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The land mobile satellite (LMS) propagation channel is frequently described using statistical models. These models usually make different assumptions regarding the behavior of the direct signal, the diffuse multipath component and the shadowing effects. This paper analyzes the theoretical formulation and implementation of time‐series synthesizers based on three typical statistical models: Loo, Corazza–Vatalaro and Suzuki, describing their similarities and differences. The discussion is not limited to the amplitude of the complex envelope but also to the phase variations and Doppler spectra. Finally, guidelines are also provided for comparing model parameters supplied by different authors. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are certain data services that could use transmit-only land-mobile satellite communication terminals. Such terminals would not be able to receive acknowledged messages and transmit them onward. Thus it is of interest to study alternative means of improving the system reliability. In this paper we propose the use of transmission to two satellites separated in azimuth and elevation in order to improve the reliability of throughput. We have investigated the improvements by building upon the model proposed by Lutz for land mobile satellite communications via one satellite, and extended this using measurements of the shadowing coefficient in different areas (suburban, countryside and city) to two separated satellites. The measured data is used to produce an empirical model of the equivalent shadowing coefficient variations with the separation angle variation between two satellites. The results show good agreement with the shadowing coefficients produced by the Lutz model for a single satellite. The degree of improvement produced by using two separated satellites in the different environments, in terms of bit rate and probability of the received power is given.  相似文献   

An accurate propagation channel model is crucial for evaluating the performance of a communication system. A propagation channel can be described by a Markov model with a finite number of states, each of which is considered to be quasi-stationary over a short period. This work proposes a two-layer multistate Markov model. Instead of a large Markov transition matrix used in a conventional single-layer Markov model, two small Markov transition matrices are employed by a two-layer Markov model to reduce the computational complexity of the model without increasing the memory requirements. The proposed approach characterizes the multiplicative processes of a propagation channel as shadowing and fast fading. Each type of fading is considered as several channel states and each of the states corresponds to a specific mixed Rayleigh-lognormal distribution. Numerical results reveal that the statistical properties of the simulated data are quite close to those obtained from the measurements; indeed, the proposed two-layer Markov model is more accurate and less complex, and requires less memory than the single-layer Markov model. Furthermore, the proposed two-layer Markov model enables the fading statistics and error probability performance of a quadrature phase-shift keying modulation scheme in a typical urban Taipei environment to be more accurately predicted. Besides, it can easily be applied to similar environmental scenarios.  相似文献   

A Markov model for the mobile propagation channel   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A finite-state Markov model is fitted to the mobile propagation channel by the use of contingency tables. Narrow-band Rayleigh and Ricean fading are considered in detail, but the techniques extend to other types of fading. Several criteria may indicate that a first-order finite-state Markov model sufficiently characterizes the channel behavior. The parameters of the model are obtained both from theoretical analysis and simulation. Functional dependence between the transition probabilities and the steady-state probabilities is found in the slow fading case  相似文献   

本文对截至2019年6月的全球静止轨道卫星进行了统计,随后以业务为划分,重点介绍中美两国不同业务的静轨卫星,分析各系列卫星的数量、轨位、频段、业务功能等特征,最后对比分析两国静轨卫星发展现状,从中可窥见中国在高频段使用、卫星业务应用等方面同美国仍有显著差距。  相似文献   

A novel class of adpative Kalman channel estimators (AKCEs) for low-data-rate signalling via the land mobile satellite (LMS) channel is presented in this paper. The proposed technique is based on a scheme known as the ‘parallel processing algorithm’ and assumes a discrete Gauss–Markov extension of the LMS channel model. Three different approaches compared against the non-adaptive filter show an improved estimation error variance under various environmental conditions. Trading off computational complexity and performance, the derived maximum a posteriori (MAP) approach has been found to be best applicable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

