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用传统固相法制备了组成为0.98Pb1.0–xBaxTi0.48Zr0.52O3–0.02PbSbO3(x=0.18~0.24)的Ba掺杂Pb(Zr,Ti,Sb)O3(PSZT)压电陶瓷。通过X射线衍射和Raman光谱研究了Ba掺杂PSZT陶瓷的结构,并测量和分析了Ba掺杂对PSZT压电陶瓷的Curie温度和压电性能的影响。结果表明:Ba掺杂影响PSZT陶瓷中四方相和三方相的转化过程、两相比例、晶粒大小并导致四方相的晶格畸变。随Ba含量(x)从0.18增加到0.24,PSZT陶瓷的Curie温度从189℃几乎线性下降到141℃;当Ba掺杂量为0.22时,PSZT陶瓷的Curie温度为156℃,压电应变常数d33为578pC/N,机电耦合系数Kp为0.63,机械品质因数Qm为37.3。  相似文献   

锰掺杂对PNW-PMS-PZT压电陶瓷结构和性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用传统陶瓷工艺制备了Pb(Ni1/2W1/2)O3-Pb(Mn1/3Sb2/3)O3-Pb(Ti,Zr)O3-xMnO2压电陶瓷,分析了经1150℃烧结2h制备的陶瓷样品的相结构组成。实验结果表明:所有陶瓷样品均为钙钛矿相,未发现其它晶相。随着锰掺杂量的增加,陶瓷晶粒逐渐长大。研究了不同剂量的锰掺杂对压电陶瓷介电和压电性能的影响。结果表明:随着锰掺杂量的增加,材料逐渐变“硬”,当MnO2掺杂量少于0.2%(按质量计,下同)时,相对介电常数εr、压电常数d33和机械品质因数Qm逐渐增加,介电损耗tanδ减小;当MnO2掺杂量多于0.2%时,εr、d33和Qm逐渐降低,tanδ增加。随着锰掺杂量的增加,机电耦合系数kp和Curie温度θc逐渐减小。MnO2掺杂量为0.2%的压电陶瓷适合制作大功率压电陶瓷变压器。其压电性能为:εr=2138,tanδ=0.0058,kp=0.613,Qm=1275,d33=380pC/N和θc=205℃。  相似文献   

研究了Pb1 xLax(Zr1 yTiy)1 x/4O3+1.5wt%Sb2O5陶瓷(PLSZT)的介电性能及其微观结构.实验结果显示:x≤4.9%时,晶体结构为纯钙钛矿相;x4.9%时,为钙钛矿和焦绿石(Pb3Sb2O8 47)6 4两相复合结构.随着x的增大,介电常数呈现先增大后减小的趋势.介电常数在x=6%、y=0.45时最大,em≈3900,tgδ≈1.8%.PLSZT随x的增大弥散性逐渐增强,但Sb的添加使得相同La含量的PLSZT相较干PLZT的弥散性弱.  相似文献   

以聚乙二醇(PEG)为水溶性脱脂树脂、聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)/聚甲醛(POM)为粉末包覆及保型树脂,研究了水溶性脱脂粉末注射成型(PIM)制备锆钛酸铅镧(PLZT)压电陶瓷的工艺流程及黏结剂配比对注射成型喂料(简称喂料)脱脂率、流变行为的影响。用扫描电子显微镜观察了脱脂坯的微观形貌,通过热重分析确定烧结条件,研究了陶瓷的压电性能。结果表明:当黏结剂配比(质量比)为PEG:PVB:POM=6:2:2时(固含量50%),喂料具有较高的生坯强度和较低的黏度,PEG脱除速率快。脱脂坯以2℃/min升温至1 285℃完成烧结,与压制成型相比,PIM法制备的PLZT陶瓷晶粒生长更完善,尺寸均匀且致密度高,压电性能优异。  相似文献   

