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The enhancement of milk coagulation properties (MCP) and the reuse of whey produced by the dairy industry are of great interest to improve the efficiency of the cheese-making process. Native whey proteins (WP) can be aggregated and denatured to obtain colloidal microparticulated WP (MWP). The objective of this study was to assess the effect of MWP on MCP; namely, rennet coagulation time (RCT), curd-firming time, and curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition. Six concentrations of MWP (vol/vol; 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0%) were added to 3 bulk milk samples (collected and analyzed during 3 d), and a sample without MWP was used as control. Within each day of analysis, 6 replicates of MCP for each treatment were obtained, changing the position of the treatment in the rack. For control samples, 2 replicates per day were performed. In addition to MCP, WP fractions were measured on each treatment during the 3 d of analysis. Milk coagulation properties were measured on 144 samples by using a Formagraph (Foss Electric, Hillerød, Denmark). Increasing the amount of MWP added to milk led to a longer RCT. In particular, significant differences were found between RCT of the control samples (13.5 min) and RCT of samples with 3.0% (14.6 min) or more MWP. A similar trend was observed for curd-firming time, which was shortest in the control samples and longest in samples with 9.0% MWP (21.4 min). No significant differences were detected for curd firmness at 30 min across concentrations of MWP. Adjustments in cheese processing should be made when recycling MWP, in particular during the coagulation process, by prolonging the time of rennet activity before cutting the curd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare fertility traits of heifers and primiparous cows from Swedish Red × Holstein (SR × HO; n = 634 and 581, respectively), Montbéliarde × Holstein (MO × HO; n = 126 and 114, respectively), Brown Swiss × Holstein (BS × HO; n = 59 and 50, respectively), and MO × (SR × HO) (n = 241 and 139, respectively) crossbreds, versus those of Holstein heifers and cows (HO; n = 3,483 and 2,549, respectively). Animals were born between 2007 and 2011, and belonged to 4 herds located in northern Italy. Heifers were compared for age at first service (AFS), age at first conception (AFC), interval between first service and conception (IFC), nonreturn rate at 56 d after first service (NR56), conception rate at first service (CR), and number of inseminations required for conception (INS). The same traits were evaluated in primiparous cows, except that AFS and AFC were replaced with days at first service (DFS) and days open (DO). The AFS, AFC, IFC, DFS, and DO traits were continuous variables and were thus analyzed under a proportional hazards Cox model that properly accounted for censoring among cows that were culled or failed to conceive. The NR56, CR, and INS traits were analyzed as binary traits using logistic regression. Our results indicated that, among heifers, SR × HO crossbreds had a better chance of having an earlier first service and conceiving earlier than HO, with hazard ratios (HR) of 1.31 for AFS and 1.34 for AFC. Similarly, MO × (SR × HO) crossbreds differed from HO heifers in this regard (HR = 1.18 and 1.24, respectively). For the primiparous cows, all crossbreds showed significant differences for DFS, DO, and IFC relative to purebred HO, with the exception of the BS × HO crossbreds. The MO × HO, SR × HO, and MO × (SR × HO) crossbred cows showed increased chances of having fewer DFS (HR = 1.40, 1.30, and 1.27, respectively), fewer DO (HR = 1.59, 1.43, and 1.58, respectively), and fewer IFC (HR = 1.52, 1.26, and 1.39, respectively) than HO cows. All crossbred genotypes, including BS × HO cows, showed higher probabilities for higher NR56, higher CR, and lower INS than purebred HO cows. Together, these findings indicate that the studied crossbred cows have higher reproductive potential than Holsteins.  相似文献   

Normande (NO)×Holstein (HO) crossbred cows (n=251), Montbéliarde (MO)×HO crossbred cows (n=503), and Scandinavian Red (SR)×HO crossbred cows (n=321) were compared with pure HO cows (n=416) for fertility, somatic cell score (SCS), and 305-d projected milk, fat, and protein production during their first 5 lactations. The SR was a combination of Swedish Red and Norwegian Red. Cows were housed in 6 commercial herds in California and calved from June 2002 to January 2009. The NO, MO, and SR sires of crossbred cows were artificial insemination bulls via imported semen. The NO×HO, MO×HO, and SR×HO cows had fewer days to first breeding, enhanced first-service conception rates, higher pregnancy rates, and 12 to 26 fewer days open than did pure HO cows during their first 5 lactations. Mean SCS across lactations was similar for NO×HO (3.25) and pure HO (3.27) cows; however, MO×HO (2.98) and SR×HO (3.12) cows were significantly lower for SCS than were pure HO cows. The MO×HO cows and SR×HO cows were only 3 and 4% lower, respectively, than pure HO cows for 305-d projected production of fat (kg) plus protein (kg); however, NO×HO cows were 10% lower than pure HO cows for fat plus protein production. Therefore, the MO and SR are candidate breeds for crossbreeding with HO to improve the fertility and udder health of herds with high mean production.  