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The Integral Equation Model (IEM) is the most widely-used, physically based radar backscatter model for sparsely vegetated landscapes. In general, IEM quantifies the magnitude of backscattering as a function of moisture content and surface roughness, which are unknown, and the known radar configurations. Estimating surface roughness or soil moisture by solving the IEM with two unknowns is a classic example of under-determination and is at the core of the problems associated with the use of radar imagery coupled with IEM-like models. This study offers a solution strategy to this problem by the use of multi-angle radar images, and thus provides estimates of roughness and soil moisture without the use of ancillary field data. Results showed that radar images can provide estimates of surface soil moisture at the watershed scale with good accuracy. Results at the field scale were less accurate, likely due to the influence of image speckle. Results also showed that subsurface roughness caused by rock fragments in the study sites caused error in conventional applications of IEM based on field measurements, but was minimized by using the multi-angle approach.  相似文献   

A GIS framework, the Army Remote Moisture System (ARMS), has been developed to link the Land Information System (LIS), a high performance land surface modeling and data assimilation system, with remotely sensed measurements of soil moisture to provide a high resolution estimation of soil moisture in the near surface. ARMS uses available soil (soil texture, porosity, Ksat), land cover (vegetation type, LAI, Fraction of Greenness), and atmospheric data (Albedo) in standardized vector and raster GIS data formats at multiple scales, in addition to climatological forcing data and precipitation. PEST (Parameter EStimation Tool) was integrated into the process to optimize soil porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), using the remotely sensed measurements, in order to provide a more accurate estimate of the soil moisture. The modeling process is controlled by the user through a graphical interface developed as part of the ArcMap component of ESRI ArcGIS.  相似文献   

Land surface model parameter estimation can be performed using soil moisture information provided by synthetic aperture radar imagery. The presence of speckle necessitates aggregating backscatter measurements over large (> 100 m × 100 m) land areas in order to derive reliable soil moisture information from imagery, and a model calibrated to such aggregated information can only provide estimates of soil moisture at spatial resolutions required for reliable speckle accounting. A method utilizing the likelihood formulation of a probabilistic speckle model as the calibration objective function is proposed which will allow for calibrating land surface models directly to radar backscatter intensity measurements in a way which simultaneously accounts for model parameter- and speckle-induced uncertainty. The method is demonstrated using the NOAH land surface model and Advanced Integral Equation Method (AIEM) backscatter model calibrated to SAR imagery of an area in the Southwestern United States, and validated against in situ soil moisture measurements. At spatial resolutions finer than 100 m × 100 m NOAH and AIEM calibrated using the proposed radar intensity likelihood parameter estimation algorithm predict surface level soil moisture to within 4% volumetric water content 95% of the time, which is an improvement over a 95% prediction confidence of 10% volumetric water content by the same models calibrated directly to soil moisture information derived from synthetic aperture radar imagery at the same scales. Results suggest that much of this improvement is due to increased ability to simultaneously estimate NOAH parameters and AIEM surface roughness parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper we present first results of bare surface soil moisture retrieval using data from the European Multisensor Airborne Campaign/ Experimental Synthetic Aperture Radar (EMAC/ESAR) collected on 9 April 1994 in the Zwalm catchment, Belgium. Data from EMAC Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (ROSIS) collected on 12 July 1994 over the same catchment were used to develop land use maps. Concurrent to the EMAC/ESAR overflights field data were collected in two subcatchments of the Zwalm catchment. The paper first presents the data processing procedures used for the radar images. Then we apply a theoretical backscattering model to investigate the sensitivity of EMAC/ESAR backscattering coefficients to surface parameters (topography, surface roughness, vegetation and soil moisture). By comparing the predicted backscattering coefficients to the observed ones, we can conclude that classical measurement techniques for surface roughness parameters in remote sensing campaigns are not accurate enough for retrieving soil moisture using theoretical models. A method based on simultaneous retrieval of surface roughness parameters and soil moisture using multiple ESAR measurements is hence proposed. Promising results for retrieved soil moisture confirm the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   


Multifrequency microwave backscatter from soils under different agricultural crops and different moisture conditions was measured during the LOTREX campaign (Land Surface Transverse Experiment. 26 June-21 July, 1989) in northern West Germany (LOTREX is part of the International Satellite Land-Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP)). The data were gathered with an airborne coherent Doppler radar scatterometer at an off-nadir angle of 23° as it was multiplexed through its L-, C-, X- and Ku-bahds. The frequency dependency of the backscatter power spectra was analysed and published elsewhere. In this Letter we discuss polarization effects in the C-band.  相似文献   

