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8月6日,由国家能源局组织制定的《可再生能源发展“十二五”规划》(简称《规划》)正式发布。根据《规划》到2015年,可再生能源年利用量在能源消费中的比重达到9.5%以上。这将意味着在国内电力体系中,占比较小的可再生能源发电正在逐步提升。  相似文献   

张江徽 《节能》1997,(12):15-17
能源统计的深化分析沈阳市经贸委张江徽能源是国民经济和社会发展的重要物质基础,能源统计工作是关系到国计民生的一项重要工作。准确及时地获得能源统计数据并且采用科学规范的方法去分析是合理掌握能源管理状况、制定能源长远规划的最重要的基础条件,同时也为规划社会...  相似文献   

姜鑫民  赵林  曲会  胡燕 《中国能源》2008,30(5):36-39
能源规划指标体系为能源规划工作的开展提供了理论和实践的依据,也是能源规划工作的细化和重要组成部分。本文从能源规划的目标出发,分析了能源规划的内容,在此基础上分析了能源规划指标体系的目标、特征、类型、设计原则和层次结构,接着在理论分析的基础上,紧紧围绕能源规划的目标提出了能源规划指标体系,从能源总量、能源效率、能源结构、环境保护4个方面对能源规划工作进行细化和分解。最后对这4个方面的具体内容进行了分解和阐述。  相似文献   

新华网北京4月20日电,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理、国家能源领导小组组长温家宝20日召开国家能源领导小组第二次会议,听取《2005年能源工作和2006年主要任务》的汇报,审议《可再生能源中长期发展规划》。温家宝在讲话中指出,能源问题关系我国经济发展、社会稳定和国家安全,必须坚持开发与节约并重、把节约放在首位的方针,采取更加有力的措施全面推动能源节约,大力发展可再生能源,增加能源供给,调节能源需求,调整能源结构,努力开创能源工作新局面。  相似文献   

全球及我国能源供应中的可再生能源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了全球可再生能源发展情况,包括可再生能源在能源供应中的现状及其展望,并与中国可再生能源发展情况进行了比较分析,可供可再生能源规划和政策研究部门参考。  相似文献   

本规划主要阐明国家能源战略,明确能源发展目标、开发布局、改革方向和节能环保重点,是未来五年我国能源发展的总体蓝图和行动纲领。有关方面要按照规划要求,结合具体实际,积极开展工作,努力完成规划确定的各项任务。  相似文献   

能源规划是政府对能源开发利用活动实施指导和管理的重要工具和手段。制定能源规划的重要性在于有利于协调经济、能源和环境的关系,促进能源工业的健康、可持续发展,使其成为我国经济社会可持续发展的坚强支撑。但是在我国,中国特色的能源规划的理论方法和实施的长效机制尚待完善,加上限于制定和实施过程中的许多不确定因素,使得规划往往成了不切实际的设想,被人们讥为“规划,规划,墙上挂挂”。为了发挥能源规划的功能与作用,确实需要研究适应于我国国情的能源规划的制定与实践的理论和机制问题。此文从能源规划与其他规划的关系进行了探讨,期待有更多的论文面世。  相似文献   

区域可再生能源规划理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能源规划是对一段时期内能源发展所做的计划、设想和部署。能源规划按照地域可划分为国家能源规划和地区能源规划;按照性质可划分为煤炭、石油、天然气、电力等发展规划,最近还陆续提出了可再生能源与核能发展规划等;专项能源规划介于综合能源与能源行业发展规划之间,它既是对综合能源规划的补充,也与其他专项能源规划有着紧密的联系。与能源规划密切相关的社会发展规划包括经济社会总体规划、环境保护规划、国土规划、城市总体发展规划。可再生能源正受到越来越多的重视,已成为综合能源规划的重要组成部分。区域可再生能源规划与单一能源种类规划的区别在于:规划对象范围不同;规划的工作基础不同;对于促进相关产业发展的目的和作用也有很大不同,这也导致政策措施上的差异。与农村能源规划的区别是,当前所讨论的可再生能源都是具有交易价值的商品能源,而农村能源规划涉及的沼气、薪柴等仅起到当地补充能源的作用,属于非商品化能源产品。我国能源规划主要从确定经济社会发展目标、相关信息收集、能源供需平衡分析、投资和其他财务预算方案编制等几方面来制定。  相似文献   

