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Calcium-dependent potassium (KCa) channels carry ionic currents that regulate important cellular functions. Like some other ion channels, KCa channels are modulated by protein phosphorylation. The recent cloning of complementary DNAs encoding Slo KCa channels has enabled KCa channel modulation to be investigated. We report here that protein phosphorylation modulates the activity of Drosophila Slo KCa channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Application of ATP-gamma S to detached membrane patches increases Slo channel activity by shifting channel voltage sensitivity. This modulation is blocked by a specific inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Mutation of a single serine residue in the channel protein also blocks modulation by ATP-gamma S, demonstrating that phosphorylation of the Slo channel protein itself modulates channel activity. The results also indicate that KCa channels in oocyte membrane patches can be modulated by an endogenous PKA-like protein kinase which remains functionally associated with the channels in the detached patch.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of norepinephrine-induced membrane responses in isolated hepatocytes from guinea-pigs and rats were compared using the suction-pipette, patch-clamp method, and intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured using the Ca2+ fluorescent dye, Quin 2. The resting membrane potentials of isolated guinea-pig hepatocytes were -50 +/- 1 mV (mean +/- SD; n = 38), which is similar to that previously reported in rat hepatocytes by Sawanobori et al. (J Cell Physiol 139: 580-585, 1989). In guinea-pig hepatocytes, norepinephrine (6 microM) caused a membrane hyperpolarization, and norepinephrine (6 microM) or Ca(2+)-ionophore (A23187) (0.4 microM) caused a corresponding outward current. The sensitive current produced by norepinephrine and Ca(2+)-ionophore reversed its polarity at -74 +/- 9 mV (n = 7). The single channel recorded by cell-attached patch and inside-out patch had mean conductance of around 20 + 1 pS and was activated by 1 microM [Ca2+]i. On the other hand, neither norepinephrine (6-20 microM) nor Ca(2+)-ionophore (A 23187) (0.4 microM) caused any change in membrane potential and current in rat hepatocytes, whereas norepinephrine increased [Ca2+]i both in rat and guinea-pig hepatocytes to a similar degree. In the single-channel recording, we recorded single channels that had a mean conductance of 109.8 +/- 17.7 pS different from around 20 pS in guinea-pig. In inside-out patches, increased Ca2+ concentration from 10(-6) to 10(-3) M at the intracellular face of the membrane did not modify the single channel of rat hepatocytes. These results indicate that increased [Ca2+]i activates this channel in guinea-pigs, but that the channel activated by increased [Ca2+]i is lacking in rat hepatocytes membrane. Therefore, different mechanism operates in different species of liver cells to keep the constant state.  相似文献   

Cloned large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels (BK or maxi-K+ channels) from Drosophila (dSlo) were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and studied in excised membrane patches with the patch-clamp technique. Both a natural variant and a mutant that eliminated a putative cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site exhibited large, slow fluctuations in open probability with time. These fluctuations, termed "wanderlust kinetics," occurred with a time course of tens of seconds to minutes and had kinetic properties inconsistent with simple gating models. Wanderlust kinetics was still observed in the presence of 5 mM caffeine or 50 nM thapsigargin, or when the Ca2+ buffering capacity of the solution was increased by the addition of 5 mM HEDTA, suggesting that the wanderlust kinetics did not arise from Ca2+ release from caffeine and thapsigargin sensitive internal stores in the excised patch. The slow changes in kinetics associated with wanderlust kinetics could be generated with a discrete-state Markov model with transitions among three or more kinetic modes with different levels of open probability. To average out the wanderlust kinetics, large amounts of data were analyzed and demonstrated up to a threefold difference in the [Ca2+]i required for an open probability of 0.5 among channels expressed from the same injected mRNA. These findings indicate that cloned dSlo channels in excised patches from Xenopus oocytes can exhibit large variability in gating properties, both within a single channel and among channels.  相似文献   

