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为主动掌握设备的运行状况及动态,机房巡检工作尤为重要。针对目前机房巡检的精度问题,在传统机房巡检方式的基础上,结合增强现实技术及室内蓝牙定位技术提出了一种基于增强现实技术的机房智能巡检平台设计方案。与传统机房巡检技术相比,智能巡检技术处理人工操作更便捷智能,有利于建立网家电网自身的智能巡检数据库。  相似文献   

为便于对电缆线路设备巡检人员进行管理,结合卫星定位系统和云计算技术,设计了一种电缆线路智能巡检系统。采用定位系统(GPS)技术记录巡检路径,考察巡检人员是否按照规定的路径和顺序检查电缆线路设备,采用云计算技术去考察巡检人员是否检查了某个设备,结合两种技术考察巡检人员进行电缆线路设备检查时的操作规范性。它将克服基于信息纽扣巡检系统的信息纽扣存储空间小,易损坏且系统无法监测巡检人员到位情况的缺点和基于无线射频识别技术(RFID)智能巡检系统成本高,安装复杂,无法考察巡检人员操作规范性的缺点,提高了巡检系统的可靠性。介绍了巡检系统的设计原理,技术运用以及软硬件的实现。  相似文献   

为改进电力线路巡检工作中存在的不足,提高工作效率,从电力配电网10 kV线路巡检应用现状及存在的问题出发进行分析,提出利用全球定位系统GPS、手持终端PDA、无线公网通信技术GPRS,结合地理信息系统GIS,实现基于轨迹导航的智能巡检系统.应用结果表明,系统能满足设备巡检和缺陷管理的需求,能提高巡检效率,并使巡检作业规...  相似文献   

特高压线路工程巡检存在速度慢、风险大、无法留取视频和巡检位置信息等问题,通过在索道上挂载无线图像传输设备,让设备替代巡检员进行快速巡检是电力系统研究的重要课题.为解决特高压线路工程的索道视频回传问题,已有智能摄像系统采用1.4 GHz的图传模块传输图像、视频信息,采用900 MHz的数传模块传输定位信息.该智能摄像系统...  相似文献   

各种智能技术在电力行业发挥的作用越来越明显,电力智能巡检机器人就是其中的佼佼者.电力智能巡检机器人集数据获取、传输、分析预警、决策于一体,被逐渐用到电力行业设备状态检测、维修等工作中,替代了传统的人工巡检方式,有效地提升了电网与电力设备的运行质量,是未来智能电网建设发展的必然趋势.基于此,文章首先阐述了电力智能巡检机器人的应用现状与优势,然后分析了电力智能巡检机器人关键技术,最后以电力智能巡检机器人的实际应用探讨了电力智能巡检机器人在电力行业的运用,以期为我国电力智能巡检机器人的应用与发展提供参考.  相似文献   

目前我国在向工业化稳步的迈进,对电力资源的需求和依赖越来越大,如何保证电力系统安全稳定地运行是一个很重要的问题.要保证电力系统的正常稳定运行就需要对电力系统中的各种设备的运行状态进行定期巡视,传统的巡检方式都是人工加一些简单的辅助设备组成,这些巡检方式效率低下且成本较高.随着机巡设备的投入使用逐步缓解了传统人工巡检中存...  相似文献   

张云翔  李智诚 《工业加热》2022,(12):62-65+70
目前变电站巡检机器人设备识别技术存在设备识别准确率低、设备识别效果差和指针定位精度低的问题,提出基于特征匹配的变电站巡检机器人设备识别方法。对图像进行定位、去噪、图像分割、二值化以及细化的预处理,提高识别精度,降低外界干扰;在Hough变换的基础上计算设备指针的详细斜率,完成指针定位,以此生成设备读数,与相应的阈值进行比较,在特征匹配下完成设备识别和录入,实现变电站巡检机器人设备识别。实验结果表明,所提方法的仪表设备识别准确率高、仪表设备识别效果好,且仪表指针的定位精度高。  相似文献   

为减轻变电站现场巡检工作负担,提升设备巡检效率和智能化水平,文章设计了一种基于智能头盔的可穿戴式移动巡检系统.智能头盔将安全帽与智能电子模块有机结合,构建具有摄像、红外热成像、无线网络通信、视频通话、精确定位等功能的可穿戴式智能设备.智能头盔可与移动巡检上层应用系统协同交互,支撑远程操作监视、作业人员运动轨迹跟踪、运维...  相似文献   

目前,在电力设备的日常巡检和试验中,积累了大量关于设备故障情况的记录,缺乏相应的故障处理措施.传统集中式数据处理模型无法支持当前的强大电网系统.针对这一缺陷,文章提出了一种基于热点数据的电网边缘侧设备缺陷智能识别模型,模型分为云中心层、边缘层和现场层.在现场层,使用动态时间规整(Dynamic Time Warping...  相似文献   

