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Maxim公司推出面向外设认证应用的最高安全等级保护方案芯片组,现已开始提供样品。作为Maxim Deep-CoverTM系列安全产品的一员,该芯片组由DS2465内置1-Wire主机的安全协处理器和DS28E15/DS28E22/DS28E25 1-Wire安全认证器件组成。该系列安全芯片组严格保证只有经过授权的外设才能用于OEM设备,确保用户的成本回收。产品的高度安全性将惠及包括消费、医疗、工业和通信市场在内的多个应用领域。OEM能够确保其设备使用的外设是正品,并且满足性能与质量标准的要求。DS2465协处理器与任意1-Wire安全认证器件配合使用,能够快速甄别售后市场上  相似文献   

<正>遥控门禁(RKE)系统对很多人来说已然不是一个陌生的名词,现在有70%以上的已生产车辆都会将遥控车门系统作为标准配件或  相似文献   

自2000年中国第一款网络游戏出版运营以来。网络游戏产业已经走过了10年的发展历程,且发展势头异常迅猛。虽然长期以来,国内的网游企业大都是以代理国外知名网游为主,但随着国产网游研发、运曹的逐渐成熟,国产网游在中国本土市场占据了举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

<正>随着科技的快速发展,世界正变得越来越复杂,对效率的要求也在日益提升,为保持和提高自身的竞争力,工程专业学生必须学习和了解不同学科和产品的工程概念。为帮助这些未来的工程师们掌握系统设计的基础知识,德州仪器(TI)专门针对大学教育推出了最新的TI机器人系统学习套件。TI-RSLK是一款低成本的机器人套件和课程教具,可以帮助学生们更深入地了解电子系统设计的工作原理。该系列的  相似文献   

见到戴尔产品部负责所有产品定义、设计、开发与支持的高级副总裁JohnMedica之前,一个疑惑一直困扰着我。产品的设计和研发意味着投入,这种投入绝对不会是小数目。而戴尔是一个视直销为生命、视降低成本为目标的公司,他如何处理研发投入与成本控制之间的关系?这种投入能够带来多大的产出呢?Medica认为这是一个“好问题”,他举了最少4、5个例子试图告诉我们:产品在设计上的投入绝对能让产品增值。Medica介绍说:“戴尔在全球拥有5个设计研发中心、4000名设计研发人员,目前每年的研发预算是6亿美金,越来越多的实例证明,这一切的投入都是值得…  相似文献   

在当今的产品开发流程中,业务部门之间的协作更加紧密,每当有一名工程师对产品数据进行操作,就将有20名用户需要对产品研发数据进行访问,包括采购人员、生产人员、销售人员和测试人员等.  相似文献   

随着21世纪全球信息技术的高速发展,信息技术各领域的应用都日趋成熟。然而,金融、政府、医院、教育等信息端口密集的行业吸引了大部分的目光,围绕这些行业项目的各种解决方案层出不穷。而我国的十二五规划中强调未来五年是我国工业发展的转型升级期,工业转型升级涉及理念、模式、路径的转变,是一个战略性、全局性、系统性的变革过程,不仅包括工业技术、工艺和装备的升级换代,也包括企业管理水平的不断提高。这个过程势必将加速推动智能建筑在民用工业领域广泛应用和长足发展。  相似文献   

惠普最近推出一款适用于中小型零售市场的新POS系统——HP3000。此系统及其新配置的外围能协助零售商进行库存管理,加速交易过程,跟踪雇员出勤率,记录顾客购物习惯以及跟踪打折促销活动。该系统采用低耗Intel Atom微处理器以及钢材底板。有效的冷却系统延长了POS系统的寿命,无需外加冷却设备。惠普还同时推出了一批POS外围设备,包括与信用卡读数器组成一体的键盘、  相似文献   

时下,IT界最热门的字眼莫过于“服务”,各厂商都在吵着如何用服务赚钱。恰值此时,一向以“创新”著称的惠普却独树一帜,推出了一系列免费的服务项目,让大家摸不清到底葫芦里卖的是什么药!  相似文献   

