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An overview of recent developments in controlled vapor‐phase growth of 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (2D TMD) films is presented. Investigations of thin‐film formation mechanisms and strategies for realizing 2D TMD films with less‐defective large domains are of central importance because single‐crystal‐like 2D TMDs exhibit the most beneficial electronic and optoelectronic properties. The focus is on the role of the various growth parameters, including strategies for efficiently delivering the precursors, the selection and preparation of the substrate surface as a growth assistant, and the introduction of growth promoters (e.g., organic molecules and alkali metal halides) to facilitate the layered growth of (Mo, W)(S, Se, Te)2 atomic crystals on inert substrates. Critical factors governing the thermodynamic and kinetic factors related to chemical reaction pathways and the growth mechanism are reviewed. With modification of classical nucleation theory, strategies for designing and growing various vertical/lateral TMD‐based heterostructures are discussed. Then, several pioneering techniques for facile observation of structural defects in TMDs, which substantially degrade the properties of macroscale TMDs, are introduced. Technical challenges to be overcome and future research directions in the vapor‐phase growth of 2D TMDs for heterojunction devices are discussed in light of recent advances in the field.  相似文献   

Lateral heterogeneities in atomically thin 2D materials such as in‐plane heterojunctions and grain boundaries (GBs) provide an extrinsic knob for manipulating the properties of nano‐ and optoelectronic devices and harvesting novel functionalities. However, these heterogeneities have the potential to adversely affect the performance and reliability of the 2D devices through the formation of nanoscopic hot‐spots. In this report, scanning thermal microscopy (SThM) is utilized to map the spatial distribution of the temperature rise within monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) devices upon dissipating a high electrical power through a lateral interface. The results directly demonstrate that lateral heterojunctions between MoS2 and WS2 do not largely impact the distribution of heat dissipation, while GBs of MoS2 appreciably localize heating in the device. High‐resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals that the atomic structure is nearly flawless around heterojunctions but can be quite defective near GBs. The results suggest that the interfacial atomic structure plays a crucial role in enabling uniform charge transport without inducing localized heating. Establishing such structure–property‐processing correlation provides a better understanding of lateral heterogeneities in 2D TMD systems which is crucial in the design of future all‐2D electronic circuitry with enhanced functionalities, lifetime, and performance.  相似文献   

Rapidly evolving group-10 transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) offer remarkable electronic, optical, and mechanical properties, making them promising candidates for advanced optoelectronic applications. Compared to most TMDCs semiconductors, group-10-TMDCs possess unique structures, narrow bandgap, and influential physical properties that motivate the development of broadband photodetectors, specifically infrared photodetectors. This review presents the latest developments in the fabrication of broadband photodetectors based on conventional 2D TMDCs. It mainly focuses on the recent developments in group-10 TMDCs from the perspective of the lattice structure and synthesis techniques. Recent progress in group-10 TMDCs and their heterostructures with different dimensionality of materials-based broadband photodetectors is provided. Moreover, this review accounts for the latest applications of group-10 TMDCs in the fields of nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. Finally, conclusions and outlooks are summarized to provide perspectives for next-generation broadband photodetectors based on group-10 TMDCs.  相似文献   

2D metal‐semiconductor heterostructures based on transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are considered as intriguing building blocks for various fields, such as contact engineering and high‐frequency devices. Although, a series of p–n junctions utilizing semiconducting TMDs have been constructed hitherto, the realization of such a scheme using 2D metallic analogs has not been reported. Here, the synthesis of uniform monolayer metallic NbS2 on sapphire substrate with domain size reaching to a millimeter scale via a facile chemical vapor deposition (CVD) route is demonstrated. More importantly, the epitaxial growth of NbS2‐WS2 lateral metal‐semiconductor heterostructures via a “two‐step” CVD method is realized. Both the lateral and vertical NbS2‐WS2 heterostructures are achieved here. Transmission electron microscopy studies reveal a clear chemical modulation with distinct interfaces. Raman and photoluminescence maps confirm the precisely controlled spatial modulation of the as‐grown NbS2‐WS2 heterostructures. The existence of the NbS2‐WS2 heterostructures is further manifested by electrical transport measurements. This work broadens the horizon of the in situ synthesis of TMD‐based heterostructures and enlightens the possibility of applications based on 2D metal‐semiconductor heterostructures.  相似文献   