This research investigates the appropriate scale for watershed averaged and site specific soil moisture retrieval from high resolution radar imagery. The first approach involved filtering backscatter for input to a retrieval model that was compared against field measures of soil moisture. The second approach involved spatially averaging raw and filtered imagery in an image-based statistical technique to determine the best scale for site-specific soil moisture retrieval. Field soil moisture was measured at 1225 m2 sites in three watersheds commensurate with 7 m resolution Radarsat image acquisition. Analysis of speckle reducing block median filters indicated that 5 × 5 filter level was the optimum for watershed averaged estimates of soil moisture. However, median filtering alone did not provide acceptable accuracy for soil moisture retrieval on a site-specific basis. Therefore, spatial averaging of unfiltered and median filtered power values was used to generate backscatter estimates with known confidence for soil moisture retrieval. This combined approach of filtering and averaging was demonstrated at watersheds located in Arizona (AZ), Oklahoma (OK) and Georgia (GA). The optimum ground resolution for AZ, OK and GA study areas was 162 m, 310 m, and 1131 m respectively obtained with unfiltered imagery. This statistical approach does not rely on ground verification of soil moisture for validation and only requires a satellite image and average roughness parameters of the site. When applied at other locations, the resulting optimum ground resolution will depend on the spatial distribution of land surface features that affect radar backscatter. This work offers insight into the accuracy of soil moisture retrieval, and an operational approach to determine the optimal spatial resolution for the required application accuracy.  相似文献   

A new empirical model for the retrieval, at a field scale, of the bare soil moisture content and the surface roughness characteristics from radar measurements is proposed. The derivation of the algorithm is based on the results of three experimental radar campaigns conducted under natural conditions over agricultural areas. Radar data were acquired by means of several C-band space borne (SIR-C, RADARSAT) or helicopter borne (ERASME) sensors, operating in different configurations of polarization (HH or VV) and incidence angle. Simultaneously to radar acquisitions, a complete ground truth data base was built up with different surface condition measurements of the mean standard deviation (rms) height s, the correlation length l, and the volumetric surface moisture Mv. This algorithm is more specifically developed using the radar cross-section σ0 (HH polarization and 39° incidence angle off nadir), namely, σ0HH,39, and the differential (HH polarization) radar cross-section Δσ0=σ0,23°σ0,39° in terms of an original roughness parameter, Zs, namely Zs=s2/l, and Mv. A good agreement is observed between model outputs and backscattering measurements over different test fields. Eventually, an inversion technique is proposed to retrieve Zs and Mv from radar measurements.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the effects of vegetation on C- (4.75 GHz) and L- (1.6 GHz) band backscattering (σo) measured throughout a growth cycle at incidence angles of 15, 35 and 55°. The utilized σo data set was collected by a truck mounted scatterometer over a corn field and is supported by a comprehensive set of ground measurements, including soil moisture and vegetation biomass. Comparison of σo measurement against simulations by the Integral Equation Method (IEM) surface scattering model (Fung et al., 1992) shows that the σo measurements are dominated either by an attenuated soil return or by scattering from vegetation depending on the antenna configuration and growth stage. Further, the measured σo is found to be sensitive to soil moisture even at peak biomass and large incidence angles, which is attributed to scattering along the soil-vegetation pathway.For the simulation of C-band σo and the retrieval of soil moisture two methods have been applied, which are the semi-empirical water cloud model (Attema & Ulaby, 1978) and a novel method. This alternative method uses the empirical relationships between the vegetation water content (W) and the ratio of the bare soil and the measured σo to correct for vegetation. It is found that this alternative method is superior in reproducing the measured σo as well as retrieving soil moisture. The highest retrieval accuracies are obtained at a 35° incidence angle leading to RMSD's of 0.044 and 0.037 m3 m− 3 for the HH and VV-polarization, respectively. In addition, the sensitivity of these soil moisture retrievals to W and surface roughness parameter uncertainties is investigated.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field studies have shown the value of a simple photographic method for recording the polarisation of visible light reflected from natural surfaces. The background to such studies is discussed along with applications. It is felt that potential lies in the ability to determine soil moisture variation up to low or medium aircraft altitudes.  相似文献   

