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Wireless Networks - In this paper, we study a full-duplex cooperative cognitive radio network with multiple full-duplex secondary users acting as potential relays for transmitting the packets of a... 相似文献
In this paper, the generalized diversity combining of an energy constrained multiple antenna decode-and-forward relay network is considered. Using power splitting and time switching architectures in consort with diversity combining at the relay, six protocols are proposed, i.e., power splitting with selection combining (PSSC), power splitting with maximum ratio combining (PSMRC), power splitting with generalized selection combining (PSGSC), time switching with selection combining (TSSC), time switching with maximum ratio combining (TSMRC), and time switching with generalized selection combining (TSGSC). The outage probability and throughput performance of each protocol is analyzed by first developing the closed form analytical expressions and then verifying these through the Monte Carlo simulation method. Simulation results show that system performance improves both with increasing the number of antennas and decreasing the distance between the source and relay. The TSSC/TSMRC/TSGSC protocols yield better outage performance whereas the PSSC/PSMRC/PSGSC protocols achieve relatively higher throughput performance. Finally, the effects of power splitting ratio, energy harvesting time ratio, energy conversion efficiency, sample down conversion noise, and the target signal-to-noise ratio on system performance are analyzed and presented. 相似文献
Wireless Networks - In this paper, the probability distributions of per user downlink data rate, spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) are analytically derived for a heterogeneous... 相似文献
Wireless Networks - Energy harvesting technology can solve the problem of users’ energy consumption in disaster areas. When disasters occur, some users are trapped and unable to recharge and... 相似文献
In this paper, we consider the secrecy performance of an energy-harvesting relaying system with Kth best partial relay selection where the communication of a multi-antenna source-destination pair is assisted via single-antenna untrusted relays. To protect confidential source messages from untrusted relays, transmit beamforming and destination jamming signals are used. The relays are energy-constrained nodes that use the power-splitting policy to harvest energy through the wireless signals from both the source and destination. For performance evaluation, closed-form expressions of the secrecy outage probability and average secrecy capacity (ASC) are derived for Nakagami-m fading channels. The analytical results are confirmed via Monte Carlo simulations. Numerical results provide valuable insights into the effect of various system parameters, such as relay location, number of relays, and power splitting ratio, on the secrecy performance. Specifically, the maximum ASC is achieved when the relay is located between the source and destination. 相似文献
This paper investigates the outage performance of multihop energy harvesting cognitive relay network (EH-CRN), in which the secondary nodes are powered by dedicated power beacons based on the time splitting strategy. Assuming a multihop secondary network, we derive an analytical expression for the outage probability experienced by a secondary user by taking into account the effect of interference power from primary source. The developed outage probability model can be used to assess the impact of some key parameters on the reliability of the secondary user’s link in an EH-CRN. We then investigate the optimal location of the relay node in a one dimensional two-hop secondary network that minimizes the outage probability. Next, we study how the various system parameters such as energy harvesting efficiency, path loss exponent, harvest-to-transmit time duration ratio and transmit power from primary source affect the optimal relay location. The outage improvement achieved when the relay is placed at the optimum location is also investigated. Furthermore, the sensitivity of optimal relay location to the variations in position of the primary receiver is examined. Extensive simulation results are used to corroborate the analytical findings. 相似文献
In order to improve the Energy Efficiency (EE) and spectrum utilization of Cognitive Wireless Powered Networks (CWPNs), a combined spatial-temporal Energy Harvesting (EH) and relay selection scheme is proposed. In the proposed scheme, for protecting the Primary User (PU), a two-layer guard zone is set outside the PU based on the outage probability threshold of the PU. Moreover, to increase the energy of the CWPNs, the EH zone in the two-layer guard zone allows the Secondary Users (SUs) to spatially harvest energy from the Radio Frequency (RF) signals of temporally active PUs. To improve the utilization of the PU spectrum, the guard zone outside the EH zone allows for the constrained power transmission of SUs. Moreover, the relay selection transmission is designed in the transmission zone of the SU to improve the EE of the CWPNs. In addition to the EE of the CWPNs, the outage probabilities of the SU and PU are derived. The results reveal that the setting of a two-layer guard zone can effectively reduce the outage probability of the PU and improve the EE of CWPNs. Furthermore, the relay selection transmission decreases the outage probabilities of the SUs. 相似文献
