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Diets that contain high proportions of either wheat or supplementary fat have been individually reported to reduce enteric methane production. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of dietary fat supplementation on methane emissions and milk yield from cows fed diets containing either corn or wheat grains. It was hypothesized that cows fed a diet containing wheat would produce less methane and have lower methane yield (methane per kg of dry matter intake; MY) than cows fed a diet containing corn and that methane mitigation from fat supplementation would occur irrespective of the type of grain in the basal diet. The experiment involved 32 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n = 8) and individually fed different diets restricted to approximately 90% of their mean ad libitum intake measured during a covariate period. All animals were offered 11.5 kg of dry matter/d of alfalfa hay, 1.8 kg of dry matter/d of solvent-extracted canola meal, and 1 of 4 dietary supplements. Dietary supplements were 8 kg of dry matter/d of either corn or wheat, or these same treatments with the addition of 0.8 kg of canola oil. In this 5-wk experiment, d 1 to 7 served as the covariate period, d 8 to 14 as the transition period, d 15 to 28 as the adaptation period, and d 29 to 35 as the experimental period. Cows were fed their full treatment diets from d 15 to 35 during which time milk production and feed intake were measured daily. During d 29 to 35, methane production was measured for individual cows daily using the sulfur hexafluoride tracer method. The resulting averages for milk production and feed intake were analyzed by analysis of covariance with factorial grain by fat as treatment structure, animal as the unit within blocks, and the corresponding milk production or feed intake covariate averages as principal covariate. Data on milk fatty acids, ruminal fluid data on pH, ammonia, volatile fatty acids, protozoa, and methane were analyzed by ANOVA using the same treatment and blocking structures excluding the principal covariate. Cows fed a diet containing wheat had greater MY than cows fed a diet containing corn. Irrespective of the type of grain in the diet, increasing the fat concentration from 2 to 6% dry matter reduced MY. It is concluded that the grain component in the basal diet does not affect the mitigating effects of dietary fat supplements on MY.  相似文献   

Increasing milk production from pasture while increasing grass dry matter intake (GDMI) and lowering methane (CH4) emissions are key objectives of low-cost dairy production systems. It was hypothesized that offering swards of low herbage mass with increased digestibility leads to increased milk output. A grazing experiment was undertaken to investigate the effects of varying levels of HM on CH4 emissions, GDMI and milk production of grazing dairy cows during the mid-season grazing period (June to July). Prior to the experiment, 46 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows (46 d in milk) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments (n = 23) in a randomized block design. The 2 treatments consisted of 2 target pregrazing HM: 1,000 kg of dry matter (DM)/ha (low herbage mass, LHM) or 2,200 kg of DM/ha (high herbage mass, HHM). The experimental period lasted 2 mo from June 1 until July 31. Within the experimental period, there were 2 measurement periods, measurement 1 (M1) and measurement 2 (M2), where CH4 emissions, GDMI, and milk production were measured. Mean herbage mass throughout the measurement periods was 1,075 kg of DM/ha and 1,993 kg of DM/ha for the LHM and HHM treatments, respectively. Grass quality in terms of organic matter digestibility was significantly higher for the LHM treatment in M2 (+12 g/kg of DM). In M1, the effect of herbage mass on grass quality was approaching significance in favor of the LHM treatment. Herbage mass did not significantly affect milk production during the measurement periods. Cows grazing the LHM swards had increased GDMI in M1 (+1.5 kg of DM) compared with cows grazing the HHM swards; no difference in GDMI was observed in M2. Grazing HHM swards increased CH4 production per cow per day (+42 g), per kilogram of milk yield (+3.5 g/kg of milk), per kilogram of milk solids (+47 g/kg of milk solids), and per kilogram of GDMI (+3.1 g/kg of GDMI) in M2. Cows grazing the HHM swards lost a greater proportion of their gross energy intake as CH4 during both measurement periods (+0.9% and +1% for M1 and M2, respectively). It was concluded that grazing LHM swards would increase grass quality with a concurrent reduction in CH4 emissions.  