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Cladosporium herbarum grown as a surface culture in a chemically defined medium of sucrose and inorganic salts gave a high yield of fat (29.2%). The component acids of this fat have been found to be palmitic (34.2%); oleic (15.9%); linoleic (34.2%) and linolenic (15.7%). The combined proportion of linoleic and linolenic acids being about 50 per cent, the fat will be of great value for the manufacture of oil-modified resins as the films produced by such resins do not become yellow with age.  相似文献   

Summary The oils from yellow mustard seed (Brassica alba), black mustard seed (Brassica nigra) of Indian origin, and rapeseed (Brassica Compestris) of unknown origin have been analyzed for their fatty acid composition without preliminary resolution of fatty acids by lead-salt-alcohol or fractional crystallization methods. The results compare very favorably with those determined by other recently developed methods. It may be concluded therefore that this method can be favorably employed for the determination of fatty acid composition of fats containing higher unsaturated acids. Confirmatory evidence has been obtained for the presence of eicosenoic acid in rapeseed oil. The nature and amount of fatty acids of yellow mustard seed oil of Indian origin do not differ in any significant manner from those of other cruciferous seed oils. The present analysis of black mustard seed oil reveals a higher amount of linolenic acid, and the presence of a C20 monoethenoid acid, not heretofore reported. Contribution No. 708 from the Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh. Presented in part at the Spring meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, held in New Orleans, La., May, 1948. Baliga and Hilditch’s paper. “The Component Acids of Rapeseed Oil” (J. Soc. Chem. Ind.67, 258–262 (1948).  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions 1. The constituent fatty acids determined by the Hilditch method in the fat from the sample of pink salmon eggs are reported. Forty-five per cent of the fatty acids were 20 and 22 carbon atoms long, with an average unsaturation of 7.3 hydrogen atoms for the C20 acids and 11.8 hydrogen atoms for the C22 acids. 2. The Hammond and Lundberg correlation of refractive index, carbon chain length, and unsaturation was used to measure the alteration that occurred in the fatty acid esters of salmon egg fat during the vacuum distillation step of the Hilditch method of analysis. The alteration by heat of the unsaturate fraction in the vacuum distillation was significant even in the first overhead subfractions. Analysis by the Hilditch method resulted in low values for unsaturation and chain length of the constituent fatty acids in the unsaturated fat. The Fishery Products Laboratory is operated jointly by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Fisheries Experimental Commission.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Two liver oils (Elasmobranch) fromCarcharias melanopterus andPristis cuspidatus, caught off the Madras coast are studied, and their component fatty acids are reported. 2. The mixed acids were separated into three groups (varying unsaturation) of acids, and their methylesters were fractionated. 3. The liver oils are found to belong to the fourth group of Tsujimoto’s classification of Elasmobranch fish liver oils.Carcharias melanopterus liver oil contains 31.1% unsaturated acids (myristic 3.1, palmitic 18.4, stearic 9.5, and 0.1% arachidic) and 68.9% unsaturated acids (C16 10.8, C18 19.7, C20 15.2, C22 17.1, C24 5.3%, and traces of C14 monoethenoid).Pristis cuspidatus liver oil contains 36.9% saturated acids (myristic 1.2, palmitic 22.9, stearic 12.7, and arachidic 0.1%) and 67.1% unsaturated acids (C16 8.2, C18 28.5, C20 16.4, C22 5.2, C24 4.6%, and traces of C14 monoethenoid). The unsaturations of the different groups of acids are almost of the same order. 4. The abnormal content of saturated acids can be explained by the process of bio-hydrogenation. The relatively less amount of saturated acids inCarcharias melanopterus liver oil along with its higher content of polyethylenic acids (C20 and above) points strongly to the possible presence of intermediate types of fats among the four groups of Elasmobranch oils.  相似文献   

  1. A sample of liver oil of an Indian shark (Carcharias melanopterus) from the Arabian Sea has been studied.
  2. Tsujimoto's lithium salt acetone method has been adopted for the separation of the highly unsaturated acids from the mixed acids, which were further resolved into simpler groups with the help of Hilditch's modified lead salt ethanol method. The efficient column (E.H.P.) of Longenecker has been employed for fractionation in the present work.
  3. The present oil is found to belong to the IV group of Tsujimoto's classification of the Elasmobranch fish liver oils.
  4. The abnormal saturated acid content is discussed. The present analysis provides an additional instance of this peculiar group of Elasmobranch liver oils.