The feasibility of measuring changes in surface soil moisture content with differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) has received little attention in comparison with other active microwave techniques. In this study, multi-polarization C- and L-band DInSAR is explored as a potential tool for the measurement of changes in surface soil moisture in agricultural areas. Using 10 ascending phased array L-band SAR (PALSAR) scenes acquired by the Japanese Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) and 12 descending advanced SAR (ASAR) scenes acquired by the European ENVISAT satellite between July 2007 and November 2009, a series of 27 differential interferograms covering a common study area over southern Ireland were generated to investigate whether small-scale changes in phase are linked to measured soil moisture changes. Comparisons of observed mean surface displacement and in situ mean soil moisture change show that C-band cross-polarization pairs displayed the highest correlation coefficients over both the barley (correlation coefficient, r = 0.51, p = 0.04)- and potato crop (r = 0.81, p = 0.003)-covered fields. Current results support the hypothesis that a soil moisture phase contribution exists within differential interferograms covering agricultural areas.  相似文献   

The scope of this study is to establish the parameters of the L-band (1.4 GHz) Microwave Emission of the Biosphere model (L-MEB) for grass covers, and to assess surface soil moisture retrievals in areas covered by grass. L-MEB parameters are key ancillary information for the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission (SMOS) retrieval algorithm that produces estimates of the surface soil moisture from measurements of the surface brightness temperature at L-band.L-band data sets from three ground-based experiments over grass are analysed in this paper: BARC (orchard grass and alfalfa), ELBARA-ETH (clover grass), and SMOSREX (grass and litter from a field left fallow). Modelling of the brightness temperature using the zero-th order radiative transfer model in L-MEB indicates that the vegetation appears isotropic to microwaves propagating with horizontal polarisation, and that the single scattering albedo can be neglected. At vertical polarisation, non-zero scattering is observed for all the grass data sets. Surface soil moisture is retrieved with enough accuracy for all data sets as long as the soil and litter emission are calibrated beforehand. Then surface soil moisture and vegetation optical depth can be left as free parameters in the retrieval process. Finally, the study highlights the importance of detecting strong emission and attenuation by wet vegetation and litter due to rainfall interception in order to obtain accurate estimates of the surface soil moisture. The study illustrates how strong rainfall interception can be flagged straightforwardly using a microwave polarisation index.  相似文献   

The problem of calculating the evaporation from the soil surface is formulated as an optimal control problem. The controlled process of the vertical water transfer in soil is described by a onedimensional nonlinear second-order parabolic partial differential equation. The objective function is the squared Euclidean distance between the calculated values of the soil moisture at various depths and certain prescribed values. To improve the efficiency of finding a numerical solution, the sensitivity of the soil moisture at various depths to the variations of evaporation is estimated by means of fast automatic differentiation. The analysis of these estimates made it possible to determine an effective thin subsurface soil layer in which the moisture is most sensitive to the variations of evaporation; it is in this soil layer where the objective function should be calculated.  相似文献   

Results from an approach to infer surface soil moisture from time series analysis of surface wetness index derived using the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) are presented. Soil moisture quantification was based on the study of temporal changes in surface wetness index and its scaling to maximum and air‐dry limits of soil in each grid cell (0.33°). The estimated soil moisture of Illinois, USA was compared with field measured soil moisture (0–10?cm) obtained from the Global Soil Moisture Data Bank. A root mean square error of 7.18% was found between estimated and measured volumetric soil moisture. A consistency in soil moisture and rainfall pattern was found in the un‐irrigated areas of northern India (Jodhpur, Varanasi) and southern India (Madurai), influenced by southwest and northeast monsoons, respectively. Soil moisture of more than 0.30 m3m?3 was observed in the absence of rainfall due to the irrigation of rice crop in (Punjab) during the pre‐southwest monsoon period (May).  相似文献   

The L-band brightness temperature of natural grass fields is strongly influenced by rainfall interception. In wet conditions, the contribution of the soil, mulch, and vegetation to the overall microwave emission is difficult to decouple, thus rendering the retrieval of surface soil moisture from a direct emission model difficult. This paper investigates the development and assesses the performances of statistical regressions linking passive microwave measurements to surface soil moisture in order to assess the potential of soil moisture retrievals over natural grass. First, statistical regressions were analytically derived from the L-Band Emission of the Biosphere model (L-MEB). Single configuration (1 angle, 1 polarisation), and multi-configuration regressions (2 angles, or 2 polarisations) were developed. Second, the performance of statistical regressions was evaluated under different rainfall interception conditions. For that purpose, a modified polarisation ratio at L-band was used to build three data sets with different interception levels. In the presence of interception, a regression based on one observation angle (50°) and two polarisations was able to reduce the effects of vegetation and soil roughness on the soil moisture retrievals. The methodology presented in this study is also able to provide estimates of the vegetation and soil roughness contribution to the brightness temperature.  相似文献   