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic correlations between milk coagulation properties (MCP: coagulation time and curd firmness), milk yield, fat content, protein content, ln(somatic cell count) (SCS), casein content, and pH of milk and heritability of these traits were estimated from data consisting of milk samples of 4664 Finnish Ayrshire cows sired by 91 bulls. In addition, differences in average estimated breeding values (EBV) for the above traits between the cows with noncoagulating (NC) milk and those with milk that coagulated (CO samples) were examined. The estimations were carried out to study the possibilities of indirect genetic improvement of MCP by use of the above characteristics. The genetic and phenotypic correlations between MCP and the milk production traits were low or negligible. The genetic associations between desirable MCP and low SCS were rather strong (-0.45 to 0.29). Desirable MCP correlated both genetically and phenotypically with low pH of milk (-0.51 to 0.50). The rather high heritability estimates for curd firmness in different forms (0.22 to 0.39), and the wide variation in the proportion of daughters producing NC milk between the sires (0 to 47%) suggested that noncoagulation of milk is partly caused by additive genetic factors. Based on the genetic correlations between curd firmness and SCS and the high EBV for SCS obtained for the cows with NC-milk, it is possible that the loci causing noncoagulation of milk and increasing somatic cell count of milk are closely linked or partly the same. One means to genetically improve MCP and to reduce the occurrence of NC milk could thus be selection for low somatic cell count of milk.  相似文献   

Milk processing attributes represent a group of milk quality traits that are important to the dairy industry to inform product portfolio. However, because of the resources required to routinely measure such quality traits, precise genetic parameter estimates from a large population of animals are lacking for these traits. Milk processing characteristics considered in the present study—rennet coagulation time, curd-firming time, curd firmness at 30 and 60 min after rennet addition, heat coagulation time, casein micelle size, and milk pH—were all estimated using mid-infrared spectroscopy prediction equations. Variance components for these traits were estimated using 136,807 test-day records from 5 to 305 d in milk (DIM) from 9,824 cows using random regressions to model the additive genetic and within-lactation permanent environmental variances. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.18 ± 0.01 (26 DIM) to 0.38 ± 0.02 (180 DIM) for rennet coagulation time; from 0.26 ± 0.02 (5 DIM) to 0.57 ± 0.02 (174 DIM) for curd-firming time; from 0.16 ± 0.01 (30 DIM) to 0.56 ± 0.02 (271 DIM) for curd firmness at 30 min; from 0.13 ± 0.01 (30 DIM) to 0.48 ± 0.02 (271 DIM) for curd firmness at 60 min; from 0.08 ± 0.01 (17 DIM) to 0.24 ± 0.01 (180 DIM) for heat coagulation time; from 0.23 ± 0.02 (30 DIM) to 0.43 ± 0.02 (261 DIM) for casein micelle size; and from 0.20 ± 0.01 (30 DIM) to 0.36 ± 0.02 (151 DIM) for milk pH. Within-trait genetic correlations across DIM weakened as the number of days between compared intervals increased but were mostly >0.4 except between the peripheries of the lactation. Eigenvalues and associated eigenfunctions of the additive genetic covariance matrix for all traits revealed that at least the 80% of the genetic variation among animals in lactation profiles was associated with the height of the lactation profile. Curd-firming time and curd firmness at 30 min were weakly to moderately genetically correlated with milk yield (from 0.33 ± 0.05 to 0.59 ± 0.05 for curd-firming time, and from ?0.62 ± 0.03 to ?0.21 ± 0.06 for curd firmness at 30 min). Milk protein concentration was strongly genetically correlated with curd firmness at 30 min (0.84 ± 0.02 to 0.94 ± 0.01) but only weakly genetically correlated with milk heat coagulation time (?0.27 ± 0.07 to 0.19 ± 0.06). Results from the present study indicate the existence of exploitable genetic variation for milk processing characteristics. Because of possible indirect deterioration in milk processing characteristics due to selection for greater milk yield, emphasis on milk processing characteristics is advised.  相似文献   

In this study, milk-coagulation properties (MCP) were characterized in the Sarda sheep breed. Milk composition and MCP [rennet-coagulation time (RCT), curd-firming time [time to reach a curd firmness of 20 mm (k20)], and curd firmness (a30), (a45), and (a60)] were obtained extending the lactodynamographic analysis from 30 to 60 min from a population of 1,121 ewes from 23 different farms. Managerial characteristics of farms and parity, individual daily milk yields and stage of lactation of ewes were recorded. Data were analyzed using a mixed-model procedure with fixed effects of days in milk, parity, daily milk yield, and flock size and the random effect of the flock/test day nested within flock size. Sampled farms were classified as small (<300 ewes) and medium (300 to 600 ewes), and these were kept