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We consider the problem of testing for change points in the long memory parameter. The test relies on semi‐parametric estimation of the long memory parameter, which does not require the complete parametric specification of the whole spectrum. A self‐normalizer utilizing a sequence of recursive semi‐parametric estimators is used to make the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic free of the nuisance scale parameter. We study the asymptotic behavior of the proposed test for situations when there is at most one change point and also when there are an unknown number of change points. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to examine the finite‐sample performance of the proposed test.  相似文献   

Abstract. Asymptotic distribution is derived for the least squares estimates (LSE) in the unstable AR(p) process driven by a non‐Gaussian long‐memory disturbance. The characteristic polynomial of the autoregressive process is assumed to have pairs of complex roots on the unit circle. In order to describe the limiting distribution of the LSE, two limit theorems involving long‐memory processes are established in this article. The first theorem gives the limiting distribution of the weighted sum, is a non‐Gaussian long‐memory moving‐average process and (cn,k,1 ≤ kn) is a given sequence of weights; the second theorem is a functional central limit theorem for the sine and cosine Fourier transforms   相似文献   

This article examines asymptotically point optimal tests for parameter instability in realistic circumstances when little information about the unstable parameter process and error distribution is available. We first show that, under a correctly specified error distribution, if the unstable parameter processes converge weakly to a Wiener process, then any asymptotic optimal tests for structural breaks and time‐varying parameters are asymptotically equivalent. Our finding is then extended to a semi‐parametric set‐up in which the error distribution is treated as an unknown infinite‐dimensional nuisance parameter. We find that semi‐parametric tests can be adaptive without further restrictive conditions on the error distribution.  相似文献   

Bartlett correction, which improves the coverage accuracies of confidence regions, is one of the desirable features of empirical likelihood. For empirical likelihood with dependent data, previous studies on the Bartlett correction are mainly concerned with Gaussian processes. By establishing the validity of Edgeworth expansion for the signed root empirical log‐likelihood ratio statistics, we show that the Bartlett correction is applicable to empirical likelihood for short‐memory time series with possibly non‐Gaussian innovations. The Bartlett correction is established under the assumptions that the variance of the innovation is known and the mean of the underlying process is zero for a single parameter model. In particular, the order of the coverage errors of Bartlett‐corrected confidence regions can be reduced from O(n?1) to O(n?2).  相似文献   

Abstract. In recent years, methods to estimate the memory parameter using wavelet analysis have gained popularity in many areas of science. Despite its widespread use, a rigorous semi‐parametric asymptotic theory, comparable with the one developed for Fourier methods, is still lacking. In this article, we adapt to the wavelet setting, the classical semi‐parametric framework introduced by Robinson and his co‐authors for estimating the memory parameter of a (possibly) non‐stationary process. Our results apply to a class of wavelets with bounded supports, which include but are not limited to Daubechies wavelets. We derive an explicit expression of the spectral density of the wavelet coefficients and show that it can be approximated, at large scales, by the spectral density of the continuous‐time wavelet coefficients of fractional Brownian motion. We derive an explicit bound for the difference between the spectral densities. As an application, we obtain minimax upper bounds for the log‐scale regression estimator of the memory parameter for a Gaussian process and we derive an explicit expression of its asymptotic variance.  相似文献   

We propose a testing procedure based on the Wilcoxon two‐sample test statistic in order to test for change‐points in the mean of long‐range dependent data. We show that the corresponding self‐normalized test statistic converges in distribution to a non‐degenerate limit under the hypothesis that no change occurred and that it diverges to infinity under the alternative of a change‐point with constant height. Furthermore, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the self‐normalized Wilcoxon test statistic under local alternatives, that is, under the assumption that the height of the level shift decreases as the sample size increases. Regarding the finite sample performance, simulation results confirm that the self‐normalized Wilcoxon test yields a consistent discrimination between hypothesis and alternative and that its empirical size is already close to the significance level for moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

We study the properties of Mallows' C L criterion for selecting a fractional exponential (FEXP) model for a Gaussian long-memory time series. The aim is to minimize the mean squared error of a corresponding regression estimator d FEXP of the memory parameter, d . Under conditions which do not require that the data were actually generated by a FEXP model, it is known that the mean squared error MSE=E[ d FEXP− d ]2 can converge to zero as fast as (log n )/ n , where n is the sample size, assuming that the number of parameters grows slowly with n in a deterministic fashion. Here, we suppose that the number of parameters in the FEXP model is chosen so as to minimize a local version of C L, restricted to frequencies in a neighborhood of zero. We show that, under appropriate conditions, the expected value of the local C L is asymptotically equivalent to MSE. A combination of theoretical and simulation results give guidance as to the choice of the degree of locality in C L.  相似文献   

