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Investigations were continued on the dissimilar laser beam welds of AA6056 and Ti6Al4V, fabricated by inserting Ti‐sheet into the profiled Al‐sheet and melting AA6056 alone. By using microstructure, hardness and strength as the criteria, sites exhibiting non‐uniform microstructure and localized plastic deformation due to strength mismatch were investigated in two orientations: ? crack parallel to the weld and ? crack perpendicular to the weld for fatigue crack propagation and fracture toughness at room temperature. Effect of temper of AA6056 on these properties was studied for two conditions; welding in T4 followed by post weld heat treatment T6, and welding in T6 and naturally aged for a defined period. The orientation “crack parallel to the weld” was investigated in 3 locations on the side of AA6056: the interface and the two changeovers on the Al‐side. Firstly, between the fusion zone and the heat affected zone (3 mm from the interface) and secondly, between (primary) heat affected zone and towards the base material (7 mm from the interface). Although brittle intermetallic TiAl3 had been formed at the interface, uncontrolled separation or debonding at the interface was not observed. Insofar the bond quality of the weld was good. However, the ranking of interface was the lowest since fatigue crack propagation was relatively faster than that in the fusion zone and heat affected zone, and fracture toughness was low. Therefore, unstable fatigue crack propagation is observed when the crack propagates perpendicular to the weld from AA6056 towards Ti6Al4V. The results have shown that the dissimilar joints exhibit improved performance when laser beam welded in the T6 condition.  相似文献   

Untersuchungen zu Struktureigenschaften von laserstrahlgeschweißte Mischverbindungen aus Aluminium AA6056 und Titan Ti6Al4V für Anwendungen in der Luftfahrt Teil I: Lokale Gradienten in Mikrostruktur, Härte und Festigkeit Durch eine spezielle Stossvorbereitung wurden laserstrahlgeschweißter Mischverbindungen aus den Blechwerkstoffen AA6056 und Ti6Al4V hergestellt und zwar ohne die Verwendung von Zusatzwerkstoffen. Die große Differenz der Schmelztemperaturen erlaubt das selektive Erschmelzen des Aluminiumwerkstoffs, der wieder um den Titanwerkstoff benetzt, sodass es zur Ausbildung einer mechanisch‐stabilen und tragfähigen Verbindung kommt. Die Al‐Legierung wurd ein den Wärmebehandlungszuständen T4 und T6 verschweißt, um den mikrostrukturellen Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften der Verbindungen untersuchen zu koönnen. Die Prozessfolgen sahen vor, dass beim Schweißen im Zustand T4 eine Warmauslagerung, beim Schweißen im Zustand T6 eine Kaltauslagerung definierter Dauer folgte. Die Charakterisierung lokaler Eigenschaftsgradienten hinsichtlich Gefüge, Mikrohärte und Festigkeit waren grundlegend für die Untersuchungen zum Ermüdungsrissausbreitungs‐ und Bruchverhalten der Mischerbindungen. Dabei wurden mögliche Bereiche, von denen Bruchversagen ausgehen könnte, identifiziert. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die Eigenschaftsänderungen fast ausschließlich auf die Aluminiumseite beschränkt blieben. An der Grenzfläche zwischen Ti6Al4V und AA6056 wurde zudem eine schmale intermetallische Reaktionsschicht nachgewiesen. Diese lokalen Eigenschaftsänderungen im Gefüge, in der Härte und Festigkeit auf der Al‐Seite sowie der intermetallische Phasensaum in Verbindung mit geometrischen Unterschieden sind im Rahmen der Untersuchungen als mögliche kritische Bereiche identifiziert worden.  相似文献   