The marriage between a 2D layered material (2DLM) and a complex transition metal oxide (TMO) results in a variety of physical and chemical phenomena that cannot be achieved in either material alone. Interesting recent discoveries in systems such as graphene/SrTiO3, graphene/LaAlO3/SrTiO3, graphene/ferroelectric oxide, MoS2/SrTiO3, and FeSe/SrTiO3 heterostructures include voltage scaling in field‐effect transistors, charge state coupling across an interface, quantum conductance probing of the electrochemical activity, novel memory functions based on charge traps, and greatly enhanced superconductivity. In this context, various properties and functionalities appearing in numerous different 2DLM/TMO heterostructure systems are reviewed. The results imply that the multidimensional heterostructure approach based on the disparate material systems leads to an entirely new platform for the study of condensed matter physics and materials science. The heterostructures are also highly relevant technologically as each constituent material is a promising candidate for next‐generation optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

The optimization of traditional electrocatalysts has reached a point where progress is impeded by fundamental physical factors including inherent scaling relations among thermokinetic characteristics of different elementary reaction steps, non‐Nernstian behavior, and electronic structure of the catalyst. This indicates that the currently utilized classes of electrocatalysts may not be adequate for future needs. This study reports on synthesis and characterization of a new class of materials based on 2D transition metal dichalcogenides including sulfides, selenides, and tellurides of group V and VI transition metals that exhibit excellent catalytic performance for both oxygen reduction and evolution reactions in an aprotic medium with Li salts. The reaction rates are much higher for these materials than previously reported catalysts for these reactions. The reasons for the high activity are found to be the metal edges with adiabatic electron transfer capability and a cocatalyst effect involving an ionic‐liquid electrolyte. These new materials are expected to have high activity for other core electrocatalytic reactions and open the way for advances in energy storage and catalysis.  相似文献   

Phase engineering through chemical modification can significantly alter the properties of transition‐metal dichalcogenides, and allow the design of many novel electronic, photonic, and optoelectronics devices. The atomic‐scale mechanism underlying such phase engineering is still intensively investigated but elusive. Here, advanced electron microscopy, combined with density functional theory calculations, is used to understand the phase evolution (hexagonal 2H→monoclinic T′→orthorhombic Td) in chemical vapor deposition grown Mo1− x W x Te2 nanostructures. Atomic‐resolution imaging and electron diffraction indicate that Mo1− x W x Te2 nanostructures have two phases: the pure monoclinic phase in low W‐concentrated (0 < x ≤ 10 at.%) samples, and the dual phase of the monoclinic and orthorhombic in high W‐concentrated (10 < x < 90 at.%) samples. Such phase coexistence exists with coherent interfaces, mediated by a newly uncovered orthorhombic phase Td′. Td′, preserves the centrosymmetry of T′ and provides the possible phase transition path for T′→Td with low energy state. This work enriches the atomic‐scale understanding of phase evolution and coexistence in multinary compounds, and paves the way for device applications of new transition‐metal dichalcogenides phases and heterostructures.  相似文献   

