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Conventional locomotion scoring is a subjective, absolute, and discrete assessment of locomotion. Here we assess pairwise comparison scoring to improve upon the limited intra- and interobserver consistency typical of conventional locomotion scoring. Five observers performed conventional 4-level locomotion scoring using 50 video recordings of dairy cattle, and also assessed 90 pairs of videos (composed from the same 50 recordings) using relative pairwise scoring. Intra- and interobserver consistency of pairwise scores [intraobserver: percentage agreement (PA) = 82%, κ = 0.63; interobserver: PA = 79%, κ = 0.57] were greater than of 4-level absolute scores (intraobserver: PA = 72%, κw = 0.74; interobserver: PA = 56%, κw = 0.59). Pairwise scores were scaled with an optimization method to obtain the position of the 50 recordings on a continuous locomotion scale. These continuous locomotion scores (CLS) were compared with the conventional mean absolute visual locomotion scores (VLS). Correlation between CLS and VLS was strong (τ = 0.69), and consistency between binarized CLS and binarized VLS was high (PA = 84%, κ = 0.66 for threshold VLS ≥1). Just noticeable difference (JND) for locomotion scoring was 0.3 on a 4-level scale ranging from 0 to 3. Pairwise scoring and scaling had the scoring consistency of binary absolute scoring with finer continuous granularity than 4-level absolute scoring. The pairwise scoring method, and associated scaling, offer a more consistent and informative alternative to conventional absolute multilevel locomotion scoring.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):1218-1232
Moderate to severe forms of suboptimal mobility on dairy cows are associated with yield losses, whereas mild forms of suboptimal mobility are associated with elevated somatic cell count and an increased risk to be culled. Although the economic consequences of severe forms of suboptimal mobility (also referred as clinical lameness) have been studied extensively, the mild forms are generally ignored. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine the economic consequences associated with varying prevalence and forms of suboptimal mobility within spring calving, pasture-based dairy herds. A new submodel predicting mobility scores was developed and integrated within an existing pastured-based herd dynamic model. Using a daily timestep, this model simulates claw disorders, and the consequent mobility score of individual cows. The impact of a cow having varying forms of suboptimal mobility on production and reproduction was simulated. The economic impact was simulated including treatment costs, as well as the production and reproductive impacts of varying levels of suboptimal mobility. Furthermore, different genetic predispositions for mobility issues and their interaction with herd-level management associated with each level of suboptimal mobility were simulated. Overall, 13 scenarios were simulated, representing a typical spring calving, pasture-based dairy herd with 100 cows. The first scenario represents a perfect herd wherein 100% of the cows had mobility score 0 (optimal mobility) throughout the lactation. The remaining 12 scenarios represent a combination of (1) 3 different herd-management levels, and (2) 4 different levels of a genetic predisposition for suboptimal mobility. The analysis showed that a 17% decrease in farm net profit was achieved in the worst outcome (wherein just 5% of the herd had optimal mobility) compared with the perfect herd. This was due to reduced milk yield, increased culling, and increased treatment costs for mobility issues compared the ideal scenario.  相似文献   

Most free-stall housing systems in the Netherlands are equipped with slatted or solid concrete floors with manure scrapers. A slipping incident occurs when the required coefficient of friction (RCOF) exceeds the coefficient of friction (COF) at the claw-floor interface. An experiment was conducted to measure ground reaction forces (GRF) of dairy cows (n = 9) performing various locomotory behaviors on a nonslippery rubber-covered concrete floor. The RCOF was determined as the ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of the GRF. It was shown that during straight walking and walking-a-curve, the RCOF reached values up to the COF, whereas for sudden stop-and-start responses, the RCOF reached values beyond the maximum COF that concrete floors can provide. Our results indicate that concrete floors do not provide enough friction to allow natural locomotory behavior and suggest that tractional properties of floors should be main design criteria in the development of better flooring surfaces for cattle.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):1341-1350
