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Predictable tendency of Bi NIR emission in Bi‐doped magnesium aluminosilicate laser glasses

Xiaoman Li Jiangkun Cao Liping Wang Mingying Peng 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2018,101(3):1159-1168
Because of superbroad luminescence in the range of near infrared (NIR), Bi‐doped glasses and fibers have received more attentions recently for the applications in super broadband optical fiber amplifiers or new wavelength lasers. As the luminescence comes from the transitions between naked 6p orbitals of bismuth, it is very susceptible to slight changes of local field around Bi. Therefore, it is always very challenging to predict NIR emission of bismuth in advance. Here, we found bismuth NIR emission shows predictable tendency in ternary glass system of MgO–Al2O3–SiO2. The emission peak shifts red along the content of magnesium upon the excitation of 484 nm, which follows a single exponential growth equation. In the meantime, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) is broadened while the lifetime keeps decreasing. Glass structure analysis on basis of FTIR, 27Al NMR, 29Si NMR spectra reveals that these changes correlate to integrity of glass network, the increased disorder of local field around bismuth and the enhanced interaction between bismuth and host, which are perhaps due to the linear increase of nonbridging oxygen, and the enhanced Si–O asymmetric stretching vibrations along with magnesium, respectively. Electron probe microanalysis shows good homogeneity of Si, Al, Mg, Bi, and O distribution within the samples, and yoyo experiments of heating and cooling between 30°C and 300°C reveal the good resistance of such doped glasses to thermal degradation. This makes the glasses promising in applications of fiber devices even under extreme condition such as at higher temperature. The finding in this work should be helpful for the design of Bi‐doped laser glasses in future. 相似文献
研究了4种不同Bi_2O_3掺杂量(0.5%,1%,2%和3%,摩尔分数)的23MgO-11CaO-15Al_2O_3-51SiO_2(摩尔比)玻璃的发光特性。测量了吸收光谱、荧光光谱和荧光寿命。通过电子顺磁共振图谱观察了玻璃受γ辐射前后结构的变化,探讨了玻璃颜色变化和近红外发光的机理。结果表明:在500nm激发下,随着Bi_2O_3掺杂量从1%到3%的逐渐增加,发光波长发生红移,荧光半高宽从312nm增加到352 nm;最优的Bi_2O_3掺杂量为1%,玻璃的受激发射截面和荧光寿命的乘积为3.10×10~(-24)cm~2·s;γ辐射后发光强度的增加和玻璃颜色加深的现象说明Bi掺杂玻璃的近红外发光中心可能是低价态的Bi离子或者Bi团簇。 相似文献
New strategy to enhance the broadband near‐infrared emission of bismuth‐doped laser glasses

Jiangkun Cao Xiaoman Li Liping Wang Ziyang Zhang Shanhui Xu Mingying Peng 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2018,101(6):2297-2304
Bismuth‐doped glasses and fibers with broadband near‐infrared (NIR) emission have garnered much attention on account of their potential applications in new fiber lasers and broadband amplifiers. Yet the realization of high gain from Bi‐doped fibers and highly efficient NIR emission from Bi‐doped glasses are still a stubborn puzzle. The enhancement of Bi NIR emission is normally based on modifying the glass composition and topology, which will change the structure of the glass over a wide range and alter the thermal or mechanical properties of the glass simultaneously, making it more complicated for the designing and fabricating of Bi fibers with good performance. Here, we find that a trace addition of Si3N4 can efficiently enhance the Bi NIR emission without changing the glass structure significantly, right followed by spectral and structural analysis. 27Al NMR measurement reveals that the short‐ to medium‐range order of this glass is unchanged. The EPMA measurement confirms the homogeneity of fabricated glass. The great enhancement and red‐shift under blue light excitation may originate from the conversion of Bi active centers to low valence. Our results indicate that the trace addition of nitride could be a facile and maneuverable way to control the valence of active ions in glasses, which may contribute to improving the performance of photonic glasses. 相似文献
John M. McKiernan Stacey A. Yamanaka Ed Knobbe Jean-Claude Pouxviel Soraya Parvaneh Bruce Dunn Jeffrey I. Zink 《Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers》1991,1(1):87-103
