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Using rat paw dextran-induced and carrageenan-induced edemas, the anti-inflammatory activity of gallic acid (I), triacetylgallic acid (II) and monohydrate copper(II) triacetylgallate (III) was assayed. All compounds tested were applied i.p. in a single dose of 50 mumol/kg body weight, calculated for the RCOO-fragment. The average antiedematous activities in dextran/carrageenan edemas were decreasing in the following order: III (55.9/41.8%) > I (38.6/31.1%) > II (-3.4/13.3%). The relationship between the biological effects found and gallic acid as well as its structural derivatives is discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pelvic inflammatory disease and tubo-ovarian abscesses previously has been regarded as essentially nonexistent in the patient who has undergone tubal sterilization, although there have been isolated reports in the literature. This case describes a patient who underwent tubal ligation approximately 6 years prior to presenting with bilateral ruptured tubo-ovarian abscesses. The patient underwent emergency surgery and had an uneventful recovery. Theoretically, although bilateral tubal ligation should preclude the development of pelvic inflammatory disease, it is a diagnosis that should be considered in the patient presenting with lower pelvic and abdominal pain.  相似文献   

Amelioration of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs in about three quarters of pregnancies. Most women who improve experience initial relief in the first trimester. RA almost invariably recurs within 3 to 4 months of delivery. The effect of pregnancy upon the risk of first developing RA is similar in some respects but also differs from that observed in women with established disease. Analogous to women with established disease, the chance of a woman first developing RA is significantly reduced during pregnancy but increased in the first year post partum; thereafter risk is decreased. There is no indication of any adverse effects of RA on pregnancy outcome. Although limited, some medications can be used during pregnancy and during lactation without jeopardizing the well-being of the fetus.  相似文献   

JRA is a multisystem disease characterized by exacerbations and remissions. Recognition of the three modes of onset can important in early diagnosis, identification of extra-articular manifestations, and prognosis. This is a chronic illness that requires consideration of the whole patient, his family, and his place in society, both in the present and in the future. With a positive, comprehensive approach and an awareness of the pitfalls of seeking immediate relief, the physician can help to assure a good functional outcome.  相似文献   

Embryos from certain mouse strains are arrested at the 2-cell stage in cell culture ('2-cell block'), whereas those from other strains develop to the blastocyst stage under the same conditions. It was previously shown that blocking embryos can be rescued in culture by aggregation with an excess of 2-cell stages of a non-blocking strain such as CBA x C57BL/6 F2. Here we have employed a LacZ transgene in a blocking strain (NMRI) to follow the fate of rescued blastomeres up to the blastocyst stage. We found that rescued blastomeres can participate in both inner cell mass and trophoblast formation, thus completely overcoming the 2-cell block.  相似文献   

Noninfectious canine arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chronic unremitting, generally symmetric, erosive polyarthritis was studied in 8 dogs. The disease had clinical, serologic, radiographic, and pathologic changes similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis of man. The condition occurred mainly in smaller breeds of dogs, with time of onset from 8 months to 8 years of age, Characteristic radiographic changes were seen in the joints several weeks to several months after the appearance of the initial lameness. Synovial fluid contained an increased number of neutrophils, and synovial fluid and synovial tissues were sterile for anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and viruses. Corticosteroids were therapeutically ineffective in all of the cases; however, corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine were effective when used in combination in several dogs.  相似文献   