星载合成孔径激光雷达对卫星成像面临相对运动复杂、目标搜索困难、成像时机难把握等问题。以对静止轨道卫星成像为例,初步设计了一种适于对同步轨道卫星成像的载星轨道。推导了载星与目标间相对运动关系式;绘制并分析了两星相对运动曲线;分析了两星距离最近期间距离、径向速度、加速度变化规律。提出了基于径向速度门限的成像时机判定方法,研究了成像期间光束指向偏移和成像时机判决速度门限。研究结果表明:轨道高度低于目标星轨道,并与之有一定偏角的载星轨道适于对目标进行成像;两星相距最近的时间附近是较佳成像时机,可降低相位误差补偿难度,提高系统工作效率;在对目标进行搜索跟踪和判决成像时机时,系统需根据两星轨道特性进行动态调整。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of an adaptive RF propagation prediction program for land mobile radio systems. The program, which allows the user to specify transmitted signal strength, carrier frequency, base station antenna height, and mobile vehicle antenna height also provides the information necessary to determine a level of confidence for its predictions. In lieu of detailed topographical data (which is unavailable for many regions), the program makes use of data files containing the results of received signal strength measurements previously taken within the geographic region of interest at various locations, various carrier frequencies (measurements were taken at 453, 922, 1310, 1430, and 1920 MHz), and various base station antenna heights. This paper concludes by providing examples of results illustrating the performance of the adaptive propagation prediction program, showing that the proposed program yields significant improvement in propagation prediction and level of confidence when compared to currently available tools  相似文献   

Signal processing for the multistate myoelectric channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the multistate myoelectric channel, a single myoelectric signal source is used to control a multifunction powered prosthesis. The selection of a prosthesis function requires a receiver to process the myoelectric signal, contaminated with noise, and to decide on the basis of the received signals which function is desired. Thus the channnel cleady presents a problem of choice of receiver and of decision strategy. Previous sotutions to this problem have been basically empirical. In this paper we seek the optimum receiver where optimum is in the minimum probability of error sense. First a model is developed for the bipolar myoelectric signal to provide information about the relevant signal parameters and statistics. Using this information the Bayes minimum probability of error receiver is derived for an orbitrary signal parameter set. The optimum signal parameter set is then found for the Bayes receiver, and the receiver performance calculated. The receiver performance is measured and compared with the calculated performance. A significant performance improvement is seen in the optimum receiver over a more conventional receiver.  相似文献   

Empirical formula for propagation loss in land mobile radio services   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
An empirical formula for propagation loss is derived from Okumura's report in order to put his propagation prediction method to computational use. The propagation loss in an urban area is presented in a simple form: A + B log10R, where A and B are frequency and antenna height functions and R is the distance. The introduced formula is applicable to system designs for UHF and VHF land mobile radio services, with a small formulation error, under the following conditions: frequency range 100-1500 MHz, distance 1-20 km, base station antenna height 30-200 m, and vehicular antenna height 1-10 m.  相似文献   

The use of satellite systems in the implementation of third-generation mobile communication systems obviously involves a propagation environment for the signal different from that in the conventional terrestrial first- and second-generation systems. The propagation conditions and phenomena met with are embraced by the expression `land mobile satellite (LMS) channel'. This paper reviews the studies of the LMS channel reported in the literature. The various models are classified and compared in such a way that their similarities and differences are apparent  相似文献   

Assembling large structures in space requires the ability to manage rendezvous and docking operations. In future these techniques will be required for the gradual build up of big telecommunications platforms in geostationary orbit. This paper discusses the use of fuzzy logic to model and implement a control system for the docking/berthing of two satellites in geostationary orbit. The system mounted in a chaser vehicle determines the actual state of both satellites and generates torques to execute manoeuvres to establish the structural latching. The paper describes the proximity operations to collocate the two satellites in the same orbital window, the fuzzy guidance and navigation of the chaser approaching the target, and the final fuzzy berthing. The fuzzy logic system represents a knowledge-based controller that realizes the closed-loop operations autonomously, replacing the conventional control algorithms. The goal is to produce smooth control actions in the proximity of the target and during the docking to avoid disturbance torques in the final assembly orbit. The knowledge of the fuzzy controller consists of a data base of rules and the definitions of the fuzzy sets. The knowledge of an experienced spacecraft controller is captured into a set of rules forming the rules data base.  相似文献   