The relationships between urinary levels of alpha 1-microglobulin (alpha 1M) and ulinastatin (UT) were investigated in C57BL/6J mice, a species which reportedly possesses the gene similar to that of humans for synthesizing the precursor protein of alpha 1M and UT. A positive correlation was established in normal mice. However, repetitive administrations (20 mg/kg, IP, four administrations/12 h) of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) nullified the positive correlation. A similar phenomenon was induced by ICV-administered MPTP (18 and 36 micrograms) in the animals. Furthermore, L-dopa administration (50 mg/kg, IV) in MPTP-treated (1 week after the final IP administration of MPTP) mice reversed the tendency of MPTP, although the agent alone did not affect the positive correlation in normal mice. These results suggest that nullification of the positive correlation probably was induced by the central effects of MPTP. We have found previously that the lack of a positive correlation between urinary levels of alpha 1M and UT distinguishes Parkinson's disease from other neuropsychiatric diseases such as dementia (Alzheimer-type and vascular dementia), schizophrenia and mood disorders. Our present results displayed a phenomenon that the lack of correlation between urinary levels of alpha 1M and UT in patients with Parkinson's disease is reproducible in MPTP-treated mice.  相似文献   

ATP activated the K+ channel responsible for outwardly rectifying currents via a P2Y purinoceptor linked to a pertussis toxin-insensitive G-protein in cultured rat spinal neurons. The evoked currents were inhibited by a selective protein kinase C inhibitor, GF109203X, whereas a phospholipase C inhibitor, neomycin had no effect. These indicate that the currents are regulated by phospholipase C-independent protein kinase C activation. In addition, ATP enhanced intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. The increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration was inhibited by a broad G-protein inhibitor, GDP beta S, but not affected by neomycin or an inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor antagonist, heparin, suggesting that the cytosolic Ca2+ mobilization is regulated by a mechanism independent of a phospholipase C-mediated phosphatidylinositol signaling. These results, thus, demonstrate that ATP has dual actions on the coupled K+ channel and cytosolic Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

The effect of cycloheximide on increased splanchnic prostacyclin release following acute hemorrhage was studied in the rat. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized and subjected to acute hemorrhage to 30 mm Hg for 30 min (shock) or sham shock. The superior mesenteric artery was cannulated and removed with its end organ intestine (SV + SI preparation) and perfused in vitro with oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit buffer. Cycloheximide was infused in half of the sham and acute hemorrhage SV + SI preparations at 50 micrograms/ml. Venous effluent from all groups were analyzed for prostanoid release by radioimmunoassay. The SV + SI released 10-fold more 6-keto-prostaglandin (PG) F1 alpha than PGE2 and thromboxane. Acute hemorrhage increased SV + SI release of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha 3-fold compared to sham. Cycloheximide abolished the increased 6-keto-PGF1 alpha following acute hemorrhage but not the basal release in the sham group. Indomethacin decreased PG synthesis in all groups by 90%. Sham PG release was dependent on a stable pool of cyclooxygenase with a long half-life and was not affected by cycloheximide treatment. Acute hemorrhage stimulated a rapid induction of enzymes (cyclooxygenase, prostacyclin synthase) responsible for prostacyclin synthesis and release which were dependent on de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of acetylcholine (ACh) and histamine (His) on the membrane potential and current were examined in JR-1 cells, a mucin-producing epithelial cell line derived from human gastric signet ring cell carcinoma. The tight-seal, whole cell clamp technique was used. The resting membrane potential, the input resistance, and the capacitance of the cells were approximately -12 mV, 1.4 G ohms, and 50 pF, respectively. Under the voltage-clamp condition, no voltage-dependent currents were evoked. ACh or His added to the bathing solution hyperpolarized the membrane by activating a time- and voltage-independent K+ current. The ACh-induced hyperpolarization and K+ current persisted, while the His response desensitized quickly (< 1 min). These effects of ACh and His were mediated predominantly by m3-muscarinic and H1-His receptors, respectively. The K+ current induced by ACh and His was inhibited by charybdotoxin, suggesting that it is a Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel current (IK.Ca). The measurement of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) using Indo-1 revealed that both agents increased [Ca2+]i with similar time courses as they increased IK.Ca. When EGTA in the pipette solution was increased from 0.15 to 10 mM, the induction of IK.Ca by ACh and His was abolished. Thus, both ACh and His activate IK.Ca by increasing [Ca2+]i in JR-1 cells. In the Ca(2+)-free bathing solution (0.15 mM EGTA in the pipette), ACh evoked IK.Ca transiently. Addition of Ca2+ (1.8 mM) to the bath immediately restored the sustained IK.Ca. These results suggest that the ACh response is due to at least two different mechanisms; i.e., the Ca2+ release-related initial transient activation and the Ca2+ influx-related sustained activation of IK.Ca. Probably because of desensitization, the Ca2+ influx-related component of the His response could not be identified. Intracellularly applied inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), with and without inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (IP4), mimicked the ACh response. IP4 alone did not affect the membrane current. Under the steady effect of IP3 or IP3 plus IP4, neither ACh nor His further evoked IK.Ca. Intracellular application of heparin or of the monoclonal antibody against the IP3 receptor, mAb18A10, inhibited the ACh and His responses in a concentration-dependent fashion. Neomycin, a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, also inhibited the agonist-induced response in a concentration-dependent fashion. Although neither pertussis toxin (PTX) nor N-ethylmaleimide affected the ACh or His activation of IK,Ca, GDP beta S attenuated and GTP gamma S enhanced the agonist response.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of ketamine on Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel currents were studied in dispersed single smooth muscle cells from rabbit portal vein using inside-out patch clamp technique. In a near physiological K+ and Ca2+ gradient, three populations of outward rectangular single currents were recorded in isolated cell membrane of rabbit portal vein at +60 mV membrane potential. These currents were judged as Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel currents since application of EGTA or Apamin in the internal solution inhibited these currents. Application of 10(-5)M or 10(-4)M ketamine inhibited the number of occurrences of channel opening and decreased open times, but did not reduce the amplitudes. When the 10(-3)M ketamine was applied, the Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel currents were abolished. We suggest that the depression of Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel currents may explain the continuous contraction observed in rabbit portal vein at a clinical concentration of ketamine from a point of electrophysiological K+ current study.  相似文献   

