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Solar cell generates electrical energy from light one via pulling excited carrier away under built‐in asymmetry. Doped semiconductor with antireflection layer is general strategy to achieve this including crystalline silicon (c‐Si) solar cell. However, loss of extra energy beyond band gap and light reflection in particular wavelength range is known to hinder the efficiency of c‐Si cell. Here, it is found that part of short wavelength sunlight can be converted into polarization electrical field, which strengthens asymmetry in organic‐c‐Si heterojunction solar cell through molecule alignment process. The light harvested by organometal trihalide perovskite nanoparticles (NPs) induces molecular alignment on a conducting polymer, which generates positive electrical surface field. Furthermore, a “field‐effect solar cell” is successfully developed and implemented by combining perovskite NPs with organic/c‐Si heterojunction associating with light‐induced molecule alignment, which achieves an efficiency of 14.3%. In comparison, the device with the analogous structure without perovskite NPs only exhibits an efficiency of 12.7%. This finding provides a novel concept to design solar cell by sacrificing part of sunlight to provide “extra” asymmetrical field continuously as to drive photogenerated carrier toward respective contacts under direct sunlight. Moreover, it also points out a method to combine promising perovskite material with c‐Si solar cell.  相似文献   

The origins of the high device performance and degradation in the air are the greatest issues for commercialization of perovskite solar cells. Here this study investigates the possible origins of the mixed perovskite cells by monitoring defect states and compositional changes of the perovskite layer over the time. The results of deep‐level transient spectroscopy analysis reveal that a newly identified defect formed by Br atoms exists at deep levels of the mixed perovskite film, and its defect state shifts when the film is aged in the air. The change of the defect state is originated from loss of the methylammonium molecules of the perovskite layer, which results in decreased JSC, deterioration of the power conversion efficiency and long‐term stability of perovskite solar cells. The results provide a powerful strategy to diagnose and manage the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells.  相似文献   

This work reports on the preparation of semitransparent perovskite solar cells. The cells transparency is achieved through a unique wet deposition technique that creates perovskite grids with various dimensions. The perovskite grid is deposited on a mesoporous TiO2 layer, followed by hole transport material deposition and evaporation of a semitransparent gold film. Control of the transparency of the solar cells is achieved by changing the perovskite solution concentration and the mesh openings. The semitransparent cells demonstrate 20–70% transparency with a power conversion efficiency of 5% at 20% transparency. This is the first demonstration of the possibility to create a controlled perovskite pattern using a direct mesh‐assisted assembly deposition method for fabrication of a semitransparent perovskite‐based solar cell.  相似文献   

Because of the rapid rise of the efficiency, perovskite solar cells are currently considered as the most promising next‐generation photovoltaic technology. Much effort has been made to improve the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells. Here, it is demonstrated that the addition of a novel organic cation of 2‐(6‐bromo‐1,3‐dioxo‐1H‐benzo[de]isoquinolin‐2(3H)‐yl)ethan‐1‐ammonium iodide (2‐NAM), which has strong Lewis acid and base interaction (between C?O and Pb) with perovskite, can effectively increase crystalline grain size and reduce charge carrier recombination of the double cation FA0.83MA0.17PbI2.51Br0.49 perovskite film, thus boosting the efficiency from 17.1 ± 0.8% to 18.6 ± 0.9% for the 0.1 cm2 cell and from 15.5 ± 0.5% to 16.5 ± 0.6% for the 1.0 cm2 cell. The champion cell shows efficiencies of 20.0% and 17.6% with active areas of 0.1 and 1.0 cm2, respectively. Moreover, the hysteresis behavior is suppressed and the stability is improved. The result provides a promising route to further elevate efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells by the fine tuning of triple organic cations.  相似文献   

Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have undergone an incredibly fast development and attracted intense attention worldwide owing to their high efficiency and low‐cost fabrication. However, it is challenging to make a reliable measurement of PSCs, which creates great difficulty for researchers to compare and reproduce published results. Herein, the major measurement methods and key factors affecting evaluation of PSCs are summarized, such as hysteresis in current–voltage measurement, calibration of solar simulators for less mismatch in spectra and light intensity, and the area for the calculation of current density and power conversion efficiency. PSCs are also compared with n–i–p or p–i–n structures that exhibit different feedback under the same measurement methods. Finally, a measurement proposal is provided to help researchers obtain reliable measurement results close to those certified by public test centers.  相似文献   

The emergence of cesium lead iodide (CsPbI3) perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has generated enormous interest in the photovoltaic research community. However, in general they exhibit low power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) because of the existence of defects. A new all‐inorganic perovskite material, CsPbI3:Br:InI3, is prepared by defect engineering of CsPbI3. This new perovskite retains the same bandgap as CsPbI3, while the intrinsic defect concentration is largely suppressed. Moreover, it can be prepared in an extremely high humidity atmosphere and thus a glovebox is not required. By completely eliminating the labile and expensive components in traditional PSCs, the all‐inorganic PSCs based on CsPbI3:Br:InI3 and carbon electrode exhibit PCE and open‐circuit voltage as high as 12.04% and 1.20 V, respectively. More importantly, they demonstrate excellent stability in air for more than two months, while those based on CsPbI3 can survive only a few days in air. The progress reported represents a major leap for all‐inorganic PSCs and paves the way for their further exploration in order to achieve higher performance.  相似文献   

In hybrid organic–inorganic lead halide perovskite solar cells, the energy loss is strongly associated with nonradiative recombination in the perovskite layer and at the cell interfaces. Here, a simple but effective strategy is developed to improve the cell performance of perovskite solar cells via the combination of internal doping by a ferroelectric polymer and external control by an electric field. A group of polarized ferroelectric (PFE) polymers are doped into the methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) layer and/or inserted between the perovskite and the hole‐transporting layers to enhance the build‐in field (BIF), improve the crystallization of MAPbI3, and regulate the nonradiative recombination in perovskite solar cells. The PFE polymer‐doped MAPbI3 shows an orderly arrangement of MA+ cations, resulting in a preferred growth orientation of polycrystalline perovskite films with reduced trap states. In addition, the BIF is enhanced by the widened depletion region in the device. As an interfacial dipole layer, the PFE polymer plays a critical role in increasing the BIF. This combined effect leads to a substantial reduction in voltage loss of 0.14 V due to the efficient suppression of nonradiative recombination. Consequently, the resulting perovskite solar cells present a power conversion efficiency of 21.38% with a high open‐circuit voltage of 1.14 V.  相似文献   

Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have attracted unprecedented attention due to their rapidly rising photoelectric conversion efficiency (PCE). In order to further improve the PCE of PSCs, new possible optimization path needs to be found. Here, quasi‐heteroface PSCs (QHF‐PSCs) is designed by a double‐layer perovskite film. Such brand new PSCs have good carrier separation capabilities, effectively suppress the nonradiative recombination of the PSCs, and thus greatly improve the open‐circuit voltage and PCE. The root cause of the performance improvement is the benefit from the additional built‐in electric field, which is confirmed by measuring the external quantum efficiency under applied electric field and Kelvin probe force microscope. Meanwhile, an intermediate band gap perovskite layer can be obtained simply by combining a wide band gap perovskite layer with a narrow band gap perovskite layer. Tunability of the band gap is obtained by varying the film thicknesses of the narrow and wide band gap layers. This phenomenon is quite different from traditional inorganic solar cells, whose band gap is determined only by the narrowest band gap layer. It is believed that these QHF‐PSCs will be an effective strategy to further enhance PCE in PSCs and provide basis to further understand and develop the perovskite materials platform.  相似文献   