Coumarin dyes are encapsulated in silicate and aluminosilicate polymeric glasses synthesized by the sol-gel technique. The coumarin dyes retain their luminescent properties in all of the aged gels and in many of the dried gels (xerogels). The luminescence spectra of the new optical materials are reported. The luminescence of coumarin 4 provides a probe at the molecular level of the changes which occur during the gelation and drying. The spectral changes are studied and discussed in detail. Gels and xerogels doped with coumarin 460, 480, and 540A exhibit optical gain and laser action. The laser properties of these new solid-state dye laser materials are reported and discussed. 相似文献
在盐酸介质中及 55 ℃ 加热条件下,铋与硫脲形成黄色络合物,从而建立了用分光光度法比较铋、氧化铋、硫化铋在盐酸-硫脲中溶解性的新方法。研究了反应介质、试剂浓度、加热时间、加热温度、震荡速率等因素的影响。在最佳实验条件下,溶液的质量浓度为0.04~0.24 mg/mL时符合比尔定律。相关系数R=0.999 9,检出限为 1.05×10-2 μg/mL,标准偏差SD=0.003 5,相对标准偏差 RSD=2.42%,摩尔吸收系数为1.515×105 L/(mol·cm),加标回收率为96.7%~98.8%。实验结果表明,铋、氧化铋、硫化铋的溶解性顺序大小为:铋>氧化铋>硫化铋。 相似文献
Won-Hyuk Lee Hideo Hosono Yoshihiro Abe 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1992,75(6):1658-1661
It was found that the IR absorption bands appearing at 600 to 1600 cm−1 , which had been previously assigned to the fundamental vibrations of [BiO3 ] or [BiO6 ] polyhedra, are due to residual carbonate ions (CO2− 3 ) dissolved in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glasses. The concentrations of the remaining CO2− 3 in the Bi2.2 Sr2 Ca1 Cu2 O x glasses that melted at 1100° and 1400°C are 170 × 10−5 mol/cm3 (3.3 mol%) and 3.2 × 10−5 mol/cm3 (0.25 mol%), respectively. The apparent activation energy for the dissociation of the carbonates was approximately 220 kJ/mol. The CO2− 3 content in the precursor glasses did not significantly affect the superconducting properties of the resulting glass–ceramics. 相似文献
Two‐dimensional spatial distributions and growths of nucleated bubbles during the re‐melting of “float” glass samples are experimentally investigated. To follow the bubble population undergoing coalescence, the temporal behavior of the Voronoï tessellation built by the bubble positions are monitored. During coalescence, the Voronoï cell areas are fitted by a single‐parameter Gamma distribution. Numerical time simulation of population of bubbles undergoing coalescence shows an exponential increase in the parameter associated to the Gamma distribution with the fraction of coalesced bubbles in agreement with experimental observation. An initial density of nuclei is then estimated; direct observation would require an extremely high space resolution. The bubble number density is two orders of magnitude larger on the side which was in contact with tin bath than on the other side in contact with atmosphere. Moreover, bubbles grow faster on tin side. From a thermodynamic and mass transfer models, we prove that tin reduces the glass former liquid which leads to an increase in dissolved sulfur explaining the more abundant bubble population and the enhanced growth rate on tin side. 相似文献
Crystallization kinetics and enhanced Bi NIR luminescence of transparent silicate glass‐ceramics containing Sr2YbF7 nanocrystals

Xiaoman Li Fangfang Hu Mingying Peng Qinyuan Zhang Min Yin 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2017,100(2):574-582
Bismuth‐doped glasses and crystals have been widely investigated due to their intriguing potential applications in superbroadband fiber amplifier and lasers in new NIR spectral range. However, few reports have been devoted so far to bismuth‐doped transparent glass‐ceramics. Here, this work reports on bismuth‐doped silicate glasses and glass‐ceramics, which were prepared by melt‐quenching and consequent annealing processes, respectively. On the basis of the analyses on crystallization kinetics, nucleation and growth rate of crystalline phase can be modulated and Sr2YbF7 nanophase can, therefore, be precipitated uniformly inside the glass matrix in a controlled way to maintain proper transparence especially in optical telecommunication windows. Once the nanophase comes into being, enhanced bismuth NIR luminescence can be observed by more than 40 times upon excitation of 470 nm. Similar enhancement can appear upon different excitation schemes and the mechanism is discussed accordingly. Such Bi doped transparent glass‐ceramics with improved luminescence efficiency might find application in fiber lasers for future optical fiber communication. 相似文献
C. Devaraja G.V. Jagadeesha Gowda B. Eraiah K. Keshavamurthy 《Ceramics International》2021,47(6):7602-7607