by family operations, or as large (>600 ewes), often operated through hired workers. Daily milk yield was, on average, 1.58 ± 0.79 L/d and variability for this trait was very high. The average content of fat, protein, and casein was respectively 6.41, 5.39, and 4.20%. The class of flock size had a significant effect only on curd firmness, whereas days in milk affected RCT and k20. The flock test day, parity, and daily milk yield were important sources of variation for all MCP. The mean value of RCT (8.6 min) and the low occurrence of noncoagulating samples (0.44%) confirmed the excellent coagulation ability of sheep milk compared with cattle milk. A more rapid coagulation was observed in mid-lactating, primiparous, and high-yielding ewes. The k20 was usually reached in less than 2 min after gelation, with the most favorable values at mid lactation. The mean value of curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition (a30) was, on average, 50 mm and decreased to 46 and 42 mm respectively after 45 (a45) and 60 min (a60). The decreasing value of curd-firmness traits was likely to be caused by curd syneresis and whey expulsion. The correlation between RCT and a30 was much lower than in dairy cows and about null for a45 and a60. This means that curd firmness in dairy ewes is almost independent of gelation time and this can provide specific information for this species. In conclusion, this study showed that milk from Sarda sheep is characterized by an earlier gelation, a faster increase in curd firmness with time, and greater curd firmness after 30 min compared with dairy cows. Furthermore, correlations between MCP in sheep are much lower than in bovines and some of the assumptions and interpretations related to cows cannot be applied to sheep.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study the effects of the CSN1A(G) allele on the main rennet coagulation properties of milk. The study was carried out on individual milk samples with low alphas1-casein obtained from 19 Italian Brown cows heterozygous for the CSN1A(G) allele (seventeen CSN1A BG and two CSN1A CG) from four herds in the province of Parma (Italy). Control cows (sixteen CSN1A BB and three CSN1A BC) giving milk with normal alphas1-casein levels were chosen from within the same herds in order to establish pairs of cows with identical environment and management conditions, and comparable lactation stages and numbers. Individual milk samples from single pairs of cows with somatic cell counts and lactose and chloride levels within the normal ranges were collected and analysed in parallel. Rennet coagulation properties of milk were analysed using Formagraph and Gel Tester. Milk from low alphas1-casein cows was characterized by lower casein content, lower titratable acidity and a higher proportion of kappa-casein in total casein. The clotting time of this milk was approximately 23% lower than that obtained with milk from normal alphas1-casein cows. Rennet curd from low alphas1-casein milk was obtained more rapidly and had a higher final firmness: curd-firming time was approximately 35% lower and curd firmness measured 30 min after rennet addition was approximately 27% higher compared with that for normal alphas1-casein milk. In addition, curd from low alphas1-casein milk had a higher resistance to compression. These results suggest that, although a role for the CSN2 locus cannot be definitely excluded, the CSN1A(G) allele can considerably affect the main rennet coagulation properties of milk.  相似文献   

Milk coagulation properties (MCP) are conventionally measured using computerized renneting meters, mechanical or optical devices that record curd firmness over time (CFt). The traditional MCP are rennet coagulation time (RCT, min), curd firmness (a30, mm), and curd-firming time (k20, min). The milk of different ruminant species varies in terms of CFt pattern. Milk from Holstein-Friesian and some Scandinavian cattle breeds yields higher proportions of noncoagulating samples, samples with longer RCT and lower a30, and samples for which k20 is not estimable, than does milk from Brown Swiss, Simmental, and other local Alpine breeds. The amount, proportion, and genetic variants (especially κ-casein) of milk protein fractions strongly influence MCP and explain variable proportions of the observed differences among breeds and among individuals of the same breed. In addition, other major genes have been shown to affect MCP. Individual repeatability of MCP is high, whereas any herd effect is low; thus, the improvement of MCP should be based principally on selection. Exploitable additive genetic variation in MCP exists and has been assessed using different breeds in various countries. Several models have been formulated that either handle noncoagulating samples or not. The heritability of MCP is similar to that of other milk quality traits and is higher than the heritability of milk yield. Rennet coagulation time and a30 are highly correlated, both phenotypically and genetically. This means that the use of a30 data does not add valuable information to that obtainable from RCT; both traits are genetically correlated mainly with milk acidity. Moreover, a30 is correlated with casein content. The major limitations of traditional MCP can be