Abstract. For a time series generated by polynomial trend with stationary long‐memory errors, the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) of the trend coefficients is asymptotically normal, provided the error process is linear. The asymptotic distribution may no longer be normal, if the error is in the form of a long‐memory linear process passing through certain nonlinear transformations. However, one hardly has sufficient information about the transformation to determine which type of limiting distribution the OLSE converges to and to apply the correct distribution so as to construct valid confidence intervals for the coefficients based on the OLSE. The present paper proposes a modified least squares estimator to bypass this drawback. It is shown that the asymptotic normality can be assured for the modified estimator with mild trade‐off of efficiency even when the error is nonlinear and the original limit for the OLSE is non‐normal. The estimator performs fairly well when applied to various simulated series and two temperature data sets concerning global warming.  相似文献   

Not much research has been done in the field of circular time‐series analysis. We propose a non‐parametric theory for smoothing and prediction in the time domain for circular time‐series data. Our model is based on local constant and local linear fitting estimates of a minimizer of an angular risk function. Both asymptotic arguments and empirical examples are used to describe the accuracy of our methods.  相似文献   

We study non‐parametric regression function estimation for models with strong dependence. Compared with short‐range dependent models, long‐range dependent models often result in slower convergence rates. We propose a simple differencing‐sequence based non‐parametric estimator that achieves the same convergence rate as if the data were independent. Simulation studies show that the proposed method has good finite sample performance.  相似文献   

Two negative binomial quasi‐maximum likelihood estimates (NB‐QMLEs) for a general class of count time series models are proposed. The first one is the profile NB‐QMLE calculated while arbitrarily fixing the dispersion parameter of the negative binomial likelihood. The second one, termed two‐stage NB‐QMLE, consists of four stages estimating both conditional mean and dispersion parameters. It is shown that the two estimates are consistent and asymptotically Gaussian under mild conditions. Moreover, the two‐stage NB‐QMLE enjoys a certain asymptotic efficiency property provided that a negative binomial link function relating the conditional mean and conditional variance is specified. The proposed NB‐QMLEs are compared with the Poisson QMLE asymptotically and in finite samples for various well‐known particular classes of count time series models such as the Poisson and negative binomial integer‐valued GARCH model and the INAR(1) model. Application to a real dataset is given.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we propose two test statistics for testing serial correlation in semiparametric time series model that could allow lagged dependent variables as explanatory variables. The first one is testing for zero first-order serial correlation and the second is for testing higher-order serial correlation. The test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or χ2 distributions under the assumption of a martingale difference error process. Our results generalize some of the test statistics of Li and Hsiao (1998 ), that were developed for the case of panel data with a large N and a fixed T , to the case of a large T with N either small or large.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analyse asymptotic properties of the discrete Fourier transform and the periodogram of time series obtained through (truncated) linear filtering of stationary processes. The class of filters contains the fractional differencing operator and its coefficients decay at an algebraic rate, implying long‐range‐dependent properties for the filtered processes when the degree of integration α is positive. These include fractional time series which are nonstationary for any value of the memory parameter (α ≠ 0) and possibly nonstationary trending (α ≥ 0.5). We consider both fractional differencing or integration of weakly dependent and long‐memory stationary time series. The results obtained for the moments of the Fourier transform and the periodogram at Fourier frequencies in a degenerating band around the origin are weaker compared with the stationary nontruncated case for α > 0, but sufficient for the analysis of parametric and semiparametric memory estimates. They are applied to the study of the properties of the log‐periodogram regression estimate of the memory parameter α for Gaussian processes, for which asymptotic normality could not be showed using previous results. However, only consistency can be showed for the trending cases, 0.5 ≤ α < 1. Several detrending and initialization mechanisms are studied and only local conditions on spectral densities of stationary input series and transfer functions of filters are assumed.  相似文献   