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to investigate nutritional means of reducing urine N excretion by grazing cows. In experiment 1, 36 Holstein-Friesian cows averaging 92 d in milk were fed either 1 or 6 kg of a high protein concentrate or 6 kg of a low protein concentrate. Pasture dry matter (DM) intake was higher for cows fed 1 kg of high protein concentrate (15.4 +/- 0.62 kg/d) than for cows fed 6 kg of low protein concentrate (13.4 +/- 0.55) but not for cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate (13.9 +/- 0.96). The reduction in pasture intake per kg of concentrate DM ingested amounted to 0.35 and 0.47 kg of pasture DM for cows fed 6 kg of high protein and 6 kg of low protein concentrate, respectively. Milk yield and milk protein yield were higher for cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate than for cows fed 1 kg of high protein concentrate. Cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate had the highest levels of N intake, total N excretion, and urine N excretion. The proportion of N excreted in the urine was lowest for cows fed 6 kg of low protein concentrate. Milk N excretion as a proportion of ingested N was higher for cows fed 6 kg of low protein concentrate than for cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate but not for cows fed 1 kg of high protein concentrate. In experiment 2, 24 Holstein-Friesian cows averaging 211 d in milk were supplemented with 4 kg of rolled barley or 4.32 kg of NaOH-treated barley. Milk yield and milk protein yield tended to be higher for cows fed rolled barley than for cows fed NaOH-treated barley. There was no difference in N intake, fecal N excretion, urinary N excretion, or milk N output between diets. Milk urea N concentration was lower for cows fed rolled barley. Significant positive linear relationships were found between N intake and fecal N excretion, urine N excretion, and milk N excretion in experiment 1. In experiment 2, the relationships between N intake and fecal N excretion and urine N excretion were curvilinear, with urine N excretion increasing at a decreasing rate, and fecal N excretion increasing at an increasing rate, as N intake increased. The N excreted by dairy cows may be partitioned to fecal N if supplements based on high concentrations of fermentable organic matter and low concentrations of N are fed. Refinement of this nutritional strategy may allow reduced N excretion without reducing animal performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the potential of increased fiber-based concentrates to reduce methane (CH4) production in relation to milk yield from late-lactation dairy cows. The effect of 2 levels of concentrate supplementation (0.87 vs. 5.24 kg on a dry matter basis) on herbage voluntary intake, total dry matter intake, milk yield, milk composition, and CH4 production were determined by way of a randomized block designed grazing trial using lactating Holstein-Friesian cows (231 ± 44 d in milk) grazing a mixed-grass sward with a regrowth aged 36 d.Increased concentrate supplementation resulted in a significant increase in total dry matter intake, milk yield, fat-corrected milk (FCM) yield, and daily CH4 production. However, herbage intake and milk composition were unaffected. Although daily CH4 production increased with fibrous concentrate use the increase was not as great as that observed for milk yield. The decline in CH4 production per kilogram of milk was nonsignificant; however, when relating CH4 production to FCM(FCM at 35 g of fat/kg of milk), a declining trend was identified within increasing concentrate supplementation (19.26 and 16.02 g of CH4/kg of FCM). These results suggest that increased fibrous concentrate use at pasture, even at modest levels, could reduce enteric CH4 production per kilogram of animal product. However, the effectiveness of such a strategy is dependent on the maintenance of production quotas and a subsequent decline in the number of livestock needed to fulfill the specified production level.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of a mixture of dietary additives on enteric methane production, rumen fermentation, diet digestibility, energy balance, and animal performance in lactating dairy cows. Identical diets were fed in both experiments. The mixture of feed additives investigated contained lauric acid, myristic acid, linseed oil, and calcium fumarate. These additives were included at 0.4, 1.2, 1.5, and 0.7% of dietary dry matter, respectively (treatment ADD). Experimental fat sources were exchanged for a rumen inert source of fat in the control diet (treatment CON) to maintain isolipidic rations. Cows (experiment 1, n = 20; experiment 2, n = 12) were fed restricted amounts of feed to avoid confounding effects of dry matter intake on methane production. In experiment 1, methane production and energy balance were studied using open-circuit indirect calorimetry. In experiment 2, 10 rumen-fistulated animals were used to measure rumen fermentation characteristics. In both experiments animal performance was monitored. The inclusion of dietary additives decreased methane emissions (g/d) by 10%. Milk