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薛晓东 《绿色环保建材》2020,(2):198-198,201
随着社会的发展,科技的进步,我国加快推行"代建制"成为政府投资工程实施的方式。政府采用"代建制"的投资工程方式能够提升和加强政府投资工程的管理水平,保证政府投资的使用效益。本文针对"代建制"在改革实践引发争论的基础之上将分权论和授权论两种不同的代建制理论进行了讨论。根据政府投资工程传统实施方式的问题进行分析,阐述了传统实施方式的改革实际上是解决专业化和多重委托代理这两大困难。基于此,以下针对我国上海、北京、深圳、厦门改革实例做出了评论分析,通过分析工程总承包项目管理和代建制之间的相同和不同之处。以国际建筑市场的视角出发,对我国代建制进行深入的研究。  相似文献   

通过借鉴各地政府投资工程项目"代建制"试点的成功经验,对各地"代建制"模式的进行比较分析,从政府投资工程"投、建、管、用"职能分离的建设管理体制改革的角度,研究了"代建制"的一般模式和发展趋势。  相似文献   

政府投资工程实施方式de代建制改革研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在代建制改革实践所引发争论的基础上,归纳提出了"分权论"和"授权论"两种不同的代建制理论观点;通过对政府投资工程传统实施方式弊端的分析,得出了传统实施方式的改革实质上是要解决"专业化"和"多重委托代理"这两个难题的结论.以此为分析工具,文章对上海、北京、深圳、珠海以及厦门的改革作了分析和评论.文章还通过分析工程总承包、项目管理和代建制之间的异同,从国际建筑市场惯例的视角出发,对代建制作了进一步的界定.  相似文献   

政府投资项目代建管理模式与风险分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于全国各地政府投资项目大力推行"代建制"的背景,研究了政府投资项目代建管理模式下的政府相关部门的角色、代建单位的职责等,并结合"委托-代理"理论研究了代建制模式下的风险,提出相应的对策,包括完善市场准入机制和诚信机制,推进代建制运作中的专业化、职业化、社会化和市场化,以及建立代建制模式的风险管理制度.  相似文献   

国家推进"双一流"建设所需的空间资源为高校基建项目实施代建制管理模式提供了良好契机。从代建制的概念和基本框架出发,从高校管理和项目实施的角度分析了高校基建项目推广代建制的意义。并以两所高校的具体实践为例,分析代建制的委托内容、管理体制和实施效果,进而对代建制在高校后续的推广实践提出三点建议。  相似文献   

刘烈波 《建筑》2010,(14):23-25
<正>一、代建制的定义为防止在工程建设过程中"代建制"变味,各方建设主体必须真正搞清楚何为代建制,以及如何解决政府投资项目长期存在的"工期马拉松,投资无底洞,质量无保障"等老大难问题,这些都成为工程建设者们共同关注的话题。关于代建制,目前还没有一个统一的定义,但根据我国工程项目管理的实践和代建制在国际工程项目管理中的惯例,代建制可以理解为通过招标方式或由业主方委托有资质的专门管理机构,对工程项目实行专业化、社会化管理,组织开展  相似文献   

代建制在政府非经营性投资工程领域中占有重要地位,但实践中,由于种种制度上的约束,代建制的优势并没有得到充分的发挥。本文以深圳市福田区代建制为研究对象,分析福田区原有代建制的症结问题,并通过对比原有福田代建制度与改革后的代建制"福田模式",从代建模式选择、采购方式、合同管理、回避制度、资金管理、风险规避等方面对代建制"福田模式"的改革措施进行了分析,并对国内代建制度改革提出一些建议。  相似文献   

目前,国家希望通过项目代建制方式,来解决其出资项目存在的"工期马拉松、投资无底洞、质量无保障"问题,真正使代建制发挥作用,本文对我国代建制的发展过程中主要存在的问题进行了阐述,并提出了建立与完善代建制管理模式的具体对策.  相似文献   

