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实现实时FAT文件系统的一种简单方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
出于兼容性等方面的考虑,目前市面上常见的嵌入式智能设备多采用FAT文件系统。然而FAT文件系统由于设计上的缺陷导致实时性比较差。针对这个问题提出了一套简单易行的方案,在不影响兼容性的前提下大幅度改善了FAT文件系统的响应时间(实时性)。  相似文献   

郑耿忠 《微计算机信息》2008,24(12):273-275
针对答疑系统在一定程度上依赖于专家知识和以往经验的特点,将CBR引入到答疑系统的设计中,研究了基于CBR的智能答疑系统范例库的构建方法,对BP神经网络和范例匹配算法在CBR范例库检索中的应用进行了分析.能有效地提高答疑系统的效率和准确性,进一步提高答疑系统的智能性.  相似文献   

This paper aims to show how the use of fuzzy systems can enhance the application of system dynamics (SD), with the construction of virtual worlds, for organizational learning. By doing so, the main contribution is to propose a fuzzy-SD integrated methodology that allows a natural language modeling of decision policies. At first it will be revised the recent literature with practical and theoretical fuzzy-SD integration showing that the motivation and purpose of this article have not been explored yet. Following, it will be scrutinized the origin of system dynamics to theoretically justify the proposed fuzzy-SD integration for organizational learning. Finally, it will be presented a hypothetical case study based on the balance scorecard model to illustrate the methodology in action.  相似文献   

CBR方法是近年来人工智能领域先进和实用的方法,范例库作为智能答疑系统的核心部分,为进一步提高答疑系统的智能性,将CBR引入范例库,研究了基于CBR的智能答疑系统范例库的构建方法,对聚类方法和遗传算法在CBR范例库的检索、维护中的应用进行了分析、测试.通过CBR范例库的建立、检索和维护有效地提高了智能答疑系统的性能、进一步提高了智能答疑系统的智能性.  相似文献   

在深入研究.NET反射技术基础上,结合.NET框架结构的特性,从资源整合的角度,探索性地提出了一种新型的软件系统维护模式,保证了复杂的大型系统维护的高效性和经济性,具有很大的实际意义。  相似文献   

Type-2模糊系统的理论有着广泛的应用,但是Type-2模糊系统结构较Type-1模糊系统复杂,且编程实现难度和计算强度都较大.Matlab平台下,运用M语言调试算法,在实现Type-2模糊系统的基础上,利用C语言的高效性优化算法,改进程序,克服了Matlab计算瓶颈的问题.给出的Matlab C混合编程实现Type-2模糊系统的程序,编译后可以函数的形式调用,既保留了Matlab平台处理数据的便捷性,又具有很高的执行效率.仿真结果表明该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper deals with multiobjective nonlinear system identification applied when modelling the relation of firing angle and equivalent reactance of a thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC). The mathematical representation chosen is NARMAX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Average with eXogenous inputs) due to its capability in modelling nonlinear systems and in using prior information. The methodology for incorporation of prior knowledge is presented, and particular attention is given to the case of using information about resonant static response.  相似文献   

徐嘉  李建华 《微计算机信息》2006,22(21):108-110
本文首先阐述了分布式系统存在的重复认证和信息流动导致的权限扩散的问题,讨论了各自的解决方案。最后提出了分布式系统认证的总体架构,分析了解决方案的优点以及缺点的解决办法。  相似文献   

针对工控图形组态软件在智能化方面存在的不足,采用图元智能化特征技术,构建了一种智能化工业控制图形组态系统,该系统包括用户组态、图元对象管理、模型库管理、内部数据库管理和接口管理五个部分.目前,该系统已应用于某油料传输控制系统中,应用效果良好,为工控图形组态软件的智能化提出了一个解决方案.  相似文献   

Advances in wireless networking, mobile broadband Internet access technology as well as the rapid development of ubiquitous computing means e-learning is no longer limited to certain settings. A ubiquitous learning (u-learning) system must however not only provide the learner with learning resources at any time and any place. However, it must also actively provide the learner with the appropriate learning assistance for their context to help him or her complete their e-learning activity. In the traditional e-learning environment, the lack of immediate learning assistance, the limitations of the screen interface or inconvenient operation means the learner is unable to receive learning resources in a timely manner and incorporate them based on the actual context into the learner’s learning activities. The result is impaired learning efficiency. Though developments in technology have overcome the constraints on learning space, an inability to appropriately exploit the technology may make it an obstacle to learning instead. When integrating the relevant information technology to develop a u-learning environment, it is therefore necessary to consider the personalization requirements of the learner to ensure that the technology achieves its intended result. This study therefore sought to apply context aware technology and recommendation algorithms to develop a u-learning system to help lifelong learning learners realize personalized learning goals in a context aware manner and improve the learner’s learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

