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从二氧化碳捕集、运输、驱油、封存与监测四个环节入手,对延长石油全流程CCUS工程技术分析,识别出具有高浓度、低成本的二氧化碳捕集技术;超临界及适应复杂地形的二氧化碳管道输送技术;低压、低渗油藏二氧化碳非混相驱油技术;二氧化碳封存与监测一体化预警体系。延长石油在CCUS工程实践中形成了科技化与国际化引领技术创新、全流程低成本商业示范的自身特色。  相似文献   

CO_2的捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)是众多碳减排方法中最具现实意义和可能性的途径。通过调研和分析,介绍了CCUS国内外研究现状,包括电厂碳捕集方式,延长油田Rectisol工艺,CO_2管道输送技术,CO_2提高采收率(CO_2-EOR),CO_2地质封存,以及我国首个CCUS项目——延长油田CO_2管道输送项目的初期进展。基于我国是碳排放大国,未来几年CCUS将在我国快速发展。  相似文献   

CO_2的捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)是众多碳减排方法中最具现实意义和可能性的途径。通过调研和分析,介绍了CCUS国内外研究现状,包括电厂碳捕集方式,延长油田Rectisol工艺,CO_2管道输送技术,CO_2提高采收率(CO_2-EOR),CO_2地质封存,以及我国首个CCUS项目——延长油田CO_2管道输送项目的初期进展。基于我国是碳排放大国,未来几年CCUS将在我国快速发展。  相似文献   

总结了CO2捕集、封存与利用技术的研究进展和应用状况.到2020年统计截止时,全球投运的CCS设施每年可捕集和封存约3844万吨CO2,预计在2030前投运的在建、拟建CCS设施每年可捕集和封存约7491万吨CO2.目前全球CCS设施的产能主要集中在美国(55.0%).CCS设施主要用于天然气、制氢、发电和化工生产行业...  相似文献   

曹金康  王芳 《山东化工》2023,(14):224-227+232
碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)是实现区域碳中和目标的重要选择。然而,CCUS的工业应用及其供应链网络的延伸不可避免地增加了物质的流动和加工操作,造成潜在的安全风险问题。针对区域CCUS系统,提出了一个从碳排放源到碳汇的安全风险模拟模型。针对已有CCUS模块,基于ALOHA软件模拟区域CCUS系统事故影响范围,并从系统的角度模拟发生多米诺效应的极限距离。以山东省东营市为例,针对给定空间的CCUS系统部署,研究其各模块定量的安全风险影响范围并绘制风险地图。  相似文献   

张弛 《气体净化》2009,9(5):14-18
全球能耗不断增长,尤其是发展中国家。随着对矿物燃料(原油、天然气和煤)需求的增加,以及对气候变化的不断关注,促使人们不断讨论如何限制CO2排放。矿物燃料的使用和生产尤其是这场讨论的重点。发展中国家必须采用更多能源来提高国民的生活标准。然而,这些努力将导致更多的CO2被排放。必须加以研究碳捕集和封存这样有可能成为二氧化碳减排的新技术,以便减少发展中国家和发达国家碳排放。  相似文献   

通过研究二氧化碳捕集、运输、注入和原油开采4个主要技术环节,建立了二氧化碳捕集与封存结合提高石油采收率全流程(CO_2-EOR)经济性评价模型。该模型反映了CO_2-EOR系统复杂性和交互性,其结果能为CO_2-EOR项目规划提供科学决策支持。将模型应用于中国的煤化工厂碳捕集与封存结合提高石油采收率项目的案例研究表明:在油价50.0$/bbl和驱油比4.0 t CO_2/t oil的情景下,每年80万t规模的煤化工厂结合CO_2-EOR项目的净收益可达9.36亿元,项目内部收益率可以达到8.44%。煤化工厂结合CO_2-EOR的项目具有优先发展的潜在机会。  相似文献   

碳捕集技术是CCUS中能耗和成本最高的环节。运用专利分析方法对全球碳捕集领域技术发展现状进行分析,对碳捕集技术专利申请情况、专利技术发展趋势、专利区域竞争状况、专利技术聚类、优势企业/研究机构等方面进行专利分析研究,指出了全球碳捕集技术的发展方向,为我国碳捕集技术研发、专利战略布局提供技术参考。  相似文献   

CO2捕集、运输、驱油与封存(CCUS)是一种缓解温室气体排放的有效手段。在工程实际问题中,由于温度、压力、碳价、电价等随机变量的存在,给CCUS全流程建模与优化带来了很大的困难。为了解决此问题,本文建立了CCUS全流程的工程-经济模型,并以烟气入口流量、管道入口压力、管道直径、泵站数量、注入井入口压力等作为决策变量,质量约束、排放约束、运输约束、存储约束等为约束条件,以CCUS全流程成本为目标函数,提出了一种随机优化期望值模型。并采用基于随机模拟的遗传算法对期望值模型进行求解,通过参数的合理优化配置,提出的优化方法解决了CCUS全流程随机优化问题。研究结果表明,该优化方法能够有效地降低CCUS全流程的成本,为此技术的发展提供了一种参考方案。  相似文献   

