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Patients with end‐stage renal disease are affected by cardiovascular complications, including disturbances of the heart intraventricular conduction. Body surface potential mapping is a non‐invasive electrocardiographic detection method of initial disturbances in heart activation propagation. A goal of the study was to analyze the effects of single hemodialysis (HD) session on ventricular activation time (VAT) maps obtained from hemodialyzed children. The study group consisted of 13 hemodialyzed children (age: 6–18 years). The control group is composed of 26 healthy subjects. In each HD patient, 12‐lead electrocardiogram and echocardiography examinations were performed. Isochrone heart maps, reflecting body surface distribution of VAT isolines, were recorded from an 87‐electrode HPM‐7100 system for body surface potential mapping, before (group B) and after HD session (group A). The distribution of isochrones and VAT values, as recorded in the HD patients, differed significantly from the reference VAT map for controls. The highest VAT maximal value was noted in group B (Me: 110 vs. 62 ms in the control group; P < 0.001), becoming significantly lower after HD session (Me: 98 ms for group A vs. 110 ms for group B; P < 0.001). Ventricular activation time maps, recorded before HD session, showed significant VAT delays with isochrone arrangement specific for the left bundle branch block. After HD session, VAT maps presented significant changes, suggesting a normalization process. Ventricular activation time maps in children with end‐stage renal disease exhibited disturbances of intraventricular conduction within the left bundle branch block, undetectable on standard electrocardiogram. A single HD session resulted in VAT map improvement related to overall HD treatment duration.  相似文献   

To analyze predictive factors for all‐cause mortality, cardiovascular (CV) mortality, nonfatal CV events (CVE) in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients, and to compare the effects of standard hemodialysis (HD) and online hemodiafiltration (HDF) on these factors and outcomes. A total of 333 MHD patients were prospectively followed up for 50 ± 15 months and all‐cause death, CV death and CVE were registered. At the baseline, demographic, clinical, and laboratory data of the whole population were recorded. Then, patients were stratified into two groups according to the dialysis modalities, HD (n = 268) and HDF (n = 65). At the end of 6th month, clinical and laboratory data were recorded again. The predictive factors at baseline for all‐cause mortality, CV mortality, and CVE were analyzed by Cox regression. The effects of HD and HDF on these factors at the 6th month and long‐term outcomes were compared by t‐test and Kaplan–Meier method, respectively. Age, gender, left ventricular mass index (LVMI), aortic arch calcification score (AoACS), hemoglobin (Hb) <10 g/dL, and ferritin >500 ng/mL maintained independent associations with all‐cause mortality. C‐reactive protein (CRP), LVMI, AoACS, and Hb <10 g/dL were associated with CV mortality. Prior cardiovascular disease (CVD), AoACS and LVMI were independent predictors of nonfatal CVE. Higher body mass index (BMI), body weight, total serum cholesterol, Hb concentration, and lower CRP level, LVMI, and AoACS were found in patients on HDF at the end of the 6th month. Improved outcomes with longer survival time for all‐cause mortality, CV mortality, and CVE were found in HDF group. Age, gender, LVMI, AoACS, Hb, and ferritin were predictors of all‐cause mortality in MHD patients. CRP, LVMI, AoACS, and Hb were associated with CV mortality. Prior CVD, AoACS, and LVMI were independent predictors of nonfatal CVE. HDF could improve BMI, body weight, total serum cholesterol, Hb, CRP, LVMI, AoACS, and long‐term outcomes, including all‐cause mortality, CV mortality, and CVE.  相似文献   