The 2D semiconductor monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, WS2 and MoS2, are grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and assembled by sequential transfer into vertical layered heterostructures (VLHs). Insulating hBN, also produced by CVD, is utilized to control the separation between WS2 and MoS2 by adjusting the layer number, leading to fine‐scale tuning of the interlayer interactions within the VLHs. The interlayer interactions are studied by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and are demonstrated to be highly sensitive to the input excitation power. For thin hBN separators (one to two layers), the total PL emission switches from quenching to enhancement by increasing the laser power. Femtosecond broadband transient absorption measurements demonstrate that the increase in PL quantum yield results from Förster energy transfer from MoS2 to WS2. The PL signal is further enhanced at cryogenic temperatures due to the suppressed nonradiative decay channels. It is shown that (4 ± 1) layers of hBN are optimum for obtaining PL enhancement in the VLHs. Increasing thickness beyond this causes the enhancement factor to diminish, with the WS2 and MoS2 then behaving as isolated noninteracting monolayers. These results indicate how controlling the exciton generation rate influences energy transfer and plays an important role in the properties of VLHs.  相似文献   

One of the most fundamental parameters of any photovoltaic material is its quasi‐Fermi level splitting (?µ) under illumination. This quantity represents the maximum open‐circuit voltage (Voc) that a solar cell fabricated from that material can achieve. Herein, a contactless, nondestructive method to quantify this parameter for atomically thin 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) is reported. The technique is applied to quantify the upper limits of Voc that can possibly be achieved from monolayer WS2, MoS2, WSe2, and MoSe2‐based solar cells, and they are compared with state‐of‐the‐art perovskites. These results show that Voc values of ≈1.4, ≈1.12, ≈1.06, and ≈0.93 V can be potentially achieved from solar cells fabricated from WS2, MoS2, WSe2, and MoSe2 monolayers at 1 Sun illumination, respectively. It is also observed that ?µ is inhomogeneous across different regions of these monolayers. Moreover, it is attempted to engineer the observed ?µ heterogeneity by electrically gating the TMD monolayers in a metal‐oxide‐semiconductor structure that effectively changes the doping level of the monolayers electrostatically and improves their ?µ heterogeneity. The values of ?µ determined from this work reveal the potential of atomically thin TMDs for high‐voltage, ultralight, flexible, and eye‐transparent future solar cells.  相似文献   

For practical device applications, monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) films must meet key industry needs for batch processing, including the high-throughput, large-scale production of high-quality, spatially uniform materials, and reliable integration into devices. Here, high-throughput growth, completed in 12 min, of 6-inch wafer-scale monolayer MoS2 and WS2 is reported, which is directly compatible with scalable batch processing and device integration. Specifically, a pulsed metal–organic chemical vapor deposition process is developed, where periodic interruption of the precursor supply drives vertical Ostwald ripening, which prevents secondary nucleation despite high precursor concentrations. The as-grown TMD films show excellent spatial homogeneity and well-stitched grain boundaries, enabling facile transfer to various target substrates without degradation. Using these films, batch fabrication of high-performance field-effect transistor (FET) arrays in wafer-scale is demonstrated, and the FETs show remarkable uniformity. The high-throughput production and wafer-scale automatable transfer will facilitate the integration of TMDs into Si-complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor platforms.  相似文献   

Controllable growth of highly crystalline transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) patterns with regular morphology and unique edge structure is highly desired and important for fundamental research and potential applications. Here, single‐crystalline MoS2 flakes are reported with regular trigonal symmetric patterns that can be homoepitaxially grown on MoS2 monolayer via chemical vapor deposition. The highly organized MoS2 patterns are rhombohedral (3R)‐stacked with the underlying MoS2 monolayer, and their boundaries are predominantly terminated by zigzag Mo edge structure. The epitaxial MoS2 crystals can be tailored from compact triangles to fractal flakes, and the pattern formation can be explained by the anisotropic growth rates of the S and Mo edges under low sulfur chemical potential. The 3R‐stacked MoS2 pattern demonstrates strong second and third‐harmonic‐generation signals, which exceed those reported for monolayer MoS2 by a factor of 6 and 4, correspondingly. This homoepitaxial growth approach for making highly organized TMD patterns is also demonstrated for WS2.  相似文献   

