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Outstanding mechanical properties of biological multilayered materials are strongly influenced by nanoscale features in their structure. In this study, mechanical behaviour and toughening mechanisms of abalone nacre-inspired multilayered materials are explored. In nacre''s structure, the organic matrix, pillars and the roughness of the aragonite platelets play important roles in its overall mechanical performance. A micromechanical model for multilayered biological materials is proposed to simulate their mechanical deformation and toughening mechanisms. The fundamental hypothesis of the model is the inclusion of nanoscale pillars with near theoretical strength (σth ~ E/30). It is also assumed that pillars and asperities confine the organic matrix to the proximity of the platelets, and, hence, increase their stiffness, since it has been previously shown that the organic matrix behaves more stiffly in the proximity of mineral platelets. The modelling results are in excellent agreement with the available experimental data for abalone nacre. The results demonstrate that the aragonite platelets, pillars and organic matrix synergistically affect the stiffness of nacre, and the pillars significantly contribute to the mechanical performance of nacre. It is also shown that the roughness induced interactions between the organic matrix and aragonite platelet, represented in the model by asperity elements, play a key role in strength and toughness of abalone nacre. The highly nonlinear behaviour of the proposed multilayered material is the result of distributed deformation in the nacre-like structure due to the existence of nano-asperities and nanopillars with near theoretical strength. Finally, tensile toughness is studied as a function of the components in the microstructure of nacre.  相似文献   

Eight structural elements in biological materials are identified as the most common amongst a variety of animal taxa. These are proposed as a new paradigm in the field of biological materials science as they can serve as a toolbox for rationalizing the complex mechanical behavior of structural biological materials and for systematizing the development of bioinspired designs for structural applications. They are employed to improve the mechanical properties, namely strength, wear resistance, stiffness, flexibility, fracture toughness, and energy absorption of different biological materials for a variety of functions (e.g., body support, joint movement, impact protection, weight reduction). The structural elements identified are: fibrous, helical, gradient, layered, tubular, cellular, suture, and overlapping. For each of the structural design elements, critical design parameters are presented along with constitutive equations with a focus on mechanical properties. Additionally, example organisms from varying biological classes are presented for each case to display the wide variety of environments where each of these elements is present. Examples of current bioinspired materials are also introduced for each element.  相似文献   

Materials for organic electronics are presently used in prominent applications, such as displays in mobile devices, while being intensely researched for other purposes, such as organic photovoltaics, large‐area devices, and thin‐film transistors. Many of the challenges to improve and optimize these applications are material related and there is a nearly infinite chemical space that needs to be explored to identify the most suitable material candidates. Established experimental approaches struggle with the size and complexity of this chemical space. Herein, the development of simulation methods is addressed, with a particular emphasis on predictive multiscale protocols, to complement experimental research in the identification of novel materials and illustrate the potential of these methods with a few prominent recent applications. Finally, the potential of machine learning and methods based on artificial intelligence is discussed to further accelerate the search for new materials.  相似文献   

Incapability of effective cross‐talk with biological environments has partly impaired the in vivo functionality of nanoparticles (NPs). Homing, biodistribution, and function of NPs could be engineered through regulating their interactions with in vivo niches. Inspired by communications in biological systems, endowing a “biological identity” to synthetic NPs is one approach to control their biodistribution, and immunonegotiation profiles. This synthetic‐biological combination is referred to as biohybrid NPs, which comprise both i) engineerable, readily producible, and trackable synthetic NPs as well as ii) biological moieties with the capability to cross‐talk with immunological barriers. Here, the latest understanding on the in vivo interactions of NPs, biological barriers they face, and emerging methods for quantitative measurements of NPs' biodistribution are reviewed. Some key biomolecules that have emerged as negotiators with the immune system in the context of cancer and autoimmunity, and their inspirations on biohybrid NPs are introduced. Critical design considerations for efficient cross‐talk between NPs and innate and adaptive immunity followed by hybridization methods are also discussed. Finally, clinical translation challenges and future perspectives regarding biohybrid NPs are discussed.  相似文献   

How to arrange soft materials with strong but brittle reinforcements to achieve attractive combinations of stiffness, strength and toughness is an ongoing and fascinating question in engineering and biological materials science. Recent advances in topology optimization and bioinspiration have brought interesting answers to this question, but they provide only small windows into the vast design space associated with this problem. Here, we take a more global approach in which we assess the mechanical performance of thousands of possible microstructures. This exhaustive exploration gives a global picture of structure–property relationships and guarantees that global optima can be found. Landscapes of optimum solutions for different combinations of desired properties can also be created, revealing the robustness of each of the solutions. Interestingly, while some of the major hybrid designs used in engineering are absent from the set of solutions, the microstructures emerging from this process are reminiscent of materials, such as bone, nacre or spider silk.  相似文献   

