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"两会"上多名代表委员就促进绿色建材产业发展发出了呼吁:加快推进绿色建材发展,加强标准认证体系建设,尽快编制《绿色建材产品目录》。在积极推广目录产品的同时,淘汰技术落后产品。数据显示,我国建材工业每年消耗原材料50亿吨,消耗煤炭2.3亿吨,  相似文献   

日前,国家发改委发布的一份报告称,2007年,我国建材工业产量、效益得到大幅度提高。数据显示,预计2007年水泥产量13.8亿吨,平板玻璃5.3亿重量箱,卫生陶瓷11000万件,建筑陶瓷35亿平方米,全行业利润总额650亿元, 增长29%。据介绍,目前我国水泥、平板玻璃、建筑卫生陶瓷和石材等主要建材产品的产量多年居世界第一位,同时,建材产品质量不断提高,能源和原材料消耗逐年下降,各种新型建材不断涌现,建材产品不断升级换代。  相似文献   

建材工业是高耗能产业,1989年我国建材产品生产消耗的能源达到1.18亿吨标煤,占我国一次能源总量的10.65%,是我国国民经济中纯消耗能源最高的工业部门。建材工业万元产值能耗1989为21.42吨标煤/万元,在各工业部门中居首位。为此,节能已成为建材工业发展的当务之急。为切实有效地  相似文献   

一、建材工业能源消耗和废弃物排放情况 1.能源消耗情况 2006年建材工业能源消耗总量1.75亿吨标准煤,同比增长12.4%。其中:消耗煤炭1.94亿吨,同比增长12.9%;消耗电力1518亿千瓦时,同比增长16.4%;消耗燃料油482万吨,同比下降17%;消耗柴油219万吨,同比增长3.2%;消耗天然气22.15亿立方米,同比增长42.4%。  相似文献   

随着我国绿色建筑的不断发展,作为绿色建筑基础的绿色建材将具有广阔的市场前景。但是,绿色建材目前在我国尚处于起步阶段,标准和认证体系亟需建设。数据显示,我国建材工业每年消耗原材料50亿吨,消耗煤炭2.3亿吨,约占全国能源总消耗的15.8%,废气排放量1.096亿立方米。水泥、石灰与传统墙体材料等排放二氧化碳约为6.6亿吨,占全国工业二氧化碳排放量的40%左右。  相似文献   

建材工业是耗能最多的产业部门之一。1988年建材工业消耗的能源占全国能源总产量的10.83%,折合标准煤为1.03亿吨。而水泥工业在建材工业中耗煤占第二位,耗电占第一位。1988年水泥工业消耗标准煤约3800万吨,耗电300亿度,分别占煤、电产量的约4.2%和4%。据预测建材工业到2000年需消耗标准煤约2亿吨,将占当年全国能源总产量的七分之一,这显然大大超出了国家承受能力。可见建材工业,特别是水泥工业如不在节能上下功夫其发展将遇到严重困难。今后水泥工业的发展,无论是开发新技术、新装备还是开发新品种都必须以节能为中心、为目的。节能士要是指节约燃料(对我国主要是节煤)和节电。在硅酸盐水泥生产过程中熟料煅  相似文献   

建材工业是重要的基础原材料工业,在国民经济发展中具有重要作用。建材工业是典型的资源、能源消耗型工业,在其快速发展的同时,面临着资源、能源的过度消耗和环境的严重污染。建材工业是仅次于电力、冶金行业的耗能大户,占全国能耗的9%、全国工业能耗的13%,万元产值能耗近5吨标煤,所耗能源基本上是不可再生的化石类能源——煤和石油。根据我国现已探明的储量来看,能源形势十分严峻。从资源方面看,以占建材产业半壁江山的水泥工业为例,生产水泥的主要原料石灰石资源保有储量全国仅为542亿吨,以目前我国水泥生产年消耗的石灰石量计算,仅够…  相似文献   