The pervasiveness of information technologies is generating an impressive amount of data, which need to be accessed very quickly. Nonvolatile memories (NVMs) are making inroads into high‐capacity storage to replace hard disk drives, fuelling the expansion of the global storage memory market. As silicon‐based flash memories are approaching their fundamental limit, vertical stacking of multiple memory cell layers, innovative device concepts, and novel materials are being investigated. In this context, emerging 2D materials, such as graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and black phosphorous, offer a host of physical and chemical properties, which could both improve existing memory technologies and enable the next generation of low‐cost, flexible, and wearable storage devices. Herein, an overview of graphene and related 2D materials (GRMs) in different types of NVM cells is provided, including resistive random‐access, flash, magnetic and phase‐change memories. The physical and chemical mechanisms underlying the switching of GRM‐based memory devices studied in the last decade are discussed. Although at this stage most of the proof‐of‐concept devices investigated do not compete with state‐of‐the‐art devices, a number of promising technological advancements have emerged. Here, the most relevant material properties and device structures are analyzed, emphasizing opportunities and challenges toward the realization of practical NVM devices.  相似文献   

层状二硫化钼材料的制备和应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二硫化钼(MoS2)是具有天然可调控带隙的二维层状材料,其独特的性质引起了科研人员的广泛关注,在微电子及光电领域具有重要的应用前景。介绍了MoS2的基本性质和常用制备方法,对层状MoS2材料在电子和光电子器件方面的应用进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

Recently, 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have become intriguing materials in the versatile field of photonics and optoelectronics because of their strong light–matter interaction that stems from the atomic layer thickness, broadband optical response, controllable optoelectronic properties, and high nonlinearity, as well as compatibility. Nevertheless, the low optical cross‐section of 2D‐TMDs inhibits the light–matter interaction, resulting in lower quantum yield. Therefore, hybridizing the 2D‐TMDs with plasmonic nanomaterials has become one of the promising strategies to boost the optical absorption of thin 2D‐TMDs. The appeal of plasmonics is based on their capability to localize and enhance the electromagnetic field and increase the optical path length of light by scattering and injecting hot electrons to TMDs. In this regard, recent achievements with respect to hybridization of the plasmonic effect in 2D‐TMDs systems and its augmented optical and optoelectronic properties are reviewed. The phenomenon of plasmon‐enhanced interaction in 2D‐TMDs is briefly described and state‐of‐the‐art hybrid device applications are comprehensively discussed. Finally, an outlook on future applications of these hybrid devices is provided.  相似文献   

There is an increasing demand for control over the dimensions and functions of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) in aqueous solution toward biological and medical applications. Herein, an approach for the exfoliation and functionalization of TMDs in water via modulation of the hydrophobic interaction between poly(ε‐caprolactone)‐b‐poly(ethylene glycol) (PCL‐b‐PEG) and the basal planes of TMDs is reported. Decreasing the hydrophobic PCL length of PCL‐b‐PEG from 5000 g mol?1 (PCL5000) to 460 g mol?1 (PCL460) significantly increases the exfoliation efficiency of TMD nanosheets because the polymer–TMD hydrophobic interaction becomes dominant over the polymer–polymer interaction. The TMD nanosheets exfoliated by PCL460b‐PEG5000 (460‐WS2, 460‐WSe2, 460‐MoS2, and 460‐MoSe2) show excellent and prolonged scavenging activity for reactive oxygen species (ROS), but each type of TMD displays a different scavenging tendency against hydroxyl, superoxide, and 2,2′‐azino‐bis(3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulfonic acid) radicals. A mechanistic study based on electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and density functional theory simulations suggests that radical‐mediated oxidation of TMDs and hydrogen transfer from the oxidized TMDs to radicals are crucial steps for ROS scavenging by TMD nanosheets. As‐prepared 460‐TMDs are able to effectively scavenge ROS in HaCaT human keratinocytes, and also exhibit excellent biocompatibility.  相似文献   

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