overcome by prolonging the observation period and by using a novel CFt modeling, which uses all available information provided by computerized renneting meters and allows the estimation of RCT, the potential asymptotic curd firmness, the curd-firming rate, and the syneresis rate. Direct measurements of RCT obtained from both mechanical and optical devices show similar heritabilities and exhibit high phenotypic and genetic correlations. Moreover, mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy can predict MCP. The heritabilities of predicted MCP are higher than those of measured MCP, and the 2 sets of values are strongly correlated. Therefore, mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy is a reliable and cheap method whereby MCP can be improved at the population level; this is because such spectra are already routinely acquired from the milk of cows enrolled in milk recording schemes.  相似文献   

Despite milk processing characteristics being important quality traits, little is known about the factors underlying their variability, due primarily to the resources required to measure these characteristics in a sufficiently large population. Cow milk coagulation properties (rennet coagulation time, curd-firming time, curd firmness 30 and 60 min after rennet addition), heat coagulation time, casein micelle size, and pH were generated from available mid-infrared spectroscopy prediction models. The prediction models were applied to 136,807 spectra collected from 9,824 Irish dairy cows from research and commercial herds. Sources of variation were investigated using linear mixed models that included the fixed effects of calendar month of test; milking time in the day; linear regressions on the proportion of Friesian, Jersey, Montbéliarde, Norwegian Red, and “other” breeds in the cow; coefficients of heterosis and of recombination loss; parity; stage of lactation; and the 2-way interaction parity × stage of lactation. Within- and across-parity cow effects, contemporary group, and a residual term were also included as random effects in the model. Supplementary analyses considered the inclusion of either test-day milk yield or milk protein concentration as fixed-effects covariates in the multiple regression models. Milk coagulation properties were most favorable (i.e., short rennet coagulation time and strong curd firmness) for cheese manufacturing in early lactation, concurrent with the lowest values of both pH and casein micelle size. Milk coagulation properties and pH deteriorated in mid lactation but improved toward the end of lactation. In direct contrast, heat coagulation time was more favorable in mid lactation and less suitable (i.e., shorter) for high temperature treatments in both early and late lactation. Relative to multiparous cows, primiparous cows, on average, yielded milk with shorter rennet coagulation time and longer heat coagulation time. Milk from the evening milking session had shorter rennet coagulation time and greater curd firmness, as well as lower heat coagulation time and lower pH compared with milk from the morning session. Jersey cows, on average, yielded milk more suitable for cheese production rather than for milk powder production. When protein concentration was included in the model, the improvement of milk coagulation properties toward the end of lactation was no longer apparent. Results from the present study may aid in decision-making for milk manufacturing, especially in countries characterized by a seasonal supply of fresh milk.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(1):312-322
Culled dairy cows represent a considerable source of meat production, but their carcasses may vary greatly in quality because of the wide variation in the age, stage of lactation, breed, body condition, and other characteristics of the cows at slaughter. However, the effect of crossbreeding on the value of culled cows has so far received little investigation. The aim of this observational study was to compare a range of carcass attributes of cull cows from 3-breed rotational crossbreeding using Viking Red, Montbéliarde (MO), and Holstein (HO) bulls with those of HO purebred cows. Data on 1,814 dairy cows were collected. Cows were reared together in one herd and slaughtered in 4 slaughterhouses. The carcass weight, fleshiness, and fatness scores, the total value, and the price (€/kg) of each cow carcass were recorded. The culling of a few cows in the sample (n = 86) was classified by the farm manager as “urgent” following a diagnosis of injury or sickness, and this information was recorded. Carcass traits were analyzed with a mixed model which included the fixed effects of parity, days in milk, genetic group (purebred HO, 787 cows, and crossbred cows, classified according to the breed of sire within crossbreds, with 309, 428, and 290 cows sired by Viking Red, MO, and HO bulls, respectively), and interactions, and the random effects of month × year of the date of slaughter, and slaughterhouse. Logistic regression was used to investigate the association of parity, days in milk and purebred or crossbred origin with unplanned, “urgent” culling compared with regular culling. Average carcass weight across genetic groups was 297 ± 65 kg, average price €2.03 ± 0.53/kg, and