本文结合线性时序逻辑理论与模糊控制方法,设计并实现了一种满足复杂任务需求的移动机器人巡回控制系统,它既能够针对复杂时序任务进行路径规划,又能够对机器人进行模糊控制实现路径跟踪.首先,基于线性时序逻辑理论,确定能够满足复杂巡回任务需求的全局最优路径.接着,根据所获得的最优路径,采用模糊控制方法设计轨迹跟踪控制器,使其通过实时位姿反馈对机器人进行路径跟踪控制.仿真结果验证了移动机器人巡回控制系统的有效性.最后,基于E-Puck移动机器人构建了能够满足复杂任务需求的移动机器人巡回控制实验系统.基于所提出的最优巡回路径规划算法和模糊控制器设计方法,通过图像处理、数据通信、算法加载等软件模块的实现完成了满足复杂任务需求的移动机器人巡回控制.  相似文献   

The development of a feed-forward neural network to predict attendance and non-attendance at a hospital outpatient clinic is described. Particular emphasis is given to the post-processing applied to the network output, and to the choice of information presented to the network. The effect of individual inputs on the performance of the network is examined, and two methods of dealing with the problem of ambiguous input data are explored. It is shown that good results (approximately 90% accuracy) are achieved with a feedforward network — having 15 input nodes, a single hidden layer of five nodes and one output node with supervised backpropagation — even where data is limited, and that an understanding of the problem can lead to the modification of standard procedures and improved network performance.  相似文献   

Highly-automated textile manufacturing equipment has the potential for integrating electronic components into fabric in a low-cost process. These electronic textiles (or e-textiles) have a wide range of potential applications in wearable computing and large-area applications, including medical monitoring, assistance to the disabled, and distributed sensor networks. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a large-scale e-textile that functions as an acoustic beamforming array. The paper conveys the implementation experience and gives results gathered from the prototype. Further, the primary implementation issues and guidelines for future development are identified.  相似文献   

根据国家卫计委医政医管局对三级甲等医院日常监管与评价体系的要求,需要把病案首页的内容实时直报到HQMS中心,按照HQMS中心制定的接口标准,本文结合本院接口软件的实现过程,简要讨论了接口软件的设计,对于数据规范化的处理,提出了对应表法和程序控制法,实践证明这种方法很好地保证了接口软件的正常运行,保证了为HQMS中心提供规范的数据.  相似文献   

In this research, appointment scheduling is addressed in a nuclear medical center. A finite-horizon Markov Decision Process as dynamic programming is applied to formulate the problem by considering the patients' choice behavior, and different no-show rate for patients. The proposed model determines a tactical and operational decision for patient appointments. Based on the tactical decision; How many patients request for hospitalization as they call in and to what slot should they be assigned? According to the operational decision, should a walk-in patient hospitalization request be accepted? Also, this decision determines which patients must receive the services for each slot. One of the distinguishing contributions of this research is that two algorithms and one mathematical programming are developed hierarchically to solve exactly and deal with an intractable dimension of the Markov Decision Process model. Simulation tools are applied to compare the performance of optimal policies with First-Come-First-Serve policy based on a real case. The results show that the proposed model presents a more effective and efficient scheduling compared with current policies for scheduling. More revenue, lower patients waiting during the working day, and lower postponed patients are the results of the proposed model rather than the current policies for scheduling. Then, the impact of revenues, waiting costs, penalty costs, and center’s capacity on the results has been investigated. By increasing revenue and capacity and decreasing waiting costs and penalty costs, the total net revenue is increased.  相似文献   

In an empirical case study of software tools, two participants used the ITS style designer's language to implement a general purpose, executable, rule-based user interface style. This language allows style designers to select, combine and modify rule prototypes in order to construct a rule-based user interface style. The participants implemented the entire IBM CUA-2 user interface style, plus nine additional human-computer interaction techniques, in 5–7 person-weeks. This is impressive productivity. Typically the time to complete a single CUA-2 application is measured in person-years, not person-weeks. The style implemented here is reusable by any ITS-implemented application. The achievement reported here shows that about half the work of all ITS-implemented CUA-2 applications has been completed in a few person-weeks. This result demonstrates the power and productivity of the ITS approach and tools. The results of this case study showed that key ‘ready-mades’ (e.g. named attribute groups) provided in the style designer's toolkit could be used intact, which is important for importing or exporting interaction techniques from one style to another style. The results generalize to other computer-literate designers who may want to use these tools to create other user interface styles.  相似文献   