In the first part of this contribution, a brief theoretical revision of the mechanical and variational foundations of a Failure‐Oriented Multiscale Formulation devised for modeling failure in heterogeneous materials is described. The proposed model considers two well separated physical length scales, namely: (i) the macroscale where nucleation and evolution of a cohesive surface is considered as a medium to characterize the degradation phenomenon occurring at the lower length scale, and (ii) the microscale where some mechanical processes that lead to the material failure are taking place, such as strain localization, damage, shear band formation, and so on. These processes are modeled using the concept of Representative Volume Element (RVE). On the macroscale, the traction separation response, characterizing the mechanical behavior of the cohesive interface, is a result of the failure processes simulated in the microscale. The traction separation response is obtained by a particular homogenization technique applied on specific RVE sub‐domains. Standard, as well as, Non‐Standard boundary conditions are consistently derived in order to preserve objectivity of the homogenized response with respect to the micro‐cell size. In the second part of the paper, and as an original contribution, the detailed numerical implementation of the two‐scale model based on the finite element method is presented. Special attention is devoted to the topics, which are distinctive of the Failure‐Oriented Multiscale Formulation, such as: (i) the finite element technologies adopted in each scale along with their corresponding algorithmic expressions, (ii) the generalized treatment given to the kinematical boundary conditions in the RVE, and (iii) how these kinematical restrictions affect the capturing of macroscopic material instability modes and the posterior evolution of failure at the RVE level. Finally, a set of numerical simulations is performed in order to show the potentialities of the proposed methodology, as well as, to compare and validate the numerical solutions furnished by the two‐scale model with respect to a direct numerical simulation approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The computational continua framework, which is a variant of higher‐order computational homogenization theories that is free of scale separation, does not require higher‐order finite element continuity, and is free of higher‐order boundary conditions, has been generalized to unstructured meshes. The salient features of the proposed generalization are (i) a nonlocal quadrature scheme for distorted elements that accounts for unit cell distortion in the parent element domain and (ii) an approximate variant of the nonlocal quadrature that eliminates the cost of computing positions of the quadrature points in the preprocessing stage. The performance of the computational continua framework on unstructured meshes has been compared to the first‐order homogenization theory and the direct numerical simulation.  相似文献   

When computing the homogenized response of a representative volume element (RVE), a popular choice is to impose periodic boundary conditions on the RVE. Despite their popularity, it is well known that standard periodic boundary conditions lead to inaccurate results if cracks or localization bands in the RVE are not aligned with the periodicity directions. A previously proposed remedy is to use modified strong periodic boundary conditions that are aligned with the dominating localization direction in the RVE. In the present work, we show that alignment of periodic boundary conditions can also conveniently be performed on weak form. Starting from a previously proposed format for weak micro‐periodicity that does not require a periodic mesh, we show that aligned weakly periodic boundary conditions may be constructed by only modifying the mapping (mirror function) between the associated parts of the RVE boundary. In particular, we propose a modified mirror function that allows alignment with an identified localization direction. This modified mirror function corresponds to a shifted stacking of RVEs, and thereby ensures compatibility of the dominating discontinuity over the RVE boundaries. The proposed method leads to more accurate results compared to using unaligned periodic boundary conditions, as demonstrated by the numerical examples. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

多尺度材料模型研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭雅芳  王崇愚 《材料导报》2001,16(7):9-11,8
在分别介绍宏观,介观,微观,原子和电子尺度材料模型研究的基础上,论述了多尺度材料模型(MMM)这一新兴的跨学科的前沿研究领域产生的前提,概念主其在材料科学,特别是在宏观形变及新断裂过程研究中的重要作用,综合分析了多种跨尺度关联方法的原理,技术方案及其应用,并探讨了当前多尺度研究的热点及进一步发展的方向。  相似文献   