Patients suffering from end‐stage renal disease experience multiple disabilities, such as muscle wasting, weakness, higher postural sway, and fall rates compared with healthy population, which has a negative effect on physical functioning and autonomy. The vital treatment of hemodialysis is recognized to induce important post‐hemodialysis fatigue, hypotension, cramps, and headache due to the rapid fluid redistribution, among others. Nevertheless, even the well‐known negative effect of aforementioned consequences of hemodialysis treatment, its effect on physical function, especially postural balance, is unclear. Thus, this study hypothesized the adverse effect of hemodialysis treatment on postural sway in 12 end‐stage renal disease patients (mean age 63.3 ± 11 years) through the analysis of center‐of‐pressure (COP) trajectories recorded before and immediately after hemodialysis session. Evident postural alterations were observed at post‐hemodialysis balance assessment for COP position‐based (Fs < 7.7, P < 0.02) and COP velocity‐based variables (Fs > 2.33, P < 0.05), without changes in complexity of COP time series in anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. These results suggest that period after hemodialysis treatment is particularly unsafe, as evidenced by important disability in postural control, and highlight the importance of the medical support and falls‐related prevention strategies of these older frail patients after hemodialysis treatment.  相似文献   

Pregnancy and associated pre‐eclampsia carry a high maternal risk in hemodialysis patients, yet no guidelines on how to monitor these patients' cardiovascular function exist. A 34‐year‐old hemodialysis patient presented with peripartum cardiomyopathy after a late second trimester miscarriage. On cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic features of left ventricular noncompaction were apparent. Yet, histological and gene panel analyses remained negative. Upon stringent dry weight control and pharmacological heart failure therapy, the pathological changes showed complete regression. As pregnant hemodialysis patients have an excessively increased risk for pre‐eclampsia‐related cardiac disease, thorough screening appears valuable in these patients.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in hemodialysis patients with spirometry and to examine the effects of fluid removal by hemodialysis on lung volumes. Patients ≥18 years at two Danish hemodialysis centers were included. Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), and FEV1/FVC ratio were measured with spirometry before and after hemodialysis. The diagnosis of COPD was based on both the GOLD criteria and the lower limit of normal criteria. There were 372 patients in treatment at the two centers, 255 patients (69%) completed spirometry before dialysis and 242 of these (65%) repeated the test after. In the initial test, 117 subjects (46%) had airflow limitation indicative of COPD with GOLD criteria and 103 subjects (40.4%) with lower limit of normal criteria; COPD was previously diagnosed in 24 patients (9%). Mean FVC and FEV1 decreased mildly after dialysis (FVC: 2.84 to 2.79 L, P < 0.01. FEV1: 1.97 to 1.93 L, P < 0.01) Hemodialysis did not affect the FEV1/FVC ratio or number of subjects with airflow limitation indicative of COPD (113 vs. 120, P = 0.324; n = 242). COPD is a frequent and underdiagnosed comorbidity in patients on chronic hemodialysis. Spirometry should be considered in all patients on dialysis in order to address dyspnea adequately. Hemodialysis induced a small fall in mean FEV1 and FVC, which was more pronounced in patients with little or no fluid removal, but the FEV1/FVC ratio and the number of subjects with airflow limitation indicative of COPD were not affected by dialysis.  相似文献   

The delicate balance of risk vs. benefit of using antiplatelet and antithrombotic agents in the general population is well established. The decision to use these agents in the end stage renal disease (ESRD) population remains complex and difficult. The concomitant association of a prothombotic state with high risk of bleeding in the ESRD population requires individualization and careful clinical judgment before implementing such therapy. There remains a paucity of clinical trials and lack of substantial evidence in literature for safe and effective use of antithrombotic drugs in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. The current review summarizes the pros and cons of using antiplatelet and antithrombotic agents in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events, evaluate the risks with routine use of anticoagulation for cerebrovascular stroke prevention with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and role of newer oral anticoagulants as alternate agents in the dialysis population.  相似文献   