Mobile robots have been increasingly popular in a variety of industries in recent years due to their ability to move in variable situations and perform routine jobs effectively. Path planning, without a dispute, performs a crucial part in multi-robot navigation, making it one of the very foremost investigated issues in robotics. In recent times, meta-heuristic strategies have been intensively investigated to tackle path planning issues in the similar way that optimizing issues were handled, or to design the optimal path for such multi-robotics to travel from the initial point to such goal. The fundamental purpose of portable multi-robot guidance is to navigate a mobile robot across a crowded area from initial point to target position while maintaining a safe route and creating optimum length for the path. Various strategies for robot navigational path planning were investigated by scientists in this field. This work seeks to discuss bio-inspired methods that are exploited to optimize hybrid neuro-fuzzy analysis which is the combination of neural network and fuzzy logic is optimized using the particle swarm optimization technique in real-time scenarios. Several optimization approaches of bio-inspired techniques are explained briefly. Its simulation findings, which are displayed for two simulated scenarios reveal that hybridization increases multi-robot navigation accuracy in terms of navigation duration and length of the path.  相似文献   

Hignett S 《Ergonomics》2003,46(9):882-903
The primary objective was to identify the characteristics of the health care industry with respect to organizational and cultural factors and consider how these might impact on the practice of ergonomics. Qualitative methodology was chosen as a suitable approach. This was supported by a middle ground philosophical position. Twenty-one interviews were carried out with academics and practitioners using a questionnaire proforma which developed iteratively over the 18 months of the project. A progressive four stage sampling strategy was used starting with purposive sampling to spread the net. Suggested contacts were then followed up (snowball sampling), before the third stage of intensity sampling to focus on participants with specific experience in hospital ergonomics. A final strategy of analysis sampling sought extreme and deviant cases to achieve theoretical saturation. The analysis resulted in three categories: organizational, staff and patient issues. The organizational issues included both the size and complexity of the National Health Service. For example, three hierarchical lines were identified in the management structure: an administrative line, a professional line and a patient-focused clinical management line. One of the surprising findings for the staff issues was the perceived lack of ergonomic information about female workers as a population group and traditional female employment sectors. The patient issues incorporated three dimensions associated with the caring role: the type of work; expectations; and possible outcomes. The work tends to be dirty and emotional, with a professional subculture to allow the handling of other peoples' bodies. This subculture was linked to a 'coping' attitude where staff put the patients' needs and well-being before their own. The change in patient expectations (from being apologetic through to demanding their rights) is mirrored in a changing model of care from paternalism to partnership. A lack of ergonomic research was identified for female workers in the health care industry relating to both the type of work and gender issues.  相似文献   

The primary objective was to identify the characteristics of the health care industry with respect to organizational and cultural factors and consider how these might impact on the practice of ergonomics. Qualitative methodology was chosen as a suitable approach. This was supported by a middle ground philosophical position. Twenty-one interviews were carried out with academics and practitioners using a questionnaire proforma which developed iteratively over the 18 months of the project. A progressive four stage sampling strategy was used starting with purposive sampling to spread the net. Suggested contacts were then followed up (snowball sampling), before the third stage of intensity sampling to focus on participants with specific experience in hospital ergonomics. A final strategy of analysis sampling sought extreme and deviant cases to achieve theoretical saturation. The analysis resulted in three categories: organizational, staff and patient issues. The organizational issues included both the size and complexity of the National Health Service. For example, three hierarchical lines were identified in the management structure: an administrative line, a professional line and a patient-focused clinical management line. One of the surprising findings for the staff issues was the perceived lack of ergonomic information about female workers as a population group and traditional female employment sectors. The patient issues incorporated three dimensions associated with the caring role: the type of work; expectations; and possible outcomes. The work tends to be dirty and emotional, with a professional subculture to allow the handling of other peoples' bodies. This subculture was linked to a ‘coping’ attitude where staff put the patients' needs and well-being before their own. The change in patient expectations (from being apologetic through to demanding their rights) is mirrored in a changing model of care from paternalism to partnership. A lack of ergonomic research was identified for female workers in the health care industry relating to both the type of work and gender issues.  相似文献   

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