Satellite soil moisture products, such as those from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR), require diverse landscapes for validation. Semi-arid landscapes present a particular challenge to satellite remote sensing validation using traditional techniques because of the high spatial variability and potentially rapid rates of temporal change in moisture conditions. In this study, temporal stability analysis and spatial sampling techniques are used to investigate the representativeness of ground observations at satellite scale soil moisture in a semi-arid watershed for a long study period (March 1, 2002 to September 13, 2005). The watershed utilized, the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, has a dense network of 19 soil moisture sensors, distributed over a 150 km2 study region. In conjunction with this monitoring network, intensive gravimetric soil moisture sampling conducted as part of the Soil Moisture Experiment in 2004 (SMEX04), contributed to the calibration of the network for large-scale estimation during the North American Monsoon System (NAMS). The sensor network is shown to be an excellent estimator of the watershed average with an accuracy of approximately 0.01 m3/m3 soil moisture. However, temporal stability analysis indicated that while much of the network is stable, the soil moisture spatial pattern, as represented by mean relative difference, is not replicated by the network mean relative difference pattern. Rather, the network is composed of statistical samples. Geophysical aspects of the watershed, including topography and soil type are also examined for their influence on the soil moisture variability and stability. Soil type, as characterized by bulk density, clay and sand content, was responsible for nearly 50% of the temporal stability. Topographic effects were less important in defining representativeness and stability.  相似文献   

Multitemporal ERS-1 and ERS-2 SAR data were acquired for northern Jordan between 1995 and 1997 to investigate changes in the backscatter coefficients of a range of typical desert land surfaces. The changes in backscatter found were ascribed to variations in surface soil moisture, and changes in surface roughness caused by a range of natural and anthropogenic factors. Data collected from monitored sites were input into the Integral Equation Model (IEM). The model outputs were strongly correlated with observed backscatter coefficients (r 2=0.84). The results show that the successful monitoring of soil moisture in these environments is strongly dependent on the surface roughness. On surfaces with RMS height 0.5 cm, the sensitivity of the backscatter coefficient to changes in surface microtopography did not allow accurate soil moisture estimation. Microtopographic change on rougher surfaces has less influence on the backscatter coefficient, and the probability of soil moisture estimation from SAR imagery is greater. These results indicate that knowledge of the surface conditions (both in terms of surface roughness and geomorphology) is essential for accurate soil moisture monitoring, whether in a research or operational context. The potential benefits of these findings are discussed in the context of the Jordan Badia Research and Development Project.  相似文献   

王金峰 《微型机与应用》2012,31(20):80-82,86
针对SMR系统设计中的频率选择问题,从天线尺寸、雨衰、雨杂波及传输损耗四个方面分析了波段选择对系统设计的影响。根据分析给出了系统设计的实例,最后对Ku和X波段机场场面监视雷达的优势进行了总结。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of bistatic scattering coefficient σ° to soil moisture content (SMC) and surface roughness was investigated by means of model simulations of the incoherent scattered fields performed with the advanced integral equation model (AIEM) and the second order small perturbation model (SPM). The study was performed by simulating scattering on the whole upper half space, for different values of incident angles. The achieved results, represented as maps of σ° as a function of azimuth and zenith angles, were evaluated by means of a quality index which takes into consideration the effect of roughness on SMC measurement. The sensitivity analysis has pointed out that for measuring SMC a bistatic observation, by itself or combined with the monostatic one, can make appreciable improvements with respect to classical monostatic radar. Appendix A contains the AIEM formulas corrected for several typographical errors present in the specific literature.  相似文献   

Microwave radiometric measurements over bare fields of different surface roughness were made at frequencies of 1.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 10.7 GHz to study the frequency dependence, as well as the possible time variation, of surface roughness. An increase in surface roughness was found to increase the brightness temperature af soils and reduce the slope of regression between brightness temperature and soil moisture content. The frequency dependence of the surface roughness effect was relatively weak when compared with that of the vegetation effect. Radiometric time-series observations over a given field indicate that field surface roughness might gradually diminish with time, especially after a rainfall or irrigation. The variation of surface roughness increases the uncertainty of remote soil moisture estimates by microwave radiometry. Three years of radiometric measurements over a test site revealed a possible inconsistency in the soil bulk density determination, which is an important factor in the interpretation of radiometric data.  相似文献   

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