The effect of protein kinase C (C-kinase) on the Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel (KCa-channel) was studied in cultured smooth muscle cells from porcine coronary artery by the patch-clamp technique. In cell-attached patches, bath application of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA, 1 microM), a C-kinase activator, significantly decreased the open probability of the activated KCa-channel in the presence of the calcium ionophore A23187 (20 microM), which increases intracellular Ca2+. This decrease in the open probability was reversed by subsequent application of staurosporine (1 nM), a C-kinase inhibitor. Application of 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG, 30 microM) or 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (DG8; 30 microM), activators of C-kinase, also inhibited KCa-channel activation by A23187, and these inhibitions were also reversed by staurosporine. PMA (1 microM) also inhibited KCa-channel activation by dibutylyl cyclic AMP (db-cAMP, 2 mM) or caffeine (30 mM). In inside-out patches, bath application of the C-kinase fraction from rat brain in the presence of ATP (1 mM) and PMA (1 microM) markedly inhibited the KCa-channel. These results indicate that activation of C-kinase inhibits the KCa-channel and may cause membrane depolarization and vascular contraction.  相似文献   

The range of electrical properties that a neuron or muscle cell can manifest is determined by which ion channel genes it expresses and in what amounts. The Drosophila slowpoke Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel gene has four distinct promoters. Here we assess the role that a downstream intronic region, called the C2/C3 region, plays in modulating Promoter C1 and Promoter C2 activity. Promoter C1 and Promoter C2 appear to be responsible for all neuronal and muscle expression, respectively. Transgenic flies were used to determine the expression pattern from each promoter in the presence and absence of the C2/C3 region. Deletion of this region silences Promoter C1 in adult but not larval CNS and causes a substantial reduction in Promoter C2 activity in adult but not larval muscle. The C2/C3 region also activates Promoter C1 in the animal's eye. By placing the C2/C3 region adjacent to a basal HSP70 promoter we have demonstrated that it contains elements that can specifically activate a heterologous promoter in the eye and in adult but not larval muscle. These results demonstrate that the C2/C3 region has a important role in regulating slowpoke developmental expression in the CNS and musculature and in regulating eye expression.  相似文献   