Reduction of risk factors for bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) is crucial in current disease control. However, risk factors that might arise especially in mountainous regions are unknown until now, and an adapted BDD control program is consequently missing. The objective of this observational case-control study was to identify farm-level risk factors for BDD in dairy herds in mountainous regions. To investigate predictors for the occurrence of BDD, 100 farms were visited and information about herd characteristics and management practices, potentially relevant explanatory variables for either introduction or establishment of BDD, were gathered by completing a questionnaire with the farmer or herd manager. Within-herd prevalences of BDD assessed during 3 routine claw trimmings with an interval of 6 mo before the survey were used to define cases (BDD within-herd prevalence of ≥26% during each claw trimming) and controls (no BDD cases in each of the 3 routine claw trimmings before the survey). Data were analyzed using 2 separate binomial generalized linear models according to either establishment or introduction of BDD. After prescreening, 15 of 23 explanatory variables were included in the final analysis, which showed 3 variables related to introduction and establishment, each being significantly associated with the occurrence of BDD within a farm. Results of model 1 (i.e., aspects related to BDD introduction) revealed that access to mountain pastures during the summer season (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval: 0.12, 0.04–0.35), participation in dairy shows (0.32, 0.11–0.94), and the number of new animals introduced into the farm during the last 2 yr (1.28, 1.12–1.52) were significantly associated with the occurrence of BDD. Model 2 (i.e., aspects related to BDD establishment) showed that cows kept in freestalls were at higher risk for BDD compared with those kept in tiestalls (20.65, 1.59–649.37). Furthermore, number of days between diagnosis and treatment of a BDD lesion (10.31, 3.55–81.21) and the amount of concentrate feeding (median 5 kg) per cow and day (7.72, 2.46–6.47) were positively associated with BDD occurrence. In conclusion, the findings of this study provide a set of risk factors that are associated with BDD status within herds in mountainous regions. These results may help in development of adapted control programs for BDD in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if a 3-dimensional computer vision automatic locomotion scoring (3D-ALS) method was able to outperform human observers for classifying cows as lame or nonlame and for detecting cows affected and nonaffected by specific type(s) of hoof lesion. Data collection was carried out in 2 experimental sessions (5 mo apart). In every session all cows were assessed for (1) locomotion by 2 observers (Obs1 and Obs2) and by a 3D-ALS; and (2) identification of different types of hoof lesions during hoof trimming (i.e., skin and horn lesions and combinations of skin/horn lesions and skin/hyperplasia). Performances of observers and 3D-ALS for classifying cows as lame or nonlame and for detecting cows affected or nonaffected by types of lesion were estimated using the percentage of agreement (PA), kappa coefficient (κ), sensitivity (SEN), and specificity (SPE). Observers and 3D-ALS showed similar SENlame values for classifying lame cows as lame (SENlame comparison Obs1-Obs2 = 74.2%; comparison observers-3D-ALS = 73.9–71.8%). Specificity values for classifying nonlame cows as nonlame were lower for 3D-ALS when compared with observers (SPEnonlame comparison Obs1-Obs2 = 88.5%; comparison observers-3D-ALS = 65.3–67.8%). Accordingly, overall performance of 3D-ALS for classifying cows as lame and nonlame was lower than observers (Obs1-Obs2 comparison PAlame/nonlame = 84.2% and κlame/nonlame = 0.63; observers-3D-ALS comparisons PAlame/nonlame = 67.7–69.2% and κlame/nonlame = 0.33–0.36). Similarly, observers and 3D-ALS had comparable and moderate SENlesion values for detecting horn (SENlesion Obs1 = 68.6%; Obs2 = 71.4%; 3D-ALS = 75.0%) and combinations of skin/horn lesions (SENlesion Obs1 = 51.1%; Obs2 = 64.5%; 3D-ALS = 53.3%). The SPEnonlesion values for detecting cows without lesions when classified as nonlame were lower for 3D-ALS than for observers (SPEnonlesion Obs1 = 83.9%; Obs2 = 80.2%; 3D-ALS = 60.2%). This was translated into a poor overall performance of 3D-ALS for detecting cows affected and nonaffected by horn lesions (PAlesion/nonlesion Obs1 = 80.6%; Obs2 = 78.3%; 3D-ALS = 63.5% and κlesion/nonlesion Obs1 = 0.48; Obs2 = 0.44; 3D-ALS = 0.25) and skin/horn lesions (PAlesion/nonlesion Obs1 = 75.1%; Obs2 = 75.9%; 3D-ALS = 58.6% and κlesion/nonlesion Obs1 = 0.35; Obs2 = 0.42; 3D-ALS = 0.10), when compared with observers. Performance of observers and 3D-ALS for detecting skin lesions was poor (SENlesion for Obs1, Obs2, and 3D-ALS <40%). Comparable SENlame and SENlesion values for observers and 3D-ALS are explained by an overestimation of lameness by 3D-ALS when compared with observers. Thus, comparable SENlame and SENlesion were reached at the expense high number of false positives and low SPEnonlame and SPEnonlesion. Considering that observers and 3D-ALS showed similar performance for classifying cows as lame and for detecting horn and combinations of skin/horn lesions, the 3D-ALS could be a useful tool for supporting dairy farmers in their hoof health management.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of lameness, measured by serial locomotion scoring over a 12-mo period, on the milk yield of UK dairy cows. The data set consisted of 11,735 records of test-day yield and locomotion scores collected monthly from 1,400 cows kept on 7 farms. The data were analyzed in a multilevel linear regression model to account for the correlation of repeated measures of milk yield within cow. Factors affecting milk yield included farm of origin, stage of lactation, parity, season, and whether cows were ever lame or ever severely lame during the study period. Cows that had been severely lame 4, 6, and 8 mo previously gave 0.51 kg/d, 0.66 kg/d, and 1.55 kg/d less milk, respectively. A severe case of lameness in the first month of lactation reduced 305-d milk yield by 350 kg; this loss may be avoidable by prompt, effective treatment. Larger reductions can be expected when cases persist or recur. Evidence-based control plans are needed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of lameness in high yielding cows to improve welfare and productivity.  相似文献   

Forty-nine farms in England and Wales were visited on 4 occasions between February 2003 and March 2004. A total of 21,693 scores of locomotion were assigned to 7,722 cattle. Locomotion was assessed on a 3-point scale by observing the posture of a cow's back while standing and walking (1 = sound, 2 = not sound, 3 = lame). Data on measurable factors potentially associated with locomotion were collected from all farms using direct observations of the farm environment and a comprehensive farmer interview. The mean herd locomotion score was 1.77 ± 0.02. There was no significant difference in mean herd locomotion scores between 5 herds housed in straw yards (1.72 ± 0.02) and 44 herds housed in free stalls (1.78 ± 0.02), possibly because of lack of power. A GLM was produced using data from the 44 herds housed in free stalls, with the mean farm locomotion score of all cows examined on all 4 visits as the outcome variable. Factors associated with an elevated locomotion score were dry cows kept in straw yards compared with free stalls (increase in locomotion score = 0.06 ± 0.03), pregnant heifers kept with milking cows in winter compared with being kept with dry cows (increase in locomotion score = 0.09 ± 0.03), aisle widths of <3 m compared with widths of ≥3 m (increase in locomotion score = 0.06 ± 0.02), a curb height of ≤15 cm compared with a height of >15 cm (increase in locomotion score = 0.07 ± 0.03), routine trimming of hooves of all cows by a hoof trimmer or by the farmer compared with no routine hoof trimming (increase in locomotion score = 0.18 ± 0.04 and 0.13 ± 0.03 respectively), feeding corn silage to milking cows compared with feeding other forage types (increase in locomotion score = 0.10 ± 0.03), and the use of automatic scrapers in the free-stall barn compared with tractor scrapers (increase in locomotion score = 0.10 ± 0.03). These variables were correlated with many other management variables. The use of automatic scrapers was correlated with the use of sawdust on rubber mats in free stalls. Curb height was negatively correlated with increasing distance of the neck rail from the front (head end) of the free stall. These putative risk factors support the hypothesis that locomotion score is linked to management factors; in particular, the combination of sawdust on rubber mats with automatic scrapers was associated with elevated locomotion scores.  相似文献   

