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In this paper we discuss the advantages and limitations of a specification‐based software testing technique we call CEG‐BOR. There are two phases in this approach. First, informal software specifications are converted into cause‐effect graphs (CEG). Then, the Boolean OperatoR (BOR) strategy is applied to design and select test cases. The conversion of an informal specification into a CEG helps detect ambiguities and inconsistencies in the specification and sets the stage for design of test cases. The number of test cases needed to satisfy the BOR strategy grows linearly with the number of Boolean operators in CEG, and BOR testing guarantees detection of certain classes of Boolean operator faults. But, what makes the approach especially attractive is that the BOR based test suites appear to be very effective in detecting other fault types. We have empirically evaluated this broader aspect of the CEG‐BOR strategy on a simplified safety‐related real‐time control system, a set of N‐version programs, and on elements of a commercial data‐base system. In all cases, CEG‐BOR testing required fewer test cases than those generated for the applications without the use of CEG‐BOR. Furthermore, in all cases CEG‐BOR testing detected all faults that the original, and independently generated, application test‐suites did. In two instances CEG‐BOR testing uncovered additional faults. Our results indicate that the CEG‐BOR strategy is practical, scalable, and effective across diverse applications. We believe that it is a cost‐effective methodology for the development of systematic specification‐based software test‐suites.  相似文献   

A syntactic calculation of Morgan's least conjunctive refinement operator for predicate transformers is developed. The operator is used to develop a general approach to lifting relational operators to predicate transformer operators. Predicate transformer versions of the relational conjunction and disjunction operators are considered in detail. The Z-based technique of program promotion is considered in a refinement calculus setting. A standard Z promotion example is recast in the refinement calculus. Received August 1997 / Accepted in revised form January 1999  相似文献   

Properties of a relational framework synthesized over a set of semantically atomic predicates are analyzed. A relational framework is shown to be stable with respect to a modification in the basic predicate set. The stability, uniqueness, and completeness allow one to consider a relational framework as a universal “carrier” for object domains with arbitrary semantics.  相似文献   

Statistical Debugging: A Hypothesis Testing-Based Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manual debugging is tedious, as well as costly. The high cost has motivated the development of fault localization techniques, which help developers search for fault locations. In this paper, we propose a new statistical method, called SOBER, which automatically localizes software faults without any prior knowledge of the program semantics. Unlike existing statistical approaches that select predicates correlated with program failures, SOBER models the predicate evaluation in both correct and incorrect executions and regards a predicate as fault-relevant if its evaluation pattern in incorrect executions significantly diverges from that in correct ones. Featuring a rationale similar to that of hypothesis testing, SOBER quantifies the fault relevance of each predicate in a principled way. We systematically evaluate SOBER under the same setting as previous studies. The result clearly demonstrates the effectiveness: SOBER could help developers locate 68 out of the 130 faults in the Siemens suite by examining no more than 10 percent of the code, whereas the cause transition approach proposed by Holger et al. [2005] and the statistical approach by Liblit et al. [2005] locate 34 and 52 faults, respectively. Moreover, the effectiveness of SOBER is also evaluated in an "imperfect world", where the test suite is either inadequate or only partially labeled. The experiments indicate that SOBER could achieve competitive quality under these harsh circumstances. Two case studies with grep 2.2 and bc 1.06 are reported, which shed light on the applicability of SOBER on reasonably large programs  相似文献   