Fractional exponential (FEXP) models have been introduced by Robinson (1991) and Beran (1993) to model the spectral density of a covariance stationary long-range dependent process. In this class of models, the spectral density f ( x ) of the process is decomposed as f ( x ) = |1 − exp( ix )|−2 d f *( x ), where f *( x ) accounts for the short-memory component. In this contribution, FEXP models are used to construct semi-parametric estimates of the fractional differencing coefficient and of the spectral density, by considering an infinite Fourier series expansion of log f *( x ). A data-driven order selection procedure, adapted from the Mallows' C p procedure, is proposed to determine the order of truncation. The optimality of the data-driven procedure is established, under mild assumptions on the short-memory component f *( x ). A limited Monte-Carlo experiment is presented to support our claims.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on certain residual‐marked empirical processes, we study the model test to validate the composite structure with a given link function for parametric single‐index time series models. To extend an existing directional test that avoids the curse of dimensionality to an omnibus test, a model‐adaptive dimension‐reduction test procedure is proposed. Moreover, to fully utilize the dimension‐reduction structure under the null hypothesis, the test is designed for adapting both the null and alternative hypotheses, which can improve the power for a more general alternative. Simulation results and a real data example show that the proposed method can perform effectively in checking parametric single‐index time series models.  相似文献   

In this article, change‐point problems for long‐memory stochastic volatility (LMSV) models are considered. A general testing problem which includes various alternative hypotheses is discussed. Under the hypothesis of stationarity the limiting behavior of CUSUM‐ and Wilcoxon‐type test statistics is derived. In this context, a limit theorem for the two‐parameter empirical process of LMSV time series is proved. In particular, it is shown that the asymptotic distribution of CUSUM test statistics may not be affected by long memory, unlike Wilcoxon test statistics which are typically influenced by long‐range dependence. To avoid the estimation of nuisance parameters in applications, the usage of self‐normalized test statistics is proposed. The theoretical results are accompanied by an analysis of Standard & Poor's 500 daily closing indices with respect to structural changes and by simulation studies which characterize the finite sample behavior of the considered testing procedures when testing for changes in mean and in variance.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce a robust to outliers Wilcoxon change‐point testing procedure, for distinguishing between short‐range dependent time series with a change in mean at unknown time and stationary long‐range dependent time series. We establish the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis for L1 near epoch dependent processes and show its consistency under the alternative. The Wilcoxon‐type testing procedure similarly as the CUSUM‐type testing procedure (of Berkes I., Horváth L., Kokoszka P. and Shao Q. 2006. Ann.Statist. 34:1140–1165), requires estimation of the location of a possible change‐point, and then using pre‐ and post‐break subsamples to discriminate between short and long‐range dependence. A simulation study examines the empirical size and power of the Wilcoxon‐type testing procedure in standard cases and with disturbances by outliers. It shows that in standard cases the Wilcoxon‐type testing procedure behaves equally well as the CUSUM‐type testing procedure but outperforms it in presence of outliers. We also apply both testing procedure to hydrologic data.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider semiparametric estimation in time‐series regression in the presence of long‐range dependence in both the errors and the stochastic regressors. A central limit theorem is established for a class of semiparametric frequency domain‐weighted least squares estimates, which includes both narrow‐band ordinary least squares and narrow‐band generalized least squares as special cases. The estimates are semiparametric in the sense that focus is on the neighbourhood of the origin, and only periodogram ordinates in a degenerating band around the origin are used. This setting differs from earlier studies on time‐series regression with long‐range dependence, where a fully parametric approach has been employed. The generalized least squares estimate is infeasible when the degree of long‐range dependence is unknown and must be estimated in an initial step. In that case, we show that a feasible estimate which has the same asymptotic properties as the infeasible estimate, exists. By Monte Carlo simulation, we evaluate the finite‐sample performance of the generalized least squares estimate and the feasible estimate.  相似文献   

Many empirical findings show that volatility in financial time series exhibits high persistence. Some researchers argue that such persistency is due to volatility shifts in the market, while others believe that this is a natural fluctuation explained by stationary long‐range dependence models. These two approaches confuse many practitioners, and forecasts for future volatility are dramatically different depending on which models to use. In this article, therefore, we consider a statistical testing procedure to distinguish volatility shifts in generalized AR conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model against long‐range dependence. Our testing procedure is based on the residual‐based cumulative sum test, which is designed to correct the size distortion observed for GARCH models. We examine the validity of our method by providing asymptotic distributions of test statistic. Also, Monte Carlo simulations study shows that our proposed method achieves a good size while providing a reasonable power against long‐range dependence. It is also observed that our test is robust to the misspecified GARCH models.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new frequency‐domain test is proposed to check the equality of spectral densities of two or more stationary time series. The proposed test is able to deal with multiple independent time series of different lengths naturally, based on some regression models of log periodograms. The asymptotic null distribution of the proposed test is obtained. The consistency is shown under any fixed alternative and a sequence of local alternatives. A simulation study is conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the test. By jointly modeling all log periodograms, the test is empirically robust when multiple time series are mutually dependent to some extent. It also works well for non‐Gaussian time series. The proposed test is applied to compare several vibrational signals for damage detection of a mechanical system.  相似文献   

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