The cardiac muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channel (ryanodine receptor) is a ligand-gated channel that is activated by micromolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations and inactivated by millimolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations. The effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum lumenal Ca2+ on the purified release channel were examined in single channel measurements using the planar lipid bilayer method. In the presence of caffeine and nanomolar cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations, lumenal-to-cytosolic Ca2+ fluxes >/=0.25 pA activated the channel. At the maximally activating cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of 4 microM, lumenal Ca2+ fluxes of 8 pA and greater caused a decline in channel activity. Lumenal Ca2+ fluxes primarily increased channel activity by increasing the duration of mean open times. Addition of the fast Ca2+-complexing buffer 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethanetetraacetic acid (BAPTA) to the cytosolic side of the bilayer increased lumenal Ca2+-activated channel activities, suggesting that it lowered Ca2+ concentrations at cytosolic Ca2+-inactivating sites. Regulation of channel activities by lumenal Ca2+ could be also observed in the absence of caffeine and in the presence of 5 mM MgATP. These results suggest that lumenal Ca2+ can regulate cardiac Ca2+ release channel activity by passing through the open channel and binding to the channel's cytosolic Ca2+ activation and inactivation sites.  相似文献   

A permeable cell system in which Ca2+ release can be evoked by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) or agonist stimulation was used to study the regulation of Ca2+ release by Ca2+ itself. At low concentrations, Ca2+ activated IP3-mediated Ca2+ release (IMCR) with half-maximal effect at about 15 nM. At high concentrations, Ca2+ inhibited IMCR giving rise to a biphasic [Ca2+] dependence of IMCR. The activation of IMCR by Ca2+ appears to be mediated by a kinase, probably the Ca(2+)-and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKII). Thus, the activation required MgATP, completely blocked at 0 degrees C, required Ca2+, and was inhibited by the CaMKII inhibitors KT5926 and KN62. The inhibition of IMCR seems to be mediated by a protein phosphatase, probably the Ca(2+)-dependent protein phosphatase 2B. Hence, the inhibition required Ca2+, was prevented by the general protein phosphatase inhibitor pyrophosphate and by the immunosuppressants cyclosporin A and FK506, but not by okadaic acid or VO4(2-), and was modified by chelating agents such as EGTA. Stimulation with agonists modified the activities of the kinase and phosphatase to make the release independent of [Ca2+]. This appears to be due to an increase in the apparent affinity for Ca2+ in stimulating IMCR and inhibition of the phosphatase. We suggest that agonist-dependent modification of the kinase/phosphatase activity ratio can be the biochemical pathway responsible for regulation of Ca2+ release and in turn [Ca2+]i oscillations.  相似文献   

Three kinetically distinct Ca2+-independent depolarization-activated K+ currents in callosal-projecting rat visual cortical neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2309-2320, 1997. Whole cell, Ca2+-independent, depolarization-activated K+ currents were characterized in identified callosal-projecting (CP) neurons isolated from postnatal day 7-16 rat primary visual cortex. CP neurons were identified in vitro after in vivo retrograde labeling with fluorescently tagged latex microbeads. During brief (160-ms) depolarizing voltage steps to potentials between -50 and +60 mV, outward K+ currents in these cells activate rapidly and inactivate to varying degrees. Three distinct K+ currents were separated based on differential sensitivity to 4-aminopyridine (4-AP); these are referred to here as IA, ID, and IK, because their properties are similar (but not identical) K+ currents termed IA, ID, and IK in other cells. The current sensitive to high (>/=100 mu M) concentrations of 4-AP (IA) activates and inactivates rapidly; the current blocked completely by low (相似文献   

Flare and hyperalgesia after intradermal capsaicin injection in human skin. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 2801-2810, 1998. We investigated the neurovascular mechanisms that determine the flare response to intradermal capsaicin injection in humans and delineated the associated areas of mechanical and heat hyperalgesia. The flare response was monitored both visually and with infrared telethermography. The areas of mechanical and heat hyperalgesia were determined psychophysically. Thermography detected very large areas of flare. As an early event underlying the flare and before onset of the area of rubor of the skin, thermography detected the appearance of multifocal spots of increased temperature caused by dilatation of cutaneous arterioles. Repetition of capsaicin injection days apart into the same forearm induced multifocal spots of temperature elevation identical to the ones obtained in the first session, indicating dilatation of the same arterioles. Reactive hyperemia also consisted in the appearance of multifocal spots of increased temperature, which were identical to the ones reacting during the flare response, suggesting participation of the same arterioles in both events. Strips of local anesthetic placed to block cutaneous nerves prevented the spread of both the thermographic flare and associated hyperalgesia. It is inferred that the cutaneous nerve fibers responsible for the thermographic flare branch, or have coupled axons, over a long distance. The large area of flare coincided with the area of mechanical and heat hyperalgesia. Equivalence of the areas of flare and mechanical and heat hyperalgesia induced by intradermal capsaicin injection suggests that all three phenomena are the consequence of neural factors that operate peripherally.  相似文献   