yield and milk fat content tended to be lower for ADD in experiment 1. In experiment 2, milk production was not affected by ADD, but milk fat content was lower. Fat- and protein-corrected milk was lower for ADD in both experiments. Milk urea nitrogen content was lowered by ADD in experiment 1 and tended to be lower in experiment 2. Apparent total tract digestibility of fat, but not that of starch or neutral detergent fiber, was higher for ADD. Energy retention did not differ between treatments. The decrease in methane production (g/d) was not evident when methane emission was expressed per kilogram of milk produced. Feeding ADD resulted in increases of C12:0 and C14:0 and the intermediates of linseed oil biohydrogenation in milk in both experiments. In experiment 2, ADD-fed cows tended to have a decreased number of protozoa in rumen fluid when compared with that in control cows. Total volatile fatty acid concentrations were lower for ADD, whereas molar proportions of propionate increased at the expense of acetate and butyrate.  相似文献   

The inclusion of grazing in dairy feeding systems can improve animal welfare and reduce feed costs and labor for animal care and manure management. This work aimed to evaluate the effects of including pearl millet herbage (Pennisetum glaucum ‘Campeiro') as a supplement for dairy cows fed total mixed rations (TMR). The treatments included 100% TMR offered ad libitum (control, TMR100), 75% TMR ad libitum intake + access to grazing of a pearl millet pasture between the morning and afternoon milkings (7 h/d; pTMR75), and 50% TMR ad libitum intake + access to grazing of a pearl millet pasture between the morning and afternoon milkings (7 h/d; pTMR50). Nine multiparous Holstein and F1 Jersey × Holstein cows were distributed in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 3 periods of 21 d (a 16-d adaptation period and a 5-d measurement period). Cows in the TMR75 and TMR50 groups strip-grazed a pearl millet pasture with pre- and postgrazing sward height targets of 60 and 30 cm, respectively. The herbage dry matter intake (DMI) increased with decreasing mixed ration supplies, and the total DMI decreased linearly from 19.0 kg/d in the TMR100 group to 18.0 kg/d in the pTMR50 group. Milk production decreased linearly from 24.0 kg/d in the TMR100 group to 22.4 kg/d in the pTMR50 group, and energy-corrected milk (ECM) production decreased linearly from 26.0 kg/d to 23.6 kg/d. Enteric methane (CH4) emissions decreased linearly from 540 g/d in the TMR100 group to 436 g/d in the pTMR50 group, and CH4 yields (g/kg of DMI) tended to decrease linearly. The CH4 intensity was similar between treatments, averaging 20 g of CH4/kg of ECM. The inclusion of pearl millet herbage in the dairy cow diets decreased the total DMI and milk production to a small extent without affecting CH4 intensity (g/kg of ECM).  相似文献   

The effect of a grain-based concentrate supplement on fatty acid (FA) intake and concentration of milk FA in early lactation was investigated in grazing dairy cows that differed in their country of origin and in their estimated breeding value for milk yield. It was hypothesized that Holstein-Friesian cows of North American (NA) origin would produce milk lower in milk fat than those of New Zealand (NZ) origin, and that the difference would be associated with lower de novo synthesis of FA. In comparison, increasing the intake of concentrates should have the same effect on the FA composition of the milk from both strains. Fifty-four cows were randomly assigned in a factorial arrangement to treatments including 3 amounts of concentrate daily [0, 3, and 6 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow] and the 2 strains. The barley/steam-flaked corn concentrate contained 3.5% DM FA, with C18:2, C16:0, and C18:1 contributing 48, 18, and 16% of the total FA. The pasture consumed by the cows contained 4.6% DM FA with C18:3, C16:0, and C18:1 contributing 51, 10, and 10% of the FA, respectively. Pasture DM intake decreased linearly with supplementation, but total DM intake was not different between concentrate or strain treatments, averaging 16.2 kg of DM/cow, with cows consuming 720 g of total FA/d. Cows of the NA strain had lesser concentrations of milk fat compared with NZ cows (3.58 vs. 3.95%). Milk fat from the NA cows had lesser concentrations of C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, and C16:0, and greater concentrations of cis-9 C18:1, C18:2, and cis-9, trans-11 C18:2, than NZ cows. These changes indicated that in milk from NA cows had a lesser concentration of de novo synthesized FA and a greater concentration of FA of dietary origin. Milk fat concentration was not affected by concentrate supplementation. Increasing concentrate intake resulted in linear increases in the concentrations of C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, and C18:2 FA in milk fat, and a linear decrease in the concentration of C4:0 FA. The combination of NA cows fed pasture alone resulted in a FA composition of milk that was potentially most beneficial from a human health perspective; however, this would need to be balanced against other aspects of the productivity of these animals.  相似文献   

