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An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different milking frequencies on entire lactation production performance in Holstein cows. One hundred twenty Holstein cows were assigned to 3 milking treatments (35 multiparous and 5 primiparous cows in each): 1) milking 6 times daily for the entire lactation (6×); 2) milking 6 times daily for the first 90 d in milk (DIM) and switching to 3 times daily milking afterward (6×-3×); and 3) milking 3 times daily for the entire lactation (3×). Milk yield was recorded every other day during the first 60 DIM and on 2 consecutive days per week subsequently. Cows were weighed and scored for their body condition immediately after parturition and monthly afterward. Blood and milk samples were taken from each cow on 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 210, and 270 DIM, with an additional blood sampling on 15 DIM. Milk and fat corrected milk yield was greater for 6× and 6×-3× cows than for 3× cows (36.82, 37.32, and 36.1, 36.75 versus 34.56, 35.33 kg/d, respectively) during the experimental period. Milk fat and lactose percentage were not different among treatments, but milk protein was lower in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows. Blood glucose concentration was higher and blood nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate concentration were lower in 3× cows than in 6× and 6×-3× cows during early lactation. Dry matter intake was greater in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows (23.05, 22.58, and 22.45 kg/d, respectively). The 3× cows began to gain weight earlier than the 6× and 6×-3× cows, but there was no difference among groups for BW change regarding the entire experimental period. These results indicate that increasing milking frequency to 6 times daily increases milk yield only during early lactation and that there are no advantages of milking 6 times daily compared with 3 times daily during the mid and late lactation periods. Given the results of this study and the economical aspects of production, milking 6 times daily until 90 DIM and subsequently switching to milking 3 times daily is preferred.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(12):12443-12458
Our objective was to evaluate the effect of metabolizable protein (MP) supply on milk production, blood metabolites, and health in dairy cows during early lactation. Three experimental diets were formulated to contain 114, 107, 101 g of MP/kg of dry matter (DM; 114MP, 107MP, and 101MP, respectively) with crude protein contents of 17.0, 16.2, and 15.3% of DM, respectively. One hundred multiparous Holstein cows were fed 1 of these 3 diets during wk 1 to 3 and wk 4 to 13 of lactation in one of the following sequences: (1) 114MP and 107MP (114MP/107MP), (2) 114MP and 101MP (114MP/101MP), or (3) 101MP and 101MP (101MP/101MP). During wk 1 to 3, the 114MP and 101MP treatments were 20 and 27% deficient in estimated MP, respectively. From wk 4 to 13, the 114MP/107MP, 114MP/101MP, and 101MP/101MP treatments were 8, 12, and 13% deficient in estimated MP, respectively. Data were analyzed separately for wk 1 to 3, 4 to 13, and 1 to 13. Dry matter intake and energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield were not affected by treatment during wk 4 to 13 or wk 1 to 13; however, ECM yield decreased for 101MP versus 114MP from wk 1 to 3. Similarly, feed efficiency was not affected by treatment from wk 4 to 13 or wk 1 to 13, and was reduced with 101MP versus 114MP during wk 1 to 3. Milk N efficiency tended to increase for 101MP versus 114MP for wk 1 to 3 and increased with 101MP/101MP and 114MP/101MP relative to 114MP/107MP during wk 4 to 13 and wk 1 to 13. Treatment had no influence on yields and concentrations of milk components from wk 4 to 13 or wk 1 to 13; however, compared with 114MP, feeding 101MP tended to decrease milk fat yield and decreased yields of milk true protein and lactose for wk 1 to 3. Both milk and blood urea N concentrations decreased for 101MP/101MP and 114MP/101MP relative to 114MP/107MP during wk 4 to 13 and wk 1 to 13, and were reduced with feeding 101MP versus 114MP from wk 1 to 3. Treatment had no effect on the incidence of diseases in cows throughout the study. Serum concentrations of total fatty acids, albumin, and aspartate aminotransferase did not differ between 101MP and 114MP; however, serum β-hydroxybutyrate concentration was lower in cows receiving 101MP during the first 3 wk of lactation. Compared with 114MP, feeding 101MP during wk 1 to 3 increased plasma concentrations of creatinine and 3-methylhistidine (3-MHis) but did not change the ratio of plasma 3-MHis to creatinine. We found no differences in plasma creatinine or the ratio of 3-MHis-to-creatinine among treatments from wk 4 to 13; however, 101MP/101MP and 114MP/101MP had elevated plasma 3-MHis compared with 114MP/107MP. Treatment had no effect on body weight and body condition score over the duration of the study. Collectively, despite reduced milk production for the first 3 wk of lactation, feeding the 101MP/101MP treatment sustained lactational performance and improved milk N efficiency without negatively affecting the frequency of diseases in dairy cows during the first 13 wk postpartum.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):5761-5775