史泽运  李朝阳  崔文婷 《山西建筑》2008,34(18):207-208
分析了高校建设项目管理模式中存在的问题,阐述了高校建设工程项目"代建制"管理模式的优势,指出了代建制在高校建设工程项目中应用须明确的问题,以充分发挥代建制在高校建设工程项目管理中的应用。  相似文献   

对政府投资工程实施"代建制"相关问题的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"代建制"是适应现代工程建设需要而产生的项目管理模式,是政府投资工程管理方式的一种创新.本文通过分析"代建制"内涵,阐述了"代建制"的实施过程,对实施中的关键控制环节进行探讨,并对"代建制"试点阶段存在的一些问题提出了解决的方法.  相似文献   

著: 《风景园林》2019,26(7):26-44
《材料的重要性》是《景观设计理论》的一段节选。《景观设计理论》旨在不使用专业术语或其他领域假说的前提下,结合景观设计过程向学生介绍内在理论思想。《材料的重要性》是本书的五章之一。每一章针对特定理论,解释了其基础和来源,探讨了它对设计的重要性,列举了20—21世纪与其相关的设计案例,整理了该理论的辩论(尤其是有关现代和后现代思想),最后还有相关阅读材料清单和需要学生们思考的问题。本文分为如下3个部分:第一部分,物质性,介绍“辩证唯物主义”“媒介即信息”“物质实践”和“编码”等理论及其在设计中的运用;第二部分,通过“建构表达”“地貌代理人策略”“石材的面层”“材料的暗示”“人造,但不是伪造”等理论,介绍材料的真实性及其在设计中的运用;第三部分,复写理论及应用,包括“剩余物”“复写的展示性”“未来的复写”和“虚构的复写”等内容。  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(1):110-120

The articles in this special issue demonstrate how objects can be interpreted as agents, as gendered images that make a statement, and how their impacts can be understood and assessed by human actors. They are differentially placed in matrices of power, and they can be manipulated to shift genders, to play with gendered combinations, to expand the limits of a particular gendered domain, to creatively play with reproductive imagery, and even to sell commodities in new and enticing ways in the mass media. Gendered religious objects are “statements” addressed not only to the eye but to the emotions, and part of a complex cultural field in which things can play important roles in people's lives. The links that connect ritual power to other forms of agency and biographical significance are perhaps the most significant links that we need to examine to understand them better in a world of many diverse cultural forms.  相似文献   

Use of iodide to enhance the phytoextraction of mercury-contaminated soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low bioavailability of mercury (Hg) in soil is a restricting factor in phytoextraction of Hg-contaminated soil. Iodide is known to mobilize Hg in soil and, therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to use iodide to increase phytoextraction of Hg. The sensitivity of willow to iodide was investigated in both hydroponics with 0-10 mM KI and in soil with 0.2 and 1 mM KI addition. The capacity to accumulate HgI(2) was compared with that of Hg(NO(3))(2) in hydroponics. Soil extractions with 0-2 mM KI were used to study mobilization of Hg in aged Hg-spiked soil. Additions of KI (0.2-1 mM) were used in pot tests with aged Hg-spiked soil as well as in field trials in an industrial Hg-contaminated soil to study whether iodide addition increased the accumulation of Hg from contaminated soil and the translocation of Hg to the shoots. The total Hg contents in plants, soils and extracts were analyzed by CVAAS. The results showed that too high KI concentration was toxic to plants. Moreover, KI was toxic to plants at lower concentrations in hydroponics than in soil additions. KI (85 microM) in hydroponics gave 50% growth decrease in terms of dry weight of shoot biomass, whereas 0.2 mM KI in soil addition could be tolerated by the plant without growth disturbance. Willow accumulated Hg from HgI(2) solution slower than that from Hg(NO(3))(2) solution. KI mobilized Hg in contaminated soil and thereby increased the bioavailability of Hg in soil. Up to 1 mM KI addition increased the Hg concentrations to about 5, 3 and 8 times, respectively, in the leaves, branches and roots. However, the Hg translocation to the shoots did not show an increase with KI addition. Only less than 1% of the total Hg accumulated in the plant was distributed in the shoots. We may conclude that iodide addition enhances the phytoextraction of Hg, however, the translocation of Hg to the shoots is still too low and therefore it will not be realistic to use this method for phytoextraction of Hg-contaminated soil in practice.  相似文献   