Organic dairy cows in Denmark are often kept indoors during the winter and outside at least part time in the summer. Consequently, their diet changes by the season. We hypothesized that grazing might affect enteric CH4 emissions due to changes in the nutrition, maintenance, and activity of the cows, and they might differentially respond to these factors. This study assessed the repeatability of enteric CH4 emission measurements for Jersey cattle in a commercial organic dairy herd in Denmark. It also evaluated the effects of a gradual transition from indoor winter feeding to outdoor spring grazing. Further, it assessed the individual-level correlations between measurements during the consecutive feeding periods (phenotype × environment, P × E) as neither pedigrees nor genotypes were available to estimate a genotype by environment effect. Ninety-six mixed-parity lactating Jersey cows were monitored for 30 d before grazing and for 24 d while grazing. The cows spent 8 to 11 h grazing each day and had free access to an in-barn automatic milking system (AMS). For each visit to the AMS, milk yield was recorded and logged along with date and time. Monitoring equipment installed in the AMS feed bins continuously measured enteric CH4 and CO2 concentrations (ppm) using a noninvasive “sniffer” method. Raw enteric CH4 and CO2 concentrations and their ratio (CH4:CO2) were derived from average concentrations measured during milking and per day for each cow. We used mixed models equations to estimate variance components and adjust for the fixed and random effects influencing the analyzed gas concentrations. Univariate models were used to precorrect the gas measurements for diurnal variation and to estimate the direct effect of grazing on the analyzed concentrations. A bivariate model was used to assess the correlation between the 2 periods (in-barn vs. grazing) for each gas concentration. Grazing had a weak P × E interaction for daily average CH4 and CO2 gas concentrations. Bivariate repeatability estimates for average CH4 and CO2 concentrations and CH4:CO2 were 0.77 to 0.78, 0.73 to 0.80, and 0.26, respectively. Repeatability for CH4:CO2 was low (0.26) but indicated some between-animal variation. In conclusion, grazing does not create significant shifts compared with indoor feeding in how animals rank for average CH4 and CO2 concentrations and CH4:CO2. We found no evidence that separate evaluation is needed to quantify enteric CH4 and CO2 emissions from Jersey cows during in-barn and grazing periods.  相似文献   

The effect of concentrate feeding level on enteric CH4 emissions from cows grazing medium quality summer pasture is yet to be investigated. Sixty multiparous Jersey cows (9 rumen-cannulated) were used in a randomized complete block design study (with the cannulated cows in a 3 × 3 Latin square design) to investigate the effect of concentrate feeding level (0, 4, and 8 kg/cow per day; as-fed basis) on enteric CH4 emissions, production performance, and rumen fermentation of dairy cows grazing summer pasture (17 cows plus 3 cannulated cows per treatment). Enteric CH4 emissions were measured from 11 cows per treatment group during one 7-d measurement period using the sulfur hexafluoride tracer gas technique. Pasture dry matter intake (DMI) was determined parallel with the CH4 measurement period using TiO2 as an external marker, and milk yield, milk composition, cow condition, and pasture pre- and postgrazing measurements were also recorded. Daily total DMI (11.2 to 15.6 kg/cow), milk yield (9.1 to 18.2 kg/cow), energy-corrected milk (ECM; 11.2 to 21.6 kg/cow), and milk lactose content (44.1 to 46.7 g/kg) increased linearly, whereas pasture DMI (11.2 to 8.4 kg/cow) decreased linearly with increasing concentrate feeding level. Daily CH4 production (323 to 378 g/d) increased linearly due to the increase in total DMI, whereas CH4 yield (29.1 to 25.1 g/kg of DMI) and CH4 intensity (35.5 to 21.1 g/kg of milk yield; and 28.8 to 17.6 g/kg of ECM) decreased linearly with increasing concentrate feeding level. Diurnal ruminal pH (6.45 to 6.32) and in sacco DM and neutral detergent fiber disappearance decreased linearly. Acetic and propionic acid were unaffected by treatment, whereas butyric acid (5.21 to 6.14 mM) increased linearly and quadratically with increasing concentrate feeding level. It was concluded that a high concentrate feeding level not only increases animal efficiency but is moreover a viable CH4 mitigation option for dairy cows grazing kikuyu-dominant pasture in late summer when pasture is inherently fibrous.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(8):5328-5337
