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为考察高锰酸钾(KMnO4)对于染料亚甲基蓝(MB)的降解效能,研究KMnO4投加量、温度、水体pH、阴离子(SO2-4、Cl-、NO-3)浓度、腐植酸(HA)浓度对KMnO4氧化降解MB的影响.结果表明,KMnO4投加量对MB具有显著降解效果,KMnO4投加量从5μmol/L增加到15μmol/L,MB降解率从30%...  相似文献   

以亚甲基蓝为模板分子,丙烯酰胺为功能单体,乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯(EGDMA)为交联剂,偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂.采用沉淀聚合法制备了亚甲基蓝分子印迹聚合物微球(MIP)。用扫描电镜表征了MIP的形貌,结果显示制备的MIP的粒径为1~3μm,粒径较为均匀。考察了MIP对亚甲基蓝的吸附性能,结果表明其吸附动力学过程可以用假二级吸附速率方程来描述,MIP对亚甲基蓝的最大吸附量为27.1mg/g,吸附效果较好,可以用于染料废水中亚甲基蓝的分离富集。  相似文献   

以亚甲基蓝为模板分子,丙烯酰胺为功能单体,乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯(EGDMA)为交联剂,偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂,采用沉淀聚合法制备了亚甲基蓝分子印迹聚合物微球(MIP)。用扫描电镜表征了MIP的形貌,结果显示制备的MIP的粒径为1~3μm,粒径较为均匀。考察了MIP对亚甲基蓝的吸附性能,结果表明其吸附动力学过程可以用假二级吸附速率方程来描述,MIP对亚甲基蓝的最大吸附量为27.1 mg/g,吸附效果较好,可以用于染料废水中亚甲基蓝的分离富集。  相似文献   

以四苯基卟啉(TPP)为原料,通过金属插入反应,获得FeTPP、ZnTPP、CoTPP、MnTPP,并用UV-Vis对其进行了表征.将合成的金属卟啉用于光催化体系,进行亚甲基蓝溶液的光催化降解及催化剂回收实验.结果发现,以CoTPP为催化剂,在高压汞灯光照3 h后,亚甲基蓝溶液的脱色率可迭100%;不同光源的催化效果为...  相似文献   

水力空化强度与空化自由基产量的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用空化释放出的能量对过程进行强化是能量利用的新途径。定量分析空化引发·OH产量与空化强度的关系,对研究空化对过程的强化效应有着十分重要的意义。以亚甲基蓝作为羟自由基捕捉剂,利用紫外-可见分光光度法,间接测定了水力空化产生的·OH产量。分析了管路上游压力、液体温度、空化作用时间等宏观参数对自由基产量的影响,以及自由基产量与空化强度的关系,寻求出有利于空化发生以及提高空化作用强度的适宜操作条件。  相似文献   

王建  陈芳 《上海化工》2012,37(3):1-3
以Y3+掺杂二氧化钛为光催化剂,以亚甲基蓝为模拟印染废水进行光催化降解实验,考察了催化剂用量、溶液初始pH值、溶液初始浓度、反应时问等因素对降解反应的影响,结果表明:当催化剂的用量为1。5g/L,亚甲基蓝洛液pH值为9.0、初始浓度为20mg/L,反应60rain后,其降解效果最佳。  相似文献   

锰氧化物具有较强的氧化能力,天然氧化锰矿(MnO_x)因表面成分复杂,降低了其活性。利用硝酸对天然氧化锰矿改性,并研究了其对亚甲基蓝(MB)废水的去除效果。试验发现:硝酸改性后的氧化锰矿(M-MnO_x)对MB的去除能力显著提高,如pH值为2条件下反应3 h后,MnO_x和M-MnO_x对MB去除率分别为72.37%和98.69%;另外,MB的去除率随着反应体系pH值(2~11)的升高而出现先降低后升高的现象,反应9 h后,MB去除率在pH值为8时最低。根据反应前后MB样品的全波长扫描及溶液中Mn~(2+)浓度变化发现,酸性条件下改性锰矿石主要通过氧化作用去除MB,而碱性条件下吸附过程起主要作用。对反应体系的pH、改性锰矿石的投加量、MB初始浓度等参数对MB去除的影响进行动力学拟合,并讨论了上述参数对MB降解速率的影响。  相似文献   