Rat basophilic RBL-2H3 cells, which exhibit Ca(2+)-dependent secretion of granules when stimulated with antigen, contained the Ca(2+)-dependent alpha and beta and the Ca(2+)-independent delta, epsilon, and zeta isoforms of protein kinase C. These isoforms associated, to variable extents (i.e. delta the most and zeta the least), with the membrane fraction upon antigen stimulation but without external Ca2+; only the Ca(2+)-independent isoforms did so. Both types of isozymes were probably necessary for optimal responses to antigen as indicated by the following observations. All Ca(2+)-dependent isozymes were degraded in cells treated with 20 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate for 6 h, whereas the Ca(2+)-independent isozymes were not degraded and were retained when the cells were subsequently permeabilized and washed. Cells so treated still exhibited antigen-induced secretion (25-33% of normal) which was suppressed by selective inhibitors of protein kinase C (Ro31-7549 and calphostin C) thereby indicating a possible contribution of the Ca(2+)-independent isozymes in secretion. Normally, washed permeabilized cells lost all isozymes of protein kinase C and failed to secrete in response to antigen. A full secretory response to antigen could be reconstituted by the subsequent addition of nanomolar concentrations of either beta or delta isozymes of protein kinase C (other isozymes were much less effective) but only in the presence of 1 microM free Ca2+ to indicate distinct roles for Ca2+ and protein kinase C in exocytosis.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)-dependent protease antisera and the purified specific antibodies from Allomyces arbuscula have shown very specific recognition when blotted against the total protein extract or the purified 43-40 kDa Ca(2+)-dependent protease from this aquatic fungus. By immunoblotting and immunofluorescence techniques using specific antibodies, we have shown that the enzyme activity is developmentally regulated and is related to the presence of antigen and not to any specific inhibitor. The immunofluorescence was absent in zoospores but appeared in polarized forms in germinating spores. In elongating hyphae the protease was mainly localized along the cytoplasmic membrane and in the cytoplasm, with predominance at the apex.  相似文献   

Local calcium transients ('Ca2+ sparks') are thought to be elementary Ca2+ signals in heart, skeletal and smooth muscle cells. Ca2+ sparks result from the opening of a single, or the coordinated opening of many, tightly clustered ryanodine receptor (RyR) channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In arterial smooth muscle, Ca2+ sparks appear to be involved in opposing the tonic contraction of the blood vessel. Intravascular pressure causes a graded membrane potential depolarization to approximately -40 mV, an elevation of arterial wall [Ca2+]i and contraction ('myogenic tone') of arteries. Ca2+ sparks activate calcium-sensitive K+ (KCa) channels in the sarcolemmal membrane to cause membrane hyperpolarization, which opposes the pressure induced depolarization. Thus, inhibition of Ca2+ sparks by ryanodine, or of KCa channels by iberiotoxin, leads to membrane depolarization, activation of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and vasoconstriction. Conversely, activation of Ca2+ sparks can lead to vasodilation through activation of KCa channels. Our recent work is aimed at studying the properties and roles of Ca2+ sparks in the regulation of arterial smooth muscle function. The modulation of Ca2+ spark frequency and amplitude by membrane potential, cyclic nucleotides and protein kinase C will be explored. The role of local Ca2+ entry through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in the regulation of Ca2+ spark properties will also be examined. Finally, using functional evidence from cardiac myocytes, and histological evidence from smooth muscle, we shall explore whether Ca2+ channels, RyR channels, and KCa channels function as a coupled unit, through Ca2+ and voltage, to regulate arterial smooth muscle membrane potential and vascular tone.  相似文献   