作为建材工业治理整顿时期的战略任务,节能工作已纳入了今年及今后几年的工作重点。建材工业的能耗在所有工业部门中是名列前茅的,1989年建材产品的总生产能耗约为1.18亿吨标准煤,占全国能耗总量的11.7%。而建材产品的总能耗中有近一半消耗在实心粘土砖上。去年全国粘土实心砖的产量为4700亿块,耗标煤约5000万吨,万块砖平均耗标煤1.07吨。大多数砖瓦企业的能耗很高,特别是  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,累计节约能源1.5亿吨标准煤,减排二氧化碳8亿吨. 2010年建材工业万元增加值综合能耗预计3吨标准煤(按2005年价格计算,下同),比“十五”末期的2005年下降52.6%,二氧化碳排放强度下降51.6%.2010年建材主要耗能产品单位能耗与2005年相比:吨水泥综合能耗预计下降24.6%;每重量箱平板玻璃综合能耗下降26%,每万块砖综合能耗上升4%,每平方米陶瓷砖综合能耗下降16.4%,每平方米石膏板综合能耗下降7.1%因单位产品能耗下降,“十一五”期间建材工业累计节约能源1.5亿吨标准煤,因排放强度下降,累计减排二氧化碳8亿吨. “十一五”时期,由于建材工业产业结构不断优化,建材工业万元增加值综合能耗下降幅度超过了 50%.  相似文献   

发展低碳建材 推进节能减排   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦钢 《四川建筑》2010,30(2):1-1
传统建材行业消耗大量能源和不可再生资源,造成严重的环境和生态问题。据统计,建材工业年总能耗超过2亿吨标煤,占全国工业领域总能耗的10%以上,其中原煤和电力消耗占建材能耗总量的87%,构成建材工业的主要能源品种。在建材工业的各主要产业中,水泥工业和墙体材料工业均是耗能大户,其能源消耗分别占到建材耗能总量的58%和23%。  相似文献   

Lately the construction industry has become more interested in designing and constructing environmentally friendly buildings (e.g. sustainable buildings) that can provide both high performance and monetary savings. In general, sustainability integrates the following three related components: (1) environmental, (2) economic, (3) social well-being. Incorporating these components at the conceptual stage is achieved by using sustainable design, through which designers must identify associated materials and systems based on any selected certification (rating) system. The use of building information modelling (BIM) concepts helps engineers design digital models that allow owners to visualize the building before the physical implementation takes place. To apply BIM concepts, designers use tools to create 3D models of buildings where the design materials and systems are selected from the built-in database of these tools. Designers will not be able to quantify the environmental impacts of these materials to support the decisions needed to design sustainable buildings due to the following reasons: (1) a lack of information about the sustainable materials that are stored in the database, (2) a lack of interoperability between the design and analysis tools that enable full life cycle assessments (LCAs) of buildings. This paper presents a methodology that integrates BIM and LCA tools with a database for designing sustainable building projects. The methodology describes the development and implementation of a model that incorporates a database in which information about sustainable materials is stored and linked to a BIM (3D) module along with an LCA module and a certification and cost module. The goal of this model is to simplify the process of creating sustainable designs and to evaluate the environmental impacts (EI) of newly designed buildings at the conceptual stage of their life. An actual building project is presented in order to illustrate the usefulness and capabilities of the developed model.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of modern buildings and the use of fast-track methods of procurement systems has meant the expeditious and successful completion of the design phase of a project has become ever more important. This paper describes a research methodology that can help plan the building design process. Design models, based on data flow diagrams, have been developed to map information flows during the design of a modern building. These models are analysed using Steward's design structure matrix, which allows ordering of the tasks to produce schedules or design plans based solely on information flowing between design tasks. Traditional ordering is based on experience but modern complex projects require a more rigorous approach. Design is an inherently iterative activity and design structure matrix analysis reveals how to order most efficiently interdependent tasks and use estimates of design information further to improve the scheduling of design tasks.  相似文献   