International comparisons suggest a relationship between prostate cancer incidence and dietary fat, an inference supported by migration studies, the changing incidence rates and levels of animal fat consumption in Japan and the results from some case-control studies. Overall, however, epidemiological studies have been inconclusive, and although prostate cancer is one of the hormone-dependent tumors, evidence of interactions between dietary fats and male endocrine function is incomplete. Laboratory experimentation has shown that n−6 fatty acids stimulate and n−3 fatty acids inhibit human prostate cancer cells in culture; also, feeding diets rich in marine oils suppresses growth of these cells as solid tumors in athymic nude mice. These growth effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids appear to involve both prostaglandins and leukotrienes and to interconnect with autocrine regulation by epidermal growth factor-related polypeptides. Based on a paper presented at the Sympsoium on Lipids in Cancer held at the AOCS Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 1990.  相似文献   

Nineteen different samples of oils and fats have been examined for their component acids and composition by gas-liquid chromatography. Under programmed-temperature operations, the temperatures at which different components start to elute bear a straight-line relationship with their respective carbon numbers. Chromatograms, under programmed-temperature conditions, of methyl esters from such oils as coconut, groundnut, mustard, etc., are used for identifying the components of an unknown oil by comparing its chromatogram taken under nearly identical conditions. For confirmatory identifications, such plots as logarithm of retention times versus carbon numbers for saturated acids (14:0 to 24:0), monoenoic acids (14:1 to 24:1), and dienoic acids (18:2 to 24:2), under isothermal conditions, have also been used. Some new fatty acids, noted for the first time in traditional oils, are 15:0 in cottonseed oil, 20:1 in sesame oil, 22:0 in soybean oil, and 24:2 in mustard oil. Odd-carbon chain acids from 11∶0 to 23:0 have been observed in such vegetable oils as peanut germ, rice bran, andMesua ferrea. Fatty acid composition by GLC for new samples like peanut lecithin, peanut germ oil,Myristica attenuata, Myristica kanarica, Myristica magnifica, Mesua ferrea, Vateria indica, Schleichera trijuga, and shark-liver stearine are presented. Industrial utilization of these new oils and fats is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The component fatty acids of the body fats of three typical species of Bombay marine fish were investigated. The saturated acid contents of pala and black pomfret oil were about the same. The black pomfret oil was abnormally high in palmitoleic acid. Linoleic acid was found to be remarkably low in pala and black pomfret oils. In white pomfret the amount of it present was about the same as that of linolenic. Polyunsaturated acids were present in black and white pomfret oils but only present in traces in pala oil.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses, i) whether the type and the amount of fat in the diet will affect the formation of cholesterol gallstones in the hamsters, and ii) whether palmitic acid, a major fatty acid component of butterfat, can act as a potentiator of cholesterol cholelithiasis in the hamster. Young, male golden Syrian hamsters (Sasco) were fed a semipurified diet containing casein, corn starch, cellulose and cholesterol (0.3%) to which various types and amounts of fat (butterfat, olive oil, menhaden oil, corn oil) were added. All diets contained 2% corn oil to supply essential fatty acids to the growing hamsters. No deaths or illness occurred during the experiment. Animals fed the semipurified diet plus 4% butterfat (group 1) had a gallstone incidence of 63%. Replacement of butterfat with either olive oil, corn oil or menhaden oil prevented the formation of cholesterol gallstones entirely (groups 2–4). When total butterfat was increased from 4% to 8% (group 8), the incidence of cholesterol gallstones increased to 80%. Substitution of 4% olive oil (group 5), corn oil (group 6), or menhaden oil (group 7) for the additional 4% butterfat significantly reduced gallstones to 35%, 45% and 30%, respectively. The replacement of 4% butterfat with 1.2% palmitic acid gave the highest incidence of cholesterol gallstones (95%). These results suggest that butterfat (and one of its components, palmitic acid) intensifies gallstone formation in this model whereas mono- and polyunsaturated fats act as inhibitors of cholesterol cholelithiasis. A fatty acid, possibly palmitic acid, appears to act as lithogen in our model.  相似文献   

乌桕脂脂肪酸提取和分离的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由油脂精细化工的理论和实践,提出乌桕脂脂肪酸提取和分离的清洁工艺,并与现有工艺比较,说明该工艺的优越性  相似文献   