This paper investigates the rate performance of full-duplex (FD) relay systems under the effect of channel estimation error and residual loop-back interference. The study considers both one-way and two-way amplify and forward (AF) relaying schemes. Power allocation techniques, applied at the sources and the relay, are proposed and shown to be effective that leads to near optimal solution. Comparison between the half-duplex (HD) and FD systems using optimum power allocation are made. Also, the impact of channel estimation error and loop-back interference on the rate of FD transmission are compared. It is shown that the destructive effect of loop-back interference dominates the effect of channel estimation error. Finally, assuming a bidirectional network, the performance of two-way analog network coding (ANC) scheme is compared to the plan of using two one-way AF relaying connections. The results show that it is better to use FD ANC for low transmission power and HD one for high power than using two one-way relaying schemes. 相似文献
Wireless Networks - Fixed Wireless Networks (FWNs) provide an alternative means for internet connectivity in rural and harsh propagation environments. Intensive technical expertise is therefore... 相似文献
This paper deals with bit error performance analysis of network-coded (NC) multiple access relay channels that operate in the decode and forward mode with error-prone relaying under quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels. It shows that the combination of channel coding and NC relaying can be regarded as a distributed coding scheme (DCS) if the error propagation problem is adequately addressed. For this purpose, methods based on NC soft information relaying (NC-SIR) and NC hard information relaying (NC-HIR) are investigated. In the framework of NC-SIR, the recently proposed Rayleigh-Gaussian log-likelihood-ratio-based Model is used for modelling the soft estimated symbols at the output of the relay soft encoder. The resulting scheme is referred to as NC-SIR-DCS. On the other hand, two NC-HIR-based schemes are studied and analyzed. The first employs automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocols between the relay node and each source node to ensure error-free propagation and is referred to as NC-ARQ-DCS, while the second performs a limiter function at the destination during iterative decoding as introduced in Thobaben ( 1) distributed and is referred to as NC-LFD-DCS. The SNR of the one-hop link, the equivalent to the sources-relay-destination links, is estimated in the case of NC-SIR-DCS and is lower bounded in the case of NC-LFD-DCS, while in the case of NC-ARQ-DCS, the average SNR cost per information bit due to the ARQ protocol is estimated. These processes allow tractable analysis of the bit error rate performances of the presented network-coded DCSs. Simulation results are carried out to assess the accuracy of the proposed bounds for different relay positions between source nodes and destination. 相似文献
Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising technology to improve spectrum utilization. Most of previous work on CR networks concentrates
on maximizing transmission rate in the physical layer. However, the end-to-end transmission control protocol (TCP) performance
perceived by secondary users is also a very important factor in CR networks. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-channel
access scheme in CR networks, where the channel access is based on the TCP throughput in the transport layer. Specifically,
we formulate the channel access process in CR network as a restless bandit system. With this stochastic optimization formulation,
the optimal channel access policy is indexable, meaning that the channels with highest indices should be selected to transmit
TCP traffic. In addition, we exploit cross-layer design methodology to improve TCP throughput, where modulation and coding
at the physical layer and frame size at the data-link layer are considered together with TCP throughput in the transport layer
to improve TCP performance. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. 相似文献
In this paper we study the problem of subframe, subchannel and power allocation in OFDMA‐based multihop relay networks. The system consists of a base station (BS), a number of relay stations (RS) and mobile stations (MS). We consider frame by frame scheduling, where the frame is divided into two subframes such as BS‐RS and RS‐MS subframes. We study two different problems, satisfying link rate requirements with minimum‐weighted total power and maximizing proportional fairness. For the first problem, we find the optimal solution and also propose a less complex subframe and bandwidth allocation scheme with good performance. For the second problem, we propose an algorithm that outperforms an existing scheme with less feedback. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We address the problem of subchannel and transmission power allocation in orthogonal frequency division multiple access relay networks with an aim to maximize the sum rate and maintain proportional rate fairness among users. Because the formulated problem is a mixed‐integer nonlinear optimization problem with an extremely high computational complexity, we propose a low‐complexity suboptimal algorithm, which is a two‐step separated subchannel and power allocation algorithm. In the first step, subchannels are allocated to each user, whereas in the second step, the optimal power allocation is carried out on the basis of the given subchannel allocation and the nonlinear interval Gauss–Seidel method. Simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can achieve a good trade‐off between the efficiency and the fairness compared with two other existing relevant algorithms. In particular, the proposed algorithm can always achieve 100% fairness under various conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