高瑞荣  凌志远  童盛 《硅酸盐学报》2009,37(9):1453-1457
研究了Pb1–xLax(Zr1–yTiy)1–x/4O3+1.5%(质量分数)Sb2O5陶瓷(PLSZT)的介电、压电性能及其微观结构,获得了高压电性能、小晶粒尺寸的压电陶瓷材料。结果显示:x≤5%时,晶体结构为纯钙钛矿相;x>5%时,为钙钛矿和焦绿石两相混和物。随着x的增大,介电常数和压电常数均呈现先增大后减小的趋势。介电常数在x=6%、y=0.45时最大,最大介电常数εmax≈3900,介电损耗tgδ≈1.8%;压电性能在x=4%、y=0.45时最强,压电应变常数d33≈600pC/N,径向机电耦合系数kp≈0.7,厚度机电耦合系数kt≈0.51,此时的平均晶粒尺寸约为2μm。  相似文献   

采用扎膜工艺和固相反应法制备了Bi2O3掺杂的(Pb0.70Ba0.26Sr0.04)(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3–xBi2O3(Bi–PBSZT,x=0,0.1%(质量分数,下同),0.3%,0.5%,0.8%,1.0%)压电–铁电陶瓷。通过扫描电镜和X射线衍射表征Bi–PBSZT陶瓷的结构和物相组成,并对其弯曲强度(σb)、相对介电常数(εr)和横向压电应变常数(d31)进行了检测和分析。结果表明:适量Bi2O3(x=0~0.3%)掺杂可使Bi–PBSZT陶瓷晶粒细化,致密度提高,σb增大;陶瓷的εr和d31下降。当Bi2O3掺杂量为0.3%时,Bi–PBSZT陶瓷的性能得到优化,σb为175.21MPa,εr为5520,d31为518×10–12m/V。  相似文献   

由Nb5+,Sb3+置换锆钛酸铅的B位离子,制备了用作大功率水声换能器材料的铌锑-锆钛酸铅系压电陶瓷.采用固相法合成了0.02Pb(Sb1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.98PbZr1-xTixO3(x=0.44~0.49)粉体.通过X射线衍射及扫描电镜分析.研究了不同锆钛比和烧结温度对陶瓷的相组成、显微结构和介电、压电性能的影响.结果表明:当合成温度为900℃时,获得的粉体的主晶相为钙钛矿结构.当Zr/Ti摩尔比为51/47,烧结温度为1230℃时,各项性能达到最佳值,介电常数ε T 32/ε0为1945,介电损耗tanδ为0.019,压电常数d33为425pC/N,机电耦合系数Kp为0.65,Curie温度θc为352℃.铌锑-锆钛酸铅系压电陶瓷的烧结温度范围宽,具有较强的工艺操作性且θc高.  相似文献   

探讨了Pr6O11掺杂对锑锰锆钛酸铅Pb(Mn1/3Sb2/3)0.05Zr0.47Ti0.48O3(lead antimony-manganese zirconate titanate,PMSZT)压电陶瓷温度稳定性的影响.测定和分析了样品的谐振频率fr,弹性柔顺系数S11E,相对介电常数εr,横向机电耦合系数K31,压电系数d31在-20~80℃之间随温度的变化.结果表明:与未掺杂的样品相比,掺杂适量Pr6O11的PMSZT陶瓷具有较低的Curie温度,而且体系的压电系数d31的温度稳定性较好,同时机电耦合系数K31的温度稳定性也得到了改善.当掺杂Pr6O11的质量分数为0.05%时,能得到机电性能优良的压电陶瓷,εr=1 650,tan δ=0.006,d33=350 pC/N,平面机电耦合系数Kp=0.67,机械品质因数Qm=2 000.  相似文献   

本文研究了铌掺杂的PLZT驰豫铁电陶瓷在不同直流偏压及温度下的介电常数ε33,平面机电耦合系数k和等效横向压电常数d31。实验表明,铌掺杂的PLZT驰豫铁电陶瓷d31值可由直流偏压控制及d31值的温度系数远小于PMN-PT系陶瓷。室温上2mol%和3mol%的铌掺杂的PLZT10/65/35驰豫铁电陶瓷在10KV/cm的偏压下│d31│分别为205pC/N和160C/N。  相似文献   