Soybean meal (SBM) is a commonly used protein source in feed. Yeast microbial protein could be used as a substitute for SBM, but its effect on cheese-making properties and yield is not known. Norwegian Red dairy cows (n = 48) in early or mid lactation were divided in 3 groups and fed a ration consisting of grass silage and concentrate, where the concentrates were barley based but with different additional protein sources. These were: completely barley based with no additional protein source (BAR), additional protein from SBM, or additional protein from yeast (Cyberlindnera jadinii; YEA). The SBM and YEA concentrates had a higher protein content than the barley concentrate. Four batches of cheese were made from pooled milk from each of the 3 groups of dairy cows. Milk samples were collected 5 times during the experiment. Milk from cows fed BAR concentrate showed inferior cheese-making properties (lower casein content, longer renneting time, lower content of phosphorus, and lower cheese yield) compared with SBM and YEA concentrates. Overall, SBM or YEA bulk milk had similar cheese-making properties, but when investigating individual milk samples, YEA milk showed better coagulation properties.  相似文献   

Our study compared methane (CH4) emissions from lactating dairy cows measured using the sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer and open-circuit respiration chamber techniques. The study was conducted using 16 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows. In each chamber, the cow was fitted with the SF6 tracer apparatus to measure total CH4 emissions, including emissions from the rectum. Fresh ryegrass pasture was harvested daily and fed ad libitum to each cow with a supplement of 5 kg of grain/d. The CH4 emissions measured using the SF6 tracer technique were similar to those using the chamber technique: 331 vs. 322 g of CH4/d per cow. The accuracy of the SF6 tracer technique was indicated by considering the ratio of the CH4 emission measured using the SF6 tracer to the emission measured using the chamber for each cow on each day. The calculated ratio of 102.3% (SE = 1.51) was not different from 100%. A higher variability within cow between days was found for the SF6 tracer technique [coefficient of variation (CV) = 6.1%] than for the chamber technique (CV = 4.3%). The variability among cows was substantially higher than within cows, and was higher for the SF6 technique (CV = 19.6%) than for the chamber technique (CV = 17.8%). Our CH4 emission data were compared with whole-animal chamber studies conducted in Canada and Ireland. In the Canadian study the SF6 technique did not measure CH4 emissions from the rectum and emissions were 8% lower than those measured using the chamber, indicating that emissions from the rectum may be greater than previously measured (1%). The relationship between CH4 emission and dry matter intake was examined for our data and for that reported in the Canadian study. There was a difference in the slopes of the regressions derived from our data and that from Canada; 17.1 vs. 20.8 g of CH4/kg of dry matter intake. A difference between the 2 locations was expected based on the difference in diet composition for these 2 studies. The SF6 tracer technique is reasonably accurate for inventory purposes and for evaluating the effects of mitigation strategies on CH4 emissions.  相似文献   

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of feed restriction (FR) on serum glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, progesterone (P4), insulin, and milk production in dairy cows. Eight multiparous Holstein cows, 114 ± 14 d pregnant and 685 ± 39 kg of body weight, were randomly assigned to a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 14-d periods. During the first 8 d of each period, cows in all treatments were fed for ad libitum feed intake. Beginning on d 9 of each period, cows received 1 of 4 treatments: ad libitum (AL), 25% feed restriction (25FR), 50% feed restriction (50FR), and 50% of TMR replaced with wheat straw (50ST). Daily feed allowance was divided into 3 equal portions allocated every 8 h with jugular blood samples collected immediately before each feeding through d 14. In addition, on d 12 of each period, blood samples were collected before and at 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, and 480 min after morning feeding. The conventional total mixed ration and total mixed ration with straw averaged 15.1 and 10.8%, 32.1 and 50.5%, and 26.8 and 17.0% for concentrations of crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and starch, respectively. Cows that were feed and energy restricted had reduced dry matter intake, net energy for lactation intake, circulating glucose concentrations, and milk production, but greater body weight and body condition score losses than AL cows. Circulating concentrations of insulin were lower for cows fed 50FR (8.27 μIU/mL) and 50ST (6.24 μIU/mL) compared with cows fed AL (16.65 μIU/mL) and 25FR (11.16 μIU/mL). Furthermore, the greatest plasma nonesterified fatty acids concentration was observed for 50ST (647.7 μEq/L), followed by 50FR (357.5 μEq/L), 25FR (225.3 μEq/L), and AL (156.3 μEq/L). In addition, serum P4 concentration was lower for cows fed AL than cows fed 50ST and 25FR. Thus, FR reduced circulating glucose and insulin but increased P4 concentration, changes that may be positive in reproductive management programs.