The response to erythropoietin (EPO) treatment varies considerably in individual patients on chronic hemodialysis. The EPO resistance index (ERI) has been considered useful to assess the EPO resistance and can be easily calculated in the clinic. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between ERI and left ventricular mass (LVM) and function and to determine whether ERI was associated with cardiovascular events in patients on hemodialysis. This study was designed prospectively. Clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic variables were assessed in 72 patients on hemodialysis. The ERI was determined as the weekly weight-adjusted dose of EPO (U/kg/week) divided by hemoglobin concentration (g/dL). Patients were divided into three groups by tertiles of ERI. Patients with higher tertiles of ERI had a higher LVM index and lower LV ejection fraction compared with those with lower tertiles of ERI (P = 0.019 and P = 0.030, respectively). The median follow-up period was 53 months. The Kaplan-Meier plot showed increased frequency of cardiovascular events in patients with higher tertiles of ERI, compared with those with lower tertiles of ERI (P = 0.011, log-rank test). The multivariate Cox proportional hazard models showed that the ERI was the significant independent predictor of cardiovascular events (HR 3.00, 95% CI, 1.04-8.62, P = 0.042). Our data show that ERI was related with LVM index, LV systolic function and cardiovascular events in patients with hemodialysis. By monitoring of ERI, early identification of the EPO resistance may be helpful to predict the cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis patients.  相似文献   

Unlike in subjects with normal renal function, the relationship between hypertension and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients is still being debated. In order to clarify this issue, we performed 44-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurements (ABPM) during the interdialytic period in a group of 164 hypertensive patients, the blood pressure (BP) control based on conventional antihypertensive strategy previously, on chronic hemodialysis treatment in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. These results were then compared with their echocardiographic data. This is a cross-sectional analysis. The mean ABPM during 44 hours was close to the manually measured predialysis value, but there was a gradual increase in the ABPM values in the interdialytic period. When divided into a group with mild or no left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (45 patients) and severe LVH (119 patients), the latter had significantly higher BP levels in all separate periods, while the difference in predialysis BP was not significant. Patients with severe LVH had larger left atrium and left ventricular diameters, and consumed more antihypertensive drugs. Systolic BP during the night before dialysis showed the strongest relation to LVH, but interdialytic weight gain was also independently related to LVH. Yet, 56% of the patients with systolic BP <135 had severe LVH. There is not only an association between BP and presence of LVH, but it is shown that volume expansion is also an important independent determinant of LVH. This may explain the difficulty in identifying hypertension as a cardiac risk factor in these patients.  相似文献   

Patients with hemodialysis (HD) are at risk of death due to cardiac arrhythmias, worsening congestive heart failure (CHF), and noncardiac causes. This study reviews our experience with the use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) in patients with ventricular tachycardia who are under maintenance HD. We retrospectively reviewed 71 consecutive patients who underwent an ICD implantation in our hospital. There were 11 patients under maintenance HD and 60 patients without HD. The group of patients with HD (HD group) was compared with the patients without HD (control group). The mean follow-up period was 30±9 vs. 39±4 months in the HD group vs. the control group, respectively. Among these patients, 6 in the HD group and 26 in the control group received appropriate ICD therapies. There was no difference in appropriate ICD therapy, time to the first therapy, and electrical storm between the 2 groups. In the HD group, 1 patient underwent surgical removal of the ICD system due to infective endocarditis. There were 5 deaths in the HD group (4 from CHF) and 8 deaths in the control group (4 from CHF). There were no sudden cardiac deaths or arrhythmic deaths in both groups of patients during the follow-up period. However, the overall death rate was significantly higher in the HD group (P<0.01). In HD patients, ICD therapy prevented arrhythmic death, but their rate of nonarrhythmic adverse outcomes was high. This risk-benefit association should be considered before implantation of the device.  相似文献   

