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Uniform quantization of random vectors onto -grids n is considered. Higherorder terms in asymptotic expansions for the entropy of the -quantized random vector and for the loss of the mutual information between two random vectors under such quantization as 0+are obtained. The coefficients in these asymptotics are explicitly calculated for Gaussian distributed vectors. Taken for initial segments of stationary Gaussian sequences, these factors have limit average values per unit of time. For such sequences governed by state-space equations, computation of these average values is reduced to solutions of algebraic matrix Riccati and Lyapunov equations.Work supported by the Australian Research Council grant A 4970 2246.  相似文献   

It is shown that the structure of complex thin-film systems can be studied ellipsometrically. In the ellipsometric method used in this work, the distribution of the rf permittivity (z) across the depth is simulated within models of uniform layers and linearly nonuniform layers. Difficulties associated with finding the ellipsometric parameters for a reflecting system with nonuniformly distributed (z) are considered. It was demonstrated that vacuum deposition of PbI2–Cu thin-film inorganic photoresist causes the transition layer to form at the Cu/PbI2 interface due to copper penetrating into the interface region of PbI2. The parameters of this layer correlate with the PbI2 film porosity.  相似文献   

Differential cryptanalysis is a method of attacking iterated mappings based on differences known as characteristics. The probability of a given characteristic is derived from the XOR tables associated with the iterated mapping. If is a mapping : Z 2 m , then for each , X, Y Z 2 m the XOR table for gives the number of input pairs of difference X=X+X for which gp(X)+(X)=Y.The complexity of a differential attack depends upon two properties of the XOR tables: the density of zero entries in the table, and the size of the largest entry in the table. In this paper we present the first results on the expected values of these properties for a general class of mappings . We prove that if : Z 2 m Z 2 m is a bijective mapping, then the expected size of the largest entry in the XOR table for is bounded by 2m, while the fraction of the XOR table that is zero approaches e –1/2=0.60653. We are then able to demonstrate that there are easily constructed classes of iterated mappings for which the probability of a differential-like attack succeeding is very small.The author is presently employed by the Distributed System Technology Center, Brisbane, Australia.  相似文献   

In this paper, designs of linear-phase finite impulse response (FIR) filters approximating the ideal frequency responseH (,r) |1/ r r=1, 2, 3,..., by using maximally flat error criteria have been proposed. Exact weights required for the realizations have been derived and are shown to be independent of the filter orderN. The suggested designs are particularly suitable for operation in the midband frequency range of 0.10–0.90 radians.  相似文献   

The classical notion of the -generalized nullspace, defined on a matrixA R n×n,where is an eigenvalue, is extended to the case of ordered pairs of matrices(F, G), F, G R m×nwhere the associated pencilsF – G is right regular. It is shown that for every C {} generalized eigenvalue of (F, G), an ascending nested sequence of spaces {P i ,i=1, 2,...} and a descending nested sequence of spaces {ie495-02 i=1, 2,...} are defined from the -Toeplitz matrices of (F, G); the first sequence has a maximal elementM * , the -generalized nullspace of (F, G), which is the element of the sequence corresponding to the index , the -index of annihilation of (F, G), whereas the second sequence has the first elementP * as its maximal element, the -prime space of (F, G). The geometric properties of the {M i ,i=1, 2,..., and {P i ,i=1, 2,...sets, as well as their interrelations are investigated and are shown to be intimately related to the existence of nested basis matrices of the nullspaces of the -Toeplitz matrices of (F, G). These nested basis matrices characterize completely the geometry ofM * and provide a systematic procedure for the selection of maximal length linearly independent vector chains characterizing the-Segre characteristic of (F, G).  相似文献   