在经济增速放缓、政治体制变革的转型背景中,中国城市规划专业应该怎样"转型"成为热题。其中,城市规划附庸于政治而需要被动地应对政治转变是隐含的"常识",但这一认识带来了规划转型的现实压力——受制于无法改变的体制。规划是否的确依附于政治体制,如果不是,又应该怎样看待规划与政治的关系,进而认识规划转型的核心?本文从论述方式、论证视角两个方面解读和反思了中国规划的政治依附性的判断过程,发现城市规划不仅没有长期固化依附政治的角色,反而在不同时代发挥了专业价值。再从解构主义思维反思政治经济结构凌驾于其他结构之上的观点。最后认为,转型中国规划求变的核心并不在于规划要怎样适应政治体制这一或其他外因,而在于反思与自省内因,沉淀与重拾专业价值,进而期待一个多元多维的规划前景。  相似文献   

为了解决重庆房地产市场住宅市场供求不平衡这一个难题,我们提出了住宅产业化这个方案,但是在大规模的生产产业化住宅以前,首先必须知道重庆市居民对住宅的需求取向,正是因为这个原因,我们进行了一次问卷调查。问卷调查的目的是:摸清影响重庆市潜在购房户购房行为的因素,为重庆住宅产业化工程的实施构建一个模型。因此本文的目的就是:分析影响重庆市潜在购房户购房行为的因素,找出本市居民喜欢的住宅类型,我们研究组的总体研究目的是:立足于本地的资源,探索在重庆实施住宅产业化工程的可行性,如果可行,那么我们将在充分利用本地建筑材料的基础上,设计出切实可行的产业化住宅模型。在目前这个阶段,工作的重心是摸清重庆建筑业的概况,为下一步的研究铺平道路。而本文的中心是:找出本市居民喜欢的住宅类型。  相似文献   

中国人对山水之迷恋已是极致,一则因山水媾和万物阴阳两态之流变认识;二可借山纹水脉暗通昆仑神话之时空不尽。前者构建其认知世界之方法,后者为维稳其文化溯源所求之本源归属感,以及忘化时空、死生之界域囿限。亘古亘今,隐处丘园者,究其思想,多染映于道佛之法,而返窥宗教名山,素于山林最胜处,得居游自足之洞庭妙所,何也?遂凭托云南石洞寺,借境生文,以其“行望居游”之体验品判,引发今之园构,师法何式之问;究源古之隐者,生死流变之忧;承启当下居境,适宜理式之思。  相似文献   

Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mudarri D  Fisk WJ 《Indoor air》2007,17(3):226-235
The public health risk and economic impact of dampness and mold exposures was assessed using current asthma as a health endpoint. Individual risk of current asthma from exposure to dampness and mold in homes from W.J. Fisk, Q. Lei-Gomez & M.J. Mendell [(2007) Indoor Air, [corrected] 17, 284-296], and [corrected] asthma risks calculated from additional studies that reported the prevalence of dampness and mold in homes were used to estimate the proportion of US current asthma cases that are attributable to dampness and mold exposure at 21% (95% confidence internal 12-29%). An examination of the literature covering dampness and mold in schools, offices, and institutional buildings, which is summarized in the Appendix, suggests that risks from exposure in these buildings are similar to risks from exposures in homes. Of the 21.8 million people reported to have asthma in the USA, approximately 4.6 (2.7-6.3) million cases are estimated to be attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home. Estimates of the national cost of asthma from two prior studies were updated to 2004 and used to estimate the economic impact of dampness and mold exposures. By applying the attributable fraction to the updated national annual cost of asthma, the national annual cost of asthma that is attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home is estimated to be $3.5 billion ($2.1-4.8 billion). Analysis indicates that exposure to dampness and mold in buildings poses significant public health and economic risks in the USA. These findings are compatible with public policies and programs that help control moisture and mold in buildings. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: There is a need to control moisture in both new and existing construction because of the significant health consequences that can result from dampness and mold. This paper demonstrates that dampness and mold in buildings is a significant public health problem with substantial economic impact.  相似文献   