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of increasing dietary inclusion rates of wet corn gluten feed (WCGF; Sweet Bran; Cargill Inc., Blair, NE) on milk production and rumen parameters. Four primiparous and 4 multiparous ruminally cannulated Holstein cows averaging 90 ± 13 d in milk (mean ± SD) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 sequences in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with 28-d periods. Treatments were diets containing 0, 11, 23, and 34% WCGF on a dry matter basis; alfalfa hay, corn silage, corn grain, soybean meal, expeller soybean meal, and mineral supplements were varied to maintain similar nutrient concentrations across diets. Performance and measures of ruminal fermentation were monitored. Linear and quadratic effects of increasing WCGF inclusion rate were assessed using mixed-model analysis. Increasing dietary WCGF linearly increased dry matter intake (26.7, 25.9, 29.3, and 29.7 kg/d for 0, 11, 23, and 34% WCGF, respectively) and milk production (36.8, 37.0, 40.1, and 38.9 kg/d). Concentrations of milk components did not differ among treatments; however, protein and lactose yields increased linearly and fat yield tended to increase linearly when more WCGF was fed. This led to greater production of energy-corrected milk (38.2, 38.8, 41.7, and 40.4 kg/d) and solids-corrected milk (35.2, 35.7, 38.5, and 37.2 kg/d), but efficiency of production linearly decreased. Increased WCGF in the diet tended to linearly decrease ruminal pH (6.18, 6.12, 6.14, and 5.91), possibly because mean particle size was below typical recommendations for all diets, and diets with greater proportions of WCGF had a smaller mean particle size. Ruminal acetate concentration decreased linearly and propionate increased linearly as WCGF inclusion rate increased. Treatments had a quadratic effect on ammonia concentration, with greater concentrations for the 0 and 34% WCGF diets. In situ digestibility of soybean hulls showed a significant diet-by-time interaction, and increasing dietary levels of WCGF linearly decreased in situ neutral detergent fiber disappearance at 24 h. Change in body condition score increased linearly with increasing WCGF inclusion rate. Results indicate that adding WCGF to dairy rations can increase energy-corrected milk yield, and this increase appears to be driven, at least in part, by an increase in dry matter intake.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP), an investigational substance, on enteric methane emission, milk production, and composition in Holstein dairy cows. Following a 3-wk covariate period, 48 multi- and primiparous cows averaging (± standard deviation) 118 ± 28 d in milk, 43.4 ± 8 kg/d milk yield, and 594 ± 57 kg of body weight were blocked based on days in milk, milk yield, and enteric methane emission and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups: (1) control, no 3-NOP, and (2) 3-NOP applied at 60 mg/kg feed dry matter. Inclusion of 3-NOP was through the total mixed ration and fed for 15 consecutive weeks. Cows were housed in a freestall barn equipped with a Calan Broadbent Feeding System (American Calan Inc., Northwood, NH) for monitoring individual dry matter intake and fed ad libitum once daily. Enteric gaseous emissions (methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen) were measured using 3 GreenFeed (C-Lock Inc., Rapid City, SD) units. Dry matter intake, cow body weight, and body weight change were not affected by 3-NOP. Compared with the control group, 3-NOP applied at 60 mg/kg feed dry matter decreased daily methane emission, emission yield, and emission intensity by 26, 27, and 29%, respectively. Enteric emission of carbon dioxide was not affected, and hydrogen emission was increased 6-fold by 3-NOP. Administration of 3-NOP had no effect on milk and energy-corrected milk yields and feed efficiency, increased milk fat and milk urea nitrogen concentrations, and increased milk fat yield but had no other effects on milk components. Concentration of C6:0 and C8:0 and the sum of saturated fatty acids in milk fat were increased by 3-NOP. Total trans fatty acids and the sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids were decreased by 3-NOP. In this experiment, 3-NOP decreased enteric methane daily emission, yield, and intensity without affecting dry matter intake and milk yield, but increased milk fat in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