Composite axially symmetric immersion ion lenses are considered that consist of an electrostatic and a magnetic lens. For the first time, their performance is evaluated over the entire range of operating conditions: from the case of a zero magnetic field to the case of a zero ion energy on the target. Operating conditions are characterized in terms of = W t/W 0, where W 0 is the energy of an ion at the boundary of the region in which the trajectories are parallel to the axis and W t is that on the target. For the first time, simple analytical approximations are derived for C c/r, C s/r, f/r, and NI, where C c is the chromatic-aberration coefficient, C s is the third-order spherical-aberration coefficient, f is the focal distance, NI is the magnetomotive force of the coil, and r is the outer radius of the coil. The behavior of the four quantities is explored as a function of . The following conclusions are drawn: (i) The aberrations are maximum for a zero magnetic field. (ii) The aberration coefficients decrease monotonically with increasing NIand decreasing , the lens changing from an accelerating to a decelerating one. (iii) If , then C s/r1/4, C c/r1/6, f/r1/3, and NI–1/2. (iv) The lenses are suitable for resistless heavy-ion projection lithography and can provide 20 × 1011 pixels of area 2 × 2 nm2 for an exposed area of 3 × 3 mm2. (v) Used in heavy-ion microprobe systems, the lenses could enable resistless lithography over much larger areas than existing equipment.  相似文献   

Let {S(A):A A}, whereA is a subset of an infinite-dimensional normed linear spaceL, be a class of general nonlinear input-output systems that are governed by operator equations relating the input, state, and output, all of which are in extended spaces. IfQ is a given operator from a specified set ¯D i, of inputs into the space of outputs ¯H 0, the problem we consider is to find, for a given >0, a parameterA A such that the transmission operatorR(A ) ofS(A ) furnishes a nearly best (or -best) approximation toQ from allR(A),A A. Here the distance betweenQ andR(A) is defined as the supremum of distances betweenQz andR(A)z taken over allz ¯D i. In Theorems 2 through 5 we show that ifS(A) is normal (Definition 2),A satisfies some mild requirement andL contains a fundamental sequence, then establishingA A reduces to minimizing a certain continuous functional on a compact subset ofR n, and thus can be carried out by conventional methods. The applications of results are illustrated by the example of a model-matching problem for a nonlinear system, and of optimal tracking.  相似文献   

Broadcast is the task of disseminating a message from any node to all the other nodes in a network. A minimal broadcast network (mbn) withn nodes is a communication network in which a message originated at any node can be broadcasted in [log2 n] time units. An optimal broadcast network (obn) is an mbn with minimum number of edges. No method is known for constructing an obn with an arbitrary number of nodes. In this paper, a new method called the doubling procedure is presented to construct mbn's with 2n and 2n–1 nodes when an obn or a good mbn withn nodes is known. The new construction method is based on the concepts of center node and center node set of an mbn. An algorithm is proposed to find a center node set of a given mbn. It is shown that an obn with 2n nodes can be constructed based on a known obn withn nodes for alln 9,n=15, 31 and 63,n=2 m –1 andn=2 m ,mZ +, by applying the doubling procedure. This method also generates the best mbn's for some values of [n64.  相似文献   

The problem of designing a stabilizing compensator for a control system to achieve prescribed initial value constraints (i)(0+)=yi is considered. Indeed, modulo certain technical conditions, such a compensator exists if and only if yi=0;i= 0,1,...,rp +rt –2; whererp is the relative degree of the plant andrt is the relative degree of the system input. This theorem is derived and a complete parameterization of the set of compensators that achieve the prescribed design constraints is formulated.This research was supported in part by NSF Grant No. 921106.  相似文献   

Let G be a finite group and let A i 1 i s, be subsets of G where ¦A i ¦ 2, 1 i s and s 2. We say that (A1, A2,..., A3) is a factorization of G if and only if for each g G there is exactly one way to express g = a 1 a 1 a 2··· a 3, where a j A i , 1 i s.The problem of finding factorizations of this type was first introduced by Hajos [3] in 1941. Since then a number of papers have appeared on the subject. More recently, Magliveras [6] has applied factorization of permutation groups to cryptography to obtain a private-key cryptosystem. Factorizations in the elementary abelian p-group were exploited (but not explicitly stated in these terms) by Webb [13] to produce a public-key cryptosystem conceptually similar to cryptosystems based on the knapsack problem.Using the result that certain types of factorizations in the elementary abelian p-group are necessarily transversal (a term introduced by Magliveras), this paper shows that the public-key system proposed by Webb is insecure.  相似文献   