A propagation experiment is described in which a stratospheric balloon served as a transmitter platform at 870 and 1502 MHz in simulation of a land mobile satellite. A vehicle followed the drifting balloon along roads of western Texas and New Mexico, collecting at L -band amplitude and phase, and at UHF amplitude information only for elevation angles between 25° and 45°. The data obtained has been analyzed and is presented along with results from modeling of multipath scattering and roadside tree attenuation. The signal, with variations caused by multipath propagation and tree shadowing, was reduced by 3 dB at L-band and 2 dB at UHF for one percent of all locations. A median ratio of 3.9 was found between peak-to-peak phase (degrees) and power (dB) fluctuations. The ratio between L-band and UHF dB attenuation averages varied from 1.3 to 1.0 at fade levels from 6 to 23 dB. Optical sky brightness was measured and used to predict fade distribution with great accuracy. A single-scatterer multipath model is introduced. It is used to duplicate some of the measured data and to show the dependence of power variations on satellite elevation angle. Using Fresnel diffraction theory, the attenuation caused by a model tree was calculated to be near 10 dB and the maximum fade was found to increase by the logarithm of the number of branches  相似文献   

Land mobile satellite channel measurements and modeling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper, tutorial in nature, describes the effort of many investigators who have and still are conducting channel measurements and modeling for land mobile satellite communications. Various channel measurement results, ranging from ultrahigh frequency to Ka-band, are given. Many statistical channel models and simplified models that have been developed are referred to. Some of the models are applicable to geostationary and nongeostationary communications satellites. A statistical model developed by Loo (1985) is described in detail, as well as its extension to modeling land mobile satellite communications at Ka-band. This was accomplished by including a Gaussian probability density function to account for weather conditions. Also, practical computer-generated statistical channel models are given. These computer models should facilitate the estimation of performance of satellite communications systems  相似文献   

An analytical derivation of the probability of bit error noncoherent frequency-shift keying (FSK) and coherent phase-shift keying (PSK) signals transmitted through a land-mobile satellite channel is described. The channel characteristics used in the analysis are based on a recently developed model which includes the combined effects of fading and shadowing. Analytical expressions for the probability of bit error of FSK and coherent phase-shift keying (CPSK) signals are obtained. The results show that large amounts of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are required to compensate for the combined effect of fading and shadowing. An analytical expression for the irreducible probability of bit error of a CPSK signal due to phase variations caused by fading and shadowing is derived. The results described should be useful in the design of land mobile satellite communication systems  相似文献   

A Ka-band land mobile satellite (LMS) channel model which is able to take into account weather impairments is proposed. The statistics of the received signal and the BER performance of the system under the proposed channel model are obtained and compared with the results generated using Loo's weather-affected LMS channel model. The proposed Ka-band (20/30 GHz) LMS channel model is shown to be more reasonable as it gives realistic results  相似文献   

An analytical solution is presented showing the average bit error probability for the land mobile satellite channel. The channel is modelled as Rice and Rayleigh—lognormal fading. Modulation schemes under consideration include differentially detected PSK and non-coherently detected FSK. Results indicate that the receiver performance is highly dominated by the time share of shadowing. The ratio of the BERs in shadowed and unshadowed areas of typical measured channels and an operating point assumed to be at Es/No = 10 dB is of the order of 10?2.  相似文献   

A modeling approach to the problem of channel sharing in land mobile radio dispatch services, which is based on real life traffic data, is presented. In order to apply the GI/G/1 queueing model, the first step consists in identifying a message arrival process for each user by means of observed available data. It is then shown how to use simple approximation formulas to evaluate the expected waiting time, when two or more independent users must share a common channel. GPSS simulations were performed to verify that the proposed approach is suitable to practical applications.  相似文献   

Fiber feeders have been proposed for simplifying the base station in microcells, and thus make feasible the use of the microcellular architecture to overcome the barrier posed by the finite available spectra. We provide an analytical model to evaluate the exact error performance of the system, which accounts for the statistical effects in the mobile channel and the nonlinearity of the laser diode. The nonlinearity of the optical source coupled with the fading nature of the wireless channel mandates a solution based on simulation. However, the computer run time for the simulation is prohibitive, virtually rendering the model useless. We propose a computer-amenable “simplified model” which reduces the computation time immensely and also provides reasonably tight bounds. The BER performance for various channel conditions is evaluated using both models, and comparative studies are made on fiber-optic and non-fiber-optic systems. The tradeoff between the system performance and system capacity is discussed. Results obtained justify the use of fiber-optic feeders for future microcellular systems from a BER-performance point of view  相似文献   

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