average value €631 ± 269. Compared with HO, crossbred carcasses were 7 to 12% heavier depending on the breed of sire, were graded + 0.12 to + 0.28 units higher for fleshiness and + 0.26 to + 0.30 units higher for fatness, and fetched an 8 to 11% higher price. As a consequence, compared with purebred HO, carcasses from crossbreds had 15 to 24% higher value (€84 to €133 more per cow), with crossbred cows sired by MO showing the greatest values. Moreover, compared with the HO cows, the crossbred cows had a 37% lower risk of being urgently removed from the herd, which raises welfare concerns and may reduce the salvage value of cull cows. Because cull cows represent a supplemental source of income for dairy farmers, the greater overall value of crossbred cull cows should be taken into account in evaluating the economic effectiveness of crossbreeding schemes.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):2132-2152
Bovines produce about 83% of the milk and dairy products consumed by humans worldwide, the rest represented by bubaline, caprine, ovine, camelid, and equine species, which are particularly important in areas of extensive pastoralism. Although milk is increasingly used for cheese production, the cheese-making efficiency of milk from the different species is not well known. This study compares the cheese-making ability of milk sampled from lactating females of the 6 dairy species in terms of milk composition, coagulation properties (using lactodynamography), curd-firming modeling, nutrients recovered in the curd, and cheese yield (through laboratory model-cheese production). Equine (donkey) milk had the lowest fat and protein content and did not coagulate after rennet addition. Buffalo and ewe milk yielded more fresh cheese (25.5 and 22.9%, respectively) than cow, goat, and dromedary milk (15.4, 11.9, and 13.8%, respectively). This was due to the greater fat and protein contents of the former species with respect to the latter, but also to the greater recovery of fat in the curd of bubaline (88.2%) than in the curd of camelid milk (55.0%) and consequent differences in the recoveries of milk total solids and energy in the curd; protein recovery, however, was much more similar across species (from 74.7% in dromedaries to 83.7% in bovine milk). Compared with bovine milk, the milk from the other Artiodactyla species coagulated more rapidly, reached curd firmness more quickly (especially ovine milk), had a more pronounced syneresis (especially caprine milk), had a greater potential asymptotical curd firmness (except dromedary and goat milk), and reached earlier maximum curd firmness (especially caprine and ovine milk). The maximum measured curd firmness was greater for bubaline and ovine milk, intermediate for bovine and caprine milk, and lower for camelid milk. The milk of all ruminant species can be used to make cheese, but, to improve efficiency, cheese-making procedures need to be optimized to take into account the large differences in their coagulation, curd-firming, and syneresis properties.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate heritabilities of rennet coagulation time (RCT) and curd firmness (a30) and their genetic correlations with test-day milk yield, composition (fat, protein, and casein content), somatic cell score, and acidity (pH and titratable acidity) using coagulating and noncoagulating (NC) milk information. Data were from 1,025 Holstein-Friesian (HF) and 1,234 Brown Swiss (BS) cows, which were progeny of 54 HF and 58 BS artificial insemination sires, respectively. Milk coagulation properties (MCP) of each cow were measured once using a computerized renneting meter and samples not exhibiting coagulation within 31 min after rennet addition were classified as NC milk. For NC samples, RCT was unobserved. Multivariate analyses, using Bayesian methodology, were performed to estimate the genetic relationships of RCT or a30 with the other traits and statistical inference was based on the marginal posterior distributions of parameters of concern. For analyses involving RCT, a right-censored Gaussian linear model was used and records of NC milk samples, being censored records, were included as unknown parameters in the model implementing a data augmentation procedure. Rennet coagulation time was more heritable [heritability (h2) = 0.240 and h2 = 0.210 for HF and BS, respectively] than a30 (h2 = 0.148 and h2 = 0.168 for HF and BS, respectively). Milk coagulation properties were more heritable than a single test-day milk yield (h2 = 0.103 and h2 = 0.097 for HF and BS, respectively) and less heritable than milk composition traits whose heritability ranged from 0.275 to 0.275, with the only exception of fat content of BS milk (h2 = 0.108). A negative genetic correlation, lower than −0.85, was estimated between RCT and a30 for both breeds. Genetic relationships of MCP with yield and composition were low or moderate and favorable. The genetic correlation of somatic cell score with RCT in BS cows was large and positive and even more positive were those of RCT with pH and titratable acidity in both breeds, ranging from 0.80 to 0.94. Including NC milk information in the data affected the estimated correlations and decreased the uncertainty associated with the estimation process. On the basis of the estimated heritabilities and genetic correlations, enhancement of MCP through selective breeding with no detrimental effects on yield and composition seems feasible in both breeds. Milk acidity may play a role as an indicator trait for indirect enhancement of MCP.  相似文献   

