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Constructing a web information system development methodology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. This paper reports on the extension of the Multiview framework to web‐based information systems. The aims are firstly to investigate the appropriateness of Multiview – a pre‐Internet analysis and design methodology – to web‐based information systems and, secondly, to reflect on the nature and role of methodology, as distinct from method, in the information systems (IS) development process. A 2‐year e‐commerce development project in a small to medium enterprise is the setting for learning through action research. To distinguish the project from consultancy, a framework of ideas – Multiview – is declared and tested in the research process. The differences and similarities of pre‐Internet and Internet‐based projects are analysed and reported on. At a higher order of learning the project provided an opportunity to reflect on how methodologies are constructed in practice.  相似文献   

The current web IR system retrieves relevant information only based on the keywords which is inadequate for that vast amount of data. It provides limited capabilities to capture the concepts of the user needs and the relation between the keywords. These limitations lead to the idea of the user conceptual search which includes concepts and meanings. This study deals with the Semantic Based Information Retrieval System for a semantic web search and presented with an improved algorithm to retrieve the information in a more efficient way.This architecture takes as input a list of plain keywords provided by the user and the query is converted into semantic query. This conversion is carried out with the help of the domain concepts of the pre-existing domain ontologies and a third party thesaurus and discover semantic relationship between them in runtime. The relevant information for the semantic query is retrieved and ranked according to the relevancy with the help of an improved algorithm. The performance analysis shows that the proposed system can improve the accuracy and effectiveness for retrieving relevant web documents compared to the existing systems.  相似文献   

In most of quality of service (QoS)-based web service selection systems, inexperienced end users are not the focal point of the design. Most systems assume that users could formulate their QoS requirements easily and are accurately using the provided query languages. However, oftentimes it is not true. To tackle this issue and emphasize more on the user-centered design of the service selection system, in this paper, we come up with a more expressive and flexible way for non-expert users to define their QoS queries, together with the user support on formulating queries and understanding services in the registry. Then, we propose an enhanced selection model that could handle both exact and fuzzy requirements, return two categories of matching offers—super-exact and partial matches, and rank them using a two-level ranking algorithm. A prototype system is implemented, and experiments are done using a real QoS dataset to show the system performance.  相似文献   

传统的实验室设备维护管理工作模式已经大大落后于实验室现代化科学管理的需求。为了适应实验室设备的现代化管理需要,进一步提高实验教学任务和管理效率,应用数据库技术和面向对象程序设计技术,并采用客户端/服务器结构,设计开发了高校实验室设备管理系统,以实现实验室管理的数字化、规范化,有效提高实验室管理的工作效率,降低管理人员的劳动强度。  相似文献   

Web Service并发系统的设计与研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
由于Internet的发展和大规模应用需求的不断涌现,单个甚至多个WebServices也往往不能很好地满足一些复杂的应用.提出了WebService并发系统的设想.在实现技术上,通过划分小粒度服务,对小粒度服务的调用和整合,最后通过WebService并发总线控制实现WebService的并发系统.从而提高服务的速度和效率,充分利用资源并保证负载平衡.该模型对于改造和开发企业级Web Service有一定的适应性.  相似文献   

This work concerns the applicability of agent technology concepts to the design of a plant fault-tolerant control system. The operation of the fault-tolerant system is enhanced by decomposing it into autonomous subsystems and by turning them into agents. The detailed development of one of the agents, the feed line of the process, is presented and its performance is tested by simulation. The proposed framework meets the control objectives and features a significant level of fault tolerance to sensor and actuator failures. This is achieved using an observer based fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) unit. Moreover, this work shows how the control strategy may be altered to tackle a case of severely impacted control capability.  相似文献   

针对网络控制系统的传感器、执行器和网络时延具有随机性这一现象,引入相互独立的Bernoulli随机变量序列作为传感器失效故障、执行器失效故障的开关矩阵,将时延的变化区间任意分成两个小区间,引进Bernoulli随机变量并将其概率分布引入到系统矩阵中,建立随机的网络化控制系统模型,研究了该系统存在传感器失效故障、执行器失效故障及二者同时失效故障情况下的随机容错控制问题。基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,结合线性矩阵不等式技术,给出了确保系统均方指数稳定的条件,该条件不仅依赖于时延的上下界,还依赖于时延的概率分布。数值实例说明结论是有效的。  相似文献   

The development of an operating system that is a central component of a fault-tolerant multiprocessor is described. The operating system, while relatively simple and small, supports multitasking and multiprocessing, as well as both self-diagnostics and cross-diagnostics for fault detection. In the event of a fault, the system permits rapid reconfiguration in a manner that retains processing for the highest-priority tasks. Since the hardware needed to provide fault tolerance is available when there are no faults, the operating system can utilize this excess capacity to accomplish lower-priority tasks during normal operation. This approach yields graceful degradation in response to faults in the system components  相似文献   

After several decades of computer program construction there emerged a set of principles that provided guidance to produce more manageable programs. With the emergence of the plethora of Internet web sites one wonders if similar guidelines are followed in their construction. Since this is a new technology no apparent universally accepted methods have emerged to guide the designer in Web site construction. This paper reviews the traditional principles of structured programming and the preferred characteristics of Web sites. Finally a mapping of how the traditional guidelines may be applied to Web site construction is presented. The application of the traditional principles of structured programming to the design of a Web site can provide a more usable site for the visitors to the site. The additional benefit of using these time-honored techniques is the creation of a Web site that will be easier to maintain by the development staff.  相似文献   