为提高动力煤利用效率,分析了中国不同牌号动力煤和各大产区动力煤的煤质特性,阐述了中国动力煤的应用现状。针对动力煤燃烧过程中CO2排放量逐年增长的现状,提出了碳捕集与封存战略,并介绍了目前中国运行中的碳捕集项目。结果表明,中国动力煤中以弱黏煤灰分最低为13.10%,发热量最高为29.59 MJ/kg;贫煤灰分、硫分最高,但水分、挥发分较低;褐煤硫分、发热量最低,水分和挥发分最高。动力煤主要用来发电,其次是锅炉燃烧。褐煤主要用作发电燃料,部分用于气化和合成气;长焰煤多为电厂、机车、窑炉燃料,也可为气化用煤;不黏煤、弱黏煤除用于发电外,还可作为动力及民用燃料。最后提出开展碳捕集与封存技术(CCS)是降低燃煤CO2排放,缓解温室效应的重要措施。  相似文献   

面对不断恶化的温室效应所带来的危机,各国同意采取措施减少二氧化碳排放量,中国也已经承诺2030年左右碳排放达到峰值。然而,二氧化碳的排放控制和捕获(CCS)仍是全球环境的一大挑战。把二氧化碳封存和固定一直是学者们努力的方向和研究重点,并试图为实现更加彻底高效的碳捕获和封存引入新的方法——二氧化碳利用。有研究指出矿化是二氧化碳利用的新方向,其环保、低成本等优点吸引着人们的研究目光。在淡水资源短缺的另一重威胁下,利用海水进行碳捕获和利用推动了二氧化碳矿化的进一步研究。两者结合,不仅实现了二氧化碳的固定利用,还能解决来自海水淡化厂的海水预处理或卤水废弃物的利用。综述了近年来二氧化碳捕集、固定和利用方法的研究进展,通过对各种方法的利弊分析,发现碳利用的概念为CCS注入了新的活力。  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a means for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion in power generation and industrial processes. It involves the capture of CO2 for subsequent storage in various geological formations. The selection and matching of the power plants and storage sites are often an issue of optimisation due to various constraints, i.e., time of availability, injection rate, and storage capacity limits. In this work, a novel graphical targeting tool based on pinch analysis is proposed to address the planning problem of the storage of captured CO2 from power generating plants into corresponding reservoirs. The main consideration for the problem is the time of availability of the latter, since reservoirs need to be developed prior to CO2 storage. The time limitation is addressed by the graphical technique where time is taken as the governing element in solving the problem. Hypothetical examples are used to elucidate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Recent developments on carbon capture and storage: An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assumes the warming of the climate system, associating the increase of global average temperature to the observed increase of the anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered the most important GHG, due to the dependence of world economies on fossil fuels, since their combustion processes are the most important sources of this gas. CO2 concentrations are increasing in the last decades mainly due to the increase of anthropogenic emissions. The processes involving CO2 capture and storage is gaining attention on the scientific community as an alternative for decreasing CO2 emission, reducing its concentration in ambient air. However, several technological, economical and environmental issues as well as safety problems remain to be solved, such as the following needs: increase of CO2 capture efficiency, reduction of process costs, and verification of environmental sustainability of CO2 storage. This paper aims to review the recent developments (from 2006 until now) on the carbon capture and storage (CCS) methodologies. Special attention was focused on the basic findings achieved in CCS operational projects.  相似文献   

The mathematical formulation for targeting during energy allocation with carbon capture and storage (CCS) is formally developed. For operating-cost optimization with zero excess, it is shown that CCS sources may be regarded as resources with their cost taken as the increment over the non-CCS option. CCS sources along with clean-carbon resources may then be targeted by profile matching with the limiting composite to establish optimal primary cases. The limiting composite curve is itself sacrosanct and obtained by a single computation of the composite table algorithm (CTA) including only non-CCS sources. Carbon emission networks (CENs) are designed by the nearest neighbors algorithm (NNA). A cost criterion is established to determine cost-factor ranges for optimality of the primary cases, and results validated by solving linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations. The methodology essentially comprises four distinct stages – targeting, network design, cost analysis, and optimization – with the first two stages not requiring any cost data.  相似文献   

To effectively reduce CO2, CO2 mitigation technologies should be employed tactically. This paper focuses on carbon capture and storage (CCS) as the most promising CO2 reduction technology and investigates how to establish CCS strategy suitably. We confirm a major part of the optimal strategy for CCS infrastructure planning through a literature review according to mathematical optimization criteria associated with facility location models. In particular, the feasibility of large scale CCS infrastructure is evaluated through economic, environmental, and technical assessment. The current state-of-the-art optimization techniques for CCS infrastructure planning are also addressed while taking numerous factors into account. Finally, a list of issues for future research is highlighted.  相似文献   

陕西未来能源化工有限公司煤制油项目通过建立中间氢气管网,引出氢气作为还原用氢源代替还原PSA系统,实现节约合成气扩大产能的同时,节约了还原PSA系统运行的管理及维护费用;同时引入部分氢气入联合压缩机调节进气相对分子质量,以此降低设备功率,实现安全平稳运行。  相似文献   

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