Writing correct distributed programs is hard. In spite of extensive testing and debugging, software faults persist even in commercial grade software. Many distributed systems should be able to operate properly even in the presence of software faults. Monitoring the execution of a distributed system, and, on detecting a fault, initiating the appropriate corrective action is an important way to tolerate such faults. This gives rise to the predicate detection problem which requires finding whether there exists a consistent cut of a given computation that satisfies a given global predicate.Detecting a predicate in a computation is, however, an NP-complete problem in general. In order to ameliorate the associated combinatorial explosion problem, we introduce the notion of computation slice. Formally, the slice of a computation with respect to a predicate is a (sub)computation with the least number of consistent cuts that contains all consistent cuts of the computation satisfying the predicate. Intuitively, slice is a concise representation of those consistent cuts of a computation that satisfy a certain condition. To detect a predicate, rather than searching the state-space of the computation, it is much more efficient to search the state-space of the slice.We prove that the slice of a computation is uniquely defined for all predicates. We also present efficient algorithms for computing the slice for several useful classes of predicates. For an arbitrary predicate, we establish that the problem of computing the slice is NP-complete in general. Nonetheless, for such a predicate, we develop an efficient heuristic algorithm for computing an approximate slice. Our experimental results demonstrate that slicing can lead to an exponential improvement over existing techniques for predicate detection in terms of time and space.Received: 19 November 2003, Revised: 29 July 2004, Published online: 7 February 2005Vijay K. Garg: Supported in part by the NSF Grants ECS-9907213, CCR-9988225, Texas Education Board Grant ARP-320, an Engineering Foundation Fellowship, and an IBM grant.Parts of this paper have appeared earlier in conference proceedings [GM01,MG01a,MG03a].  相似文献   

On Similarity Measures for Multimedia Database Applications   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A multimedia database query consists of a set of fuzzy and boolean (or crisp) predicates, constants, variables, and conjunction, disjunction, and negation operators. The fuzzy predicates are evaluated based on different media criteria, such as color, shape, layout, keyword. Since media-based evaluation yields similarity values, results to such a query is defined as an ordered set. Since many multimedia applications require partial matches, query results also include tuples which do not satisfy all predicates. Hence, any fuzzy semantics which extends the boolean semantics of conjunction in a straight forward manner may not be desirable for multimedia databases. In this paper, we focus on the problem of ‘given a multimedia query which consists of multiple fuzzy and crisp predicates, how to provide the user with a meaningful overall ranking.’ More specifically, we study the problem of merging similarity values in queries with multiple fuzzy predicates. We describe the essential multimedia retrieval semantics, compare these with the known approaches, and propose a semantics which captures the retrieval requirements in multimedia databases. Received 13 August 1999 / Revised 13 May 2000 / Accepted in revised form 26 July 2000  相似文献   

Detection of weak unstable predicates in distributed programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses detection of global predicates in a distributed program. Earlier algorithms for detection of global predicates proposed by Chandy and Lamport (1985) work only for stable predicates. A predicate is stable if it does not turn false once it becomes true. Our algorithms detect even unstable predicates, without excessive overhead. In the past, such predicates have been regarded as too difficult to detect. The predicates are specified by using a logic described formally in this paper. We discuss detection of weak conjunctive predicates that are formed by conjunction of predicates local to processes in the system. Our detection methods will detect whether such a predicate is true for any interleaving of events in the system, regardless of whether the predicate is stable. Also, any predicate that can be reduced to a set of weak conjunctive predicates is detectable. This class of predicates captures many global predicates that are of interest to a programmer. The message complexity of our algorithm is bounded by the number of messages used by the program. The main applications of our results are in debugging and testing of distributed programs. Our algorithms have been incorporated in a distributed debugger that runs on a network of Sun workstations in UNIX  相似文献   

This paper presents a testing strategy desiged to detect errors in the control flow of a computer program, and the conditions under which this strategy is reliable are given and characterized. The control flow statements in a computer progam partition the input space into a set of mutually exclusive domains, each of which corresponds to a particular program path and consists of input data points which cause that path to be executed. The testing strategy generates test points to examine the boundaries of a domain to detect whether a domain error has occurred, as either one or more of these boundaries will have shifted or else the corresponding predicate relational operator has changed. If test points can be chosen within e of each boundary, under the appropriate assumptions, the strategy is shown to be reliable in detecting domain errons of magnitude greater than ∈. Moreover, the number of test points required to test each domain grows only linearly with both the dimensionality of the input space and the number of predicates along the path being tested.  相似文献   