Raw, commercial, and extrusion cooked full fat soy flours were treated with formaldehyde and then fed to dairy cows. This treatment protected the polyunsaturated fats of the soy from hydrogenation by microbial action in the cow’s rumen. With all of these materials, higher than usual amounts of polyunsaturated fats were incorporated into the milk. In a screening test limited to one cow, an advantage as measured by milk yield, fat yield, protein, solids-not-fat, and increased milk fat C18:2 was seen for the formaldehyde treated, full fat soy flour. The percentage of linoleic acid more than doubled in the milk fat of cows receiving the protected products. Only very slight quantities of formaldehyde (0.1–0.2 ppm) were found in the milk. The efficiency of transfer of the C18:2 from the feed to milk was ca. 37%. This represented a marked improvement over previous trials in which we fed expensive safflower oil-casein-formaldehyde supplements.  相似文献   

Sterol balance studies, using both isotopic and chromatographic techniques, were carried out in hamsters fed semipurified diets to detect changes in sterol metabolism during the early period of the lithogenic stimulus. The balance studies examined animals in the first two weeks on the experimental lithogenic diets. The variables were as follows: dose of cholesterol (group 1, 0.05% vs. group 2, 0.2%); dietary fat (fatty acid) (group 2, butterfat vs. group 4, palmitic acid); source of hamster [group 2, Sasco (Omaha, NE) vs. group 3, Charles River (Wilmington, MA)]; average weight of animals (group 4, 60 g vs. group 5, 119 g). Animals in groups 1, 2, 3 and 5 maintained almost constant weight throughout the two-week balance study. Liver and plasma cholesterol levels increased in groups 2–5 with increasing dose of dietary cholesterol. The highest levels were found in group 4 (liver cholesterol, 32.7 mg/g; plasma cholesterol, 367 mg/dL). Sterol balance measurements showed that bile acid synthesis remained low (range 0.55–1.01 mg/d) for all groups regardless of the intake of dietary cholesterol (range, 3.27–20.90 mg/d). The dietary cholesterol absorbed from the intestine (range, 2.91–18.91 mg/d) was stored in the liver; this storage was reflected in the negative values for cholesterol balance for all groups (range, −0.70 to −14.97 mg/d). These studies did not reveal any correlations between parameters of sterol balance and cholelithiasis.  相似文献   

Summary The composition of fatty acids of the saponified fat of buckwheat leaf meal was investigated. The mixed fatty acids amounted to 49.6% of the composition of the fat. The chief organic acids found were: linolenic, 15.1%; oleic, 13.1%; linoleic, 8.5%; and palmitic, 8.0%. Less than 1% each of such acids as formic, lactic, stearic, arachidic, hexacosanoic, and octacosanoic, and only traces of acetic, lignoceric, and tricontanoic (or higher) acids were found. The so-called “insoluble acids” of the saponified fat, less the unsaponifiable matter, contained 28.5% (18.5% based on the original fat) of material identified as red pigment and probably a mixture of chlorophyll degradation compounds, chiefly phylloerythrin. One of the laboratories of the Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, Agricultural Research Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Methyl C18 polyenoate concentrates were prepared from two samples of butter fat by low temperature crystallization and fractional distillation. The concentrates were fractionated on a silicic acid column and the resulting fractions were analyzed by ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometric methods. About 42 and 30% repectively, of the non-conjugated dienoate in the two samples were shown to have thecis,trans configuration. Fractions rich in dienoate and trienoate were prepared from the C18 polyene concentrates by silicic acid chromatography and the nature of these acids was studied by bromination, lipoxidase enzyme methods, and by alkali isomerization for varying periods of time. About 65 and 73%, respectively, of the non-conjugated dienoate in the two samples investigated were found to consist of linoleic acid while 79 and 71% of the trienoate were linolenic acid. Linoleic and linolenic acids were identified by preparing the characteristic tetra- and hexabromostearic acids. Atrans,trans isomer of linoleic acid does not seem to be present in butter fat. A major proportion of the non-conjugated dienoic acid other than linoleic acid was found to have widely separated double bonds withcis,trans configuration. Occurrences of a C15 saturated acid, a branchedchain C17 saturated acid, and a heptadecenoic acid were indicated by gas chromatography. From a dissertation submitted by K. Sambasivarao to the Ohio State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree, June, 1960. This work was supported in part by a grant from the Ohio State University Development Fund to the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology and by several teaching assistantships from the Department of Physiological Chemistry.  相似文献   