Effect of lameness on culling in dairy cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of lameness on dairy cow survival. Cox's proportional hazards regression models were fitted to single-lactation data from 2520 cows in 2 New York State dairy herds. Models were controlled for the time-independent effects of parity, projected milk yield, and calving season, and for the time-dependent effects of lameness and culling. Other common diseases were found to be nonconfounding and so were not included in any of the final models. Survival was measured as the time from calving until death or sale. Cows were censored if they reached the start of the next lactation or end of the study, whichever occurred first. All models were stratified by herd. For all lameness diagnoses combined, survival in the herd decreased for those cows becoming lame during the first half of lactation, with a hazard ratio of up to 2 times that of a nonlame cow. Foot rot diagnosed during the second or third months of lactation decreased survival during the same time period (hazard ratio=5.1; 95% confidence interval=1.6 to 16.2). Sole ulcers diagnosed in the first 4 mo of lactation decreased survival in several subsequent periods in which the strongest association was between diagnosis in the third and fourth months of lactation and exit from the herd during that same period (hazard ratio=2.7; 95% confidence interval=1.3 to 6.0). Foot warts were not associated with decreased survival in this analysis. Lameness was never associated with increased survival in any of the models.  相似文献   

The pressure distribution under the bovine claw while walking was measured to test the hypotheses that the vertical ground reaction force is unevenly distributed and makes some (regions of the) claws more prone to injuries due to overloading than others. Each limb of nine recently trimmed Holstein Friesian cows was measured five times while walking over a Footscan pressure plate firmly embedded on a Kistler force plate. The pressure plate had a spatial resolution of 2.6 sensors/cm2 and was sampled simultaneously with the force plate with a temporal resolution of 250 measurements/s. Five moments during the stance phase were selected on basis of the force plate recording for the analysis of the pressure distribution: heel strike, maximum braking, midstance, maximum propulsion, and push off. At the forelimbs, the vertical ground reaction force was equally distributed between medial and lateral claw. At the hind limbs at heel strike, the force was exerted almost completely to the lateral claw. During the rest of the stance phase the load shifted towards the medial claw, until, at push off, it was more or less equally divided between both claws. The average pressures determined were 50 to 80 N/cm2. Maximum pressures increased from 90 to 110 N/cm2 at heel strike to 180 to 200 N/cm2 at push off. It was concluded that at the hind limb these pressures constitute a major threat to overloading particularly for the softer parts of the lateral claw, e.g., the sole and bulb area.  相似文献   

Effect of hoof pathologies on subjective assessments of dairy cow gait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To explore how hoof pathologies affect dairy cattle gait, we studied cows with sole hemorrhages (n = 14), sole ulcers (n = 7), and those with no visible injuries (n = 17). Overall gait assessments, scored from video using a 1 to 5 numerical rating system (1 = sound, 5 = severely lame) and a continuous 100-unit visual analog scale, found cows having sole ulcers had poorer gait than healthy cows (mean ± SEM: 4.0 ± 0.13 vs. 3.1 ± 0.08, and 59 ± 3 vs. 46 ± 2, respectively). Six gait attributes (back arch, head bob, tracking-up, joint flexion, asymmetric gait, and reluctance to bear weight) were also assessed using continuous 100-unit scales. Compared with healthy cows, those having sole ulcers walked with a more pronounced back arch (12 ± 3 vs. 28 ± 4), more jerky head movement (2 ± 2 vs. 10 ± 3), shortened strides (7 ± 2 vs. 26 ± 4), and more uneven weighting among the limbs (16 ± 2 vs. 32 ± 3). Of all measures, the numerical rating system most effectively discriminated healthy cows from those with sole ulcers (R2 = 0.73), classifying 92% of animals correctly. No differences were detected among cows with and without sole hemorrhages. Intra- and interobserver reliabilities were reasonable for all measures (R2 ≥ 0.64) except joint flexion and asymmetric gait. In summary, subjective assessments of dairy cattle gait provide valid and reliable approaches to identifying cattle with sole ulcers.