The dietary preference of lactating dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) was studied. Twelve groups of 2 lactating, Holstein-Friesian dairy cows grazed 1.2-ha plots containing conterminal monocultures of clover and grass. Half of the groups grazed a plot containing 75% clover and 25% grass (by ground area), with the remaining groups grazing a plot containing 25% clover and 75% grass. The intake rates of clover were higher than those of grass, and intake rates were higher in the evening than in the morning. During daylight hours, clover formed 63.2% of the diet of the groups offered 25% clover, which was higher than the 25% offered but lower than preference for 100% clover. This indicated that cows showed a partial preference for clover, with an overall value (i.e., the mean of the 75% and 25% clover groups) of 73.8%. There was a diurnal pattern to preference, with a stronger preference for clover in the morning and with the preference for grass increasing during the day. The basis for partial preference remains unclear and warrants further research.  相似文献   

Wheat is the most common concentrate fed to dairy cows in Australia, but few studies have examined the effects of wheat feeding on enteric methane emissions, and no studies have compared the relative potencies of wheat, corn, and barley for their effects on enteric methane production. In this 35-d experiment, 32 Holstein dairy cows were offered 1 of 4 diets: a corn diet (CRN) of 10.0 kg of dry matter (DM)/d of single-rolled corn grain, 1.8 kg of DM/d of canola meal, 0.2 kg of DM/d of minerals, and 11.0 kg of DM/d of chopped alfalfa hay; a wheat diet (WHT) similar to the CRN diet but with the corn replaced by single-rolled wheat; a barley diet (SRB) similar to the CRN diet but with the corn replaced by single-rolled barley; and a barley diet (DRB) similar to the CRN diet but with the corn replaced by double-rolled barley. Individual cow feed intakes, milk yields, and milk compositions were measured daily but reported for the last 5 d of the experiment. During the last 5 d of the experiment, individual cow methane emissions were measured using the SF6 tracer technique for all cows, and ruminal fluid pH was continuously measured by intraruminal sensors for 3 cows in each treatment group. The average DM intake of cows offered the CRN, WHT, SRB, and DRB diets was 22.2, 21.1, 22.6, and 22.6 kg/d. The mean energy-corrected milk of cows fed the WHT diet was less than that of cows fed the other diets. This occurred because the milk fat percentage of cows fed the WHT diet was significantly less than that of cows fed the other diets. The mean methane emissions and methane yields of cows fed the WHT diet were also significantly less than those of cows fed the other diets. Indeed, the CRN, SRB, and DRB diets were associated with 49, 73, and 78% greater methane emissions, respectively, compared with the emissions from the WHT diet. Methane yield was found to be most strongly related to the minimum daily ruminal fluid pH. This study showed that although the inclusion of wheat in the diet of dairy cows could be an effective strategy for substantially reducing their methane emissions, it also reduced their milk fat percentage and production of milk fat and energy-corrected milk.  相似文献   

In Ireland, milk is primarily produced using a spring-calving grass-based system, with the use of concentrate supplementation mainly when pasture availability and quality are reduced. In the autumn, when cows are in late lactation, reduced pasture productivity results in reduced milk yield and altered milk composition. Nitrogen utilization efficiency also reduces as lactation progresses. Concentrate supplementation has been found to increase milk production and reduce nitrogen (N) excretion, as high-N grass is usually replaced by a lower-N supplement; however, there is a paucity of information with regard to the optimum type of supplementation in late lactation. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate the effect of different concentrate supplementation types, based on barley or maize, on milk production, dry matter intake (DMI), rumen fermentation, and N excretion in late-lactation, spring-calving, grazing dairy cows. Thirty-six Holstein Friesian dairy cows were blocked on days in milk (185 DIM) and balanced for parity, pre-experimental milk yield, milk composition, and body condition score. Cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 dietary treatments in a randomized complete block design (n = 12). The 3 treatments consisted of a perennial ryegrass-based pasture-only (PO) treatment and pasture plus either of 2 supplementary concentrates, based on barley (PB) or maize (PM). The diets were fed for a 14-d acclimatization period and then for a further 63-d experimental period. Cows offered PO had a lower daily milk yield (15.1 kg) than PB (18.2 kg) or PM (16.8 kg). Similarly, PO