又到了岁末,而且是临近千禧年,每个IT厂商都在不失时机地拿出自己的“箱底”来扩展市场。笔记本电脑本来不是新产品,但有人却能做得有声有色。在年底即将到来之际,就笔记本电脑产品问题记者采访了COMPAQ公司PC产品市场部高级经理马晋都先生。 笔记本电脑的最大好处就是可以移动,方便用户。但用户的需求是多种多样的,有人偏重于配置全面,有人偏重于轻便小巧。如何来解决这个矛盾呢?COMPAQ笔记本电脑采用多系列、多产品投向市场的方法,以全盖面。如Armade系列产品根据不同性能特点分为高扩展性  相似文献   

提出一种新的方法用于高精度数据采集片上系统的动态性能测试。该方法利用高维空间几何矢量投影的思想,将正弦响应信号向由其各次谐波组成的正交基投影来拟合测试数据,以残差的负熵作为拟合结束的判据,使残差最大限度接近白噪声,避免了传统以残差最小为判据的过拟合问题。实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

<正>——SoftFone-LCR+芯片组扩展了ADI公司3G TD-SCDMA技术解决方案的种类,为用户提供从基本语音手机到高端TD-SCDMA多媒体手机的多种选择。  相似文献   

In addition to shared Internet access for PCs, the home network will connect to every consumer electronic device. To make this possible, we must consider robust system requirements, home phone line standards, costs, and implementation of a supporting iline10 chip set  相似文献   

We are exploring a 3D processor-memory stack for use with the message passing interface (MPI). The communication among processors in huge servers wastes several thousands of cycles. Most of these wasted cycles do not come from the communication link among the processors across the system, but rather in handling the message packets. A processor that could handle this message packing and communication at a much faster rate could significantly increase this task's efficiency and thus increase the utilization of such supercomputers, currently a very low 1%. However, at such high clock rates, the memory wall would become a significant problem. Tackling this problem requires innovative technologies, such as 3D memories, which alleviate some problems with long on-chip interconnects. The importance of interconnection wires to circuit performance is on a chip. The need for shorter interconnection delays suggests shorter interconnection wires. Shorter interconnections are more likely in 3D architectures than in equivalent 2D systems. This article explores the advantages of 3D in a processor-memory stack system. We conducted simulations using simple tools like Dinero IV and the cache access and cycle time information (Cacti) to evaluate the performances of various memory architectures.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design, fabrication and performance of an uncooled micro-optomechanical infrared (IR) imaging system consisting of a focal-plane array (FPA) containing bi-material cantilever pixels made of silicon nitride (SiNx) and gold (Au), which serve as infrared absorbers and thermomechanical transducers. Based on wave optics, a visible optical readout system is designed to simultaneously measure the deflections of all the cantilever beams in the FPA and project the visible deflection map onto a visible charge-coupled device (CCD) imager. The IR imaging results suggest that the detection resolution of current design is 3-5 K, whereas noise analysis indicates the current resolution to be around 1 K. The noise analysis also shows that the theoretical noise-equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of the system can be below 3 mK  相似文献   

In this note, we first generalize the notion of the interactor (Wolovich and Falb [1]), and modify the input-output structure algorithm of Silverman [2], in order to obtain simple relations between the dimension of supremal output nulling invariant subspace V*and the degree of the determinant of the interactorpartial_{T}and the integers obtained from the structure algorithm. Then, we show that these relations can be used to derive a new set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear multivariable system to be prime (Morse [3]).  相似文献   

Recommender Systems (RS) are used to help people reduce the amount of time they spend to find the items they are looking for. One of the most successful techniques used in RS is called Collaborative Filtering (CF). It looks into the choices made by other users to find items that are most similar to the target user. Data sparsity and high dimensionality which are common in the RS domains have negatively affected the efficiency of CF. The current paper seeks to solve the mentioned problems through a neighbor user finding method which has been derived from the subspace clustering approach. In this method, the authors extract different subspaces of rated items under the categories of Interested, Neither Interested Nor Uninterested, and Uninterested. Based on subspaces, tree structures of neighbor users are drawn for the target user. Furthermore, a new similarity method is proposed to compute the similarity value. This new method has been tested via the Movielens 100K, Movielens 1M and Jester datasets in order to make a comparison with the traditional techniques. The results have indicated that the proposed method can enhance the performance of the Recommender Systems.  相似文献   

一类纯滞后系统的新型神经元控制器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对一类带有纯滞后的系统,提出一种新的复合智能控制算法--神经元-Smith预估控制(NSC),该控制算法不依赖于精确的对象数学模型,算法简单,具有自学习、自组织的能力,能实现在线控制。仿真和实验结果表明,这种控制方式具有较强的适应性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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