采用射频磁控溅射技术在不加热ITO/玻璃衬底上制备了PLZT(9。52/48)铁电薄膜,X射线衍射分析表明溅射气氛中φ(O2):φ(Ar)为3:7的膜在PbO保护下,625℃热处理150min后完全形成钙钛矿相的PL…ZT,不存在第2相,介电常数ε为1224,XPS表面成分分析及深度分析表明,PbO保护气氛中热处理不仅可以防止失铅,而且还可以弥补在制膜过程中失去的铅,用改进的Sawyer-Tower电路测量了薄膜的电池回线,并获得剩余极化强度为17.7μC/cm^2,矫顽场为24.3kV/cm。  相似文献   

Single-phase lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) solid solution powder was synthesized from the constituent oxides at ambient temperature through a mechanical alloying (MA) process and was then densified to fine-grained ceramics by sintering and hot-pressing. The anomalous photovoltaic effect (APV) and photoinduced strain of the resultant PLZT ceramics were investigated and analyzed in association with the influence of grain size. It was found that a photoinduced voltage up to 6000 V·cm−1 can be obtained as the grain size is reduced to 0.42 μm. This is extremely high and about three times that achievable in normal micrometer-grained PLZT ceramics. The maximum photoinduced strain of the PLZT ceramics with an average grain diameter of 0.54 μm reached 0.01%, which is equivalent to electric-field-induced strain of common piezoelectric materials.  相似文献   

Transparent lanthanum-doped lead zirconate titanate (PLZT) ceramics were fabricated by air-pressure sintering. When the PLZT (9/65/35) specimens were sintered in air, the microstructure was not uniform throughout the body; the outer region near the surface was completely dense, while the inner region of the body was porous. The thickness of the outer dense layer increased parabolically with sintering time. When the specimen was sintered in air at 1200°C for 8 h, the thickness of the dense layer was ∼0.25 mm. Therefore, when the specimen had a thickness of <0.5 mm, it was dense and transparent. This difference in microstructure was attributed to the formation of lattice vacancies as a result of PbO evaporation from the surface. The sintering atmosphere also was important in determining the thickness of the dense layer. The thickness was strongly dependent on the oxygen partial pressure of the atmosphere. The oxygen-gas trapped in pores was deemed to migrate easily through the lattice vacancies. By sintering in an oxygen-gas atmosphere at 1200°C for 8 h, a transparent PLZT with thickness up to 2 mm was fabricated.  相似文献   

Lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) thick films were deposited on a glass substrate using a methoxyethanol-based sol–gel multicoating method. Two types of electrodes, a coplanar surface electrode and an embedded electrode, were deposited on the films to measure the phase retardation of the PLZT films by the Senarmont method. The quadratic electrooptic properties were measured as a function of the film thickness, for thicknesses ranging from 1 to 4 μm. The PLZT film with the embedded electrode structure showed a higher phase retardation value and enhanced electric breakdown resistance.  相似文献   

This work describes the measurement of R -curve behavior in ferroelectric ceramics using four-point bend specimens with controlled semielliptical surface cracks. The results are compared for two compositions of lead lanthanum zirconate titanate. One exhibits ferroelastic behavior, the other electrostrictive linear elastic behavior. R -curves are measured in the crack length regime of 0.1 to 0.8 mm. The ferroelastic composition displays a toughness increase from 0.5 to 1.2 MPa·m1/2. The linear elastic composition displays a flat R -curve. The R -curve behavior is attributed to ferroelastic toughening.  相似文献   

(Pb1−xySrxBay)(Zr0.976−zTizNb0.024)O3 solid solutions have been investigated to understand the relationship between structural changes caused by isovalent strontium and barium substitution on the A-site and dielectric and piezoelectric properties. As strontium and barium were substituted for lead, the zirconium:titanium (Zr:Ti) ratio was modified so that all compositions had an optimized piezoelectric coefficient (d33). The value of d33 was at a maximum in the tetragonal phase near, but not at, the morphotropic-phase boundary (MPB). The real MPB was taken as the Zr:Ti ratio at which X-ray diffraction patterns appeared either pseudocubic or a mixture of rhombohedral and tetragonal. As strontium content increased, optimized d33 also increased from 410 pC/N (x= 0) to 640 pC/N (x= 0.12), commensurate with a decrease in the paraelectric-to-ferroelectric phase transition temperature (TC) from 350°C (x= 0) to 175°C (x= 0.12). However, for ceramics where x > 0.12, optimized d33 decreased even though the phase-transition temperature was ∼150°C. Low strontium concentration ceramics (x= 0–0.08) contained 80 nm ferrroelectric domains typical of PZT, but high strontium concentration ceramics (x= 0.12–0.16) contained fine-scale domains (20 nm) in some regions of the microstructure. In addition, [110] pseudocubic electron diffraction patterns revealed superlattice reflections at 1/2{hkl} positions associated with rotations of the octahedra in antiphase. Co-doping ceramics with strontium (x= 0.06) and barium (y= 0.06) resulted in the disappearance of the 1/2{hkl} reflections. Optimized d33 (∼520 pC/N, TC∼ 205°C) for this composition was similar to that of ceramics where x= 0.08, y= 0, which had a TC of ∼250°C.  相似文献   