Our objective was to investigate the effects of prepartum metabolizable protein (MP) supply and management strategy on milk production and blood biomarkers in early lactation dairy cows. Ninety-six multigravida Holstein cows were used in a randomized complete block design study, blocked by calving date, and then assigned randomly to 1 of 3 treatments within block. Cows on the first treatment were fed a far-off lower MP diet [MP = 83 g/kg of dry matter (DM)] between ?55 and ?22 d before expected calving and then a close-up lower MP diet (MP = 83 g/kg of DM) until parturition (LPLP). Cows on the second treatment were fed the far-off lower MP diet between ?55 to ?22 d before expected parturition and then a prepartum higher MP diet (MP = 107 g/kg of DM) until calving (LPHP). Cows on the third treatment had a shortened 43-d dry period and were fed the prepartum higher MP diet from dry-off to parturition (SDHP). After calving, cows received the same fresh diet from d 0 to 14 and the same high diet from d 15 to 84. Data were analyzed separately for wk ?6 to ?1 and wk 1 to 12, relative to parturition. Dry matter intake from wk ?6 to ?1 was not different between LPHP and LPLP and increased for SDHP compared with LPLP. In contrast, dry matter intake for wk 1 to 12 postpartum did not change for LPHP versus LPLP or for SDHP versus LPLP. Compared with LPLP cows, LPHP cows had lower energy-corrected milk yield and tended to have decreased milk fat yield during wk 1 to 12 of lactation. Conversely, yields of energy-corrected milk and milk fat and protein were similar for SDHP compared with LPLP. Plasma urea N during wk ?3 to ?1 increased for LPHP versus LPLP and for SDHP versus LPLP; however, no differences in plasma urea N were observed postpartum. Elevated prepartum MP supply did not modify circulating total fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, total protein, albumin, or aspartate aminotransferase during the prepartum and postpartum periods. Increased MP supply prepartum combined with a shorter dry period (SDHP vs. LPLP) tended to increase whole-blood β-hydroxybutyrate postpartum; however, other blood metabolites were not affected. Taken together, under the conditions of this study, elevated MP supply in close-up diets reduced milk production without affecting blood metabolites in multiparous dairy cows during early lactation. A combination of a shorter dry period and increased prepartum MP supply (i.e., SDHP vs. LPLP) improved prepartum dry matter intake without modifying energy-corrected milk yield and blood biomarkers in early lactation cows.  相似文献   

Two 4 × 4 Latin square trials (4-wk periods; 16 wk total) were conducted to see whether supplementing rumen-protected Met (RPM; fed as Mepron) would allow feeding less crude protein (CP), thereby reducing urinary N excretion, but without losing production. In trial 1, 24 Holsteins were fed 4 diets as total mixed rations containing [dry matter (DM) basis]: 18.6% CP and 0 g of RPM/d; 17.3% CP and 5 g of RPM/d; 16.1% CP and 10 g of RPM/d; or 14.8% CP and 15 g of RPM/d. Dietary CP was reduced by replacing soybean meal with high-moisture shelled corn. All diets contained 21% alfalfa silage, 28% corn silage, 4.5% roasted soybeans, 5.8% soyhulls, 0.6% sodium bicarbonate, 0.5% vitamins and minerals, and 27% neutral detergent fiber. There was no effect of diet on intake, weight gain, or yields of protein, lactose, and solids-not-fat. However, production was greater at 17.3% CP plus RPM and 16.1% CP plus RPM than on the other 2 diets. Apparent N efficiency (milk N:N intake) was greatest on the lowest CP diet containing the most RPM. Linear reductions in milk urea N and urinary N excretion were observed with lower dietary CP. In trial 2, 32 Holsteins were fed 4 diets as total mixed rations, formulated from ingredients used in trial 1 and containing 16.1 or 17.3% CP with 0 or 10 g of RPM/d. On average, cows were calculated to be in negative N balance on all diets because of lower than expected DM intake. There was no effect of RPM supplementation on any production trait. However, higher CP gave small increases in yields of milk, protein, and solids-not-fat and tended to increase DM intake and lactose yield. Apparent N efficiency was greater, and milk urea nitrogen was lower, on 16.1% CP. In trial 1, feeding lower CP diets supplemented with RPM resulted in improved N efficiency and reduced urinary N excretion. However, in trial 2, reducing dietary CP from 17.3 to 16.1% reduced milk secretion, an effect that was not reversed by RPM supplementation at low DM intakes when cows were apparently mobilizing body protein.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of increasing dietary protein and energy on concentrations of selected blood metabolites and hormones in Holstein heifers. Twenty-four heifers were fed 1 of 4 milk replacer (MR) diets for 9 wk (n = 6/diet): control [20% crude protein (CP), 21% fat MR fed at 441 g of dry matter (DM)/d], HPLF (28% CP, 20% fat MR fed at 951 g of DM/d), HPHF (27% CP, 28% fat MR fed at 951 g of DM/d), and HPHF+ (27% CP, 28% fat MR fed at 1,431 g of DM/d). Heifers were fed twice daily; water and starter (20% CP, 1.43% fat) were offered free choice and starter orts recorded daily. Serum and plasma aliquots from blood samples collected twice weekly after a 12-h fast were analyzed for insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP), growth hormone (GH), insulin, glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, triglyceride, and plasma urea nitrogen concentrations. Only plasma glucose, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3 were affected by diet. Dietary