Laser beam welding is considered to be a suitable joining process for high speed, low distortion, and high quality fabrication of aircraft structures manufactured from aluminum alloys, which are mainly preferred due to their favourable properties, such as high strength to weight ratio, ease of forming and high thermal and electrical conductivity. However, the laser beam welding of 6000 series aluminum alloys may exhibit a tendency to solidification cracking, and porosity may be a major problem unless appropriate welding parameters and filler metal are employed.In this study, the microstructural aspects and mechanical properties of laser beam welded new generation aluminum alloy, namely 6056, developed especially for aircraft structures, are investigated. A continuous wave CO2 laser using AlSi12 filler wire was employed. A detailed microstructural examination of the weld region was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Standard tensile and microflat tensile specimens extracted from the welded plates were tested at room temperature for the determination of general and local mechanical properties of the welded joints. Extensive microhardness measurements were also conducted. Crack growth mechanisms of the joints produced were also determined by conducting fatigue tests under various stress ratios (i.e., 0.1 ≤ R ≤ 0.7).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the microstructure, hardness and cyclic deformation behavior of electron beam welded dissimilar joints of Ti–6Al–4V and Ti17 (Ti–5Al–4Mo–4Cr–2Sn–2Zr) titanium alloys. The welding resulted in a significant microstructural change across the joint, with hexagonal close-packed (hcp) martensite α′ and orthorhombic martensite α″ in the fusion zone (FZ), α′ in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of Ti–6Al–4V side, and coarse β in the HAZ of Ti17 side. A characteristic asymmetrical hardness profile across the dissimilar joint was observed with the highest hardness in the FZ and a lower hardness on the Ti–6Al–4V side than on the Ti17 side, where a soft zone was observed. The dissimilar joint exhibited a lower Young′s modulus and higher cyclic strain hardening exponent than both Ti–6Al–4V and Ti17 base metals (BMs), and had the monotonic and cyclic yield strengths lying in-between those of two BMs with higher values for Ti17 alloy. Both BMs and joint showed essentially symmetrical hysteresis loops and equivalent fatigue life, and exhibited cyclic stabilization at lower strain amplitudes up to 0.6%, while cyclic softening occurred after initial cyclic stabilization at higher strain amplitudes. The initial cyclic stabilization was shortened with increasing strain amplitude. In the Ti–6Al–4V BM fatigued at a high strain amplitude of 1.2%, a short initial cyclic hardening emerged, corresponding to the presence of twinning and its resistance to the dislocation movement. Fatigue failure of the dissimilar joint occurred in the HAZ of Ti17 side where the soft zone was present, with crack initiation from the specimen surface or near-surface defect and crack propagation characterized by typical fatigue striations.  相似文献   

Friction stir butt welding of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and aluminum alloy A6061-T6 with 2 mm thickness was conducted by offsetting probe edge into the titanium alloy at rotation speed of 750 rpm and 1000 rpm and welding speed of 120 mm/min. The effect of probe offset distance on the interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of the butt joint was investigated. When the probe offset distance is not sufficient, the two alloys cannot be completely joined together, i.e. there exists no bonding or kissing bonding at the root part of joint interface. However, when the probe offset distance is too large, a great amount of intermetallic compounds are formed at the joint interface and its adjacency, leading to fracturing roughly along the joint interface during a tensile test. In a proper range of probe offset distance, sound dissimilar butt joints are produced, which have comparatively high tensile strength and fracture in heat affected zone of the aluminum alloy during a tensile test.  相似文献   

The microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties in laser beam welds of Ti6Al4V alloy were investigated. The microstructural characteristics in the heat affected zone and fusion zone change obviously after laser beam welding, which are strongly influenced by the welding conditions. The mechanical properties of the welds are evidently dependent on the microstructural characteristics, and the strengthening in the heat affected zone and fusion zone is mainly attributed to the formation of martensite.  相似文献   

Laser surface texturing can be used to produce well defined micro-grooves on biomedical materials such as Ti-6Al-4V. Such micro-grooves can be optimized to improve the integration with surrounding tissue. This paper examines the effects of Gaussian shaped beam profiles for nano-second laser processing on the laser micro-groove geometry, topography, and micro-structure of Ti-6Al-4V under atmospheric conditions. Laser and machining parameters such as pulse rate, scan speed, wavelength, groove width and pitch are shown to affect the resulting micro-groove geometries. In contrast to prior micro-groove studies using top-hat beam profiles with ultra-violet (UV) Excimer lasers or large area masking techniques, grooves produced with Nd:YVO4 exhibit improved roughness parameters and reduced heat-affected zones. Initial processing parameters are established for the fabrication of micro-groove geometries on flat geometries that are relevant to biomedical implants and devices.  相似文献   

To improve the bioactivity of Ti6Al4V alloy for use as a load-bearing hard tissue replacement, titanium/hydroxyapatite (Ti/HA) composites were bonded to a Ti6Al4V substrate by a novel cladding method. With the aid of a silver foil as the interlayer and an external pressure during sintering, the interfaces between the composites and the substrate were free of defects. The bioactivity of the fabricated materials was evaluated in the simulated body fluid (SBF) and the results demonstrated that the materials could induce nucleation and growth of bone-like apatite in the SBF. Factors that contributed to the bioactivity of the materials were discussed. The release of Ag+ ions from the materials was also detected, which is expected to impart antibacterial effect after implantation, and further enhance the functionalities of the materials.  相似文献   