Identifying similarities in large datasets is an essential operation in several applications such as bioinformatics, pattern recognition, and data integration. To make a relational database management system similarity-aware, the core relational operators have to be extended. While similarity-awareness has been introduced in database engines for relational operators such as joins and group-by, little has been achieved for relational set operators, namely Intersection, Difference, and Union. In this paper, we propose to extend the semantics of relational set operators to take into account the similarity of values. We develop efficient query processing algorithms for evaluating them, and implement these operators inside an open-source database system, namely PostgreSQL. By extending several queries from the TPC-H benchmark to include predicates that involve similarity-based set operators, we perform extensive experiments that demonstrate up to three orders of magnitude speedup in performance over equivalent queries that only employ regular operators.  相似文献   

The predicate control problem involves synchronizing a distributed computation to maintain a given global predicate. In contrast with many popular distributed synchronization problems such as mutual exclusion, readers writers, and dining philosophers, predicate control assumes a look-ahead, so that the computation is an off-line rather than an on-line input. Predicate control is targeted towards applications such as rollback recovery, debugging, and optimistic computing, in which such computation look-ahead is natural.We define predicate control formally and show that, in its full generality, the problem is NP-complete. We find efficient solutions for some important classes of predicates including “disjunctive predicates”, “mutual exclusion predicates”, and “readers writers predicates”. For each class of predicates, we determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for solving predicate control and describe an efficient algorithm for determining a synchronization strategy. In the case of “independent mutual exclusion predicates”, we determine that predicate control is NP-complete and describe an efficient algorithm that finds a solution under certain constraints.  相似文献   

Domain testing is designed to detect domain errors that result from a small boundary shift in a path domain. Although many researchers have studied domain testing, automatic domain test data generation for string predicates has seldom been explored. This paper presents a novel approach for the automatic generation of ON–OFF test points for string predicate borders, and describes a corresponding test data generator. Our empirical work is conducted on a set of programs with string predicates, where extensive trials have been done for each string predicate, and the results are analysed using the SPSS tool. Conclusions are drawn that: (i) the approach is promising and effective; (ii) there is a strong linear relationship between the performance of the test generator and the length of target string in the predicate tested; and (iii) initial inputs, no shorter than the target string and with characters generated randomly, may enhance the performance in the test data generation for string predicates. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

查询重写关系数据库查询优化技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着数据仓库技术应用越来越广泛,数据仓库中查询使用频率也越来越高,基于查询重写的关系数据库查询优化技术,通过视图重写、子查询合并、等价谓词替换、使用临时表、以及用集合运算UNION代替逻辑运算OR等技术的使用。本文详细讨论了数据库查询优化器中查询重写模块的设计与实现;探讨了XML、SQL语句等查询重写方法。  相似文献   

Datalog (i.e., function-free logic) programs with monotonicity constraints on extensional predicates are considered. A monotonicity constraint states that one argument of a predicate or a constant is always less than another argument or a constant, according to some strict partial order. Relations of an extensional database are required to satisfy the monotonicity constraints imposed on their predicates. More specifically, a strict partial order is defined on the domain (i.e., set of constants) of the database, and every tuple of each relation satisfies the monotonicity constraints imposed on its predicate. This paper focuses on the problem of entailment of monotonicity constraints in the intensional database from monotonicity constraints in the extensional database. The entailment problem is proven to be decidable, based on a suggested algorithm for computing sound and complete disjunctions of monotonicity and equality constraints that hold in the intentional database. It is also shown that the entailment of monotonicity constraints in programs is a complete problem for exponential time. For linear programs, this problem is complete for polynomial space. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

 Allowing for flexible queries enables database users to express preferences inside elementary conditions and priorities between conditions. The division is one of the algebraic operators defined in order to query regular databases. This operation aims at the selection of A-elements which are connected with (at least) a given subset of B-elements, e.g., the stores which ordered all the items supplied by a given manufacturer. It is mainly used in the framework of the relational model of data, although it makes sense in object-oriented databases as well. In the relational context, the division is a non-primitive operation which may be expressed in terms of other operations, namely projection, Cartesian product and set difference. When fuzzy predicates appear, this operator needs to be extended to fuzzy relations and this requires the replacement of the usual implication by a fuzzy one. This paper proposes two types of meaning of the extended division and it investigates the issue of the primitivity of the extended operation (i.e., if the division of fuzzy relations is expressible in terms of other operations). The final objective is to decide whether this operator is necessary or not for the purpose of flexible querying and to help the design of a query language supporting flexible queries, among which those conveying a division of fuzzy relations.  相似文献   