A 4 GHz fractional-N frequency synthesizer for wireless communications applications is implemented in a 0.35 m BiCMOS process. The synthesizer achieves a close-in phase noise of –66 dBc/Hz. The key building blocks are an ECL multiple-modulus prescaler employing the phase-switching architecture to minimize the power dissipation, a digital third-order MASH -modulator that controls the modulus of the prescaler, a very linear phase detector that enables the synthesizer to achieve a low close-in phase noise, and a chargepump providing a constant output current over a large output voltage range. The power dissipation of the synthesizer chip is 27.7 mW from a 2.7 V supply.  相似文献   

Distributed multimedia applications usually require multiple QoS performance guarantees. However, in general, searching such a route in the network, to support multimedia applications, is known to be NPcomplete. In this paper, we propose a new heuristic QoS routing algorithm, called QoSRDKS, for supporting multimedia applications in highspeed networks. QoSRDKS is a modification of rulebased Fallback routing and Dijkstra algorithms. It can search a unicast route that would have enough network resources so that multiple QoS requirements (bandwidth, delay, and delay jitter) of the requested flow could be guaranteed. Its worst case computation time complexity is the same as that of the Dijkstra algorithm, i.e., O(V2), where V is the number of nodes in the network. Extensive simulations were done with various network sizes, upto 500 nodes networks, where each node uses Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ) service discipline. Results show that QoSRDKS is very efficient. It could always find the QoS satisfying route, whenever there exists one (success rate is optimal), and its average computation time is near to simple shortest path Dijkstra algorithm.  相似文献   

An N argument function f(x 1,...,x N ) is called t-private if a protocol for computing f exists so that no coalition of at most t parties can infer any additional information from the execution, other than the value of the function. The motivation of this work is to understand what levels of privacy are attainable. So far, only two levels of privacy are known for N argument functions which are defined over finite domains: functions that are N-private and functions that are (N – 1)/2-private but not N/2-private.In this work we show that the privacy hierarchy for N-argument functions which are defined over finite domains, has exactly (N + 1)/2 levels. We prove this by constructing, for any N/2 t N – 2, an N-argument function which is t-private but not (t + 1)-private.This research was supported by US-Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant 88-00282.  相似文献   

We analyze some game-theoretic solution concepts associated with a cost allocation problem arising from the Capacitated Network Design (CND) problem. The problem is formulated as a cost cooperative game in characteristic function form to be referred to as the CND game. We provide an efficient representation of several game-theoretic solution concepts associated with the CND game. In particular, we efficiently characterize the core, and in some cases the nucleolus, the least weighted-core and a certain central point in the least weighted-core. Our model properly generalizes several previously studied cooperative games. We also employ our model to analyze cost allocation problems associated with several classes of network design problems, which were not previously studied in the literature. Specifically, we efficiently characterize the above cost allocation solutions for cost allocation problems associated with the Capacitated Concentrator Location problem, the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree problem, the Capacitated Fixed Cost Spanning Forest problem, and the Capacitated Steiner Tree problem.  相似文献   

A 10 GHz fully integrated Voltage Controlled Oscillator is presented. A 29.7% tuning range is achieved from a 2.5 V power supply. The phase noise is –113 dBc/Hz at 600 kHz and –127 dBc/Hz at 3 MHz. The VCO is implemented in a 0.25 m 4 metal layer standard CMOS technology. This design will be used to discuss design and layout issues for high frequency LC-oscillators. A thorough analysis will be made of the contribution of the different building blocks to the performance of the total circuit.  相似文献   