Large conductance calcium- and voltage-sensitive K+ (MaxiK) channels share properties of voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels. In voltage-gated channels, membrane depolarization promotes the displacement of charged residues contained in the voltage sensor (S4 region) inducing gating currents and pore opening. In MaxiK channels, both voltage and micromolar internal Ca2+ favor pore opening. We demonstrate the presence of voltage sensor rearrangements with voltage (gating currents) whose movement and associated pore opening is triggered by voltage and facilitated by micromolar internal Ca2+ concentration. In contrast to other voltage-gated channels, in MaxiK channels there is charge movement at potentials where the pore is open and the total charge per channel is 4-5 elementary charges.  相似文献   

1. To assess the action of nitric oxide (NO) and NO-donors on K+ current evoked either by voltage ramps or steps, patch clamp recordings were made from smooth muscle cells freshly isolated from secondary and tertiary branches of the rat mesenteric artery. 2. Inside-out patches contained channels, the open probability of which increased with [Ca2+]i. The channels had a linear slope conductance of 212+/-5 pS (n = 12) in symmetrical (140 mM) K+ solutions which reversed in direction at 4.4 mV. In addition, the channels showed K+ selectivity, in that the reversal potential shifted in a manner similar to that predicted by the Nernst potential for K+. Barium (1 mM) applied to the intracellular face of the channel produced a voltage-dependent block and external tetraethylammonium (TEA; at 1 mM) caused a large reduction in the unitary current amplitude. Taken together, these observations indicate that the channel most closely resembled BK(Ca). 3. In five out of six inside-out patches, NO (45 or 67 microM) produced an increase in BK(Ca) activity. In inside-out patches, BK(Ca) activity was also enhanced in some patches with 100 or 200 microM 3-morpholino-sydnonimine (SIN-1) (4/11) and 100 microM sodium nitroprusside (SNP) (3/8). The variability in channel opening with the NO donors may reflect variability in the release of NO from these compounds. 4. In inside-out patches, 100 microM SIN-1 failed to increase BK(Ca) activity (in all 4 patches tested), while at a higher (500 microM) concentration SIN-1 had a direct blocking effect on the channels (n = 3). NO applied directly to inside-out patches increased (P < 0.05) BK(Ca) activity in two patches. 5. In the majority of cells (6 out of 7), application of NO (45 or 67 microM) evoked an increase in the amplitude of whole-cell currents in perforated patches. This action was not affected by the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiazolo [4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ). An increase in whole-cell current was also evoked with either of the NO donors, SIN-1 or SNP (each at 100 microM). With SIN-1, the increase in current was blocked with the BK(Ca) channel blocker, iberiotoxin (50 nM). 6. With conventional whole-cell voltage clamp, the increase in the outward K+ current evoked with SIN-1 (50-300 microM) showed considerable variability. Either no effect was obtained (11 out of 18 cells), or in the remaining cells, an average increase in current amplitude of 38.7+/-10.2% was recorded at 40 mV. 7. In cell-attached patches, large conductance voltage-dependent K+ channels were stimulated by SIN-1 (100 microM) applied to the cell (n = 5 patches). 8. These data indicate that NO and its donors can directly stimulate BK(Ca) activity in cells isolated from the rat mesenteric artery. The ability of NO directly to open BK(Ca) channels could play an important functional role in NO-induced relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle cells in this small resistance artery.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings and organic and inorganic Ca2+ channel blockers were used in a neocortical brain slice preparation to test whether high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ channels are differentially coupled to Ca2+-dependent afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) in sensorimotor neocortical pyramidal neurons. For the most part, spike repolarization was not Ca2+ dependent in these cells, although the final phase of repolarization (after the fast AHP) was sensitive to block of N-type current. Between 30 and 60% of the medium afterhyperpolarization (mAHP) and between approximately 80 and 90% of the slow AHP (sAHP) were Ca2+ dependent. Based on the effects of specific organic Ca2+ channel blockers (dihydropyridines, omega-conotoxin GVIA, omega-agatoxin IVA, and omega-conotoxin MVIIC), the sAHP is coupled to N-, P-, and Q-type currents. P-type currents were coupled to the mAHP. L-type current was not involved in the generation of either AHP but (with other HVA currents) contributes to the inward currents that regulate interspike intervals during repetitive firing. These data suggest different functional consequences for modulation of Ca2+ current subtypes.  相似文献   

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