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Main results of experimental testing of the 140 GHz/1.5 MW coaxial gyrotron are summarized. High selective properties of the coaxial cavities and a possibility to increase considerably the efficiency of a coaxial gyrotron only by applying independently an appropriate voltage on its electrodes (without any design modification) have been confirmed. Successful uses of the two-potential connection scheme for the frequency step tuning and output power modulation in a coaxial gyrotron has been also demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this review paper, we present the recent progress in the development of a series of gyrotrons at the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui, that have opened the road to many novel applications in the high-power terahertz science and technology. The current status of the research in this actively developing field is illustrated by the most representative examples in which the developed gyrotrons are used as powerful and frequency-tunable sources of coherent radiation operating in a continuous-wave regime. Among them are high-precision spectroscopic techniques (most notably dynamic nuclear polarization-nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, X-ray detected magnetic resonance, and studies of the hyperfine splitting of the energy levels of positronium), treatment and characterization of advanced materials, and new medical technologies.  相似文献   

The review summarizes recent experimental results in the field of THz gyrotrons developed for various applications. A CW gyrotron with the operation frequency of 0.26 THz has been successfully used for DNP spectroscopy A pulsed high-harmonic Large Orbit Gyrotron (LOG) with the frequency of 0.55 THz and kW level of output power has been used for THz breakdown and obtaining dense plasma in gases. A powerful pulsed 0.67 THz/200 kW gyrotron is under development for remote detection of ionization sources.  相似文献   

太赫兹波是介于微波与光波之间的尚未被完全开发利用的频段,基于太赫兹波的通信技术将是下一代通信技术的重点发展方向,并具有广阔的应用前景。首先介绍了太赫兹波通信的基本特性、太赫兹波通信系统的架构组成、以及太赫兹波通信的关键技术,然后对国内外太赫兹波通信的辐射源技术、信号调制技术、信号探测技术以及通信系统的研究进展情况进行了重点阐述,最后对太赫兹通信技术研发过程中面,l盏的困难进行了分析,并对未来太赫兹波通信技术的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

对印刷线路板进行适当的线路布局是解决辐射电磁干扰(EMI)问题最省钱的方法.目前有几种商业软件可以分析潜在的板级电磁干扰问题.不过,用软件并不一定可靠,为优化设计,经常需要对样品进行板级测试和反复的布线.  相似文献   

太赫兹超常材料及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超常材料具有人工设计的结构,并有自然材料所不具备的超常物理性质。超常材料的电磁响应灵活可调,对太赫兹(THz)技术意义非凡。THz超常材料的实现和迅速发展为太赫兹技术的发展和应用带来了新的机遇。总结了THz波段超常材料的研究进展,包括THz波段超常材料的构造及制备、基于超常材料的THz波器件以及超常材料在THz波技术中的其他应用。  相似文献   

太赫兹技术的发展现状及应用前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了太赫兹辐射源和太赫兹探测器,特别是THz量子级联激光器(QCL)和THz量子阱红外光子探测器(QWIP)的原理、特点及研究现状.分析了太赫兹技术工程应用前景及限制因素.指出作用距离是决定太赫兹技术应用的关键因素之一.如果太赫兹辐射在大气对流层内传输时的衰减问题不能得到有效解决,那么太赫兹技术在地面或海上的应用可能受到严重制约.基于机载或星载平台的太赫兹雷达或通信,则具有诱人的应用前景.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have reported discrepancies between surface resistance measurements and classical theoretical predictions for simple mm-wave and sub-mm-wave structures. We have developed a rigorous phenomenological model for analyzing surface resistance of normal metals. The model is based on quantum mechanical analysis for spatial dispersion within the metal. We have used the model to predict the surface resistance in normal metals at terahertz frequencies. Our analysis shows that the conductivity is not only frequency but also wave vector dependent. Moreover, we have compared the results of this model with the results of the classical skin-effect model and classical relaxation- effect model. We demonstrate that our model has good quantitative agreement with the published experimental data for the room temperature surface resistance of normal metals at terahertz frequencies range from the literature.  相似文献   

太赫兹通信是当前FSO通信研究的热点,由于太赫兹波有非常宽的未分配的频带,具有传输速率高、方向性好、安全性高、辐射小以及穿透性好等特点,在军事应用领域的应用前景十分广阔。在分析国内外太赫兹关键技术和通信系统研究进展的基础上,指出了目前尚要研究解决的问题,针对未来信息作战的需求,对太赫兹通信技术在军事信息领域的应用作了分析和展望。  相似文献   

Intense table‐top terahertz (THz) sources, which have progressed tremendously in the last decade, are becoming more important for advanced THz science to study light–matter interactions and subsequent applications. Nonlinear optical organic crystals exhibit great potential for intense broadband THz wave generation due to their large nonlinearities and advantageous phase‐matching characteristics. However, the phonon‐induced absorption of most organic crystals in the THz region leads to undesired modulation of the spectrum and limits the THz output efficiency. To overcome such drawbacks, phonon‐mode engineering by modification of molecular structures is suggested, but intrinsic limitations still remain. Here, an efficient alternative approach has been recently proposed for generating intense broadband THz waves based on a tandem configuration that combines two complementary nonlinear organic crystals. Such configuration compensates for the spectral gap of the generated THz waves mainly caused by phonon absorption and additionally enhances the optical‐to‐THz conversion efficiency. The proposed organic tandem generator indicates a substantial enhancement of the peak‐to‐peak THz electric field due to effective spectral filling at phonon absorption gaps. As a result, such tandem configuration provides a versatile platform to generate gapless broadband THz spectra with suppressed phonon absorption and contributes to advancing the development of intense broadband coherent THz sources.  相似文献   