Building information modeling (BIM) is useful in three-dimensional (3D) visualization and data/information storage for planning and maintaining building projects. Recently, researchers globally have been exploring the applications of BIM. In this work, a BIM-based model is designed to support fire safety management of buildings. The model comprises four modules — evacuation assessment, escape route planning, safety education, and equipment maintenance. The evacuation assessment module integrates BIM with a Fire Dynamics Simulator to calculate the required safety egress time and the available safety egress time to evaluate the ability to evacuate in case of fire. The escape route planning module utilizes BIM to determine whether the distance of an escape route is acceptable. The safety education module presents hazardous areas, videos of escape routes and directional maps, all in three dimensions, to educate the occupants of the building about fire safety. The equipment maintenance module is implemented in a web-based prototype to support maintenance tasks in a remote management manner. The results of applying BIM have demonstrated that BIM can effectively provide 3D geometric data to support the assessment and planning of fire safety (using the first three modules), and it can store information in support of safety management and property management in a web-based environment (using the equipment maintenance module).  相似文献   

A general view is given of the state of the construction sector and its documentation fields in Spain, comparing it with the state existing in the other European countries. The information is based on the economic expansion and on the Information Technology revolution that Spain has experienced in recent years.  相似文献   

建设领域信息化工作的推进是一项系统、繁杂的工作,我们希望通过加强信息资源规划、完善电子政务顶层设计,理顺信息资源关系,建立电子政务模式,推进建设事业、数字城市的健康发展。  相似文献   

As building information modelling (BIM) is positioned by governments and construction professionals as a solution to the problems in the construction industry, research is needed into the benefits BIM actually confers. The focus here is on the effectiveness of BIM as a medium for communicating information within a construction team. A case study of an offsite precast concrete fabrication facility was conducted. At the time of the study, the facility was supplying precast units for four public sector projects, and using four information management systems: e-mail, a construction project extranet tool, an Enterprise Resource Planning system and a new BIM-based system. The flow of information through the four media was measured and visualized as the projects progressed. This quantitative measurement of information flow was combined with qualitative data from interviews with facility staff. It was found that the introduction of the BIM-based system diverted information flow through the building model and away from the extranet system. The use of e-mail was largely unaffected. BIM allowed considerably more accurate, on-time and appropriate exchange of information. It is concluded it is possible to quantify some of the benefits of BIM to information management. This research paves the way for future research into the management of more construction project information linked more closely to building models.  相似文献   

Building product models are presented as an integrated representation for use in translating information between current and future design applications. Using an information model developed for design applications, we specify a Generic Building Model that represents both the physical and abstract information necessary to model basic knowledge about buildings and architecture. The Generic Building Model and its subsidiary concepts are reviewed. We show how it can incorporate building type information, and include the needs of various activities for comparison against the constructed form. We illustrate the model's behavior by showing how it can be adapted to model information relevant to hospital design.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for integrating building information modelling (BIM) and object-oriented physical modelling-based building energy modelling (BEM) focusing on thermal simulation to support decision-making in the design process. The framework is made of a system interface between BIM and Modelica-based BEM and the visualization of simulation results for building designers. The interface consists of the following two major features: (1) pre-processing BIM models to add required thermal parameters into BIM and generate the building topology and (2) translating BIM to Modelica-based building energy modelling automatically and running the thermal simulation. The visualization component presents the simulation results in BIM for designers to understand the relationship between design decisions and the building performance. For the framework implementation, we have created a ModelicaBIM library and utilized the Modelica Buildings library developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We conducted a case study to demonstrate and validate the framework simulation results.  相似文献   

任何企业要想在经济全球化的环境下,在激烈的市场竞争中不被淘汰,就必须居安思危,建立自己的经营战略。简言之,就是要不断进行管理创新、技术创新、体制/机制创新……,以确保企业的可持续发展。随着人们对信息化认识的不断提高和信息技术的迅猛发展,信息化作为实施企业战略和改  相似文献   

The paper describes a computerized construction time information system for time planning of buildings at early stages of design. A sample of 29 commercial, privately funded buildings was used to develop the proposed model. A procedure for extending the model to other project categories is shown. Multiple linear regression analysis of sample data shows that the durations of activity groups: substructure,superstructure, cladding, finishes, services and their sequential start – start lag times can be predicted from 12 variables: grossjloor area, area of groundpoor, approximate excavated volume, building height,number of storeys, end use, cladding type, presence of atrium, building location, intensity of services and site accessibility. An experiment involving nine planners and three office projects showed that the time predictions of the model fall within the distribution of planners' estimates and are tatistically indistinguishable from them. Therefore, the model can produce reliable estimates of construction times.  相似文献   

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