had lower daily milk solids yield (1.46 kg) than PB or PM (1.68 and 1.53 kg, respectively). Cows offered PB had a greater milk yield and higher fat and protein yields than those offered PM. Offering PB increased total DMI (19.5 kg) compared with PO (17.7 kg), and milk response to concentrates was also greater for PB compared with PM (1.21 vs. 0.71 kg of milk per kg of concentrate). Cows offered PB had increased N in milk compared with PO. In conclusion, concentrate supplementation based on barley or maize resulted in increased milk and milk solids yield compared with offering PO. Cows offered barley had a greater response to concentrates and increased milk and milk solids yield in comparison to maize and showed increased N partitioning in milk compared with PO. A barley-based concentrate increased total DMI compared with PO.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of feed delivery frequency on the behavioral patterns and productivity of lactating dairy cows. Twelve freestall-housed, lactating Holstein dairy cows, including 6 primiparous (PP) and 6 multiparous (MP), milked 3×/d (at 1400, 2200, and 0600h), were exposed to each of 3 treatments (over 21-d periods) in a replicated Latin square design. Treatments included feed delivery frequency of (1) 1×/d (at 1400 h), (2) 2×/d (at 1400 and 2200 h), and (3) 3×/d (at 1400, 2200, and 0600 h). Milk production as well as feeding, lying, and rumination behaviors were electronically monitored for each animal for the last 7 d of each treatment period. Milk samples were collected for the last 3 d of each period for milk component analysis. Dry matter intake (DMI) varied with feed delivery frequency, with greatest DMI observed in cows fed 3×/d (27.8 kg/d) compared with those fed 2×/d (27.0 kg/d) or 1×/d (27.4 kg/d). Treatment had no effect on milk yield (41.3 kg/d) or efficiency of production (1.54 kg of milk/kg of DMI). Cows that did not receive delivery of feed following the 2200 h milking (treatment 1) and 0600 h milking (treatments 1 and 2) had lower DMI during the first hour after milking than those that received feed at all milkings (treatment 3). Total feeding time and meal frequency, size, and duration did not vary by treatment, but PP cows consumed smaller meals at a slower rate, resulting in lower DMI compared with MP cows. Primiparous cows consumed 50.1% and 26.1% less dry matter than MP cows during the first meal following the first and second milkings, respectively. Lying time did not vary by treatment, but PP cows spent more time lying (10.3 vs. 8.3 h/d) than MP cows. Under 3×/d milking schedules, greater feed delivery frequency resulted in greater DMI as a function of increased DMI following the return from milking and the delivery of feed.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(12):12553-12566
Metabolome profiling in biological fluids is an interesting approach for exploring markers of methane emissions in ruminants. In this study, a multiplatform metabolomics approach was used for investigating changes in milk metabolic profiles related to methanogenesis in dairy cows. For this purpose, 25 primiparous Holstein cows at similar lactation stage were fed the same diet supplemented with (treated, n = 12) or without (control, n = 13) a specific antimethanogenic additive that reduced enteric methane production by 23% with no changes in intake, milk production, and health status. The study lasted 6 wk, with sampling and measures performed in wk 5 and 6. Milk samples were analyzed using 4 complementary analytical methods, including 2 untargeted (nuclear magnetic resonance and liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer) and 2 targeted (liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography coupled to a flame ionization detector) approaches. After filtration, variable selection and normalization data from each analytical platform were then analyzed using multivariate orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis. All 4 analytical methods were able to differentiate cows from treated and control groups. Overall, 38 discriminant metabolites were identified, which affected 10 metabolic pathways including methane metabolism. Some of these metabolites such as dimethylsulfoxide, dimethylsulfone, and citramalic acid, detected by nuclear magnetic resonance or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods, originated from the rumen microbiota or had a microbial-host animal co-metabolism that could be associated with methanogenesis. Also, discriminant milk fatty acids detected by targeted gas chromatography were mostly of ruminal microbial origin. Other metabolites and metabolic pathways significantly affected were associated with AA metabolism. These findings provide new insight on the potential role of milk metabolites as indicators of enteric methane modifications in dairy cows.  相似文献   

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