It is well known that the sequence ofs-numbers {sn},n=0, 1,..., of a compact operator, and particularly a compact Hankel operator =[h j+k –1], converges monotonically to zero. Since the (n + 1)sts-number sn measures the error ofL (¦z¦=1) approximation, modulo an additive H function, by nth degree proper rational functions whose poles are restricted to ¦z¦ < 1, it is very important to study how fast {s n } converges to zero. It is not difficult to see that ifh n =O(n ), for some > 1, thens n =O(n ). In this paper we construct, for any given sequence n 0, a compact Hankel operator such thats n n for alln.The research of C. K. Chui was supported by the SDIO/IST managed by the U.S. Army under Contract No. DAAL-03-87-K-0025, and by the NSF under Grant No. DMS-8901345. X. Li's research was supported by the SDIO/IST managed by the U.S. Army under Contract No. DAAL-03-87-K-0025. The research of J. D. Ward was supported by the NSF under Grant No. DMS-8901345.  相似文献   

An approximation result is given concerning Gaussian radial basis functions in a general inner product space. Applications are described concerning the classification of the elements of disjoint sets of signals, and also the approximation of continuous real functions defined on all of n using radial basis function (RBF) networks. More specifically, it is shown that an important large class of classification problems involving signals can be solved using a structure consisting of only a generalized RBF network followed by a quantizer. It is also shown that Gaussian radial basis functions defined on n can uniformly approximate arbitrarily well over all of n any continuous real functionalf on n that meets the condition that |f(x)|0 as x.  相似文献   

The possibility of constructing an artificial potential relief and fabricating multiple-quantum-well (MQW) structures based on ultrathin -C : H layers is demonstrated. The photoelectric properties of the structures are studied, the carrier transfer mechanism is established, and the influence of the applied voltage on the carrier transfer mechanism is demonstrated. The effect of illumination on the active and reactive components of the admittance of the structures and on the charge transient energy spectra of recharging traps and relaxation centers is studied. The parameters of the MQW structures, such as concentration, energy position, and trapping cross sections of deep levels; band bending at the -C : H/Si interface; potential well depths; etc. are determined. The -C : H layers with a small trap concentration are obtained. Such layers can be used as gate dielectrics in MIS transistors. Single-crystal Si–-C : H film heterostructures can operate as photodiodes, photovaractors, and dynamic memory elements.  相似文献   

The robustness problem of stability for large-scale uncertain systems with a class of multiple time delays is addressed in this paper. By applying the complex Lyapunov stability theorem, the matrix measure techniques, and norm inequalities, a new approach for solving a general case of the above problem is proposed. Several robust stability conditions, delay-dependent or delay-independent, are derived to guarantee the asymptotic stability and exponential stability of the uncertain large-scale time-delay systems. Moreover, these obtained results can also be applied to the stabilization design.Notation real number field - complex number field - x x=(x 1,x 2,...,x n ) T R n - x T transpose of vectorx - x* complex conjugate transpose of vectorx - Re(·) real part of (·) - x norm of vectorx; x=(x*x)1/2 - A T transpose of matrixA - A* complex conjugate transpose of matrixA - ¯(·) maximal absolute value of eigenvalue of matrixA - (A) matrix measure of matrixA; (A)=¯((A + A*)/2) - A induced norm of matrix A; A=[¯(A*A)]1/2 - ¦aij ¦ absolute value of element aij - ¦ A¦ {¦aij¦} for matrix A={aij} - A >B aij > bij for alli andj where A={aij} andB={bij} - z complex number - ¯z complex conjugate ofz Supported by National Science Council, Taiwan, Republic of China, Grant NSC83-0404-E006-001.  相似文献   

In a recent paper on nonlocal expansions necessary and sufficient conditions are given under whichf –1 has a generalized power series expansion, whenf is an invertible locally Lipschitz map between certain general subsets of a complex Banach space. Here we establish the validity of a conceptually interesting algorithm for obtaining the expansion.Basically, we show that a certain contraction mapping iteration generates iterates 1, 2,... such that each k yields all of the terms of the generalized power series expansion off –1 up to order (k + 1), assuming merely that the expansion off –1 exists. An earlier different result along related lines is mentioned.  相似文献   

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