Hemodialysis (HD) has been associated with higher 1‐year mortality than peritoneal dialysis (PD) after dialysis start. Confounding effects of late referral, emergency dialysis start, or start with central venous catheter on this association have never been studied concomitantly. Survival was studied among the 495 incident dialysed patients in our department from 1995 to 2006 and followed at least 1 year until December 31, 2007. Nested Cox models adjusted on patient characteristics explored factors associated with 1‐year and ≥1‐year mortality. Hemodialysis patients were 332 (67.1%), 104 (21.0%) were late referred (<6 months), 167 (33.7%) started dialysis in emergency, and 144 (29.1%) started with central venous catheter. When adjusted only on age, sex, and comorbidities, HD was associated with poor 1‐year outcome: adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) for death in HD vs. PD was 1.77, P=0.02. In fully adjusted model, among first dialysis feature variables, only emergency dialysis start was significantly associated with 1‐year mortality: aHR 1.53, P=0.02. Dialysis modality was not associated with 1‐year mortality rates in this fully adjusted model: aHR in HD vs. PD became 1.03, P=0.91. In ≥1‐year period, HD was associated with lower mortality than PD (aHR 0.61, P=0.004), whereas other first dialysis features were not associated with death. Other factors associated with death were age, type 2 diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, heart failure, and hepatic failure. Negative association between HD and 1‐year survival on dialysis was explained by confounders. Emergency dialysis start was strongly associated with early mortality on dialysis. Its prevention may improve patient survival.  相似文献   

Patients with left ventricular assist device have an increased risk for postoperative acute kidney injury and long‐term requirement of dialysis. As a chronic access for dialysis, native arteriovenous fistulae are uncommon options due to suspected maturation failure. We present three patients who received successful arteriovenous fistulae placement after left ventricular assist device implantation with assisted long term patency.  相似文献   

Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in patients with advanced chronic kidney diseases (CKDs). Strong correlation has been reported between depression and patients' morbidity and mortality among dialysis patients. On the contrary, chronic inflammation may be a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in these patients. Elevated plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines, especially C‐reactive protein and interleukin (IL)‐6, have been correlated with cardiovascular events, hospitalization, and all‐cause and cardiovascular‐associated mortality in dialysis patients. Studies suggested that inflammation‐mediated atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases are the possible reasons for depression‐induced mortality among patients without renal diseases. Several studies found significant elevations in circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines, particularly IL‐6 and tumor necrosis factor‐α, in patients with major depression. Furthermore, depressive mood and behaviors, including sadness and suicidal ideation, were observed in patients who received repeated injections of recombinant cytokines. A thorough literature review indicates that while depressive symptoms and elevated inflammatory cytokine levels coexist in CKD and dialysis patients, their association is uncertain. Depression seems to be more associated with elevated serum levels of IL‐6 than other cytokines in these patients. Further studies are needed to clarify the possibility of a causal relationship between inflammation and depressive symptoms in CKD and dialysis patients.  相似文献   

Pain management in end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients is a complex and challenging task to accomplish, and effective pain and symptom control improves quality of life. Pain is prevalent in more than 50% of hemodialysis patients and up to 75% of these patients are treated ineffectively due to its poor recognition by providers. A good history for PQRST factors and intensity assessment using visual analog scale are the initial steps in the management of pain followed by involvement of palliative care, patient and family counseling, discussion of treatment options, and correction of reversible causes. First line should be conservative management such as exercise, massage, heat/cold therapy, acupuncture, meditation, distraction, music therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Analgesics are introduced according to WHO guidelines (by the mouth, by the clock, by the ladder, for the individual, and attention to detail) using three‐step analgesic ladder model. Neuropathic pain can be controlled by gabapentin and pregabalin. Substitution/addition of opioid analgesics are indicated if pain control is not optimal. Commonly used opioids in ESRD patients are tramadol, oxycodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, methadone, and buprenorphine. Methadone, fentanyl, and buprenorphine are the ideal analgesics in ESRD. However, complex pain syndrome requires multidrug analgesic regimen comprising opioids, non‐opioids, and adjuvant medication, which should be individualized to the patient to achieve adequate pain control.  相似文献   

Actinomycosis of esophagus is uncommon. Herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, candidiasis, tuberculosis, and other fungal infections are the commonly reported infections in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients. We report a case of esophageal actinomycosis in an end‐stage renal disease patient. A 28‐year‐old lady, known case of systemic lupus erythematosus, hepatitis B virus infection with end‐stage renal disease on regular maintenance hemodialysis since 5 years presented with history of epigastric pain and odynophagia for 1 week. Her upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination revealed extensive necrotic areas with membrane in the esophagus. Histopathology revealed actinomycotic colonies and bacterial clumps. She was treated with intravenous penicillin followed by oral ampicillin for 6 months. She showed marked clinical improvement, and repeat endoscopy showed healing of ulceration and no evidence of actinomycosis.  相似文献   