We investigate the complexity of the typability problem for the relational algebra. This problem consists of deciding, for a given relational algebra expression, whether there exists an assignment of types to variables occurring in the expression such that the expression is well-typed under the assignment. We obtain that the problem is NP-complete in general. In particular, we show that the problem becomes NP-hard due to (1) the cartesian product operator, (2) the selection operator on arbitrary sets of typed predicates, (3) the selection operator on well-behaved sets of typed predicates together with join and projection or renaming. However, the problem is in P when (1) we only allow union, difference, join and selection on well-behaved sets of typed predicates, or (2) we allow all operators except cartesian product, where the set of selection predicates can mention at most one base type. Most of these results follow from a close connection of the typability problem to non-uniform constraint satisfaction.Received: 18 February 2004, Published online: 14 March 2005Stijn Vansummeren: Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium)  相似文献   

In predicate transformer semantics, a program is represented as a mapping from predicates to predicates. In relational semantics, a program is represented as an (input-output) binary relation over some state space. We show how each of these approaches can be obtained from the other by using thepower construction.  相似文献   

The refinement calculus of Back, Morgan, Morris, and others is based on monotone predicate transformers (weakest preconditions) where conjunctions stand for demonic choices between commands and disjunctions for angelic choices. Arbitrary monotone predicate transformers cannot be modelled by relational semantics but can be modelled by so-called multirelations. Results of Morris indicate, however, that the natural domain for the combination of demonic and angelic choice is the free distributive completion (FDC) of the state space.The present paper provides a new axiomatization and more explicit construction of the FDC of an arbitrary ordered set. The FDC concept is self-dual, but the construction is not. We therefore determine the duality function from the FDC to the dual of the FDC of the dual ordered set. The elements of the FDC are classified according to their conjunctivity and disjunctivity. The theory is applied to imperative programming with operators for sequential composition and demonic and angelic choice. The theory based on the FDC is shown to be equivalent to a weakest precondition theory for up-closed predicates. If the order is discrete (i.e., the equality relation), the FDC turns out to be the domain of the choice semantics of Back and von Wright, whereas up-closed multirelations are functions towards this domain.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a logic programming methodology which applies standardized logic program recursion forms afforded by a system of general purpose recursion schemes. The recursion schemes are conceived of as quasi higher-order predicates which accept predicate arguments, thereby representing parameterized program modules. This use of higher-order predicates is analogous to higher-order functionals in functional programming. However, these quasi higher-order predicates are handled by a metalogic programming technique within ordinary logic programming. Some of the proposed recursion operators are actualizations of mathematical induction principles (e.g. structural induction as generalization of primitive recursion). Others are heuristic schemes for commonly occurring recursive program forms. The intention is to handle all recursions in logic programs through the given repertoire of higher-order predicates. We carry out a pragmatic feasibility study of the proposed recursion operators with respect to the corpus of common textbook logic programs. This pragmatic investigation is accompanied with an analysis of the theoretical expressivity. The main theoretical results concerning computability are
  1. Primitive recursive functions can be re-expressed in logic programming by predicates defined solely by non-recursive clauses augmented with afold recursion predicate akin to the fold operators in functional programming.
  2. General recursive functions can be re-expressed likewise sincefold allows re-expression of alinrec recursion predicate facilitating linear, unbounded recursion.

Annotated relational databases can be queried either by simply making the annotations explicitly available along the ordinary data, or by adapting the standard query operators so that they have an implicit effect also on the annotations. We compare the expressive power of these two approaches. As a formal model for the implicit approach we propose the color algebra, an adaptation of the relational algebra to deal with the annotations. We show that the color algebra is relationally complete: it is equivalent to the relational algebra on the explicit annotations. Our result extends a similar completeness result established for the query algebra of the MONDRIAN annotation system, from unions of conjunctive queries to the full relational algebra. We also show that the color algebra is nonredundant: no operator can be expressed in terms of the other operators. We also present a generalization of the color algebra that is relationally complete in the presence of built-in predicates on the annotations.  相似文献   

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