This study presents an isogeometric framework for incorporating representative volume element–based multiscale models into computational homogenization. First‐order finite deformation homogenization theory is derived within the framework of the method of multiscale virtual power, and Lagrange multipliers are used to illustrate the effects of considering different kinematical constraints. Using a Lagrange multiplier approach in the numerical implementation of the discrete system naturally leads to a consolidated treatment of the commonly employed representative volume element boundary conditions. Implementation of finite deformation computational strain‐driven, stress‐driven, and mixed homogenization is detailed in the context of isogeometric analysis (IGA), and performance is compared to standard finite element analysis. As finite deformations are considered, a numerical multiscale stability analysis procedure is also detailed for use with IGA. Unique implementation aspects that arise when computational homogenization is performed using IGA are discussed, and the developed framework is applied to a complex curved microstructure representing an architectured material.  相似文献   

自然界中生物材料表现出的力学性能与其结构设计形式紧密相关。柔性生物材料多为多级结构设计,其独特的功能梯度特征使其具备优异的变形能力及良好的断裂韧性。本文借鉴工程结构设计基本单元的思想提出柔性结构仿生元素理念,根据几何形态将结构仿生元素分为:线元素、梁元素、柱元素、板壳元素、薄膜元素及组合元素。根据系统论的观点建立仿生柔性结构设计体系,归纳总结出柔性仿生结构的设计准则,并基于鱼鳞梯度结构设计新型仿生功能梯度板。通过有限元的方法对功能梯度板归一化自然频率进行分析。结果表明,类鱼鳞功能梯度板具有柔韧性及刚度软化特性。阐述了仿生柔性结构的设计方法,包括模仿设计、组合设计及选择匹配设计。  相似文献   

Efficient and satisfactory noise damping is essential for achieving a high quality of life. Therefore, the way of sound absorption is a very important technical issue in various industries such as automobiles, acoustics, naval architecture, and so on. In this paper, a unique sound absorber which could manipulate its geometry and resulting performance in an active fashion is demonstrated. The strategy is to adopt the reversible shape‐changing ability of a shape memory polymer foam. The microstructure of foam is programmed and recovered in order to control the sound absorption capability dependent on frequency. The results reveal that the sound absorption coefficients could be tuned for the noise control based on frequency matching. Furthermore, the underlying theory is studied with a numerical simulation method regarding shape memory behavior and poroacoustical behavior. It is expected that the shape memory sound absorber proposed in this research provides a new insight into noise, vibration, and harshness technology.  相似文献   

Aerogels are the least dense and most porous materials known to man, with potential applications from lightweight superinsulators to smart energy materials. To date their use has been seriously hampered by their synthesis methods, which are laborious and expensive. Taking inspiration from the life cycle of the damselfly, a novel ambient pressure‐drying approach is demonstrated in which instead of employing low‐surface‐tension organic solvents to prevent pore collapse during drying, sodium bicarbonate solution is used to generate pore‐supporting carbon dioxide in situ, significantly reducing energy, time, and cost in aerogel production. The generic applicability of this readily scalable new approach is demonstrated through the production of granules, monoliths, and layered solids with a number of precursor materials.  相似文献   

Organic semiconductors find a wide range of applications, such as in organic light emitting diodes, organic solar cells, and organic field effect transistors. One of their most striking disadvantages in comparison to crystalline inorganic semiconductors is their low charge‐carrier mobility, which manifests itself in major device constraints such as limited photoactive layer thicknesses. Trial‐and‐error attempts to increase charge‐carrier mobility are impeded by the complex interplay of the molecular and electronic structure of the material with its morphology. Here, the viability of a multiscale simulation approach to rationally design materials with improved electron mobility is demonstrated. Starting from one of the most widely used electron conducting materials (Alq3), novel organic semiconductors with tailored electronic properties are designed for which an improvement of the electron mobility by three orders of magnitude is predicted and experimentally confirmed.  相似文献   

晶须增韧复合材料机理的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了晶须增韧复合材料的机理 ,增韧机理主要包括 :裂纹桥联、裂纹偏转、拔出效应 ;讨论了界面性质、晶须性能和基质性质对机理的影响 ;并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

A general three‐dimensional concurrent multiscale modeling approach is developed for amorphous materials. The material is first constructed as a tessellation of hexahedral amorphous cells. For regions of linear deformation, the number of degrees of freedom is reduced by computing the displacements of the vertices of the amorphous cells only instead of the atoms within. This is achieved by determining, a priori, the atom displacements within such pseudoamorphous cells associated with orthogonal deformation modes of the cell. Actual atom displacements are calculated using traditional molecular mechanics for regions of nonlinear deformation. Computational implementation of the coupling between pseudoamorphous cells and molecular mechanics regions and stiffness matrix formulation are elucidated. Multiscale simulations of nanoindentation on polymer and crystalline substrates show good agreement with pure molecular mechanics simulations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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