Introduction: End‐stage renal disease is associated with elevations in circulating prolactin concentrations, but the association of prolactin concentrations with intermediate health outcomes and the effects of hemodialysis frequency on changes in serum prolactin have not been examined. Methods: The FHN Daily and Nocturnal Dialysis Trials compared the effects of conventional thrice weekly hemodialysis with in‐center daily hemodialysis (6 days/week) and nocturnal home hemodialysis (6 nights/week) over 12 months and obtained measures of health‐related quality of life, self‐reported physical function, mental health and cognition. Serum prolactin concentrations were measured at baseline and 12‐month follow‐up in 70% of the FHN Trial cohort to examine the associations among serum prolactin concentrations and physical, mental and cognitive function and the effects of hemodialysis frequency on serum prolactin. Findings: Among 177 Daily Trial and 60 Nocturnal Trial participants with baseline serum prolactin measurements, the median serum prolactin concentration was 65 ng/mL (25th–75th percentile 48–195 ng/mL) and 81% had serum prolactin concentrations >30 ng/mL. While serum prolactin was associated with sex (higher in women), we observed no association between baseline serum prolactin and age, dialysis vintage, and baseline measures of physical, mental and cognitive function. Furthermore, there was no significant effect of hemodialysis frequency on serum prolactin in either of the two trials. Discussion: Serum prolactin concentrations were elevated in the large majority of patients with ESRD, but were not associated with several measures of health status. Circulating prolactin levels also do not appear to decrease in response to more frequent hemodialysis over a one‐year period.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major global health problem affecting 3–5 million people in the United States and over 100 million worldwide. Chronic HCV infection, which can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, also results in numerous other complications, including impairment of renal function. Because HCV is most often transmitted via parenteral exposure to blood or blood products, patients with end‐stage renal disease (ESRD) treated with hemodialysis are at particular risk for infection. Historically, the medications available to treat HCV infection in these patients had significant side effects and were not particularly effective in generating a sustained virologic response. Since 2011, a number of direct‐acting antiviral therapies have emerged that can lead to virological cure in the vast majority of patients, with low pill burden and few side effects. Here, we describe the biology and pathophysiology of HCV infection, and summarize current information on new therapies, with a particular focus on their application in patients with chronic kidney disease including ESRD.  相似文献   

Morbidity in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) diabetic patients is worse than in patients without diabetes mellitus (DM). This study aims to compare clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic features between the ESRD patients with and without DM. Fifty-eight ESRD patients on dialysis were prospectively divided into two groups according to the presence of DM. Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic features (ejection fraction and wall motion score index) were compared between the two groups. Overall, 20 out of 58 patients (37.8%) with ESRD had DM. There were no significant differences between the patients with DM and those without DM when it comes to age (60.6 ± 10.6 vs. 59.0 ± 10.6 years, P = 0.665), ejection fraction (52.6% ± 12.8% vs. 54.2% ± 12.8%, P = 0.59), and wall motion score index (1.21 ± 0.3 vs.1.15 ± 0.3, P = 0.37). In multivariant analysis of the interventricular septum, posterior wall thickness and left atrium size correlated positively with DM. There was also no statistical difference in myocardial perfusion disturbances on real-time contrast echocardiography between the groups with and without DM (12 (60%) patients vs. 14 patients (36.8%), P = 0.079). Among diabetics 77.8% had significant atherosclerotic changes, while in the group without DM, only 38.1%, P = 0.01. From the laboratory parameters ferritin and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels were significantly higher in the group with DM, P = 0.014 and P = 0.026, respectively. Patients with ESRD and DM have significantly bigger left atrial size, thicker left ventricular walls, and higher serum ferritin and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels than the patients without DM. The aforementioned features may be possible risk factors for the development of adverse cardiac events in patients on hemodialysis.  相似文献   

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