深圳市能源利用状况的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨红 《节能技术》2004,22(3):6-8
本文介绍了深圳市的土地、人口等自然资源情况,根据深圳市历年经济的增长速度以及建筑面积和汽车的拥有量,详细分析了深圳市电力供应和电力需求的状况、深圳市能源消费的特点、以及深圳市的建筑能耗问题,最后根据深圳市能源结构的规划和能源预测,提出积极开展节能工作、提高能源利用效率应是深圳市今后能源发展的主要工作方向。  相似文献   

国家发改委副主任、国家能源局局长张国宝在全国能源工作会议上表示.加强战略规划,编制“十二五”能源规划。加快研究出台石油天然气、电力、可再生能源、煤层气等产业政策,加快制定和完善能源产品与技术标准,是国家能源局今年要做好的重点工作。  相似文献   

Both wind energy potential and the electricity that could be generated by the wind for the Syrian land have been evaluated. An appropriate computer program was especially prepared and designed to perform the required calculations, mainly the wind energy potential and the generated electricity, using the available meteorological data provided by the Syrian Atlas. The program is capable of processing the wind data for any specific area, that is of course, in accordance with the needed requirements in fields of researches and applications.Moreover, calculations show that a huge energy potential is available for direct exploitation and as much as twice the current electricity consumption in Syria can be generated by the wind resource.  相似文献   

风能资源是重要的可再生能源,其利用完全依赖于风能资源的数据。UNDP/GEF加速中国可再生能源商业化能力发展项目,在青海开展了风能及太阳能资源实测项目,以进一步促进青海的风能利用。文章介绍了此项目的实施情况,对测得的数据进行了处理,对测试点的风力资源情况做了初步分析。  相似文献   

Electric energy consumption in the cotton textile processing stages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electric energy is one of the primary energy sources consumpted in cotton textile processing. Current energy cost rate is reported about 8–10% in the total production cost of an ordinary textile product manufactured in Turkey. Significantly important share of this energy cost is electric energy. The aim of this paper was to investigate unit electric energy consumption of cotton textile processing stages using real-time measurements method. Actual and estimated Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) values for electric energy was calculated in the cotton textile processing stages of spinning, warping–sizing, weaving, wet processing and clothing manufacturing. Actual electric energy consumption data are gathered from monthly records of the involved plant managements. Estimated electric energy consumption data is gathered through on-site measurement. Actual and estimated electric energy consumption data and monthly production quantities of the corresponding months are used to facilitate specific electric energy consumption of the plants. It is found that actual electric energy consumption amount per unit textile product is higher than the estimated electric energy consumption amount per unit textile product of each involved textile processing stages.  相似文献   

A sustainable, balanced energy portfolio is necessary for a country's continued economic growth. This portfolio must collectively be able to provide reliable, resilient electricity at stable, affordable prices. Nuclear energy is an important contributor to global clean energy supply, both as a primary source and by complementing and enabling other clean energy sources. As we look to the design and operation of future energy systems, we see an increasing need to think differently about how we utilize our energy resources to meet all of our energy needs—not just electricity but also industrial and transportation demands. Resource utilization in light of a broader desire to reduce environmental impacts leads us to consider transforming how we use nuclear energy, which currently provides more than half of the nonemitting electricity generated in the United States. A paradigm shift is required to develop optimal energy generation and use configurations that embrace novel approaches to system integration and process design. The US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) program on Integrated Energy Systems (IES)—formerly the Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems (N-R HES) program—was established to evaluate potential options for the coordinated use of nuclear and renewable energy generators to meet energy demands across the electricity, industrial, and transportation sectors. These formerly independent sectors are becoming increasingly linked through technology advances in data acquisition, communications, demand response approaches, and control technologies. Advanced modeling and simulation tools can be employed to design systems that better coordinate across these sectors. Implementation of integrated multi-input, multi-output energy systems will allow for expanded use of nuclear energy beyond the grid in a manner that complements the increased build-out of variable renewable energy generation. These integrated systems would provide enhanced flexibility while also providing energy services and supporting the production of additional, nonelectric commodities (eg, potable water, hydrogen, and liquid fuels) via excess thermal and electrical energy from the nuclear system. Increased flexibility of traditionally baseload nuclear systems will support energy security, grid reliability, and grid resilience while maximizing the use of clean energy technologies. This paper provides an overview of current efforts in the United States that assess the potential to increase utilization of nuclear energy systems, in concert with renewable energy generation, via the IES program. Analysis tools and approaches and preliminary analysis results are summarized, and planned experimental activities to demonstrate integrated system performance are introduced.  相似文献   

