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以稻壳、稻杆为原料,不同浓度KMnO4为水热溶剂,一步完成炭化与改性,并对其进行等电点测定,SEM、FTIR表征。通过静态吸附实验,探究KMnO4改性水热炭对阴、阳离子染料的吸附效果,以及初始染料浓度、样品投加量等的影响。通过吸附等温模型(Langmuir-Freundlich、Langmuir、Freundlich和Temkin)、动力学模型(准一级、准二级和Elovich动力学模型)、吸附机理(颗粒内扩散、Boyd外扩散模型)探究表明,Langmuir-Freundlich、准二级动力学和Elovich模型适合描述吸附过程,膜扩散速率和颗粒内扩散速率共同影响着吸附反应速率。 相似文献
以稻壳、稻杆为原料,不同浓度KMnO4为水热溶剂,一步完成炭化与改性,并对其进行等电点测定,SEM、FTIR表征。通过静态吸附实验,探究KMnO4改性水热炭对阴、阳离子染料的吸附效果,以及初始染料浓度、样品投加量等的影响。通过吸附等温模型(Langmuir-Freundlich、Langmuir、Freundlich和Temkin)、动力学模型(准一级、准二级和Elovich动力学模型)、吸附机理(颗粒内扩散、Boyd外扩散模型)探究表明,Langmuir-Freundlich、准二级动力学和Elovich模型适合描述吸附过程,膜扩散速率和颗粒内扩散速率共同影响着吸附反应速率。 相似文献
以稻壳为原料制备生物炭,利用不同浓度的乙酸锌对稻壳炭改性,制得产物分别命名为RHC和MRHC。通过SEM、BET、XRD对制备的生物炭理化特性进行表征。分析表明,改性炭孔隙结构丰富,比表面积较大,且锌以氧化物颗粒状存在于生物炭表面。将改性前后的稻壳生物炭制成电极,测试其电化学性能。结果表明,与未改性生物炭相比,改性后的炭电极比电容大大提高,电阻显著减小,循环性能和倍率性能均有提升。MRHC-0.3(乙酸锌浓度为0.3 mol/L时的改性生物炭)比表面积为495 m2/g,孔容为0.214 cm3/g,该电极在2 A/g下充放电2000次后,其电容保持率为92.16%。将MRHC-0.3电极用于电吸附Cu2+实验,发现在0.9 V,pH为5时吸附效果最好,吸附量为9.57 mg/g。在0.9 V,pH为5,Cu2+初始质量浓度为50 mg/L时,去除率可达63.82%。 相似文献
以稻壳为生物质原料,在管式炉中氮气氛围下分别于300,500,700℃及在马弗炉中限氧500℃下热解制备生物炭(生物炭依次表示为G300、G500、G700和M500),采用批量吸附实验研究四种生物炭对萘的吸附特性,并结合扫描电镜和傅里叶变换红外光谱分析等方法,探讨温度和气氛条件对生物炭吸附萘的影响。结果表明,稻壳生物炭对萘的吸附动力学曲线符合伪二级动力学模型,在24 h内皆达到吸附平衡,平衡吸附量分别为3.299,4.815,4.251,4.756 mg/g,等温吸附曲线可以用Freundlich模型较好地拟合,吸附容量从大到小为G500>M500>G700>G300。4种稻壳生物炭都具有不同程度的管道和表面隆起,管道形状和数量以及表面形态存在较大差异。红外光谱结果有较大的相似性,但是随着温度的升高,—OH、—CH_2、CH_3、C=C和C=O等官能团强度减弱或者逐渐消失,而另外一些官能团如芳烃化合物C—H、C—OH、C—O—C、COO-等官能团的强度则增加。 相似文献
沼液中Cu2+、Zn2+等重金属离子浓度高,直接用于灌溉会导致土壤重金属超标,并严重影响农作物的生长。本研究以农作物废料稻壳作为原料,硫酸和磷酸为反应介质,通过水热炭化法制备水热炭,探索了水热温度、酸配比和酸浓度对Cu2+、Zn2+的吸附性能的影响。结果表明:当以20%稀硫酸和20%稀磷酸两种酸作为反应介质时,改变两种酸的配比在320℃下制备水热炭,当两种酸介质比例为4:2时,对废水中Cu2+、Zn2+的去除率达到最大,分别为68.54%和27.44%。 相似文献
改性粉煤灰对苯酚的吸附特性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了苯酚在改性粉煤灰上的吸附特性。结果表明,改性粉煤灰吸附苯酚速率快,在低pH值下吸附效果更好,等温吸附过程符合Freundlich模型,其吸附等温线为q=1.7081C^0.9248。 相似文献
C. Thakur I. D. Mall V. C. Srivastava 《Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering》2014,48(1):60-70
The present study deals with the adsorptive removal of phenol and resorcinol from aqueous solution onto rice husk ash. The competitive adsorption equilibrium of the binary mixtures (phenol/resorcinol) was determined by conducting batch experiments with initial concentration varying in the range of 50 to 1000 mg/L. In order to evaluate multicomponent adsorption isotherm parameters, individual adsorption equilibrium studies were also carried out. Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson equilibrium isotherm models were used for single compound equilibrium sorption data modeling. All three models almost similar fit for single compound equilibrium data. Binary equilibrium adsorption data and the parameter evaluated from single adsorption data were fitted to various multicomponent isotherm models by minimizing the sum of square of error. The extended Langmuir model gave the better fit to the experimental adsorption data of phenol and resorcinol from binary systems onto rice husk ash. It seems that both phenol and resorcinol compete for the same adsorption sites on rice husk ash. The net interactive effect of phenol and resorcinol on the adsorption of resorcinol by rice husk ash was found to be antagonistic. 相似文献
RH-Cr and RH-Cr500 were synthesized from rice husk by solvent extraction and gel precipitation technique. The specific surface area of RH-Cr and RH-Cr500 were found to be 0.542 and 1.20 m2 g−1 respectively. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis showed that Cr(III) was homogenously incorporated in the matrix of both samples to a maximum of ca. 16% in RH-Cr500. Elemental analysis showed that RH-Cr contained ca. 15% carbon, while RH-Cr500 contained negligible amounts. FTIR analysis showed the extracted solid contained silanol (Si–OH) and siloxane (Si–O–Si) groups. Catalytic oxidation of cyclohexane with H2O2 using RH-Cr as the catalyst showed a 27.13% conversion to cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol with a selectivity of 57.37% and 42.63% respectively. However, RH-Cr500 showed only 14.01% conversion but with a selectivity of 64.83% of cyclohexanone and 35.17% of cyclohexanol. Epoxidation of cyclohexene using H2O2 with RH-Cr as the catalyst gave a conversion rate of 30.17% with a selectivity of 11.51% towards cyclohexene oxide, 63.21% 2-cyclohexen-1-one and 25.29% 2-cyclohexen-1-ol. The same reaction with RH-Cr500 as the catalyst showed 21.28% conversion with 14.65% cyclohexene oxide, 68.71% 2-cyclohexen-1-one and 16.64% 2-cyclohexen-1-ol. In the catalytic oxidation of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone, RH-Cr showed a conversion of 12.25% while RH-Cr500 showed a conversion of 13.52%. No others products were detected in the conversion. Comparison with published catalytic systems showed that RH-Cr and RH-Cr500 to be a better catalyst even though the surface area of these catalysts were low. 相似文献
Rice husk silica modified with Ag (RH-Ag) and its calcined form, RH-Ag(C) are heterogeneous catalysts prepared from rice husk.