Friction spot welding is a relatively new solid-state joining process able to produce overlap joints between similar and dissimilar materials. In this study, the effect of the process parameters on the lap shear strength of AA6181-T4/Ti6Al4V single joints was investigated using full-factorial design of experiment and analyses of variance. Sound joints with lap shear strength from 4769 N to 6449 N were achieved and the influence of the main process parameters on joint performance was evaluated. Tool rotational speed was the parameter with the largest influence on the joint shear resistance, followed by its interaction with dwell time. Based on the experimental results following response surface methodology, a mathematical model to predict lap shear strength was developed using a second order polynomial function. The initial prediction results indicated that the established model could adequately estimate joint strength within the range of welding parameters being used. The model was then used to optimize welding parameters in order satisfy engineering demands.  相似文献   

Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is a powerful tool to produce titanium based biomaterials because the ease to convert 3D medical imaging data into solid objects with excellent mechanical and corrosion properties. DMLS samples can be functionalized by anodizing, allowing the growth of titanium oxide layers of enhanced properties. In the present paper, a complete characterization of the microstructure, mechanical properties and particularly, the corrosion behavior has been carried out to assess their possible use as biomaterial. The results of the anodized scaffolds are very promising, showing a Young Modulus near to the cortical bone and a low corrosion rate, ensuring their suitability for medical applications.  相似文献   

This paper designs one octahedral Ti6Al4V porous structure and then establishes a simplified model. The Ti6Al4V porous structure is manufactured by selective laser melting. Its experimental and theoretical fracture loads are obtained through theoretical calculation and compression test respectively. The result demonstrates that there is an exponential relationship between the experimental fracture load and the porosity of the porous structure. With an average relative error of 5.86%, the deviation between experimental and theoretical fracture load is small, which indicates that the predication accuracy is comparatively high. So the fracture load calculation theory is valuable in practical applications. Finally, the fracture analysis indicates that fractures of units and porous structures are brittle fractures, which belong to cleavage fracture.  相似文献   

A number of bioactive ceramics have been researched since the development of Bioglass in the 1970s. Fluorapatite mullite has been developed from the dental glass-ceramics used for more general hard tissue replacement. Being brittle in nature, glass-ceramics are currently used mainly as coatings. This paper shows that fluorapatite glass LG112 can be used as a sputtered glass coating on roughened surfaces of Ti6Al4V for possible future use for medical implants. An AFM was used to measure the roughness of the surface before and after coating to determine the change in the topography due to the coating process as this greatly affects cell attachment. The sputter coating partially filled in the artificially roughened surface, changing the prepared topography. Osteoblasts have been successfully grown on the surface of these coatings, showing biocompatibility with bone tissue and therefore potential use in hard tissue repair.  相似文献   

The feasibility of dissimilar friction stir welding (FSW) in overlap configuration between Ti–6Al–4V alloy (Ti64) and AISI 304 austenitic stainless steels (304SS) was investigated. Sound joints were achieved when placing titanium as the upper workpiece. Joints were successfully produced by employing a welding speed of 1 mm/s and rotational speeds of 300 and 500 rpm. A lamellar microstructure was formed in the stir zone of Ti64, where grain size was found to increase with increasing rotational speed, and austenitic equiaxed grains were obtained near the interface of 304SS coupon. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) of the interface revealed a thin intermixed region and suggested intermetallic compound formation. Microhardness data in the titanium weld zone for both rotational speeds exhibited slightly lower values than the base material, with the lowest values in the heat affected zone, whereas the microhardness values in the stainless steel side around the weld center were found to be higher than those obtained for the base material.  相似文献   

A direct metal rapid prototyping (RP) fabrication technique, electron beam melting (EBM) process, was utilized to fabricate porous Ti6Al4V parts with fully interconnected, controlled internal pore architecture. The macroporous structure of fabricated parts was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The strut and pore sizes of the parts were measured by quantitative image analyses. The mechanical properties were investigated by compressive tests. The compressive strength and Young's modulus of parts proved to be compatible with those of nature bone. The potential of EBM process for fabricating Ti6Al4V parts with controlled internal pore architecture meeting the requirements of orthopedic implants is demonstrated.  相似文献   