treatment differences were only noted when the control was compared with the average of the other 3 diets. The addition of fat to the MR (HPLF vs. HPHF) and increased volume of MR (HPHF vs. HPHF+) had no effect on plasma glucose concentration or relative abundance of IGFBP-2 or IGFBP-3. Heifers fed the control diet had less glucose, greater IGFBP-2, and less IGFBP-3 than the average of the other 3 diets. There was a diet by week interaction for IGF-I. Serum IGF-I concentration in control heifers varied in a quadratic manner with a nadir (20 ± 4 ng/mL) at wk 4, whereas IGF-I increased linearly in heifers on other diets. Both insulin and triglyceride changed over time in a complex pattern (significant linear and quadratic contrast effects). The greatest concentrations were measured at wk 0.5 with nadirs at wk 6 for both insulin and triglyceride. Serum GH concentration decreased in a linear manner from wk 0.5 to wk 9 in all heifers. Relative abundance of IGFBP-2 was quadratic over time with the greatest amount of IGFBP-2 observed at wk 5. With the exception of glucose, IGF-I, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3, the blood variables measured were not influenced by treatment. The IGF-I -GH-IGFBP axis requires further study in heifers to deduce effects of nutrition on hypothalamic regulation of metabolism. We expected to see more treatment differences in concentrations of metabolites involved with protein and fat metabolism. It is likely that the diets used in this study were not diverse enough in composition to elicit such changes or that the efficiency of use of absorbed protein and fat was not different in these animals.  相似文献   

An incomplete 8 × 8 Latin square trial (4-wk periods; 12 wk total) using 32 multiparous and 16 primiparous Holstein cows was conducted to assess the production response to crude protein (CP), digestible rumen-undegraded protein (RUP), and rumen-protected Met (RPM; fed as Mepron; Degussa Corp., Kennesaw, GA). Diets contained [dry matter (DM) basis] 21% alfalfa silage, 34% corn silage, 22 to 26% high-moisture corn, 10 to 14% soybean meal, 4% soyhulls, 2% added fat, 1.3% minerals and vitamins, and 27 to 28% neutral detergent fiber. Treatments were a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of the following main effects: 15.8 or 17.1% dietary CP, with or without supplemental rumen-undegraded protein (RUP) from expeller soybean meal, and 0 or 9 g of RPM/d. None of the 2- or 3-way interactions was significant. Higher dietary CP increased DM intake 1.1 kg/d and yield of milk 1.7 kg/d, 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM) 2.2 kg/d, fat 0.10 kg/d, and true protein 0.05 kg/d, and improved apparent N balance and DM and fiber digestibility. However, milk urea N and estimated urinary excretion of urea-N and total-N also increased, and apparent N efficiency (milk-N/N-intake) fell from 33 to 30% when cows consumed higher dietary CP. Positive effects of feeding more RUP were increased feed efficiency and milk fat content plus 1.8 kg/d greater FCM and 0.08 kg/d greater fat, but milk protein content was lower and milk urea N and urinary urea excretion were elevated. Supplementation with RPM increased DM intake 0.7 kg/d and FCM and fat yield by 1.4 and 0.06 kg/d, and tended to increase milk fat content and yield of milk and protein.  相似文献   

Ninety autumn-calving Holstein dairy cows [45 primiparous and 45 multiparous (mean parity, 3.1)] were allocated to 1 of 3 dietary crude protein (CP) concentrations: 173, 144, or 114 g of CP/kg of DM, from calving until d 150 of lactation. On d 151, half of the animals in each treatment were allocated an alternative dietary protein concentration. Half of the animals receiving 114 g of CP/kg of DM went onto 144 g of CP/kg of DM; half of the animals receiving 144 g of CP/kg of DM went onto 173 g of CP/kg of DM; and half of the animals receiving 173 g of CP/kg of DM went onto 144 g of CP/kg of DM, with the remaining animals staying on their original treatment. This resulted in 6 treatments in the mid to late lactation period: 114/114, 144/144, 173/173, 114/144, 144/173, and 173/144 g of CP/kg of DM. An increase in dietary CP concentration significantly increased milk, fat, and protein yield in early lactation (d 1 to 150). Dry matter intake was also increased with increased dietary protein concentration; however, this was not significant between 144 and 173 g of CP/kg of DM. Increased dietary CP significantly increased plasma urea, albumin, and total protein concentrations but had no significant effect on NEFA, leptin, or IGF-1 concentrations. Decreasing the dietary CP concentration in mid-late lactation (d 151 to 305) from 173 to 144 g/kg of DM had no significant effect on milk yield, dry matter intake, or milk fat and protein yield, compared with animals that remained on 173 g of CP/kg of DM throughout lactation. Increasing dietary CP concentration from 144 to 173 g/kg of DM significantly increased dry matter intake compared with animals that remained on the 144 g of CP/kg of DM throughout lactation. There were no significant dietary treatment effects on live weight or body condition score change throughout the experiment. Results of this study indicate that high protein diets (up to 173 g of CP/kg of DM) improved feed intake and animal performance in early lactation (up to d 150), but thereafter, protein concentration can be reduced to 144 g of CP/kg of DM with no detrimental effects on animal performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the level of metabolizable protein (MP) on milk production and nitrogen utilization in Chinese Holstein dairy cows. Forty multiparous dairy cows (body weight = 590 kg; days in milk = 135; average milk yield = 30.2 kg/d) were assigned to treatments randomly within groups based on days in milk and milk production. Animals were offered diets with different levels of MP: 8.3% (diet A), 8.9% (diet B), 9.7% (diet C), and 10.4% (diet D) of dry matter. The MP level in diet A was designed to meet the current Chinese National Station of Animal Production and Health guidelines, whereas that in diet D was based on the National Research Council (2001) model. The experiment lasted for 7 wk. Milk yield and milk composition (fat, protein, and lactose) were recorded, and urea nitrogen concentrations in serum, urine, and milk were measured during the experiment. Milk yield and milk protein percentage increased as the MP increased up to 9.7% of dry matter, and then leveled off. Concentrations of nitrogen in urine, serum, and milk increased linearly as the amount of MP was increased, indicating decreased efficiency of nitrogen utilization. Milk lactose percentage and total solids percentage showed no significant differences among the 4 diets. We concluded that the optimal dietary MP level was at 9.6% of dry matter for Chinese Holstein dairy cows producing 30 kg of milk per day.  相似文献   

Forty lactating Holstein cows, including 10 with ruminal cannulas, were blocked by days in milk into 8 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 8 incomplete 5 × 5 Latin squares to assess the effects of 5 levels of dietary crude protein (CP) on milk production and N use. Diets contained 25% alfalfa silage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate, on a dry matter (DM) basis. Rolled high-moisture shelled corn was replaced with solvent-extracted soybean meal to increase CP from 13.5 to 15.0, 16.5, 17.9, and 19.4% of DM. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 28 d, with 14 d for adaptation and 14 d for data collection. Spot sampling of ruminal digesta, blood, urine, and feces was conducted on d 21 of each period. Intake of DM was not affected by diet but milk fat content as well as ruminal acetate, NH3, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids, urinary allantoin, and blood and milk urea all increased linearly with increasing CP. Milk and protein yield showed trends for quadratic responses to dietary CP and were, respectively, 38.3 and 1.18 kg/d at 16.5% CP. As a proportion of N intake, urinary N excretion increased from 23.8 to 36.2%, whereas N secreted in milk decreased from 36.5 to 25.4%, as dietary protein increased from 13.5 to 19.4%. Under the conditions of this study, yield of milk and protein were not increased by feeding more than 16.5% CP. The linear increase in urinary N excretion resulted from a sharp decline in N efficiency as dietary CP content increased.  相似文献   

The onset of lactation in dairy cows is characterized by severe negative energy and protein balance. Increasing Met availability during this time may improve milk production, hepatic lipid metabolism, and immune function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding ethyl-cellulose rumen-protected methionine (RPM; Mepron, Evonik Nutrition and Care GmbH, Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany) on the performance of dairy cows during prepartum and early-lactation periods. Sixty multiparous Holstein cows were used in a block design and assigned to either a control or an ethyl-cellulose RPM diet. Ethyl-cellulose RPM was supplied from ?28 to 60 d relative to parturition at a rate of 0.09% and 0.10% of dry matter during the prepartum and postpartum periods, respectively. That rate ensured that the ratio of Lys to Met in metabolizable protein was close to 2.8:1. Cows fed ethyl-cellulose RPM had dry matter intakes (DMI) that were 1.2 kg/d greater during the prepartum period and consequently had overall greater cumulative DMI than cows in the control group. Compared with controls, during the fresh period (1–30 d in milk; DIM) feeding ethyl-cellulose RPM increased DMI by 1.7 kg/d, milk yield by 4.1 kg/d, fat yield by 0.17 kg/d, milk protein yield by 0.20 kg/d, 3.5% fat-corrected milk by 4.3 kg/d, and energy-corrected milk by 4.4 kg/d. Although ethyl-cellulose RPM supplementation increased milk protein content by 0.16 percentage units compared with the control during the fresh period, no differences were observed for milk fat, lactose, and milk urea nitrogen concentration. During the high-producing period (31–60 DIM), cows fed ethyl-cellulose RPM increased DMI and milk yield by 1.45 and 4.4 kg/d, respectively. Ethyl-cellulose RPM also increased fat yield by 0.19 kg/d, milk protein yield by 0.17 kg/d, 3.5% fat-corrected milk by 4.7 kg/d, and energy-corrected milk by 4.8 kg/d compared with controls. Ethyl-cellulose RPM supplementation reduced plasma fatty acids in the fresh period and decreased γ-glutamyl transferase, indicating better liver function. In conclusion, when lysine was adequate, feeding ethyl-cellulose RPM to achieve a ratio close to 2.8:1 in metabolizable protein improved dairy cow performance from parturition through 60 DIM. The greater milk production was, at least in part, driven by the greater voluntary DMI and better liver function.  相似文献   