Large‐scale high‐quality perovskite thin films are crucial to produce high‐performance perovskite solar cells. However, for perovskite films fabricated by solvent‐rich processes, film uniformity can be prevented by convection during thermal evaporation of the solvent. Here, a scalable low‐temperature soft‐cover deposition (LT‐SCD) method is presented, where the thermal convection‐induced defects in perovskite films are eliminated through a strategy of surface tension relaxation. Compact, homogeneous, and convection‐induced‐defects‐free perovskite films are obtained on an area of 12 cm2, which enables a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 15.5% on a solar cell with an area of 5 cm2. This is the highest efficiency at this large cell area. A PCE of 15.3% is also obtained on a flexible perovskite solar cell deposited on the polyethylene terephthalate substrate owing to the advantage of presented low‐temperature processing. Hence, the present LT‐SCD technology provides a new non‐spin‐coating route to the deposition of large‐area uniform perovskite films for both rigid and flexible perovskite devices.  相似文献   

Typical lead‐based perovskites solar cells show an onset of photogeneration around 800 nm, leaving plenty of spectral loss in the near‐infrared (NIR). Extending light absorption beyond 800 nm into the NIR should increase photocurrent generation and further improve photovoltaic efficiency of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Here, a simple and facile approach is reported to incorporate a NIR‐chromophore that is also a Lewis‐base into perovskite absorbers to broaden their photoresponse and increase their photovoltaic efficiency. Compared with pristine PSCs without such an organic chromophore, these solar cells generate photocurrent in the NIR beyond the band edge of the perovskite active layer alone. Given the Lewis‐basic nature of the organic semiconductor, its addition to the photoactive layer also effectively passivates perovskite defects. These films thus exhibit significantly reduced trap densities, enhanced hole and electron mobilities, and suppressed illumination‐induced ion migration. As a consequence, perovskite solar cells with organic chromophore exhibit an enhanced efficiency of 21.6%, and substantively improved operational stability under continuous one‐sun illumination. The results demonstrate the potential generalizability of directly incorporating a multifunctional organic semiconductor that both extends light absorption and passivates surface traps in perovskite active layers to yield highly efficient and stable NIR‐harvesting PSCs.  相似文献   

The luminous efficiency of inorganic white light‐emitting diodes, to be used by the next generation as light initiators, is continuously progressing and is an emerging interest for researchers. However, low color‐rendering index (Ra), high correlated color temperature (CCT), and poor stability limit its wider application. Herein, it is reported that Sm3+‐ and Eu3+‐doped calcium scandate (CaSc2O4 (CSO)) are an emerging deep‐red‐emitting material with promising light absorption, enhanced emission properties, and excellent thermal stability that make it a promising candidate with potential applications in emission display, solid‐state white lighting, and the device performance of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The average crystal structures of Sm3+‐doped CSO are studied by synchrotron X‐ray data that correspond to an extremely rigid host structure. Samarium ion is incorporated as a sensitizer that enhances the emission intensity up to 30%, with a high color purity of 88.9% with a 6% increment. The impacts of hosting the sensitizer are studied by quantifying the lifetime curves. The CaSc2O4:0.15Eu3+,0.03Sm3+ phosphor offers significant resistance to thermal quenching. The incorporation of lanthanide ion‐doped phosphors CSOE into PSCs is investigated along with their potential applications. The CSOE‐coated PSCs devices exhibit a high current density and a high power conversion efficiency (15.96%) when compared to the uncoated control devices.  相似文献   

Excess lead iodide (PbI2), as a defect passivation material in perovskite films, contributes to the longer carrier lifetime and reduced halide vacancies for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells. However, the random distribution of excess PbI2 also leads to accelerated degradation of the perovskite layer. Inspired by nanocrystal synthesis, here, a universal ligand-modulation technology is developed to modulate the shape and distribution of excess PbI2 in perovskite films. By adding certain ligands, perovskite films with vertically distributed PbI2 nanosheets between the grain boundaries are successfully achieved, which reduces the nonradiative recombination and trap density of the perovskite layer. Thus, the power conversion efficiency of the modulated device increases from 20% to 22% compared to the control device. In addition, benefiting from the vertical distribution of excess PbI2 and the hydrophobic nature of the surface ligands, the modulated devices exhibit much longer stability, retaining 72% of their initial efficiency after 360 h constant illumination under maximum power point tracking measurement.  相似文献   

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