The global production of sheep milk is growing, and the main industrial use of sheep milk is cheese making. The Spanish Churra sheep breed is one of the most important native dairy breeds in Spain. The present study aimed to estimate genetic parameters for a wide range of traits influencing the cheese-making ability of Churra sheep milk. Using a total of 1,049 Churra ewes, we studied the following cheese-making traits: 4 traits related to milk coagulation properties (rennet coagulation time, curd-firming time, and curd firmness at 30 and 60 min after addition of rennet), 2 traits related to cheese yield (individual laboratory cheese yield and individual laboratory dried curd yield), and 3 traits measuring curd firmness over time (maximum curd firmness, time to attain maximum curd firmness, and syneresis). In addition, a list of milk traits, including the native pH of the milk and several milk production and composition traits (milk yield; the fat, protein, and dried extract percentages; and the somatic cell count), were also analyzed for the studied animals. After discarding the noncoagulating samples (only 3.7%), data of 1,010 ewes were analyzed with multiple-trait animal models by using the restricted maximum likelihood method to estimate (co)variance components, heritabilities, and genetic correlations. In general, the heritability estimates were low to moderate, ranging from 0.08 (for the individual laboratory dried curd yield trait) to 0.42 (for the fat percentage trait). High genetic correlations were found within pairs of related traits (i.e., 0.93 between fat and dried extract percentages, ?0.93 between the log of the curd-firming time and curd firmness at 30 min, 0.70 between individual laboratory cheese yield and individual laboratory dried curd yield, and ?0.94 between time to attain maximum curd firmness and syneresis). Considering all the information provided here, we suggest that in addition to the current consideration of the protein percentage trait for improving cheese yield traits, the inclusion of the pH of milk as a measured trait in the Churra dairy breeding program would represent an efficient strategy for improving the cheese-making ability of milk from this breed.  相似文献   

Stillbirth (SB) often results in reduced milk yield, compromised reproductive performance, and decreased dam longevity. Corrective mating can be used as a short-term solution to the problem, but long-term improvement of the population requires the routine calculation of genetic evaluations. Breeding values for SB have been available for Holstein (HO) bulls since 2006, but not for Brown Swiss (BS) or Jersey (JE) bulls. In this study, a multi-breed sire-maternal grandsire threshold model was used to perform genetic evaluations for SB of BS, JE, and HO bulls using more than 14 million purebred and crossbred calving records. Phenotypically, the percentage of SB (%SB) across all lactations were 3.7% in JE, 5.1% in BS, and 6.3% in HO. Direct heritabilities for BS, JE, and HO were 0.008, 0.007, and 0.008, and maternal heritabilities were 0.002, 0.016, and 0.021, respectively. Compared with HO, crossbred calvings from BS and JE bulls bred to HO cows lowered %SB by 1.5 and 1.2%, respectively. In general, %SB increased considerably as calving difficulty increased in all 3 breeds; however, in JE, %SB was constant for dystocia scores of 3 (needed assistance), 4 (considerable force), and 5 (extreme difficulty). Compared with purebred HO calvings, purebred BS and JE calvings had lower phenotypic %SB by up to 5.5 and 7.8%, respectively, and BS × HO and JE × HO crossbred calvings decreased %SB by up to 3.8 and 4.1%, respectively. As expected, SB rates in primiparous cows were higher than those in multiparous cows. Female calves had greater %SB than male calves in all parities for JE and in second-and-later parities for BS. Favorable (decreasing) phenotypic and genetic trends from 1999 to 2009 were observed in all 3 breeds. Heterosis of SB for BS and JE was −0.026 and −0.149, respectively, on the underlying scale, which corresponds to effects on service-sire SB (SSB) and daughter SB (DSB) predicted transmitting ability (PTA) of −0.3 and −0.5% in BS, and −1.5 and −2.7% in JE. Overall, in the current population, BS bulls had the most desirable average SSB PTA of 4.8%, compared with 5.6% for JE and 5.5% for HO. Brown Swiss and JE bulls both had average DSB PTA of 6.5%, lower than that of 7.7% in HO. Average reliabilities of SSB and DSB in 3 breeds ranged from 45 to 50%. The use of a BS-JE-HO multibreed genetic evaluation for SB in the United States is feasible, and the addition of SSB and DSB to the lifetime net merit selection index will help improve the profitability of BS and JE cattle in the United States.  相似文献   

