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首先针对HSDPA数据业务下载速率慢的常见原因进行研究,从UE终端、RAN和核心网等方面分析了HSDPA下载问题的解决思路;其次对具体的案例进行分析;最后详细说明了HSDPA数据业务优化的方法。 相似文献
列车位置信息在列车运行控制系统中具有重要的作用。针对基于GSM-R/GPRS的列车位置跟踪方案展开研究,并与其他方案进行比较和分析。实验证明基于GSM-R的GPRS分组数据业务的列车位置跟踪方案相较于其它方案更有优势,提高了网络资源和频率资源的利用率。 相似文献
首先介绍TD-LTE系统的无线接口协议,然后分析MAC子层的架构、功能和过程,重点阐述了MAC子层的随机接入过程,从TD-LTE随机接入过程的特点、应用的环境入手,详细分析了基于竞争模式和非竞争模式的随机接入过程的各个流程,说明了随机接入是保证通信建立的重要环节,最后对TD-LTE随机接入技术的未来发展进行了展望. 相似文献
CDMA作为一种多址接入技术在无线网络中已广为应用,在多码CDMA和单码CDMA研究的基础上,构造了多码CDMA和单码CDMA在无线分组数据网络中的随机多址接入模型,并且分析了两种系统的吞吐率特性和归一化时延特性。结果证明单码CDMA和多码CDMA具有相同的多址接入性能。 相似文献
数字集群通信系统缺乏有效的容量规划方法和模型,直接套用移动电话系统的策略会造成容量估算误差过大。数字集群系统在技术特性和业务处理流程上与移动电话系统存在许多差异,针对这些差异对数字集群系统随机接入过程和资源管理的特点进行了分析,提出了组呼业务与电话业务的归一化处理方法,以及数字集群系统的业务处理模型和话务统计模型,并基于提出的模型对接入信道的容量和系统服务等级进行了计算。 相似文献
Dimitrios I. Axiotis Apostolis K. Salkintzis Dimitrios Xenikos 《Wireless Personal Communications》2008,47(4):523-540
This paper evaluates the packet data performance of Internet Protocol (IP) over TErrestrial Trunked RAdio (TETRA), focusing
on the effects of packet size and message transmission rate. We performed a range of simulations to evaluate the average packet
delay and packet failure probability corresponding to IP datagram transmission on the Packet Data CHannel (PDCH) in a TETRA
cell. We employed IP packets of different sizes and we considered a number of different scenarios with respect to the number
of users in a cell and datagram transmission rate. The simulation results offer TETRA operators the means for facilitating
network planning and optimization of datagram-based services. Apart from the simulation, we also conducted an extensive measurement
survey on the performance of IP over the TETRA PDCH. In particular, we carried out measurements in a client–server communication
scenario with different datagram sizes and typical user mobility and radio propagation conditions. Measurement results include
throughput, delay jitter, percentage of lost datagrams and out-of-order datagrams. The results obtained through our measurement
survey can extent and enhance the simulation results because they are more realistic and consider user mobility as well as
channel impairments.
Dimitrios XenikosEmail: |
本文提出了一种TETRA数字集群系统中的分组数据功能设计的方法.笔者在研究TETRA系统空中接口协议栈和TETRA分组域的架构的基础上,设计并实现了子网相关汇聚协议实体;重点分析了PDP上下文激活/去激活、分组信道分配与释放、分组数据传输等过程,采用UML语言和C语言混合编程的方法开发了TETRA数字集群系统的分组数据功能.本文最后进行的UML模型仿真和设备测试结果与TETRA协议一致. 相似文献
论文根据TETRA数字集群服务的用户对象及其特点,对TETRA数字集群增值应用的技术基础、应用方案以及应用对集群网络的影响进行了分析研究,以指导TETRA数字集群应用开发建设。 相似文献
在专用网移动通信系统开发的背景下,针对基站控制单元的设计,阐述了其呼叫控制过程。首先简要分析了TETRA空中接口协议栈总体结构,然后详细说明了CMCE-BS(基站电路控制模式实体)的呼叫控制部分,并重点描述了跨基站单呼业务的具体过程(包括呼叫建立、呼叫保持和呼叫拆线3个子过程),最后在此基础上通过SDL(规范与描述语言)仿真器给出了CMCE—BS的呼叫控制过程的仿真结果,其结果证明了设计的正确性。 相似文献
On the Performance of TETRA Short Data Service-Transport Layer 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper presents the results of an extensive measurement survey on the performance of Short Data Service Transport Layer
(SDS-TL) of Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) cellular networks. We developed a novel software measurement platform that runs
over the TETRA Peripheral Equipment Interface (PEI), generates SDS-TL traffic, performs measurements, and presents statistics
of QoS metrics. The measurement platform was utilized in two measurement campaigns: in the first one, two terminals were co-located
in the same TETRA cell, and in the second campaign the terminals were positioned in different cells. Measurements were taken
for SDS-TL sizes varying from 10 to 190 bytes (excluding the TL header) with an increment of 5 bytes. For each SDS-TL size,
1,500 messages were exchanged through the measurement platform between the TETRA mobile terminals. We repeated all measurements
for three intertransmission intervals, namely 2, 1.5, and 1 s, corresponding to measurement durations-for each set of 1,500
SDS-TL- of ≈ 3,000, 2,250 and 1,500 s, respectively. Hence, 166,500 SDS-TL messages were exchanged between two terminals for
each measurement campaign. Results obtained include the end-to-end transmission delay (mean and standard deviation) and the
percentage of lost SDS-TL versus the message size for the three intertransmission intervals. The effects of inadequate radio
capacity as well as gaps in the radiocoverage can be easily identified through the measurement platform, and we analyze such
representative cases. 相似文献
ZHANG Zhi-hui YANG Yi-xian.Beijing FORICH Software Technology Co. Ltd. Network Security Division Beijing P. R. China .Information Security Center Beijing University of Posts Telecommunications Beijing P. R. China 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2006,13(2):70-73
1Introduction TETRAisanETSI standardizeddigitalradiooperat ingsystembasedontrunkedmobileradiotechnolo gy[1-3].ItistypicallydesignedfortheProfessionalMo bileRadio(PMR)marketandincludessystems,typi callyforMilitaryandPublicSafetyorganizations,as wellasPubli… 相似文献