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in automated methods of detecting lame cows. Hoof lesion data and measures of weight distribution from 61 lactating cows were examined in this study. Lame cows were identified with different numerical rating scores (NRS) used as thresholds (NRS >3 and NRS ≥3.5) for lameness. The ratio of weight applied to a pair of legs (LWR) when the cow was standing was calculated using a special weigh scale, and the cows were gait scored using a 1 to 5 NRS. Hoof lesions were scored and the cows placed into 1 of 4 mutually exclusive categories of hoof lesion: a) no lesions, b) moderate or severe hemorrhages, c) digital dermatitis, and d) sole ulcers. Regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to analyze the relation between hoof lesions and LWR. A clear relationship was found between NRS and LWR for the cows with sole ulcers (R2 = 0.79). The LWR could differentiate cows with sole ulcers from sound cows with no hoof lesions [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.87] and lame cows from nonlame cows with lameness thresholds NRS >3 (AUC = 0.71) and NRS ≥3.5 (AUC = 0.88). There was no relationship between LWR and NRS for cows with digital dermatitis. Measurement of how cows distribute their weight when standing holds promise as a method of automated detection of lameness.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effect that relocation to a new free stall barn had on locomotion and cleanliness of two breeds of dairy cows. The original facility before relocation had cows housed in an 8-row free stall barn. Cows were allocated in a new 4-row free stall facility: cows of two breeds (n=22 Holsteins and 22 Jerseys) were intermixed in the northwest section. Locomotion (scale 1-5) and cleanliness were scored (scale 1-4). Holsteins and Jerseys had no difference in locomotion score throughout 12 weeks following relocation. A lactation number by date interaction showed cows in third and greater lactations had significantly higher locomotion scores (more lameness) by day 86. Locomotion scores increased across breeds during the 86-d observation period, suggesting cows became lamer. Jerseys had cleaner lower legs than Holsteins (2.9+/-0.1 v. 3.5+/-0.1, respectively). Lactation number affected lower leg cleanliness, with scores decreasing as lactation number increased (3.4 v. 3.3 v. 2.9+/-0.10 for first, second and third and greater lactations, respectively; P<0.01). All cows were cleaner (lower scores) after relocation, suggesting that the new facility improved hygiene.  相似文献   

This study tested whether providing cows a 4-wk period on pasture would improve gait and change lying behavior. Eighteen groups, each of 4 lactating Holstein cows initially housed in a freestall barn, were assigned to either continued housing in the same freestall barn, or moved to pasture to provide changes in both physical environment and diet. To assess lameness, gait scores (1 to 5) were recorded weekly for 4 wk. Gait improved by an average of 0.22 units/wk for those cows kept on pasture. We also recorded 4 specific gait attributes (head bob, back arch, tracking up, and reluctance to bear weight evenly on all 4 hooves), and found that the latter 2 attributes also improved during the pasture period. Improved gait for cows on pasture was not because of increased lying times. Cows on pasture actually spent less time lying down than cows kept indoors (10.9 vs. 12.3 h/d), although this lying time was spread over a larger number of bouts (15.3 vs. 12.2 bouts). Cows housed on pasture also lost more weight and produced less milk relative to cows in freestalls, likely because of reduced nutrient intake. These results indicate that a period on pasture can be used to help lame cattle recover probably because pasture provides a more comfortable surface upon which cows stand, helping them to recover from hoof and leg injuries.  相似文献   