The behaviour, fate and significance of the detergent builder nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) has been reviewed with particular reference to the removal of NTA during wastewater treatment and the effects of NTA on heavy metal solubility both during treatment and in the receiving environment. It is concluded that NTA removal during secondary biological treatment is subject to considerable variation, both temporal and between works as a result of changes in NTA load, temperature, water hardness and treatment process parameters. As a result of such variability, effluent NTA concentrations may be sufficient to mobilise heavy metals resulting in metal contamination of receiving waters and potable waters, particularly in areas of low effluent dilution and high water re-use. Removal of NTA during primary sedimentation and septic tank treatment is concluded to be predominantly due to adsorption to the sludge solids while removal in anaerobic sludge digestion is subject to operational characteristics of the treatment works. Disposal of NTA contaminated sludge to land may contaminate groundwaters and affect heavy metal speciation, while the disposal of contaminated sludge or sewage to sea may result in toxic algal blooms, in addition to effects on metal speciation.  相似文献   


This paper is in conversation with two important bodies of literature: one on informal settlements (informal and insurgent grassroots practices) and another on camps (spatial practices and governance of refugees). Reading inhabitants’ experiences in Korail, an informal settlement in Dhaka, Bangladesh, through the literature grounded in the experiences of refugees, we seek to contribute to the relational theorization of informal settlements and camps as an expanding and overlapping reality in the era of intensified global displacements. Weaving back and forth between the camp literature and Korail’s reality, we bring to light the comparable spatial practices and governance of the so-called citizens and the so-called stateless. We present the insights we gain from this analytical conversation under three organizing themes: experiential to highlight the precarious relationship of the two groups to citizenship and place, what we call a state of “citizenship in wait” and “in-situ displacement”; institutional to highlight the humanitarian matrices of care that provide governmental structures in both contexts; and micropolitical, to characterize dwellers’ contestations with state and humanitarian governance that constitute the processes of life-making in informal settlements, much as in the camps. Conceptually the paper lends a forceful voice to the mounting critiques of the state-centered canon in planning theories and the needed Southern turn in planning theorization. Politically, it lends a hand to the efforts of activists working to overcome exclusions and erasures that are endemic to the politics of citizenship, that pit refugees against the poor, and to gesture toward forging solidarities for a humane urbanism.  相似文献   

A vision of change for innovation within the perspective of revaluing the construction industry is essential to develop a culture of self-sustaining improvement, mutual recognition, respect and support in the long term in North Cyprus. The research attempts to put forward a case for a restructuring of the construction sector in order to deliver a step in change in quality of output and to realise maximum value to all clients, stakeholders and end users. The main objective of this study is to (1) determine current innovation practices and identify key issues that contribute to successful implementation (2) assess the existence and severity of barriers to change for innovation (3) propose solutions for overcoming barriers to change for innovation in construction industry and develop a framework to revaluate the construction industry. The research includes an extensive literature study, interviews with managers on the challenge of change for innovation in construction, analysis of this information to develop findings, and extending these to present the key strategic issues that could be targeted for revaluing the construction industry. The paper commences on understanding the firms’ own processes and detecting their weaknesses and strengths, determining the strategies and actions that should be made in the short term to adopt innovation practices and helping the North Cyprus construction industry to learn as a whole. The paper concludes how the drivers of change for innovation can offer benefits to construction firms in North Cyprus if appropriate strategies are adopted.  相似文献   

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