A 6 × 6 Latin square design was used to test 3 sets of comparisons simultaneously to study response in dry matter intake, milk yield, and blood parameters to propylene glycol (PG) supplementation delivered by 2 methods [incorporating PG into the total mixed ration (TMR) vs. top dressing; comparison I]; individual or combined dietary choline and PG supplementation as a 2 × 2 factorial (comparison II); or increasing amounts of dietary choline (comparison III). Six multiparous (lactation number = 1.5 ± 0.8 SD) Holstein dairy cows were at 41 d in milk (± 9 SD) at the start of the experiment. Propylene glycol used was a dry product containing 65% PG, and choline was a rumen-protected choline product (RPC; estimated to be 50% rumen-protected) containing 50% choline chloride. In comparison I, treatments compared were 1) control: no PG; 2) PG-TMR: 250 g/d of dry PG (corresponding to 162.5 g/d of PG) incorporated into the TMR; and 3) PG-top dress: 250 g/d of dry PG top-dressed onto the TMR. In comparison II, treatments compared were 1) control: no PG and no RPC; 2) PG: 250 g/d of dry PG incorporated into the TMR; 3) RPC: 50 g/d of RPC top-dressed onto the TMR; and 4) PG + RPC: combination of treatments 2 and 3. In comparison III, treatments compared were 0, 25, and 50 g/d of RPC top-dressed onto the TMR. Each experimental period lasted 10 d with 9 d of adaptation followed by 1 d of serial blood sampling. Dry matter intake and milk yield were recorded daily. During the serial blood sampling, jugular blood was sampled every 20 min for the first 4 h and at 8 and 12 h after treatment administration. Results obtained from comparison I showed that feeding 250 g/d of PG as a dry product decreased plasma β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration (mean ± SEM) from 701 ± 81 (control) to 564 ± 76 μmol/L without affecting serum insulin, plasma glucose, or plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations. Top-dressing PG decreased plasma BHBA concentrations more than by incorporating it into the TMR [527 vs. 601 μmol/L (± 81 pooled SEM)]. Results obtained from comparison II showed that supplementing choline as RPC, PG, or both had no effect on dry matter intake, milk yield, or any of the blood parameters measured. Results obtained from comparison III showed that milk yield tended to increase linearly with increasing amounts of dietary choline as RPC. We concluded that feeding PG as a dry product reduced plasma BHBA concentration but top-dressing PG was more efficient at reducing plasma BHBA level than incorporating PG into the TMR. Dietary choline as RPC tended to increase milk yield linearly. However, a combined effect of dietary PG and choline was not evident and therefore not beneficial.  相似文献   

Research studies presented inconsistent results on the effects and action of choline in dairy cow diets. A meta-analysis was conducted to quantify the effects of dietary rumen-protected choline on production characteristics of dairy cows. Dry matter intake (kg/d), milk yield (kg/d), milk fat (% and kg/d), and milk protein (% and kg/d) were evaluated as dependent variables in models. The number of treatment means varied from 20 obtained in 7 studies for milk fat and protein contents to 34 from 11 studies (12 experiments) for milk yield. Accounting for experiment as a random effect, DMI, milk yield, milk protein content, and milk protein yield could adequately be related to levels of dietary rumen-protected choline chloride by a logistic model. Marginal responses in milk yield decreased from 131.5 to 0.037 g of milk/g of dietary rumen-protected choline chloride when supplementation increased from 6 to 50 g/d. From estimated values for the metabolizable Met supplied by diets, it appears that dietary rumen-protected choline chloride functions as a methyl donor to spare Met for milk protein synthesis. However, more accurate input data on Met status of diets are needed to confirm this. Within the range of 6 to 50 g/d of rumen-protected choline chloride, milk fat content decreased linearly at a rate of 0.00339% for a 1 g/d increase in dietary rumen-protected choline chloride. This illustrates that dietary rumen-protected choline chloride has no effect on milk fat content. Numerous physiological and dietary factors probably related to responses obtained with dietary rumen-protected choline supplementation, and the precise mechanism of choline action in the lactating dairy cow warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of published studies was used to investigate the effect of rumen-protected methionine (RPM) added to the diets of lactating dairy cattle on dry matter intake, milk production, true milk protein (TMP) production, and milk fat yield. Differences in responses between 2 commonly used RPM products, Mepron (Evonik Industries, Hanau, Germany) and Smartamine (Adisseo, Antony, France), were investigated as well as dietary and animal factors that could influence responses. Diets were coded with respect to the amino acid (AA) deficiency of the control diet as predicted by the AminoCow model (version 3.5.2, http://www.makemilknotmanure.com/aminocow.php; 0 = no AA deficiency, 1 = Met deficiency, 2 = Met and Lys deficiency, 3 = Met and Lys plus at least 1 other AA deficiency) to test the effect of AA deficiencies on RPM response. Thirty-five studies were identified, 17 studies evaluating Mepron, 18 studies evaluating Smartamine, and 1 study evaluating both. This permitted 75 dietary comparisons between control and RPM-added diets. Diets were entered into the AminoCow and the 2001 National Research Council models to compare