads like compression.  相似文献   

The prediction of fatigue crack growth at very low ΔK values, and in particular for the threshold region, is important in design and in many engineering applications. A simple model for cyclic crack propagation in ductile materials is discussed and the expression
dadN=21+n(1?2v)(ΔK2eff?ΔK2c,eff)4(1+n)π σ1?nycE1+n ?1+nf
developed. Here, n is the cyclic strain hardening exponent, σyc is cyclic yield, and εf is the true fracture strain. The model is successfully used in the analysis of fatigue data BS 4360-50D steel.  相似文献   

A mechanism of the phase transition between two modulated structures with different wave vectors was proposed and investigated numerically. The phase transition occurs through the mechanism of nucleation and growth of the new phase. The role of the nucleus is played by an unstable domain wall and the domain of a new low energy phase grows due to the motion of autowaves.  相似文献   

Modelling the entire ductile fracture process remains a challenge. On the one hand, continuous damage models succeed in capturing the initial diffuse damage stage but are not able to represent discontinuities or cracks. On the other hand, discontinuous methods, as the cohesive zones, which model the crack propagation behaviour, are suited to represent the localised damaging process. However, they are unable to represent diffuse damage. Moreover, most of the cohesive models do not capture triaxiality effect. In this paper, the advantages of the two approaches are combined in a single damage to crack transition framework. In a small deformation setting, a nonlocal elastic damage model is associated with a cohesive model in a discontinuous Galerkin finite element framework. A cohesive band model is used to naturally introduce a triaxiality‐dependent behaviour inside the cohesive law. Practically, a numerical thickness is introduced to recover a 3D state, mandatory to incorporate the in‐plane stretch effects. This thickness is evaluated to ensure the energy consistency of the method and is not a new numerical parameter. The traction‐separation law is then built from the underlying damage model. The method is numerically shown to capture the stress triaxiality effect on the crack initiation and propagation.  相似文献   

Fish schools are able to display a rich variety of collective states and behavioural responses when they are confronted by threats. However, a school''s response to perturbations may be different depending on the nature of its collective state. Here we use a previously developed data-driven fish school model to investigate how the school responds to perturbations depending on its different collective states, we measure its susceptibility to such perturbations, and exploit its relation with the intrinsic fluctuations in the school. In particular, we study how a single or a small number of perturbing individuals whose attraction and alignment parameters are different from those of the main population affect the long-term behaviour of a school. We find that the responsiveness of the school to the perturbations is maximum near the transition region between milling and schooling states where the school exhibits multistability and regularly shifts between these two states. It is also in this region that the susceptibility, and hence the fluctuations, of the polarization order parameter is maximal. We also find that a significant school''s response to a perturbation only happens below a certain threshold of the noise to social interactions ratio.  相似文献   


We identify ground-state collinear spin ordering in various antiferromagnetic transition metal oxides by constructing the Ising model from first-principles results and applying a genetic algorithm to find its minimum energy state. The present method can correctly reproduce the ground state of well-known antiferromagnetic oxides such as NiO, Fe2O3, Cr2O3 and MnO2. Furthermore, we identify the ground-state spin ordering in more complicated materials such as Mn3O4 and CoCr2O4.  相似文献   

Cost analysis is crucial in the design of assembly systems and the decision on their level of automation (LoA). This paper presents a cost estimation model of assembly system that is used to decide their LoA during the early phase of projects. Based on an extensive literature review, a complete cost model integrating multiple cost drivers is proposed. This model is then exploited to create the objective function of an integer linear programme model utilised to solve the LoA decision problem. The work provides a way to perform cost estimation of assembly systems alternatives and to decide the most appropriate LoA in assembly. The cost estimation model is built with a parametric approach allowing the definition of various optimisation objectives. The proposed integer programme, complement this approach by proposing the suitable constraints set, that describes the LoA decision problem.  相似文献   

GARCH族模型在上海股市分阶段对比分析中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
应用GARCH模型族对上海股市1997年前后两个阶段的综合指数收益率进行建模分析.通过对股票收益率的基本统计量以及参数估计结果进行对比分析,从理论上定量地证明了投资者正在从以前的盲目投资逐渐地转变为理性投资,上海股市已经由市场初创过渡调整期进入了规范发展期,越来越遵循市场规范,日趋成为一个较成熟的市场.  相似文献   

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