Optoelectronic techniques for generation and detection of terahertz (THz) signals have been reviewed. The operation principles of THz photomixer sources and THz parametric sources have been studied and recent developments in these areas have been presented. The performances of developed THz optoelectronic sources have been discussed and compared.   相似文献   

This Feature Article aims to highlight our recent efforts to develop more robust gecko‐inspired dry adhesives and their applications. Due to recent progress in micro‐ and nanofabrication techniques, it is possible to fabricate highly sophisticated multiscale, hierarchical structures using various polymer materials. In addition, the adhesion strength of synthetic dry adhesives has been shown to be similar to or exceed that of real gecko foot‐hair by several times. Therefore, it is timely and appropriate to drive the research of gecko‐inspired dry adhesives into a new epoch by investigating more robust dry adhesive structures, efficient detachment mechanisms, and new applications. In this Feature Article, we present a series of our recent achievements to overcome some of the limitations of gecko‐like hair structures such as rough surface adaptation, durability, and controlled geometry, with particular emphasis on materials issues and detachment mechanism. For potential applications, a clean transportation device and a biomedical skin patch are briefly described to expand the application realm from the well‐known wall climbing robot.  相似文献   

Terahertz time‐domain spectroscopy has been used to study the optical and dielectric properties of three chalcogenide glasses: Ge30As8Ga2Se60, Ge35Ga5Se60, and Ge10As20S70. The absorption coefficients α(ν), complex refractive index n(ν), and complex dielectric constants ?(ν) were measured in a frequency range from 0.3 THz to 1.5 THz. The measured real refractive indices were fitted using a Sellmeier equation. The results show that the Sellmeier equation fits well with the data throughout the frequency range and imply that the phonon modes of glasses vary with the glass compositions. The theory of far‐infrared absorption in amorphous materials is used to analyze the results and to understand the differences in THz absorption among the sample glasses.  相似文献   

随着低频段频谱资源日益紧张,无线通信载波频率开始向太赫兹频段发展,近年来太赫兹通信系统成为研究热点之一。围绕高速率长距离太赫兹通信系统,对比全电子学和光电子学2类太赫兹通信系统架构,介绍2类不同架构通信系统的国内和国外研究现状,总结全电子学和光电子学通信系统的优缺点,分析太赫兹通信系统的技术难点问题,为高速长距离太赫兹通信技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

王琳  陈鹤鸣 《光电子技术》2007,27(4):239-242
对国际上关于半导体太赫兹辐射源和太赫兹传输波导之间的耦合问题的研究进展和最新动态进行了较详细的分析和归纳总结.太赫兹频段是一个非常有科学价值电磁波频段,它在信息科学,天文学、医学、环境科学、国防等领域都有广阔的应用前景和应用价值.太赫兹的应用除了太赫兹辐射源,太赫兹传输器件,太赫兹探测器等关键器件之外,还必须解决太赫兹辐射源和太赫兹传输器件之间的耦合问题.  相似文献   

Self-consistent non-linear equations of a relativistic gyrotron with the operational mode E 01 as well as the E 01 and H 01 modes interacting are presented. On their basis, we have optimized the efficiency of a number of gyrotron variants—with uniform and non-uniform magnetic field and regular or irregular waveguide systems. An analysis of the peculiarities of the interaction in such variants has been performed. It has been shown that the total electron efficiency of relativistic gyrotrons with E01 working mode can reach 35-45%. The interaction of the E01 and H01 modes (at the E 01 working mode) is of an interference nature and under optimal conditions the efficiency may increase by 10%. An algorithm has been suggested to optimize the profile of the gyrotron waveguide output converter based on the optimization parameters separation technique. Results are presented for the case of the H01 working mode.  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - Abstract—The results of developments of materials and structures used for generation and detection of terahertz radiation having applied...  相似文献   

糖类是典型的手性物质,其在太赫兹波段的手性光谱尚未得到充分研究。本文研究了乳糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖3种糖类在低温和常温下的折射率和吸收谱,并通过太赫兹时域偏振光谱检测,获得了这些样品的手性光谱。实验结果显示,糖类吸收会随着温度降低而减弱,低温下有利于获得样品的手性特征;在80 K温度下,葡萄糖在1.3~1.5 THz频段表现出很强的圆二色性(CD),在1.39 THz处CD谱峰值达到44.97%;在1.6~1.8 THz频段内,3种糖类都具有特定的手性特征峰,CD值均超过20%。研究结果对进一步认识手性生化样品在太赫兹波段的手性光谱及其内在机制具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

随着无线通信技术的发展,对无线通信速率和频率的要求逐年提高。现有无线通信频段已趋于饱和,而太赫兹频段是一个全新的空间。本文按照产生方式分类对近年国内外太赫兹通信研究最新进展进行了综述,并给出未来太赫兹通信系统在光载无线通信、空间领域、军事领域上的可能应用方向。  相似文献   

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