探讨热压烧结工艺对PLZT(锆钛酸铅镧)陶瓷材料介电击穿性能、饱和极化强度以及电卡性能的影响。通过X射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜,分析陶瓷样品的相组成和微观结构。结果表明,热压烧结法有助于控制陶瓷晶粒的生长,提高陶瓷的致密度并增大陶瓷的介电击穿场强,从而有效提高陶瓷的电卡性能以及电卡转换效率。在328 K(55℃)与478 K(205℃)附近,分别发生低温铁电三方相到高温铁电三方相的相变(FRL-FRH)以及高温铁电三方相到立方顺电相(FRH-Pc)的相变,展现了比较好的弛豫性,在室温下达到3.6 K的绝热温变与1.8×0-7(K·m)/V的电卡转换效率,具有良好的电卡性能。  相似文献   

In situ measurements of electrostrictive strain and effective dielectric constant for two ferroelectric relaxor materials, lead magnesium niobate–lead titanate (0.9PMN · 0.1PT) and lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT 9.5/65/35), were performed in the temperature ranges near their respective mean Curie points under the variation of applied electric field. The measurement results show that the polarization-related electrostrictive coefficients Qij are not constant under variation of temperature and electric field. The observed anomaly in Qij indicates the dynamic behavior of the existing micropolar domains and its coupling to local defect structure. The data also support the idea that at temperatures far above the mean Curie point, there is still a substantial amount of micropolar domain and the response of the relaxor materials at the experimental temperature range is from the combined contributions due to induced polarization and micropolar domain flipping.  相似文献   

An easy technique has been developed to fabricate optically transparent lanthanum-modified lead zirconate titanate (PLZT) ceramics. This technique consists of three stages: (1) sintering in an oxygen atmosphere, (2) elimination of pores in a carbon dioxide atmosphere, and (3) elimination of oxygen vacancies in an oxygen atmosphere. The carbon dioxide atmosphere enhances the diffusion of oxygen from the pores to outside the sintered body. The experimental results reveal that use of a carbon dioxide atmosphere effectively decreases residual pores and improves optical transmittance. From commercially available raw powders, an optical transmittance of 51% (wavelength of 550 nm) can be achieved for 0.7 mm thick polished PLZT9/65/35 ceramics using a carbon dioxide atmosphere, whereas the value is only 34% without a carbon dioxide atmosphere. The advantage of this technique is that PLZT ceramics having high optical quality can be obtained using conventional sintering tools.  相似文献   

Effect of Ba2+ substitution for Pb2+ on the dielectric and electric-field-induced strain characteristics of the PMN–PZ–PT ceramics has been investigated in the compositions of the tetragonal-rich 0.2PMN–0.36PZ–0.44PT and rhombohedral-rich 0.2PMN–0.4PZ–0.4PT ceramics. The phase approached cubic structure from the tetragonal and rhombohedral, and grain size was reduced when the Ba2+ cation was substituted. As Ba2+ content increased, frequency-dependent relaxor-like behavior of the dielectric constant was observed at temperatures below the dielectric maximum ( T max) for compositions with 20 and 25 mol% Ba2+. Electric-field-induced strain was maximized in the 12 mol% Ba2+-substituted 0.2PMN–0.4PZ–0.4PT specimen ( S max= 0.15%), and maximum piezoelectric, d 31, was 300 in the 14 mol% Ba2+-substituted 0.2PMN–0.4PZ–0.4PT specimen.  相似文献   

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