选择废弃酒糟制备复合催化剂,通过XPS对催化剂的组成进行分析.在H2O2的存在下,研究催化剂对亚甲基蓝的降解效果.结果表明,反应温度为75℃,催化剂的量为10 mg,处理50 mL浓度为10 mg/L的亚甲基蓝(MB)60 min后,MB的降解率为可达96.27%.四次循环测试后,降解率仍达到92.71%.自由基淬灭实...  相似文献   

用共沉淀法合成了Fe2O3-SnO2复合光催化剂,在可见光下用该催化剂对亚甲基蓝溶液的降解进行了研究。结果表明,光降解脱色效率与亚甲基篮的光照强度,pH值及催化剂的原料配比等因素有关。  相似文献   

赤泥为氧化铝工业副产物,不仅量大而且污染环境。采用静态吸附实验确定赤泥吸附亚甲基蓝的适宜时间、温度、pH值、亚甲基蓝初始浓度、赤泥投加量范围,并考察了盐浓度对赤泥吸附亚甲基蓝的影响。结果表明,振荡时间5 min,赤泥投加量6 g/L,赤泥对40 mg/L亚甲基蓝的吸附率可达87%。亚甲基蓝浓度与赤泥吸附量符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温式,最大吸附量为14.60 mg/g。赤泥吸附亚甲基蓝为放热反应,低温利于亚甲基蓝吸附。  相似文献   

吸附法处理亚甲基蓝研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
处理亚甲基蓝的方法很多,吸附法是其中之一。吸附法属于物理化学法,具有操作简单、费用低、处理效果较好等优点,历来受到研究者和使用者的重视。重点介绍了近年来采用吸附法处理亚甲基蓝的研究进展,特别是新型吸附剂以及吸附动力学与热力学等领域的研究进展。结果表明,吸附法处理亚甲基蓝有一定优势,在应用中要根据废水实际情况和生产状况选择最佳处理和回收工艺。  相似文献   

The oxidation of methylene blue (MB) by electrosynthesized ferrate(VI) in a semi-batch reactor is investigated. The effects of pH, Fe(VI) dose and initial MB concentration on the efficiency of the degradation process were studied. The original pH of MB solution was found more effective on the degradation and colour removal as 96.82% MB removal and 40.36% colour removal were gained. Initial MB solution and Fe(VI) dose affected the removal efficiencies. Degradation of MB by Fe(VI) was the second-order reaction kinetics. The density functional theory (DFT) analysis confirmed that density is intended mostly on the phenyl rings and least of all on the bonding orbitals of the middle heterocycle of МВ.  相似文献   

Novel porous calcium alginate beads were prepared via crosslinking of calcium followed by freeze drying for investigating the adsorption performance for methylene blue. These beads possessed reduced shrinkage, highly porous lamellar structure and high specific surface area, and exhibited enhanced adsorption capacity and much faster adsorption rate compared to the non-porous beads obtained with conventional oven drying method. Methylene blue adsorption capacity increased with increasing of initial concentration and pH, while decreased with increasing of temperature. The adsorption process fitted well with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm. The maximum adsorption capacity was 961.5 mg g?1 at 298.15 K. After eight successive adsorption-desorption cycles, the adsorption capacity had negligible decrease. Owing to the high adsorption capability, rapid adsorption rate, easy recovery and reusability, the freeze-dried beads imply a prospective, biodegradable and attractive adsorbent for removing contaminants from wastewater.  相似文献   

利用文丘里效应制成空化装置进行NOX脱除,探究不同影响因素对NOX催化氧化吸收的作用机制.结果表明,当NOX浓度为1000 mg/L,NO2/NO为1.5,吸收液体积15 L,pH=11的条件下,NOX的去除率达81%.在吸收液中添加SDBS、Fe2+和Mn2+,均能有效提高NOX去除率.在最优条件下(pH=11.0,...  相似文献   