[目的]为了改变目前以人工巡检为主的电厂巡检模式,提高电厂巡检作业的智能化水平,同时充分掌握机器人自主巡检系统的设计方法。[方法]文章从机器人自主巡检系统的设计思路出发,明确系统功能,分别从硬件架构和软件功能两方面给出巡检系统的设计方案。并以此设计方案为依据,设计出一台集先进性与实用性于一体的5G+机器人自主巡检系统。此外,为使得机器人的巡检结果能够更加直观地反映出电厂的实际运行情况,文章基于智能图像处理技术,完成了对仪表读数、阀门、按钮开关状态等信息的分析处理。[结果]5G+机器人自主巡检系统能够实现地图构建、任务部署,并能自主导航执行巡检任务,自动识别巡检设备,同时利用5G回传巡检数据,完成巡检结果分析并自动生成巡检报告。[结论]开发的5G+智慧电厂机器人自主巡检系统可大幅提升巡检效率,提高电厂运维的智能化水平,为电厂的自主巡检作业提供了有力的技术支撑,为专业人员全面掌握锅炉房、汽机房、升压站、辅助车间的运行状态提供可靠的依据,在实现减员増效的同时保障了重点区域设备安全运行,更好地助力智慧电厂建设。  相似文献   

随着云计算、大数据技术的快速发展,数据中心的数量和规模增长迅速,数据中心的能耗问题对环境以及自身运营成本都产生了较大的影响.文章设计了一种针对云计算环境的数据中心节能方案.本方案动态监控业务状态,根据服务器承载业务的变化动态控制服务器的功耗管控动作,实现在保障业务性能的同时降低功耗.该方案在应用场景和管控手段上均可以扩...  相似文献   

  [目的]  人工智能、云计算、大数据、物联网、移动互联网等新一代信息技术正逐渐成为智能电网的强大引擎,同时极大推动无人机技术的创新和发展。结合电力巡检现状,从技术发展趋势和行业应用需求出发,展望未来无人机电力巡检的发展,以期为大数据与人工智能时代的无人机技术与电力巡检的深入融合提供理论和方法参考。  [方法]  在行业应用调研的基础上,面向无人机电力巡检的全业务流程,阐述了新一代信息技术在无人机电力巡检中的应用,展望了电力巡检的智能化趋势。  [结果]  研究表明:(1)飞行平台智能化,无人机与5G通讯紧密结合,逐步实现5G网联无人机由网联化、实时化向智能化发展;(2)巡检智能化,攻克无人机智能控制等系列技术瓶颈,研发部署网络化“固定/移动”无人机智慧机场,实现全天候、无人自主智能化巡检;(3)数据分析智能化,引入人工智能技术,不断优化模型,实现巡检数据快速、准确的智能化分析;(4)物联网、大数据、云计算深度融合,实现多维数据全融合,状态监测全覆盖,数据流和业务流的集成耦合,实现设备状态评价及趋势预测智能化。(5)综合应用新一代信息技术的优势,构建无人机电力巡检智能化运维体系和智能化管控平台,有效提升精益化管理水平,开创电力巡检新局面。  [结论]  未来“云”、“大”、“物”、“智”、“移”等新一代信息技术的快速发展将推动无人机遥感技术跨越式发展,同时也驱动电力行业迈入一个全新的智能化时代。  相似文献   

视频监控业务能够对智能电网中输电线路、变电站等进行监控,实现高效的电力网络运维以及安全生产.考虑视频监控业务的实时性要求、多维用户体验(Quality of Experience,QoE)指标联合优化需求以及资源配置的不协调,文章提出了视频监控业务上下行资源联合分配方法.在该方法中,首先联合考虑上行链路资源、下行链路资...  相似文献   

在智能电网中,实时电价(RTP)是解决智能电网供需平衡的理想手段。通过分析国内外实时电价机制发展现状,将家庭用户负荷分为四类,综合考虑用户间的不同用电特性,构建了相应的用电效益优化模型,采用分布式算法,结合某地区的具体数据,并针对不同的需求响应方案、蓄电池成本、系统大小对模型进行仿真。结果表明,基于分布式算法的需求响应实时电价策略可使社会用电效益最大化。  相似文献   

In order to accommodate additional plug‐in electric vehicle (PEV) charging loads for existing distribution power grids, the vehicle‐to‐grid (V2G) technology has been regarded as a cost‐effective solution. Nevertheless, it can hardly scale up to large PEVs fleet coordination due to the computational complexity issue. In this paper, a centralized V2G scheme with distributed computing capability engaging internet of smart charging points (ISCP) is proposed. Within ISCP, each smart charging point equips a computing unit and does not upload PEV sensitive information to the energy coordinator, to protect PEV users’ privacy. Particularly, the computational complexity can be decreased dramatically by employing distributed computing, viz., by decomposing the overall scheduling problem into many manageable sub‐problems. Moreover, six typical V2G scenarios are analyzed deliberately, and based on that, a load peak‐shaving and valley‐filling scheduling algorithm is built up. The proposed algorithm can be conducted in real‐time to mitigate the uncertainties in arrival time, departure time, and energy demand. Finally, the proposed scheme and its algorithm are verified under the distribution grid of the SUSTech campus (China). Compared with uncoordinated charging, the proposed scheme realizes load peak‐shaving and valley‐filling by 11.98% and 12.68%, respectively. The voltage values are ensured within the limitation range by engaging power flow calculation, in which the minimum voltage values are increasing and the maximum voltage values are decreasing with the expansion of PEV penetration. What is more, the computational complexity of peak‐shaving and valley‐filling strategy is near‐linear, which verifies the proposed scheme can be carried out very efficiently.  相似文献   