The study of polarizability, optical basicity, and electric susceptibility carried out on the new and very rare set of bismuth - tellurite glasses doped with Ho3+ ions were fabricated by the conventional melt quenching process. The non-crystalline nature was confirmed by X-ray diffractometer measurements. Physical properties such as rare earth ion concentration, interionic distance, polaron radius, and average tellurium - tellurium separation were investigated by appropriate formulae. By UV absorption spectra, optical properties of Ho3+ ions doped glasses were found in the wavelength limit from 400 to 700 nm. The optical properties like optical dielectric constant, electronic polarizability, metallization criterion, electronegativity, optical basicity, and electric susceptibility were measured with appropriate mathematical relations. The impact of Ho3+ ions on nonlinearity in optical parameters discloses bismuth tellurite glass as a new applicant for holmium doped fiber amplifier applications. 相似文献
采用传统的高温熔融法制备了80GeO2–20RO (R=Ca, Sr, Ba)掺铋锗酸盐玻璃。研究了铋掺杂锗酸盐玻璃超宽带近红外发光性质,探讨了铋离子掺杂玻璃超宽带发光机理。结果表明:在808 nm激光激发下,铋掺杂锗酸盐玻璃随着碱土金属离子半径增加,中心波长为1300 nm的发射强度逐渐降低;在690 nm激光激发下,铋掺杂锗酸盐玻璃的近红外发射覆盖从900 nm到2000 nm波段但不呈现正态分布,荧光半高宽达428 nm。随着碱土金属离子半径的增加,其近红外发射中心位置逐渐向长波方向移动,推测近红外发光可能源于两种不同形式铋的发光中心。铋掺杂的锗酸盐玻璃具有良好的光学性能,较宽的荧光半高宽,将成为未来超宽带光纤放大器的增益介质。 相似文献
Shin‐ichi Amma Jiawei Luo Seong H. Kim Carlo G. Pantano 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2018,101(2):657-665
The effect of glass composition on physico‐chemical properties of surface layers formed through reaction between strong acid and several silicate and aluminosilicate glasses was studied through transmission‐IR, ATR‐IR, XPS, SIMS, and nano‐indentation analyses. It was shown that aluminum is depleted from the surface while molecular water is diffused into the surface layer of glasses with high levels of aluminum. Nano‐indentation experiments indicated that the hardness of the surface layers were decreased compared to that of the bulk region and the degree of the softening was more significant in the high aluminum glass. 相似文献
Chalcogenide glasses with embedded ZnS nanocrystals: Potential mid‐infrared laser host for divalent transition metal ions

Xiaosong Lu Yindong Zhang Jing Ren Elfed Lewis Gerald Farrell Anping Yang Zhiyong Yang Pengfei Wang 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2018,101(2):666-673
Chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) containing II‐VI chalcogenide (ChG) nanocrystals such as ZnS/Se have recently been intensively studied as promising mid‐infrared nonlinear optics and laser materials, yet preparation of pure‐phase II‐VI nanocrystals embedded in ChGs via controlled crystallization is still very challenging. In this study, a new system of ChGs and glass ceramics (GCs), viz., (100?x)As2S3–xZnSe (x = 0 ~ 30 mol%), is synthesized, and its physical and optical properties including density, molar volume, microhardness, glass transition temperature, glass network structure, transmission, and refractive index are comprehensively characterized. Significantly, it is initially demonstrated that pure ZnS nanocrystals can be precipitated in GCs simply by a thermal treatment process. The composition and thermal treatment temperature dependencies of crystallization are studied using X‐ray diffraction spectroscopy, and the morphology of the nanocrystals by high‐resolution transmission electron microscope. The ChG GCs with embedded ZnS nanocrystals retaining good transparency can be a potential host laser material for divalent transition metals (e.g., Cr2+/Fe2+, etc.), and thus used for ultrabroadband tunable continuous or ultra‐short‐pulsed mid‐infrared fiber lasers. 相似文献
Yafei Xue Jiangkun Cao Ziyang Zhang Liping Wang Shanhui Xu Mingying Peng 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2018,101(2):624-633