predictions of Met, Lys, and metabolizable protein (MP) flow. Mean Met and Lys in diets where RPM was fed were estimated to be 2.35 and 6.33% of MP, respectively. Predictions of flows between models were similar. Overall, RPM addition to diets increased production of TMP, both as percentage (0.07%) and yield (27 g/d). Dry matter intake and milk fat percentage were slightly decreased, whereas milk production was slightly increased. Differences between products were detected for all production variables, with Mepron-fed cows producing less TMP percentage but greater milk production, resulting in twice as much TMP yield. Milk protein response to RPM was not related to predicted AA deficiency, calculated Met deficiency, or Met as a percentage of MP. Other dietary factors, including Lys flow (g/d), Lys as percentage of MP, neutral detergent fiber percentage, crude protein percentage, or energy balance, had no detectable effects on TMP response. When cows with a predicted positive AA balance were fed RPM, milk production increased, but when AA balance was negative, milk production decreased. Amount of RPM added to the diet was not correlated to TMP response. This study does not support the necessity of a high Lys level as a prerequisite to obtaining a TMP response to feeding RPM or the MP requirement suggested by the National Research Council model (2001). However, more dose-response studies over a wide range of milk production and dietary regimens will be required to more clearly establish AA requirements and to predict responses to RPM supplementation.  相似文献   

Four cows were used in a balanced 4×4 Latin square with 2 week experimental periods to investigate the effects of intraruminal infusions of volatile fatty acids and protein source on milk production and blood metabolites. The four treatments in a 2×2 factorial arrangement were isoenergetic intraruminal infusions of propionate (500 g day−1) or butyrate (417 g day−1) each given with isonitrogenous protein supplementation of fish meal (FM) or barley protein (BP). The cows were fed restrictively with 9 kg dry matter day−1 of formic acid treated grass silage and 8 kg day−1 of concentrate. Propionate infusion increased milk yield (24·9 vs 23·4 kg day−1; P<0·05), milk protein yield (832 vs 778 g day−1; P=0·05) and milk lactose content (44·7 vs 43·5 g kg−1; P<0·05) and yield (1113 vs 1023 g day−1; P<0·01), whereas butyrate infusion was associated with a higher milk fat content (44·7 vs 39·4 g kg−1; P<0·01) and yield (1033 vs 974 g day−1; P<0·01). FM tended (P<0·10) to increase milk yield, but had no significant effects on milk composition or milk component yields compared with BP. Butyrate infusion increased blood ketones, plasma non-esterified fatty acids and glycine relative to propionate infusion. The concentrations of ammonia N in rumen fluid and urea in plasma and milk were similar for both protein supplements. The profile of amino acids in plasma was similar for both protein supplements except for the higher concentrations of phenylalanine, proline and tyrosine with BP. The results show that protein utilisation can be improved by increasing the supply of propionate from rumen fermentation in cows given a grass silage-based diet. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

Sixteen multiparous Holstein cows were used to determine the effects of 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid isopropyl ester (HMBi: 0 vs. 1.26 g/kg of total ration dry matter (DM) and dietary crude protein (CP) concentration [14.7% (low) vs. 16.9% (standard), DM basis] on milk yield and composition using a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with 4-wk periods. Cows were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration with a 1:1 forage-to-concentrate ratio (DM basis), and diets provided an estimated 6.71 and 1.86% lysine and methionine, respectively, in metabolizable protein for the low-protein diet and 6.74 and 1.82% in the standard protein diet. Dry matter intake, milk yield, and composition were measured during wk 4 of each period. There were no effects on DM intake, which averaged 24.7 kg/d. There was an interaction between dietary CP and HMBi for milk yield and 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM). Feeding HMBi decreased milk and FCM yield when fed with the low-CP diet but did not affect milk or FCM yield when fed with the standard CP diet. Feeding HMBi increased milk protein concentration regardless of diet CP concentration and increased milk protein yield when added to the standard CP diet but not the low-CP diet. The positive effect of HMBi on milk protein yield was only observed at the standard level of dietary CP, suggesting other factors limited the response to HMBi when dietary protein supply was restricted.  相似文献   