Benign (bTu) and malignant tumours (mTu) were studied in a randomised autopsy material of 161 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The tissue specimens were fixed in 8% formaldehyde solution at pH 7.6 and embedded in paraffin. The tumours were diagnosed histologically and confirmed by immunohistochemical methods. Five benign (3.1%), and thirteen malignant tumours (8.1%) found observed in 18 (11.2%) of 161 cases. There was no significant difference between laboratory parameters of patients with malignant tumours and without tumours. One benign (0.62%) and seven malignant (4.35%) tumours led to death in 8 (4.97%) of 18 cases altogether. Neoplasms were detected clinically in 8 of 18 cases (44.4 rel%). None of tumorous patients received immunosuppressive treatment and only five had gold (Tauredon) therapy. Paraneoplastic syndromes with rheumatoid complaints may be excluded by the onset and duration of RA and tumours. Benign neurogenic tumours and malignant bronchioloalveolar carcinoma were frequently associated with RA not treated by immunosuppressive drugs. Our data do not support the assumption of a high risk of malignant lymphomas associated with RA treated with immunosuppressive therapy.  相似文献   

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) develop both periarticular and generalized osteoporosis. Periarticular osteopenia in appendicular bones occurs early in the course of RA and is one of the earliest radiological signs of RA. An uncoupled state in bone resorption-formation linkage, contributes to the development of periarticular osteopenia and it might be mediated through an increased productions of cytokines and prostaglandins by synovium and bone marrow. Accordingly, early suppression of rheumatoid synovitis is necessary for the prevention of periarticular osteopenia. Generalized osteoporosis is also common in RA and leads to increased risk of fractures. Generalized osteoporosis considered to be multifactorial and factors contributing to lumbar osteoporosis might be different from those to loss of appendicular bones, such as femur and radius. Corticosteroids and menopausal state are important risk factors for lumbar osteoporosis. Rheumatoid activity and reduced physical activity are also important determinants. According to the previous studies, however, the influence of functional impairment is more prominent in the femoral BMD compared to spinal BMD. In addition to control of RA and maintenance of physical activity, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and bisphosphonate are possible agents for the treatment of osteoporosis in RA patients, especially postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

Sepsis is an unusually common cause of illness and death in RA. All sorts of infections occur, but pyarthrosis produces exceptional problems. Clinically, pyarthrosis, empyema, and purulent pericarditis mimic bland rheumatoid effusions. Aspiration of the attendant effusions is the only reliable diagnostic procedure. Subcutaneous nodules on the sacrum and back are easily overlooked. Necrosis and ulceration of these nodules may provoke septicemia. Those with Felty's syndrome do not uniformly have problems with recurrent infection. Splenectomy may not benefit such patients. The belief that corticosteroids cause increased infections in rheumatoid patients is not totally justifiable at present. Steroids can, however, disguise underlying sepsis and hamper proper diagnosis.  相似文献   

We studied osmoregulation of plasma vasopressin in 5 patients with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus. All patients showed typical symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus such as marked hyperglycemia, polyuria, and polydipsia, but did not have advanced diabetic complications. Vasopressin release was studied using 5% hypertonic saline infusion test twice: before treatment when the patient was hyperglycemic, and after treatment 1 to 2 months later when the patient was euglycemic. Plasma vasopressin was measured by a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay. The mean basal plasma vasopressin value in the patients was significantly higher in the hyperglycemic compared with the euglycemic state (3.75 +/- 0.70 vs 1.18 +/- 0.46 pmol/l, respectively; P < 0.05). The relationship of plasma vasopressin with serum sodium, but not plasma osmolality, during hyperglycemia showed an apparent hypersecretion of vasopressin. In both cases, the sensitivity of the vasopressin response to osmotic stimuli was significantly decreased. During euglycemia, the sensitivity of vasopressin secretion to either sodium or osmolality was almost normal, although a slight rise in the osmostat was observed compared with normal subjects. Together, we found that the positive correlation of vasopressin with sodium or osmolality is maintained but significantly altered in patients with untreated diabetes mellitus. Especially noteworthy is the lowered threshold and decreased sensitivity of osmotically-induced vasopressin secretion during hyperglycemia, which may be caused by multiple factors such as diabetes-associated hypovolemia, osmogenic effects of glucose and other osmoles, depletion of the pool of vasopressin available for release, and the metabolic derangement of osmoreceptor/magnocellular neurons.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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