On Australian pasture-based farms, where cows may often walk several kilometers and stand for several hours per day in a crowded concrete yard while they wait to be milked, the potential for lameness to negatively affect animal welfare is of ongoing concern. Several studies have shown that farmers tend to underestimate the incidence of lameness. Further, improving farmer diagnosis/identification of lameness is likely to result in more prompt treatment, which in turn will improve clinical and animal welfare outcomes. We scored 19,154 cows over 50 farms for lameness, in herd groups ranging from approximately 100 to 1,000 cows, as they left the milking parlor. We compared these results with farmer-diagnosed lameness records on the same day. We used a scoring system of 0, walks normally; 1, walks unevenly; 2, lame; and 3, very lame. All very lame cows had been detected by the farmer, but overall, farmers detected only 24% of cows identified by lameness scoring. An analysis of the position of lame cows within the milking order showed that lameness scoring of the entire herd was necessary to detect all the lame cows as only 60% of lame cows appeared in the last 30% of cows to be milked. However, lameness scoring only the last 200 cows to be milked could be used as a screening test to identify herds with a lameness prevalence below a given threshold.  相似文献   

Bovine lameness results in pain and suffering in cattle and economic loss for producers. A system for automatically detecting lame cows was developed recently that measures vertical force components attributable to individual limbs. These measurements can be used to calculate a number of limb movement variables. The objective of this investigation was to explore whether gait scores, lesion scores, or combined gait and lesion scores were more effectively captured by a set of 5 limb movement variables. A set of 700 hind limb examinations was used to create gait-based, lesion-based, and combined (gait- and lesion-based) models. Logistic regression models were constructed using 1, 2, or 3 d of measurements. Resulting models were tested on cows not used in modeling. The accuracy of lesion-score models was superior to that of gait-score models; lesion-based models generated greater values of areas under the receiving operating characteristic curves (range 0.75 to 0.84) and lower mean-squared errors (0.13 to 0.16) compared with corresponding values for the gait-based models (0.63 to 0.73 and 0.26 to 0.31 for receiving operating characteristic and mean-squared errors, respectively). These results indicate that further model development and investigation could generate automated and objective methods of lameness detection in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Differences in behavior of nonlame cows, slightly lame cows, and moderately lame cows in 6 free stall barns with sand bedding (SAND) vs. 6 free stall barns with rubber-crumb geotextile mattress surfaces (MAT) were documented in Wisconsin dairy herds. All lactating cows in the 12 herds were observed and given a locomotion score based on a 4-point scale: 1 = nonlame, 2 = slightly lame, 3 = moderately lame, and 4 = severely lame. Herd least square means +/-SE for prevalence of clinical lameness (locomotion scores = 3 and 4) were 11.1 vs. 24.0 +/- 1.7% for herds using SAND vs. MAT surfaces, respectively. Subsets of 10 cows per herd with locomotion scores of 1 to 3 were observed via video cameras for 24-h periods. Cows in MAT herds spent more time standing in free stalls per day than cows in SAND herds. Differences in standing times were 0.73 h/d for cows that were not lame, 2.32 h/d for cows that were slightly lame, and 4.31 h/d for cows that were moderately lame in MAT herds compared with equivalent cows in SAND herds. In MAT herds, the increase in time spent standing in the stall in moderately lame cows was associated with a significant reduction in stall use sessions per day, which impacted daily lying time. Although cause and effect are not clear, these findings have implications for housing, comfort, and care of cows in dairy herds with different types of free stall surfaces.  相似文献   