Samples of herd milk (506) were analyzed to assess sources of variation for milk coagulation properties (MCP) for 5 different dairy cattle breeds. Data were recorded in 55 single-breed dairy herds in the Trento province, a mountain area in northeast Italy. The 5 cattle breeds were Holstein-Friesian (8 herds), Brown Swiss (16 herds), Simmental (10 herds), Rendena (13 herds), and Alpine Gray (8 herds). Herd milk samples were analyzed for the MCP traits, milk rennet coagulation time (RCT), curd-firming time, and curd firmness (a30), as well as protein and fat percentages, somatic cell count, Soxhlet-Henkel acidity, and bacterial count. An ANOVA was performed to study the effect of breed, herd within breed, DIM, month of lactation, protein and fat percentages, somatic cell score, titratable acidity, and log bacterial count within breed on MCP. Breed was the most important source of variation. In particular, the Rendena breed showed the best MCP traits at 13.5 min and 27.0 mm for RCT and a30, respectively. The Holstein-Friesian breed had the worst coagulation properties at 18.0 min and 17.5 mm for RCT and a30, respectively. The other 3 breeds showed intermediate coagulation properties. The RCT values were better at the beginning of lactation, whereas RCT and a30 values were better in September and October (14.3 min and 25.7 mm, respectively). Among the composition traits, only the titratable acidity affected MCP traits of herd milk positively.  相似文献   

In Italy, more than 75% of milk is used for cheese making. For this reason, milk composition and coagulation traits and cheese quality represent the most important tools for the economic development of the dairy sector. In particular, cheese quality varies in relation to cheese-making technology and breed of cow. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 3 types of milk, originating from Holstein-Friesian (HF), Brown Swiss (BS), and mixed of both breeds, on vat milk characteristics, cheese yield, and quality in 3 different typical Italian cheese-making conditions (Casolet, Vezzena, and Grana Trentino). One hundred forty-four cows (66 HF and 78 BS) were involved, and a total of 24 vats of milk were evaluated. At maturity, 30, 21, and 16 wheels of Casolet, Vezzena, and Grana Trentino cheese were analyzed. Brown Swiss cows yielded 9% less milk per day than HF cows, but milk showed greater contents of protein, casein, titratable acidity, and better rennet coagulation time and curd firmness than HF milk. The chemical composition and cholesterol content of the 3 types of cheese were similar between breeds, whereas the cheese made with BS milk showed greater contents of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cheese made with BS milk had greater b* (yellow component) than HF. Cheese yield, recorded at different ripening times, demonstrated that BS milk yielded more cheese than HF. Mixed milk showed values, on average, intermediate to HF and BS milk characteristics, and this trend was confirmed in cheese yield at different ripening times.  相似文献   

Traditional milk coagulation properties are used to predict the suitability of milk for cheese-making. In bovine and ovine species, the introduction of the concept of curd firming over time, continuously recorded by a lactodynamograph during prolonged tests, provides additional information about milk coagulation, curd-firming, and syneresis processes. The aims of present study were (1) to test the adaptability of a 4-parameter curd-firming model in the assessment of goat milk (also comparing published data of other species); (2) to describe variability of coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis processes among individual goat milk samples; (3) to quantify the effects of farm and animal factors (breed, parity, and stage of lactation); and (4) to compare 6 goat breeds for their model parameters. Milk samples from 1,272 goats reared in 35 farms were collected. Goats were of 6 breeds: Saanen and Camosciata delle Alpi for the Alpine type; and Murciano-Granadina, Maltese, Sarda, and Sarda Primitiva for the Mediterranean type. During a lactodynamographic analysis (60 min), 240 measures of curd firmness (mm) were recorded for each milk sample. The modeling of curd firming allowed us to achieve the rennet coagulation time estimated on the basis of all the data points (min); the curd firming and the curd syneresis instant rate constants; the asymptotical potential value of curd firming; the actual maximum curd firmness; and the time at which the curd firming maximum level is attained. Modeling parameter data were analyzed using a linear mixed model. Comparison with other dairy species showed several differences: goat milk coagulated later than sheep but earlier than bovine, and curd firming and curd syneresis instant rate constants were greater in small ruminants. Modeling parameters of goat milk were mostly affected by the farm effect (37% of the total variance, on average) compared with the results found for bovine and ovine samples, and this was probably attributable to the marked differences among goat farming systems. Small differences were demonstrated between Alpine and Mediterranean breeds, but the time of maximum curd firmness was lower in Murciano-Granadina compared with Maltese, Sarda, and Sarda Primitiva. Sarda and Sarda Primitiva were very similar and exhibited the most favorable coagulation properties of milk. For almost all the model parameters, the direct effect of breed was increased after correction for milk yield and composition. In conclusion, this approach allowed us to fully depict the effects of the different factors on coagulation of goat milk, and clarified the different renneting pattern among goat breeds, and with other species. Results could be used for the valorization of goat dairy products, also when these are linked to particular local breeds, and to stimulate further studies about relationships between coagulation and cheese-making traits.  相似文献   