The isothermal oxidation behaviour of two phase (α + β) titanium base alloy Ti6Al4V (coupons) has been studied at 1050, 1150, 1250, and 1340 K in O2 gas at atmospheric pressure for 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 h. Investigations on kinetic behaviour followed by the metallographic examination of oxidised scale morphology was carried out. Thermogravimetric data (weight gain v time) exhibited parabolic behaviour. Below 1250 K, the rate of oxidation substantially decreased after 8 h exposure, however, at 1340 K the oxidation rate was markedly high over the whole 12 h period. Parabolic rate constants were 0.234×10-7, 3.67×10-7, 10.72×10 -7, and 31.17×10-7 kg2 m-4 s-1 at 1050, 1150, 1250, and 1340 K respectively. The effective activation energy of oxidation was 88 kJ mol-1. The instantaneous rate constant k i exhibited a marked deviation from parabolic behaviour at high temperatures e.g. 1150, 1250, and 1340 K, however, k i at lower temperature (1050 K) remained broadly unchanged with time exhibiting no deviation from parabolic behaviour. Metallographic observation of the sample coupons treated at 1340 K revealed an identical oxide scale morphology with increased thickness over the time.  相似文献   

Ti–5Al–5V–5Mo–3Cr (Ti-5553) sheets were welded using a Nd: YAG laser system and Ti–6Al–4V filler wire. The effect of joint gap on weld geometry, defects, microstructure, and hardness was investigated. Fully penetrated welds up to a joint gap of 0.5 mm were produced. The two main defects observed were porosity and underfill. The addition of filler wire reduced underfill but increased porosity, especially at large joint gaps. The fusion zone (FZ) microstructure at low joint gaps consisted of retained β with a dendritic morphology. At a joint gap of 0.3 mm, regions of orthorhombic α″ martensite were observed in the weld zone which increased in proportion as the joint gap increased from a volume percentage of 4.9% at 0.3 mm to a volume percentage of 44% at 0.5 mm. Despite the differences in microstructure with increasing joint gap, the FZ hardness remained relatively constant for all joint gaps evaluated.  相似文献   

A domain failure assessment diagram has been used to assess an undercut defect in a laser welded plate made of Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy and to compute the probability of failure. Evaluations of the safety factor and uncertainty with the assessment angle have been obtained. The low probability of failure indicates that laser welding is a safe process for aeronautical components which need a high level of reliability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of strain rate and temperature on the tensile properties, strain hardening behavior, strain rate sensitivity, and fracture characteristics of electron beam welded (EBWed) dissimilar joints between Ti–6Al–4V and Ti17 (Ti–5Al–4Mo–4Cr–2Sn–2Zr) titanium alloys. The welding led to significant microstructural changes across the joint, with hexagonal close-packed martensite (α′) and orthorhombic martensite (α″) in the fusion zone (FZ), α′ in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) on the Ti–6Al–4V side, and coarse β in the HAZ on the Ti17 side. A distinctive asymmetrical hardness profile across the dissimilar joint was observed with the highest hardness in the FZ and a lower hardness on the Ti–6Al–4V side than on the Ti17 side, where a soft zone was present. Despite a slight reduction in ductility, the yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the joints lay in-between the two base metals (BMs) of Ti–6Al–4V and Ti17, with the Ti17 alloy having a higher strength. While the YS, UTS, and Voce stress of the joints increased, both hardening capacity and strain hardening exponent decreased with increasing strain rate or decreasing temperature. Stage III hardening occurred in the joints after yielding. The hardening rate was strongly dependent on the strain rate and temperature. As the strain rate increased or temperature decreased, the strain hardening rate increased at a given true stress. The strain rate sensitivity evaluated via both common approach and Lindholm approach was observed to decrease with increasing true strain. The welded joints basically failed in the Ti–6Al–4V BM near the HAZ, and the fracture surfaces exhibited dimple fracture characteristics at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Aluminum alloy AA6111 and TiAl6V4 dissimilar alloys were successfully welded by high power ultrasonic spot welding. No visible intermetallic reaction layer was detected in as-welded AA6111/TiAl6V4 welds, even when transmission electron microscopy was used. The effects of welding time and natural aging on peak load and fracture energy were investigated. The peak load and fracture energy of welds increased with an increase in welding time and then reached a plateau. The lap shear strength (peak load) can reach the same level as that of similar Al–Al joints. After natural aging, the fracture mode of welds transferred from ductile fracture of the softened aluminum to interfacial failure due to the strength recovery of AA6111.  相似文献   

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