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21世纪的新资源食品   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
理想的新粮食植物 科学家正在研究一种新食物-粮食植物。美国的食品商店曾出售过一种叫青草丸的植物,这种丸是用雀梅的芽叶炼制而成的。现在科学家已经通过各种化验,得知青草所含的维生素,远远多于我们日常所吃的食物,而且热量又少,是最理想的减肥食物。欧美一些国家经过研究证实,烟草是蛋白质的来源之一,它可制造出一种像豆腐一样的食物,其营养价值超过牛奶。苜蓿、三叶草、苋菜和一般青草,已被发现可供人食用,有些多叶植物产生更高的蛋白质,将是新食品的重要来源。 种类庞大的昆虫食品 地球上现存的昆虫已有一百多万种,其重…  相似文献   

最近,加拿大帕海姆食品公司开发生产和在市场推出了三种食品加工用植物纤维新产品“centamⅢ”、“centamⅣ”和“Centara Ⅴ”。它是利用原产加拿大的黄色豌豆的豆荚做原料加工制成的系列产品,具有低血糖食品用的健康功能的天然植物源特征,在食品中可以起到强化膳食纤维的作用。  相似文献   

新资源食品和保健食品最大的区别在于,保健食品是指具有特定保健功能的食品,申请审批时必须明确指出具有哪一种保健功能,而新资源食品则不得宣称或者暗示其具有疗效及特定保健功能。  相似文献   

本文就新资源食品的基本概念、品种类别、政策法规和监管情况等进总结、概述,以便相关部门尽快制定、完善我国新资源食品的相关监管措施。  相似文献   

辣木是原产于印度北部的喜马拉雅南侧的山区,为辣木科辣木属的多年生热带植物,其富含蛋白质、维生素以及各类矿物质元素等营养成分。本文结合辣木本身的营养价值,食用功能以及可能带来的相关产业的发展,以国家卫生部批准辣木叶为新资源食品为契机,综述辣木作为新资源食品的国内外研究现状,并对国内辣木资源的食品研究开发进行展望。   相似文献   

松毛虫作为新资源食品的可行性及其前景分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
松毛虫是我国危害最大的林业害虫之一.但其虫体却含有约60%的优质动物蛋白,8%左右的甲壳素/壳聚糖,还有Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn等微量元素和VA、VE等维生素.国内外一些少数民族地区的人群很早就有取食其虫蛹的习惯.作为一类潜在的食品资源,与其它昆虫相比,松毛虫资源量极大,而且易于捕获;此外,开发松毛虫新资源食品在一定程度上可以降低它的危害程度,可避免因大量使用农药而带来的环境污染,具有较大的经济和生态效益.  相似文献   

所谓新资源食品是指在中国新研制、新发现、新引进的无食用习惯的,符合食品基本要求,对人体无毒无害的物品。《新资源食品管理办法》自2007年12月1日起施行。规定了四类食品配料作为新资源食品进行管理,即:在我国无食用习惯的动物、植物和微生物;从动  相似文献   

如今人们都在向往和追求高品质的健康生活,特别是对骨骼的健康越来越关注,也意识到了预防骨质疏松的重要性。因为在诸多健康课题中,骨质健康是所有健康问题的根本,比如婴幼儿的发育、儿童的成长、以及中老年人的骨质  相似文献   