Currently, both the heated building area and total pipe length have been increased significantly. Despite the rapid development of China's heating industry, the overall efficiency of district heating systems is relatively low. In this paper, an innovative smart and transparent heating mode is proposed to solve the problems of the current heating mode. The proposed method integrates two core technologies: the 3D‐GIS digital twin model and the NB‐IoT wireless communication system. The concept, main characteristic of the proposed heating mode is discussed. A concrete technical scheme of the heating mode integrating the static and dynamic data of DHN is presented. To test the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed heating mode, two cases with a concrete implementation scheme are presented. The energy reduction rate, pump efficiency, and hydraulic imbalance level of proposed heating mode is compared with the traditional heating mode. Results show that the energy consumption of DHN under traditional set secondary‐side supply target temperature control mode can be reduced by 26.11% compared with smart and transparent heating mode during the heating period.  相似文献   

Demand‐side management comprises a portfolio of actions on the consumers' side to ensure reliable power indices from the electrical system. The home energy management system (HEMS) is used to manage the consumption and production of energy in smart homes. However, the technology of HEMS architecture can be used for the detection and classification of power quality disturbances. This paper presents low‐voltage metering hardware that uses an ARM Cortex M4 and real‐time operating system to detect and classify power quality disturbances. In the context of HEMS, the proposed metering infrastructure can be used as a smart meter, which provides the service of power quality monitoring. For this type of application, there is a need to ensure that the development of this device has an acceptable cost, which is one of the reasons for the choice of an ARM microprocessor. However, managing a wide range of operations (data acquisition, data preprocessing, disturbance detection and classification, energy consumption, and data exchange) is a complex task and, consequently, requires the optimization of the embedded software. To overcome this difficulty, the use of a real‐time operating system provided by Texas Instruments (called TI‐RTOS) is proposed with the objective of managing operations at the hardware level. Thus, a methodology with low computational cost has been defined and embedded. The proposed approach uses a preprocessing stage to extract some features that are used as inputs to detect and classify disturbances. In this way, it was possible to evaluate and demonstrate the performance of the embedded algorithm when applied to synthetic and real power quality signals. Consequently, it is noted that the results are significant in the analysis of power quality in a smart grid scenario, as the smart meter offers low cost and high accuracy in both detecting (an accuracy rate above 90%) and classifying (an average accuracy rate above 94%) disturbances.  相似文献   

随着边缘计算技术的快速发展,其在智能电网中的应用越来越广泛,但尚未应用于分布式发电微电网系统的运行控制中。本文首先提出了一种面向微电网的边缘计算架构,并介绍了边云协同的主要功能,其次阐述了该架构的构建方案,包括数据处理、网络通信及安全机制的实现,最后介绍了该架构在华南南海某海岛上的应用实践。  相似文献   

In today's world striving for efficiency in every sector, especially power generation and distribution, smart grids emerge as the solution for efficiently meeting the increasing demand. They adjust themselves to optimally deliver energy at the lowest cost and highest quality possible. The grid successfully makes use of renewable energy resources, electric vehicles, and smart pricing techniques in its attempt to achieve energy efficiency. It also promotes a greener environment by striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Information communication technology (ICT) helps the grid in collecting consumption data from the consumers and in sharing tariff information. ICT also helps to gather information about the status of the grid with regard to aspects like power quality, faults etc. The purpose of this paper is to review recent literature with a view to comprehensively present the technologies employed in the smart grid for achieving energy efficiency and the challenges involved therein.  相似文献   

针对高速列车在制动过程中产生的再生制动能量得不到有效利用的问题,提出一种基于超级电容(supercapacitor,SC)的高速铁路再生制动能量存储方案。该方案以铁路功率调节器(railway power conditioner,RPC)作为接口电路,将储能装置与牵引供电系统连接在一起,采用超级电容作为储能介质,通过双向DC/DC变流器与铁路功率调节器直流侧相连,从而实现能量存储与补偿负序电流的功能。在研究储能方案拓扑结构的基础上,分析了负序电流的补偿原理,并根据补偿原理研究了储能方案的控制策略,对RPC两变流器采用滞环控制的方法,对储能装置中的双向DC/DC变流器采用电流闭环的控制方法。仿真结果表明,所提出的存储方案能够有效回收利用高速列车产生的再生制动能,并对负序电流进行补偿,改善电网侧电能质量。  相似文献   

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