基于Agent和XML的Web页面信息抽取研究与设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在以前相关研究的基础上,提出了一个建立在Agent和XML基础上的Web页面信息抽取的原型系统。在这个原型系统里,利用Agent的自治能力和合作能力来协助用户对抽取请求进行公式化表述和结合知识库学习抽取规则等。另外,系统还用XML语言描述抽取请求和抽取规则,在其中加入一些语义信息,这些语义信息可被有效利用,从而提高抽取的精确性。  相似文献   

基于元搜索引擎的专业式智能网络信息检索系统   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
随着网络信息资源的迅速增加和实时更新,如何及时准确地获取自己所需的有用信息是现代网络信息检索技术需要解决的主要问题。介绍了一种基于元搜索引擎的新型专业式智能网络信息检索系统。该系统建立专业词库和用户知识库,结合人工智能的Agent技术,能够很好地对用户的兴趣进行自适应学习,以实现个性化的信息检索,既保证了查全率,又提高了检索结果的查准率。  相似文献   

Personal information extraction, which extracts the persons in question and their related information (such as biographical information and occupation) from web, is an important component to construct social network (a kind of semantic web). For this practical task, two important issues are to be discussed: personal named entity ambiguity and the extraction of personal information for a specific person. For personal named entity ambiguity, which is a common phenomenon in the fast growing web resource, we propose a robust system which extracts lightweight features with a totally unsupervised approach from broad resources. The experiments show that these lightweight features not only improve the performances, but also increase the robustness of a disambiguation system. To extract the information of the focus person, an integrated system is introduced, which is able to effectively re-use and combine current well-developed tools for web data, and at the same time, to identify the expression properties of web data. We show that our flexible extraction system achieves state-of-the-art performances, especially the high precision, which is very important for real applications.  相似文献   

主要介绍了公共服务信息咨询系统利用网页制作的主要技术及具体的实现过程,包括制作工具的简介、整体的规划工作、利用Dreamweaveu建立和编辑网页,以及其中存在的技术问题。  相似文献   

李文全  陈文超  陈宁  李峰 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(13):3245-3247,3269
WebGIS是近来GIS领域的一个应用研究热点,其中多数据源的有机集成是制约其推广应用的关键问题.以路政信息综合查询为研究背景,在ArcIMS的基础上,通过引入ArcSDE和Web Service技术,有效解决了WebGIS环境下的属性数据、空间数据、以及各种多媒体数据的有机集成问题,进而在数据层面上实现了与其它相关系统的数据整合,并在此基础上实现了基于Web的路政信息综合查询系统.  相似文献   

For the reason of convenience, auction sites are one of the most popular and quickly developing of Internet shopping sites. There have been many problems, however, arising in relation to online auction commerce; these problems have been dealt with one by one. In addition to the important issue of security, some customers have faced problems such as complicated processes, insufficient product information, and bad interface design. Based on the consumer behavior model that we have built on auction sites, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the information and interface design for current domestic and foreign auction sites. The results indicated that some auction Web sites provided insufficient information and inconvenient interface design during some shopping steps. Foreign auction Web sites provided sufficient information and a more convenient interface design than did the domestic auction Web sites. The results, hopefully, can be used as the reference for online auction Web sites to provide customers more convenient shopping environments. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The mobile agents create a new paradigm for data exchange and resource sharing in rapidly growing and continually changing computer networks. In a distributed system, failures can occur in any software or hardware component. A mobile agent can get lost when its hosting server crashes during execution, or it can get dropped in a congested network. Therefore, survivability and fault tolerance are vital issues for deploying mobile-agent systems. This fault tolerance approach deploys three kinds of cooperating agents to detect server and agent failures and recover services in mobile-agent systems. An actual agent is a common mobile agent that performs specific computations for its owner. Witness agents monitor the actual agent and detect whether it's lost. A probe recovers the failed actual agent and the witness agents. A peer-to-peer message-passing mechanism stands between each actual agent and its witness agents to perform failure detection and recovery through time-bounded information exchange; a log records the actual agent's actions. When failures occur, the system performs rollback recovery to abort uncommitted actions. Moreover, our method uses checkpointed data to recover the lost actual agent.  相似文献   

Much information over the Internet is expressed by natural languages. The management of linguistic information involves an operation of comparison and aggregation. Based on the Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operator and modifying indexes of linguistic terms (their indexes are fuzzy numbers on [0,T] ? R+), new linguistic aggregating methods are presented and their properties are discussed. Also, based on a multi‐agent system and new linguistic aggregating methods, gathering linguistic information over the Internet is discussed. Moreover, by fixing the threshold α, “soft filtering information” is proposed and better Web pages (or documents) that the user needs are obtained. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 22: 435–453, 2007.  相似文献   

陈国林  章立生 《计算机应用》2005,25(8):1916-1918,1922
在FPGA内部使用各种IP软核搭建了完整的嵌入式系统,实现了用三个MicroBlaze CPU软核进行表决的三模冗余容错方案。同时对μC/OS—Ⅱ操作系统以及应用程序进行改进,在程序的内部加入了错误检测和校正(EDAC)、函数堆栈保护等容错功能。通过实验证明,该系统减小了器件本身和内存模块受到的SEU(Single Event Upset)影响。  相似文献   

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