徐荣声  冯倩  孟泽  李梅 《无机盐工业》2022,54(12):106-112
以宁夏农业废弃物枸杞杆为原料,用不同的活化剂分别制备磷酸-活性炭(P-AC)、氢氧化钾-活性炭(K-AC)、磷酸-氢氧化钾-活性炭(P-K-AC),利用比表面积测试(BET)、X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FT-IR)、扫描电镜(SEM)解析活性炭的孔结构和表面特性,并探究活性炭对水溶液中亚甲基蓝(MB)的去除效果。研究结果表明:P-K-AC比P-AC、K-AC具有更大的比表面积(1 519.84 m2/g)和总孔体积(0.81 cm3/g),P-AC、K-AC、P-K-AC的平均孔径分别为5.28、2.58、1.99 nm,P-K-AC以微孔为主,K-AC、P-AC均为介孔。3种活性炭表面均分布着丰富的含氧官能团和大量的无定型碳,为吸附MB提供了活性位点。在25 ℃条件下,将10 mg的P-AC、K-AC、P-K-AC分别加入50 mL质量浓度为100 mg/L的MB溶液中用于吸附MB实验。结果表明:P-K-AC的吸附效果最好,吸附率达到95%、吸附量为480.81 mg/g;其次是K-AC,吸附量为352.26 mg/g;P-AC吸附量最小,为225.01 mg/g。P-AC,K-AC、P-K-AC对MB的吸附过程都符合伪二级动力学模型、颗粒内扩散模型和Langmuir等温吸附模型。  相似文献   

In this study, a new sorbent, a poly(acrylamide‐co‐itaconic acid) [P(AAm‐co‐IA)]/activated charcoal (AC) composite, was prepared by the aqueous polymerization of acrylamide and itaconic acid in the presence of AC with N,N′‐methylene bisacrylamide as a crosslinker and potassium persulfate as an initiator. The P(AAm‐co‐IA)/AC composite sorbent showed a fair capacity to adsorb the cationic dye methylene blue. The maximum sorption capacity, as studied at 23, 37, and 50°C and determined with the Langmuir isotherm model, was found to be 909.0, 312.5, and 192.3 mg/g, respectively. For an initial concentration of 5 mg/L, the kinetic uptake data were studied with various kinetic models. The pseudo‐second‐order equation was found to fairly fit the uptake data with a regression value of 0.999. The dye uptake increased with the pH of the sorbate solution, and the optimum pH was found to be in the range of 7–10. Intraparticle diffusion was also observed to take place, and the coefficient of intraparticle diffusion was evaluated to be 26.51 × 10?2 mg g?1 min?1/2. The various thermodynamic parameters were also determined to predict the nature of the uptake process. The sorption process was found to be spontaneous, as indicated by a negative standard free energy change. The negative standard enthalpy change suggested an exothermic nature for the uptake. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

Application of an agricultural waste material, rice husk, has been investigated for preparation of activated carbon. The rice husk‐activated carbon (RHAC) was successfully utilised for the removal of a cationic dye, methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions. The activated carbon was prepared in presence of ZnCl2 as an activating agent under inert nitrogen atmosphere. RHAC was characterised for surface area, pore structural parameters, and point zero charge (pHZPC). The activated carbon was further characterised by Fourier transformation infrared (FT‐IR) spectrometer, X‐ray diffractometer (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The effect of different parameters such as contact time and initial concentration, adsorbent dose, and temperature on removal of the dye from aqueous solutions was investigated. The experimental data fitted well in both the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacity for MB was found to be 9.73 mg g−1 at 303 K. During the study of effect of adsorbent dose, almost a 100% removal was achieved at a higher dose of RHAC. Most of the experiments were carried out at an initial concentration of MB of 60 mg/L and at 303 K. Different thermodynamic parameters, viz., changes in free energy (G°), enthalpy (H°), and entropy (S°) have also been determined to explain feasibility of the process of removal. The sorption of MB on RHAC was found to be feasible, spontaneous, and endothermic in nature.  相似文献   

采用柠檬皮渣作为吸附剂对水溶液中亚甲基蓝进行吸附研究,考察了柠檬皮渣用量、溶液pH值、吸附时间、亚甲基蓝浓度、温度对吸附量的影响。结果表明:当柠檬皮渣用量为1 g/L,亚甲基蓝的初始质量浓度为100 mg/L,pH值为7,温度为30℃时,柠檬皮渣对亚甲基蓝吸附效果最好,吸附量为36.2 mg/g,吸附过程符合Langmuir等温吸附模型,吸附动力学遵从准二级动力学方程,热力学参数计算结果表明此吸附过程为自发的放热过程。  相似文献   

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