Bismuth‐doped (Bi) glasses and fibers have raised considerable attention for broadband emission and tunable fiber lasers in the near infrared (NIR) region. However, they suffer from low efficiency and it remains challenging to enhance Bi NIR emission. Here, we propose a facile way to enhance and tune the Bi NIR emission by adjusting optical basicity and modulating the boron and aluminum coordination in borate glasses. We find that BO4 and AlO5 species favor Bi NIR emission, right followed by the analyses of static emission spectra, the Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Furthermore, abnormal Bi NIR luminescence phenomenon and boron anomaly were observed, which are attributed to the synthetic effect of B and Al coordination transformation. Besides, we find that BO4 tetrahedron plays a major role in enhancing Bi NIR emission at low Al content, while AlO5 hexahedron group will dominate at high Al concentration. Our investigation may give an insight into the luminescent behaviors of Bi in borate glasses and contribute to improving the performance of Bi‐doped fiber and fiber lasers in future. 相似文献
对Pb、Bi连续测定中的Pb、Bi废液采用Na2S沉淀,HNO3溶解后配制成分析溶液,将原来的分析实验设计成集回收和测定于一体的综合实验,使Pb、Bi溶液可以循环利用,解决了废液排放造成的Pb污染和试剂消耗,实现了化学实验的绿色化,达到了综合训练的目的。 相似文献
Early stage dissolution characteristics of aluminosilicate glasses with blast furnace slag‐ and fly‐ash‐like compositions

Katrina C. Newlands Morten Foss Thomas Matchei Jørgen Skibsted Donald E. Macphee 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2017,100(5):1941-1955
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) have been used by the cement industry for decades to partly replace the portland cement fraction of concrete binders. This is particularly important today in addressing CO2 emissions from the cement manufacturing process. However, defining the reactivity of these mainly aluminosilicate‐based materials and their influence on portland cement hydration chemistry has challenged the research community and has limited SCM replacement levels in cementitious binders. In this study, aluminosilicate glasses as models for blast furnace slag and fly‐ash systems were synthesized and exposed to different activator solutions in a continuously stirred closed system reactor for a period up to 3 hours. Solution compositions were measured from the very first minutes of dissolution and correlated with results from complementary solid surface analysis. Initial Ca concentration maxima in the first 30 minutes of exposure to the activating solution was a common feature in most dissolution profiles with a subsequent rapid decline attributable to Ca‐reincorporation on the reacting surface. Surface‐specific analysis confirmed Ca and Al enrichment at the surface, suggesting the formation of a Ca‐modified aluminosilicate layer, supporting a dissolution‐reprecipitation mechanism for SCM reactivity. Differing chemistries are thought to be responsible for the Ca and Al reintegration on the reacting surface depending on the pH of the solution; near‐neutral conditions favor Ca‐readsorption and surface condensation reactions, whereas alkaline solutions favor Ca‐reintegration via covalently bound phases. 相似文献
High niobium oxide content in germanate glasses: Thermal,structural, and optical properties

Lia Mara Marcondes Sérgio Maestri Bianca Sousa Rogeria Rocha Gonçalves Fabia Castro Cassanjes Gael Yves Poirier 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2018,101(1):220-230
Niobium alkali germanate glasses were synthesized by the melt‐quenching technique. The ternary system (90‐x)GeO2–xNb2O5–10K2O forms homogeneous glasses with x ranging from 0 to 20 mol%. Samples were investigated by DSC and XRD analysis, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, and optical absorption. Structural and physical features are discussed in terms of Nb2O5 content. The niobium content increase in the glass network strongly modifies the thermal, structural and optical properties of alkali germanate glasses. DSC, Raman and FTIR analysis suggest niobium addition promotes NbO6 groups insertion close to GeO4 units of the glass network. XRD analysis also pointed out that samples containing high niobium oxide contents exhibit preferential niobium oxide‐rich phase after crystallization after heat treatment, which is similar to orthorhombic Nb2O5. Absorption spectra revealed high transmission range between 400 nm to 6.2 μm, added to a considerably decreased hydroxyl group content as the addition of niobium in the alkali germanate network. The niobium oxide‐rich phase crystallization process was studied and activation energy was determined, as well as nucleation and crystal growth temperatures and time for obtaining transparent glass‐ceramics. 相似文献