A 3-point locomotion scoring system was used that incorporated the position of the back of cows while standing and when walking to investigate risk factors for elevated locomotion scores of 1,450 dairy cows on 19 farms in The Netherlands. Each of the farms was visited twice in an 18-mo period from February 2003 to July 2004. At each visit, all milking and dry cows were scored for locomotion by a single observer. Two multivariable regression models were constructed to identify factors associated with elevated mean locomotion score (increased abnormality) and the percentage of cows with the highest score (score 3). Risk factors for increased locomotion score were having a hoof-trimming stall with foot-lifting apparatus compared with not having such apparatus (increase in locomotion score = 0.15), presence of a footbath at the parlor exit or other site compared with not having a footbath on the farm (increase in locomotion score = 0.17 and 0.19, respectively), not providing supplemental vitamins and minerals to lactating cows compared with supplementing animals (increase in locomotion score = 0.17) and feeding corn silage to heifers compared with not doing so (increase in locomotion score = 0.10). The results provide a framework for hypotheses for future investigations of risk factors for high locomotion scores.  相似文献   

Evaluation of a lameness scoring system for dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two experiments were conducted to determine P digestibility in lactating dairy cows fed corn or barley as grain sources. The first experiment utilized a replicated incomplete 5 × 4 Latin square design with 8 lactating Holstein cows fed diets containing either corn alone or corn in combination with one of 4 barley varieties that differed in chemical composition. Total tract digestibility of P ranged from 11 to 29% for diets containing the barley varieties and was approximately 35% for the corn diet. A second experiment compared P digestibility in cows fed diets containing corn or barley when exogenous phytase was added to the diets. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 16) were arranged in 4 replications of a Latin square with 2 grains (barley or corn), fed separately or with added exogenous phytase (427 phytase units/kg of total mixed ration and 4 periods of 21 d. Phytate P comprised about 50% of the total P (0.46% P) in the total mixed ration. The concentration of serum inorganic P was higher in cows fed diets with exogenous phytase (5.8 vs. 6.5 mg/dL in cows fed barley diets and 5.5 vs 6.0 mg/dL in cows fed corn diets). Using acid detergent lignin as an internal marker, hydrolysis of phytate P was increased by the exogenous phytase, and total P digestibility tended to be increased. In contrast to Experiment 1, in Experiment 2 there was no effect of grain source on P digestibility and total fecal P. Dry matter intake and efficiency of milk production were not affected by exogenous phytase or grain type. Although phytase activity occurs in the rumen, physical properties of the diet and ruminal passage rates may prevent total hydrolysis of phytate in the rumen of lactating cows. Thus, exogenous dietary phytase might improve P digestibility in dairy cows in some dietary situations.  相似文献   

Time budgets for 14 cows housed in a 3-row free-stall pen were obtained for 4 filming sessions timed to capture different climatic conditions, with a range in mean pen temperature-humidity index from 56.2 to 73.8. Mean lying time decreased from 10.9 to 7.9 h/d from the coolest to the hottest session filmed. This change in behavior occurred predominantly between 0600 h and 1800 h. Time spent standing in the alley increased from 2.6 to 4.5 h/d from the coolest to the hottest session filmed, with changes occurring between 1200 h and 1800 h. There was a negative effect of increasing locomotion score over the summer with higher locomotion scores associated with less time spent standing up in the alley. Time spent drinking increased from 0.3 to 0.5 h/d across the range in temperature-humidity index. Filming session alone did not affect time spent standing in the stall, but the effect of locomotion score was significant, with score 2 and score 3 cows standing in the stall longer than score 1 cows (4.0 and 4.4 compared with 2.9 h/d respectively). Behavioral changes observed and traditionally associated with heat stress were confounded by changes in locomotion score. Increases in claw horn lesion development reported in the late summer may be associated with an increase in total standing time per day. The changes in behavior described were because of mild to moderate heat stress. The finding that activity shifts occur around a temperature-humidity index of 68 supports the use of more aggressive heat-abatement strategies implemented at an activation temperature of around 21°C.  相似文献   

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