The total solar energy at various depths in water has been calculated by adopting two sets of data, namely the extinction coefficient of water in the spectral range of 300–2500 nm, and the solar spectrum at sea level in the same spectral range. With the aid of a computer program designed for this purpose, the solar spectrum at various depths has been reconstructed and the total solar energy has been measured by calculating the area under the spectral distribution curves. A mathematical expression for the integrated solar energy as a function of depth in water has been derived.  相似文献   

基于时间序列ARMA模型的广东省能源需求预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广东省能源消耗量大,自给率低,能源供需矛盾已成为影响经济发展的重要因素,准确预测未来能源需求对于制定合理的经济发展战略和能源安全战略有着重要的借鉴意义。采用1979-2006年广东省能源消费总量数据,并根据建模要求对数据进行处理,在此基础上利用时间序列相关理论及ARMA模型对广东省未来能源需求量进行了相关预测,并得出能源需求的模型。从检验结果来看,此模型误差率低,预测效果好。  相似文献   

In 2005, the Chinese government announced an ambitious goal of reducing energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) by 20% between 2005 and 2010. One of the key initiatives for realizing this goal is the Top-1000 Energy-Consuming Enterprises program. The energy consumption of these 1000 enterprises accounted for 33% of national and 47% of industrial energy usage in 2004. Under the Top-1000 program, 2010 energy consumption targets were determined for each enterprise. The objective of this article is to evaluate the program design and initial results, given limited information and data, to understand the possible implications of its success in terms of energy and carbon dioxide emission reductions and to recommend future program modifications based on international experience with similar target-setting agreement programs. Even though the Top-1000 program was designed and implemented rapidly, it appears that – depending upon the GDP growth rate – it could contribute to somewhere between approximately 10% and 25% of the savings required to support China's efforts to meet a 20% reduction in energy use per unit of GDP by 2010.  相似文献   

Energy use continues to rise and with it the emissions of CO2. Energy efficiency methods have been applied across sectors. Efficiency gains and energy use per manufactured unit have fallen, particularly in relation to the processing industry. Residential, work place, leisure, and service sectors still use large amounts of energy and produce large emissions of CO2 despite efficiency gains. Successful strategies used in the processing industry for integrating energy systems, namely Total Site targeting, have been applied to locally integrated energy sectors. The method shows that it can be successfully applied to integrate renewables into the energy source mix and consequently reduce the carbon footprint of these locally integrated energy sectors.  相似文献   

李松丽 《节能》2010,29(7):14-16
在计算机显示器能效标准和能效测试的基础上,通过分类统计的方法,分析了被测显示器的能效等级和能效指标的分布,讨论了计算机显示器的能效水平和制约因素,说明能效标识制度的实施促进了计算机显示器的节能进程,并对其节能技术创新具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the evaluation of the effectiveness of an energy efficiency program in eastern North Carolina. This subject program is focused on improved construction methods for residential housing. The program incorporates proven energy saving technologies, construction procedures, onsite inspections, and design construction methodologies in new residential construction. The analysis compared the energy usage associated with the houses built in conjunction with the energy efficiency program (test group) with similar new residential construction unrelated to the program (control group). Several statistical methods were employed to establish differences between the energy efficiency program participants and the control group. The analysis provides significant support for the effectiveness of this energy efficiency program and supports the suitability of similar efforts for inclusion in plans for renewable energy offsets and energy efficiency standards.  相似文献   

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