Unsaturated fatty acids can be protected from ruminal hydrogenation, and, when fed to lactating ruminants, the constituent acids are incorporated into milk triacylglycerols. By this means, it has been possible to reduce the melting point of milk triglycerides and to make softer butter fat. This report shows that, by feeding small amounts of protected cyclopropene fatty acids, one is also able to make harder butter fat.Sterculia foetida seed oil, a rich source of cyclopropene fatty acids, was emulsified with casein and spray dried to yield a free flowing dry powder. When this material was treated with formaldehyde and fed to lactating goats (ca. 1 g cyclopropene fatty acids per day), there were substantial increases in the proportions of stearic acid and decreases in the proportions of oleic acid in milk fat. Similar results were obtained when the formaldehyde-treated supplements were fed to lactating cows (ca. 3 g cyclopropene fatty acids per day). The effect was considerably less apparent when theS. foetida seed oilcasein supplement was not treated with formaldehyde, suggesting that cyclopropene fatty acids are hydrogenated in the rumen as are other unsaturated fatty acids. The effect of feeding protected cyclopropene fatty acids on the stearic: oleic ratio in milk fat is probably due to cyclopropene-mediated inhibition of the mammary desaturase enzymes.  相似文献   

Jane Wyatt C  Pereira RL  Day EA 《Lipids》1967,2(3):208-211
A series of hydroxy fatty acids was identified from a polar glyceride milk-fat fraction. These acids were identified as trimethylsilyl (TMS) ether methyl ester derivatives. Identification was achieved by mass spectral analysis and comparison of gas chromatographic retention times with authentic compounds. Mass spectral fragmentation patterns of the TMS ether methyl esters were obtained, and correlation of important ions for structural identifications were made. In addition, semiquantitative data are presented. Technical Paper No. 2193, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, Corvallis. Deceased.  相似文献   

Human and pig milk triacylglycerols contain a large proportion of palmitic acid (16:0) which is predominately esterified in the 2-position. Other dietary fats contain variable amounts of 16:0, with unsaturated fatty acids predominantly esterified in the 2-position. These studies determined if the amount or position of 16:0 in dietary fat influences the composition or distribution of liver, adipose tissue, lung, or plasma fatty acids in developing piglets. Piglets were fed to 18 d with sow milk or formula with saturated fat from medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), coconut or palm oil, or synthesized triacylglycerols (synthesized to specifically direct 16:0 to the 2-position) with, in total fatty acids, 30.7, 4.3, 6.5, 27.0, and 29.6% 16:0, and in 2-position fatty acids, 55.3, 0.4, 1.3, 4.4, and 69.9% 16:0, respectively. The percentage of 16:0 in the 2-position of adipose fat from piglets fed sow milk, palm oil, and synthesized triacylglycerols were similar and higher than in piglets fed MCT or coconut oil. Thus, the amount, not the position, of dietary 16:0 determines piglet adipose tissue 16:0 content. The effects of the diets on the plasma and liver triacylglycerols were similar, with significantly lower 16:0 in total and 2-position fatty acids of the MCT and coconut oil groups, and significantly higher 16:0 in the plasma and liver triacylglycerol 2-position of piglets fed the synthesized triacylglycerols rather than sow milk or palm oil. The lung phospholipid total and 2-position 16:0 was significantly lower in the MCT, coconut, and palm oil groups, but similar in the synthesized triacylglycerol group and sow milk group. The lung phospholipid total and 2-position percentage of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6) was significantly lower in all of the formula-fed piglets than in milk-fed piglets. The physiological significance of this is not known.  相似文献   

The triglycerides of the fat globules of sheep and goat milk were isolated and separated into short and long chain lengths by silicic acid column chromatography. The short chain lengths comprised major triglycerides with 34–44 acyl carbon atoms and accounted for nearly 50% of the total milk fat. The long chain lengths contained major triglycerides with 40–54 acyl carbons. Stereospecific analyses of the short chain triglyceride fraction showed that of the 20–23 moles per cent of C4−C8 fatty acids present, at least 95% were specifically attached to the glycerol molecule in the position corresponding to carbon 3 ofsn-glycerol. The distribution of the other fatty acids (C10 or greater) did not show such marked specificity for either the 1 or the 2 position. Although individual triglycerides were not identified, the specific placement of the fatty acids could best the accounted for by assuming a common pool of long chain 1,2-diglycerides which served as precursors of the bulk of both short and long chain triglycerides during milk fat synthesis. Presented in part at the AOCS Meeting, New York, October 1968.  相似文献   

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