The dairy industry can benefit from low crude protein (CP) diets due to reduced N excretion, but shortages of Met, Lys, and His may limit milk protein synthesis. We studied the effect of incremental amounts of rumen-protected (RP)-His on plasma and muscle AA profile, nutrient utilization, and yields of milk and milk true protein in dairy cows. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (130 ± 30 d in milk) were randomly assigned to treatment sequences in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 28-d experimental periods. Treatments included a basal diet composed (dry matter basis) of 50% corn silage, 15% haylage, and 35% concentrate supplemented with 0, 82, 164, and 246 g/d of RP-His and 11 g/d of RP-Met. Milk, plasma, and muscle samples were collected weekly or every other week during all 4 periods, whereas spot urine and fecal grab samples were taken only in wk 4 of each period. Data were analyzed individually by week using linear, quadratic, and cubic orthogonal polynomials and repeated measures. Plasma His increased linearly with RP-His during wk 1 (30.3 to 57.2 µM) to wk 4 (33.2 to 63.1 µM). Plasma carnosine increased linearly with supplemental RP-His except in wk 2. No treatment effect was observed for plasma 3-methylhistidine except a quadratic effect in wk 3. Inclusion of RP-His showed linear effects on muscle His in wk 2 (20.1 to 32.5 µM) and 4 (20.3 to 35.5 µM). Whereas muscle anserine and carnosine concentrations were not affected by treatments in wk 4, anserine responded quadratically and carnosine showed a trend for a quadratic response to RP-His in wk 2. During wk 4, treatments did not affect urinary excretion of total purine derivatives, as well as dry matter intake and milk concentrations of fat and true protein. In contrast, milk yield tended to increase linearly (31.2 to 32.7 kg/d) and milk true protein yield responded linearly (0.93 to 0.98 kg/d) and tended to increase quadratically to RP-His supplementation in wk 4. Also, milk urea-N (11.7 to 12.9 mg/dL) and urinary excretion of urea-N (23.7 to 27.0% of N intake) increased linearly with feeding RP-His in wk 4. Overall, RP-His was effective to enhance plasma and muscle concentrations of His and milk protein synthesis. Elevated milk urea-N and urinary excretion of urea-N suggest that plasma His may have exceeded the requirement with excess N converted to urea in the liver. Future research is needed to determine the bioavailability of RP-His supplements to improve the accuracy of diet formulation for AA.  相似文献   

Diet composition defines the amount and type of nutrients absorbed by dairy cows. Endocrine-metabolic interactions can influence these parameters, and so nutrient availability for the mammary gland can significantly vary and affect milk yield and its composition. Six dairy cows in early and then late lactation received, for 28 d in a changeover design, 2 diets designed to provide, within the same stage of lactation, similar amounts of rumen fermentable material but either high starch plus sugar (HS) content or low starch plus sugar content (LS). All diets had similar dietary crude protein and calculated supply of essential amino acids. Dry matter intake within each stage of lactation was similar between groups. Milk yield was similar between groups in early lactation, whereas a higher milk yield was observed in late lactation when feeding HS. At the metabolic level, the main difference observed between the diets in both stages of lactation was lower blood glucose in cows fed LS. The lower glucose availability during consumption of LS caused substantial modifications in the circulating and postprandial pattern of metabolic hormones. Feeding LS versus HS resulted in an increase in the ratio of bovine somatotropin to insulin. This increased mobilization of lipid reserves resulted in higher blood concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate, which contributed to the higher milk fat content in both stages of lactation in the LS group. This greater recourse to body fat stores was confirmed by the greater loss of body weight during early lactation and the slower recovery of body weight in late lactation in cows fed LS. The lower insulin to glucagon ratio observed in cows fed LS in early and late lactation likely caused an increase in hepatic uptake and catabolism of amino acids, as confirmed by the higher blood urea concentrations. Despite the higher catabolism of amino acids in LS in early lactation, similar milk protein output was observed for both diets, suggesting similar availability of amino acids for peripheral tissue and mammary gland. The latter could be the result of sparing of amino acids at the gut level due to starch that escaped from the rumen, and to the balanced amino acid profile of digestible protein. This last aspect appears worthy of further research, with the aim to enhance the efficiency of protein metabolism of dairy cows, reducing environmental nitrogen pollution without affecting milk yield potential.  相似文献   

The profitability of feeding rumen-protected Met (RPMet) sources to produce milk protein was estimated using a 2-step procedure: First, the effect of Met in metabolizable protein (MP) on milk protein production was estimated by using a quadratic Box-Cox functional form. Then, using these estimation results, the amounts of RPMet supplement that corresponded to the optimal levels of Met in MP for maximizing milk protein production and profit on dairy farms were determined. The data used in this study were modified from data used to determine the optimal level of Met in MP for lactating cows in the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (NRC, 2001). The data used in this study differ from that in the NRC (2001) data in 2 ways. First, because dairy feed generally contains 1.80 to 1.90% Met in MP, this study adjusts the reference production value (RPV) from 2.06 to 1.80 or 1.90%. Consequently, the milk protein production response is also modified to an RPV of 1.80 or 1.90% Met in MP. Second, because this study is especially interested in how much additional Met, beyond the 1.80 or 1.90% already contained in the basal diet, is required to maximize farm profits, the data