Milk coagulation properties (MCP) are an important aspect in assessing cheese-making ability. Several studies showed that favorable conditions of milk reactivity with rennet, curd formation rate, and curd strength, as well as curd syneresis, have a positive effect on the entire cheese-making process and subsequently on the ripening of cheese. Moreover, MCP were found to be heritable, but little scientific literature is available about their genetic aspects. The aims of this study were to estimate heritability of MCP and genetic correlations among MCP and milk production and quality traits. A total of 1,071 Italian Holstein cows (progeny of 54 sires) reared in 34 herds in Northern Italy were sampled from January to July 2004. Individual milk samples were collected during the morning milking and analyzed for coagulation time (RCT), curd firmness (a30), pH, titratable acidity, fat, protein, and casein contents, and somatic cell count. About 10% of individual milk samples did not coagulate in 31 min, so they were removed from the analyses. Estimates of heritability for RCT and a30 were 0.25 ± 0.04 and 0.15 ± 0.03, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations between MCP traits and milk production traits were negligible except for a30 with protein and casein contents (0.44 ± 0.10 and 0.53 ± 0.09, respectively). Estimates of genetic correlations between MCP traits and somatic cell score were strong and favorable, as well as those between MCP and pH and titratable acidity. Selecting for high casein content, milk acidity, and low somatic cell count might be an indirect way to improve MCP without reducing milk yield and quality traits.  相似文献   

Effects of systematic environmental factors and milk production and quality traits on milk coagulation properties (MCP), and on repeatability of those traits were estimated from 979 milk samples collected once a month over a period of 2 years from 83 Finnish Ayrshire cows. Estimation was based on a multitrait animal model and REML methodology. In addition, persistence of non-coagulation of milk in individual cows, and factors associated with it were established from a sub sample of 24 cows producing non-coagulating (NC) milk at least once. MCP were at their best during the first lactation, at the beginning and at the end of lactation, and during grazing seasons. Variation in MCP with systematic environmental factors was partly due to variation in composition and quality of milk, especially in pH and ln (somatic cell count, SCC). Coefficients of repeatability for milk coagulation time and curd firmness were 0.65 and 0.68. These estimates were of the same magnitude as those for protein content, but were higher than those for daily milk yield, fat content, pH, and SCC. Based on the repeatability estimates for the milk coagulation traits and effects of the environmental factors, cows should be sampled at least three times during a lactation to estimate reliably breeding values for the milk coagulation traits. A total of 10% of the milk samples did not coagulate in 30 min after addition of rennet. Cows that produced NC milk at least once (30% of the cows) could be classified into those that produced NC milk only a few times during a lactation and those that produced NC milk at almost every sampling. Based on logistic regression analyses, peak and mid-lactation, high milk yield, low protein and fat content and high pH increased the risk of non-coagulation of milk.  相似文献   

Brown Swiss × Holstein (BS × HO) crossbred cows (n = 55) and purebred Holstein (HO) cows (n = 50) were compared for milk yield, fat and protein production, somatic cell score, milking speed, and udder measurements for the first 3 lactations. Cows from a designed experiment were housed in a freestall barn at the experimental station of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, and calved from July 2005 to August 2008. Best prediction was used to determine actual production for 305-d lactations from test-day observations. For the first 3 lactations, BS × HO cows and HO cows were not significantly different for milk yield, fat and protein production, or SCS. Average milking time was significantly longer for BS × HO cows than for HO cows for first, second, and third lactations by 35, 51, and 30 s, respectively. Average milking speed expressed as average yield per minute was significantly lower for BS × HO cows than for HO cows for the first 3 lactations by 0.19, 0.35, and 0.19 kg/min, respectively. Front and rear teats were significantly longer for BS × HO cows than for HO cows. Furthermore, front and rear udder clearance was significantly lower for BS × HO cows compared with HO cows in first and second lactations.  相似文献   

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