在双向中继系统中,2个节点通过一个半双工中继交换信息,2个方向的数据率都会受到较差链路的制约。当节点位置变化或信道衰落造成,中继两端的信道质量不对称时,这将导致系统的和数据率下降。为了弥补较差链路带来的数据率损失,提出了一种新的三时隙协作多址广播传输方案,使得信道质量较好的源节点与中继节点进行协作传输,并且各节点充分利用各链路所支持的最大数据率进行传输,从而有效提高系统容量及加权和数据率。推导出新方案的容量上界以及解码转发模式下的可达数据率域,并对时隙及功率等资源进行优化分配。仿真结果表明,在加性白高斯和瑞利衰落信道下,新方案在非对称信道下的性能都大大优于已有方案。 相似文献
为了解决无线网络能耗和用户体验质量的问题,提出了一种应用于异构无线网络环境的基于多目标优化的联合接入选择和功率分配策略。该策略以最小化系统整体能耗和最大化用户平均体验质量为目标,建立了多目标优化联合分配模型,通过差分进化算法得到联合分配模型的最优解集,并结合 TOPSIS 的方法从最优解集中得到折中的联合分配方案。仿真结果表明,本文所提的策略能够有效地降低系统能耗,并提升用户整体的服务体验。 相似文献
认知无线电中继网络中,认知用户需要成功感知到其所在簇内的主用户频谱空穴后才能成为认知中继节点,且各认知中继节点发射功率受到各自主用户干扰温度限制(ITC)。该文对认知中继节点采用分布式空时编码和解码转发协议时认知用户的中断性能进行了分析;给出了认知用户在干扰温度限制下中断概率的上下界,得出中断概率的上下界在不同干扰温度限下与认知用户归一化数据速率、中继数量和其对主用户检测概率的关系。给出了源节点和频谱感知中继节点在相同干扰温度限下的数值仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。 相似文献
In this paper,we consider the joint relay selection and power allocation problem for two-way relay systems with multiple relay nodes.Traditionally,relay selection schemes are primarily focused on selecting one relay node to maximize the transmission sum rate or minimize the outage probability.If so,it is possible to cause certain relay nodes overloaded.In addition,the joint relay selection and power allocation problem is a mixed integer program problem and prohibitive in terms of complexity.Therefore,we pro... 相似文献
For wireless mobile multihop relay (MMR) networks, we have chosen orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) and time division duplex as a multiple access scheme and a duplex communication technique, respectively. We have also selected nontransparent relay stations (nt‐RSs) as relay nodes to extend the MMR network coverage. Through the nt‐RSs, far‐off subscriber stations (SSs) or hidden SSs can communicate with a base station (BS) that is connected to backhaul networks. In these MMR networks, the way in which a BS and nt‐RSs use OFDMA resources (e.g., OFDMA symbols and subcarriers) and share them might reduce system capacity and network throughput. Therefore, we proposed a new adaptive OFDMA frame structure for both the BS and the nt‐RSs. The proposed scheme is the first approach that incorporates the adaptive technique for wireless MMR networks. Based on the proposed adaptive OFDMA frame structure, an adaptive OFDMA resource allocation for SSs within a BS as well as nt‐RSs was proposed. To derive the maximum OFDMA resource that nt‐RSs can be assigned and to synchronize access zones and relay zones between a superior station and its subordinate nt‐RSs, three properties are introduced: a data relay property, a maximum balance property, and a relay zone limitation property. In addition, we propose max‐min and proportional fairness schemes of the proposed adaptive frame structure. Our numerical analysis and simulations show that the proposed OFDMA allocation scheme performs better than the nonadaptive allocation scheme in terms of network throughput and fairness especially in the asymmetric distribution of subscriber stations between access zones and relay zones in the MMR networks. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
在LTE与WSN异构无线网络架构中,有效降低信道接入时的碰撞概率从而提高网络容量吞吐量是影响异构无线网络性能的关键因素。文中建立混合接入模型及超帧结构,完成时分复用结构下的冲突避免,降低了WSN网络的能量消耗。通过时隙优化机制,解决当接入簇首的LTE UE数量变化频繁时竞争时隙配置不合理所导致的网络资源浪费。仿真结果表明,随着LTE UE的数量的增加,协作机制的性能优于传统的随机竞争接入机制,且协作机制的吞吐量性能呈现线性增长。当接入时隙相对充足簇资源利用趋向饱和时,接入概率和网络吞吐量性能均可保持稳定。 相似文献
This paper considers a wireless cooperative cellular data network with a base station and many subscribers in which the subscribers have the ability to relay information for each other to improve the overall network performance. For a wireless network operating in a frequency-selective slow-fading environment, the choices of relay node, relay strategy, and the allocation of power and bandwidth for each user are important design parameters. The design challenge is compounded further by the need to take user traffic demands into consideration. This paper proposes a centralized utility maximization framework for such a network. We show that for a cellular system employing orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA), the optimization of physical-layer transmission strategies can be done efficiently by introducing a set of pricing variables as weighting factors. The proposed solution incorporates both user traffic demands and the physical channel realizations in a cross-layer design that not only allocates power and bandwidth optimally for each user, but also selects the best relay node and best relay strategy (i.e. decode-and-forward vs. amplify-and-forward) for each source-destination pair 相似文献