used are limited to concentrations of Met in MP above 1.80 or 1.90%. This allowed us to calculate any additional cost to farmers based solely on the price of an RPMet supplement and eliminated the need to estimate the dollar value of each gram of Met already contained in the basal diet. Results indicated that the optimal level of Met in MP for maximizing milk protein production was 2.40 and 2.42%, where the RPV was 1.80 and 1.90%, respectively. These optimal levels were almost identical to the recommended level of Met in MP of 2.40% in the NRC (2001). The amounts of RPMet required to increase the percentage of Met in MP from each RPV to 2.40 and 2.42% were 21.6 and 18.5 g/d, respectively. On the other hand, the optimal levels of Met in MP for maximizing profit were 2.32 and 2.34%, respectively. The amounts of RPMet required to increase the percentage of Met in MP from each RPV to 2.32 and 2.34% were 18.7 and 15.6 g/d, respectively. In each case, the additional daily profit per cow was estimated to be $0.38 and $0.29. These additional profit estimates were $0.02 higher than the additional profit estimates for maximizing milk protein production.  相似文献   

A method that accurately quantifies changes in the supply of metabolizable Met following a dietary change will allow accurate economic comparisons of various Met sources. This paper describes a novel method of estimating the relative supply of metabolizable Met based on changes in the concentration of Se in milk. Selenized yeast (Se-yeast) contains selenomethionine (Se-met) and because Se-met and Met are indistinguishable by cells, Se-met can be used as a tracer of Met. We hypothesized that if the size of the Met pool was increased but intake of Se-met was constant, the concentration of Se in milk relative to milk Met would decrease. To test this hypothesis, 6 Holstein cows were fed a diet that contained 0.3 mg of Se from Se-yeast/kg of diet DM and then in a 2-period crossover experiment, were abomasally infused with water (control) or an aqueous solution that provided 9 g of Met/d. Milk was sampled during the infusion and the specific activity (SA) of milk (Se concentration divided by Met concentration) was calculated for each treatment. The SA in milk from Met-infused cows was divided by SA in milk from control cows to calculate the change in supply of metabolizable Met. As hypothesized, infusing Met reduced the SA of milk (84.7 vs. 72.5 μg of Se/mg of Met). The calculated flow of metabolizable Met was 17% greater when cows were infused with 9 g of Met/d compared with cows infused with water (essentially the same difference was measured using SA calculated with N concentrations of milk). Assuming the infused Met was 100% absorbed, the flow of metabolizable Met for control cows was 9/0.17 = 53 g of Met/d, which agreed well with literature data and estimates derived from common nutritional models.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(1):329-346
Alfalfa has a lower fiber digestibility and a greater concentration of degradable protein than grasses. Dairy cows could benefit from an increased digestibility of alfalfa fibers, or from a better match between nitrogen and energy supplies in the rumen. Alfalfa cultivars with improved fiber digestibility represent an opportunity to increase milk production, but no independent studies have tested these cultivars under the agroclimatic conditions of Canada. Moreover, decreasing metabolizable protein (MP) supply could increase N use efficiency while decreasing environmental impact, but it is often associated with a decrease in milk protein yield, possibly caused by a reduced supply of essential AA. This study evaluated the performance of dairy cows fed diets based on a regular or a reduced-lignin alfalfa cultivar and measured the effect of energy levels at low MP supply when digestible His (dHis), Lys (dLys), and Met (dMet) requirements were met. Eight Holstein cows were used in a double 4 × 4 Latin square design, each square representing an alfalfa cultivar. Within each square, 4 diets were tested: the control diet was formulated for an adequate supply of MP and energy (AMP_AE), whereas the 3 other diets were formulated to be deficient in MP (DMP; formulated to meet 90% of the MP requirement) with deficient (94% of requirement: DMP_DE), adequate (99% of requirement: DMP_AE), or excess energy supply (104% of requirement; DMP_EE). Alfalfa cultivars had no significant effect on all measured parameters. As compared with cows receiving AMP_AE, the dry matter intake of cows fed DMP_AE and DMP_EE was not significantly different but decreased for cows fed DMP_DE. The AMP_AE diet provided 103% of MP and 108% of NEL requirements whereas DMP_DE, DMP_AE, and DMP_EE diets provided 84, 87, and 87% of MP and 94, 101, and 107% of NEL requirements, respectively. In contrast to design, feeding DMP_EE resulted in a similar energy supply compared with AMP_AE, although MP supply has been effectively reduced. This resulted in a maintained milk and milk component yields and improved the efficiency of utilization of N, MP, and essential AA. The DMP diets decreased total N excretion, whereas DMP_AE and DMP_EE diets also decreased milk urea-N concentration. Reducing MP supply without negative effects on dairy cow performance is possible when energy, dHis, dLys, and dMet requirements are met. This could reduce N excretion and decrease the environmental impact of milk production.  相似文献   

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