综述透明质酸口服给药的保健功效及其作为一种新资源食品的前景。  相似文献   

综述透明质酸口服给药的保健功效及其作为一种新资源食品的前景。  相似文献   

目的分析含中药成分的保健食品进行微生物检验时所采用的菌落计数和控制菌检查方法的合理性。方法根据GB16740-2014《保健食品》中的微生物限量要求,结合《中国药典》附录中微生物限度检查法和GB4789《食品微生物学检验》,对固态茶类和液态口服液类10批次含中药成分的保健食品进行了抑菌性筛查及消除的方法学验证。结果对菌落计数采用常规法进行方法学验证时,筛查出3批供试品存在抑菌性:供试品对菌落计数的抑菌性通过培养基稀释法不能完全消除,但可通过中和法消除;对控制菌检查采用常规法进行方法学验证时,筛查出4批供试品存在抑菌性,供试品对控制菌金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌性通过培养基稀释法和中和法等均未能消除。结论建议采用含中和剂的琼脂培养基进行计数,并在试验中增加阳性对照菌株进行监控,含中药成分保健食品的检验方法应参照《中国药典》进行方法学验证。  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA technology provides a powerful tool to create new products in many different fields. Agriculture and the agro-food industry are two of them. Genetic engineering aims at improving the yield, the nutritional quality or the technological value of food crops. The composition of foods may also be modified in order to decrease the content of toxic substances sometimes present in certain food crops. The expression of recombinant proteins in foods must be carefully assessed as proteins may induce allergic reactions in humans. Currently, the potential allergenicity of a protein can be reasonably assessed only when the protein is known to trigger an immune response in sensitive subjects. By contrast, the potential allergenicity of a protein of unknown allergenicity cannot be easily predicted as no immunoserum of allergic subjects is available. That is why an allergenicity assessment model for any genetically engineered food should be designed. Even though the gene product is completely characterised in the transgenic product, this does not necessarily provide information on its potential allergenicity. Animal models, in vitro tests and protein structure should be taken into account. Besides, allergenicity is a biosafety issue, for it deals with human health. The issue of food allergies in food safety should not be neglected, as an allergic reaction can be life threatening. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   




全国出口预包装食品致敏原成分标识调查分析报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国出口预包装食品企业遇到的致敏原成分标识技术性贸易壁垒进行了调查分析,主要包括食品企业涉及致敏原种类、应对国外食品致敏原标识管理的情况,以及在食品致敏原方面亟待满足的需求,并根据食品企业在食品致敏原标识方面的现状提出建议。   相似文献   

对一些常见的植物功能性食物在疾病预防和促进健康中的作用及其功能性因子的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

Functional foods stand for a new category of remarkably promising foods bearing properties (i.e., low cholesterol, antioxidant, anti-aging, anticancer, etc.) that have already rendered them quite appealing. There are many classes offunctionalfoods (pro- and pre-biotics, dietary fiber, low fat, etc.), and their definition is occasionally confused with that of nutraceuticals and novel foods. Consumers' main skepticism regarding functional foods resides in the veracity of health claims and in the low and often inadequate control of their claimed properties. Legislation concerning this matter is progressing at an extremely low pace and currently only Japan, the U.K., U.S.A., and Scandinavian countries have managed to make notable progress. Moreover, the labeling of functional foods is far from informative, providing scanty information about nutritional value, storage, and cooking recipes. It is anticipated that technological advances in the food industry, in conjunction with extensive clinical trials and governmental control, will eventually guarantee the credibility of health claims and ensure consumers' confidence in functional foods.  相似文献   

Promises and problems of functional foods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Functional" foods are branded foods, which claim, explicitly or implicitly, to improve health or well being. We review typical functional foods and their ingredients, efficacy, and safety. We also review regulations for health claims for foods worldwide. These regulations often allow manufacturers to imply that a food promotes health without providing proper scientific evidence. At the same time, regulations may ban claims that a food prevents disease, even when it does. We offer a plea for regulations that will permit all health claims that are supported by the totality of scientific evidence, and ban all claims that suggest an unproven benefit.  相似文献   

建立了凝胶色谱法测定保健食品中免疫球蛋白IgG含量的方法。采用紫外检测器,测定波长280 nm;色谱柱为Zorbax GF-250,柱温为20℃,流动相为0.01 mol/L KH2PO4+0.1 mol/L K2HPO4+0.15 mol/LNa2SO4(pH 6.0),流速为1.0 ml/min;样品调pH值为4.6沉淀酪蛋白及变性乳清蛋白后过滤分离。本方法的最低检测限为1 mg/g,标准曲线的相关系数为0.9999,回收率在97.2%~103.2%,RSD为1.38%。  相似文献   

该文概述了松花粉作为保健食品原料的优势和特点,详尽阐述了松花粉的安全性、营养性和功能性,并且对松花粉资源的分布特点和产业化开发的现实意义进行了说明。  相似文献   

张翠凤 《饮料工业》2010,13(6):12-14
介绍了饮料酒的分类及几种常见饮料酒的组成和保健作用。适度饮酒能增进人体健康,过度饮酒则损害健康。此外强调了饮酒时要注意的事项。  相似文献   

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