The sodium silicate was extracted from rice husk using a simple solvent extraction technique. Silver was added during the
precipitation of the gel to form RH-Ag. Calcination of RH-Ag yielded RH-Ag(C). RH-Ag and RH-Ag(C) was found to have a well
defined amorphous phase and a crystalline phase. TEM analysis showed that silver was encapsulated into the silica matrix.
Well defined mesoporous channels were found in RH-Ag(C). The EDX analysis showed that silver was indeed incorporated in the
matrix of RH-Ag but it was not homogenously distributed. The specific surface area of RH-Ag and RH-Ag(C) was found to be 447
and 419 m2 g−1 respectively. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) for RH-Ag was found to be 0.470 mmol g−1 which was higher than that of RH-Ag(C) with 0.273 mmol g−1. Both the CEC and the BET values for RH-Ag(C) was consistent with the calcination process. Catalysis of benzyl alcohol using
RH-Ag and RH-Ag(C) gave two products which were identified as benzaldehyde and dibenzyl ether. Percentage conversion was higher
when the reaction was conducted with pure oxygen (14.0%) than in open air (0.60%). Overall, RH-Ag(C) was found to be a better
catalyst for the formation of dibenzyl ether. The optimum weight and time of reaction for the oxidation was found to be 0.3 g
and 3 h respectively for both catalysts. It was found that even in an inert atmosphere, 13% of benzaldehyde was obtained with
RH-Ag(C) as catalyst. Mechanisms for the formation of benzaldehyde under oxygen and inert atmosphere and the condensation
mechanism assisted by the presence of the Ag on the surface of the catalyst have been suggested. 相似文献
研究酸活化膨润土和有机改性膨润土对苯胺和苯酚混合溶液的吸附性能,结果表明,酸活化膨润土对苯胺的吸附效果明显优于苯酚,具有较强的吸附选择性;有机膨润土对苯胺和苯酚的吸附无明显差别。吸附动力学研究表明,酸活化膨润土与有机改性膨润土对苯胺的吸附均符合准二级吸附动力学模型,相关系数分别为R2=0.999 8和R2=0.997 9。酸活化膨润土对苯胺的吸附符合Freundlich等温线模型,有机膨润土对苯胺的吸附数据对Freundlich等温线模型与Langmuir等温线模型均有较好的拟合。 相似文献
Adsorption of polluting substances on activated carbons prepared from rice husk and sugarcane bagasse 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Dimitrios Kalderis Dimitrios Koutoulakis Panagiota Paraskeva Evan Diamadopoulos Emilia Otal Joaquín Olivares del Valle Constantino Fernndez-Pereira 《Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne, Switzerland : 1996)》2008,144(1):42-50
Rice husk and sugarcane bagasse were chemically impregnated with ZnCl2 and carbonized at 700 °C in a large-scale rotary furnace. The activated carbons (ACs) obtained had BET surface area of 811 and 864 m2/g, respectively, and were essentially microporous. The adsorption of arsenic, humic acid, phenol and a municipal solid waste landfill leachate was examined. Both ACs showed the best adsorption behaviour towards phenol, removing around 80% at the equilibrium time of 4 h. The adsorption isotherms for arsenic and humic acid were also favourable, although the maximum loadings achieved were lower than that of phenol. Finally, the rice husk AC showed 60% and 70% removal efficiency for colour and COD, respectively, when tested on a landfill leachate. 相似文献
《Cement and Concrete Research》1986,16(3):296-302
Effect of lime:silica ratio on the kinetics of the reaction of silica with saturated lime has been investigated. Below C/S=0.65 the reaction does not proceed to completion and even in the presence of a large excess of silica only 90% lime is consumed. A parameter, lime reactivity index, has been defined to quantity the reactive silica present in rice husk ash. The product of the reaction between rice husk ash and saturated lime is a calcium hydrosilicate, CSH(I)7. The fibrilar structure and the hollow tubular morphology of the fibres of CSH, have been explained by a growth mechanism, where the driving force is osmotic pressure. 相似文献